Hazel St. James - Fighting For You (Redemption#1)[ (11 page)

Read Hazel St. James - Fighting For You (Redemption#1)[ Online

Authors: Hazel St James

Tags: #bondage, #sex, #Romance, #bdsm, #Erotica, #Rough

BOOK: Hazel St. James - Fighting For You (Redemption#1)[
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“Oh, well, I have a feeling that if I go back into your arms, I won’t want to leave them again.”

Tristan raised one eyebrow and laughed at her. “I’m that potent, huh?”

“I wouldn’t have used the word
, but yeahhh,” she drawled. “I told myself after I left yesterday that I would try to keep some personal space between us, but once we’re in the same room, it doesn’t work. I feel like I just HAVE to touch you.”

Tristan was frustrated and confused by her words. “So, is that a good thing, or a bad thing?”

“If I had just met you on the street, I would be doing everything in my power to paw your clothes off by now, my own rules be damned. But the way it is, I was hired to help you, and if I give in to my desire for you, I’m gonna end up feeling like a paid whore.”

Tristan rubbed at his forehead and thought about what she had said. He could understand exactly what she was saying, but that didn’t mean he agreed with it. There had to be a way around her rules, because if she felt even a quarter of the attraction towards him, as he felt towards her, then they needed to get over this hurdle.

“You let me kiss you yesterday. That didn’t bother you. Can you tell me what part of a physical relationship with me
bother you?”

Tristan had taken a small step towards her and was pleased when she didn’t back away. She did close her eyes and clenched her hands at her sides. Everything about her said that Peyton was doing everything in her power to keep her body under control, and damned if that didn’t make Tristan feel like the king of the world.

“Baby, I would never hurt you or think poorly of you,” he said as he stepped closer to her again. “You’re the only one that would think badly of a relationship between us.” He was standing directly in front of her now and could see that her body was trembling and there were goose bumps across her skin.

“What are you feeling, Peyton? Tell me what you want.”

“What I want and what I need are two different things, Tristan. To be honest, right now…I’m afraid. My insides are completely full of fear, and I don’t know what to do.”

Tristan rested their foreheads together and quietly said, “Fear is not afraid, Peyton. I’m just as afraid as you are right now, but I don’t have any fear about us being together. I’ve never had a relationship with
anyone. Ever.
But I feel like we would be good for each other, and I want to try.”

“If you’re willing to try, will you give me some time before we get to the, um, more intimate part of a relationship?” She bit her lip when she finished, making Tristan smirk, thinking that she was embarrassed talking about sex. Which prompted another question that he blurted out, “Oh, baby, are you a virgin?”

Peyton laughed and leaned back a fraction to look him square in the eyes. “Good God, no,” she answered with a tiny slap against his chest. “I just don’t give it up right away. I have a three date rule, and it’s never failed me…weeds out the douche nozzles that just want a quick lay.”

Tristan nodded his head, pleased with her reasoning. “Smart girl, and no, it doesn’t bother me. Besides, isn’t this like date two already?”

“Ha ha, sweets. No. I’ll give you the first one, but you have to work for the second and the third.”

“Sure, I’m gonna kiss you now, baby. For a long time.”

Peyton had already leaned back into him, and she softened her body as she closed her eyes. There was a tiny whimper that came from her as their lips inched closer. There was barely a hairsbreadth space between them and Peyton had parted her lips just a bit. Tristan could feel the heat coming from her mouth as they breathed each other in.

Finally ready, he grazed her lips softly and pulled back. The next stroke was just a bit longer, but still didn’t get him the response he was looking for. Again, he touched their lips together, and mentally high-fived himself when Peyton followed his lips back this time.

This time when their lips met, he tilted his head to the side, and she responded in kind and not only their lips, but their bodies pressed together until there wasn’t a bit of daylight in between them. Meshing their lips together, they nibbled and caressed each other’s mouths until, finally, Tristan said softly, “Open for me, baby,” against her lips.

Peyton did so, and Tristan flicked his tongue against hers, leading them in a sinuous dance for a very long time. Finally, when they were both drained and panting, he pulled back and held her face in his hands. “You lead, Peyton. I want to go further, but I did say that I would only kiss you. If you want me to stop at that, I will.”

Peyton breathed out a whisper, “Don’t you dare stop.”

Tristan didn’t need any further encouragement, and he went for her chin, placing small kisses all the way along her jaw line, and ended up at her ear. She was quite a bit shorter than he was, so he was contorting himself when he tried to lower his lips to her neck. There wasn’t a moment’s hesitation when he slid his hands around her waist and then down to her ass and hauled her up and into his arms. Peyton giggled as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Now that she was closer to his lips, Tristan went back to the flesh between her neck and shoulder and felt her wildly beating pulse with the tip of his tongue. He pressed her up against the wall in the empty apartment, using his hips to hold her there so that he could free his hands.

He let go of her ass and moved his hands in between their bodies, cupping each of her breasts in his hands. She moaned from deep inside, and he smiled against her skin as he nipped and licked the flesh on the other side of her neck, pressing his thumbs against her straining nipples so that he could flick them back and forth. Her staccato whimper told him that her nipples were extremely sensitive and he pressed against them again. Tristan realized that something hard was pushing against the pad of his finger that was different and he audibly gasped. Tristan moved his body back and let Peyton slide down the wall to her feet.

“You have your nipples pierced?” he asked a dreamy eyed, but surprised Peyton.

Her only response was a tiny nod of her head as she bit her lip. Tristan stepped to the side of her and playfully tapped his head against the wall a few times. Peyton laughed a deep belly laugh as Tristan said, “This is going to be a really fucking long two more dates.”

Chapter Twelve

ristan pulled Peyton along with him up the steps to Chris and Sara’s loft in the old business district of downtown Colorado Springs. Neither one of them had been there before, so Tristan needed to call ahead and get directions. It was a Wednesday evening and the visit was still somewhat unannounced, but Sara still greeted them warmly at the door. Peyton had already told Tristan that she and Sara had met at college last year, and they were acquaintances and casual friends. The very cozy and friendly space was obviously in mid-process of a make-over, as evidenced by the north wall that was still taped off and the area covered in drop cloths.

“Chris, they’re here!” Sara yelled behind her as she showed them into the living room.

“Yes, little one, I see that,” Chris said, startling her and Peyton at the same time. He was smiling affectionately at Sara and kissed the tip of her nose before he whispered something for only her to hear and immediately she blushed. “Yes, Master,” she answered, then walked away from the group and out the front door, smiling to herself.

Chris motioned for them all to sit down, “Sara will be back in a few minutes. What brings you two here this evening? Everything’s going well I hope?”

Tristan cleared his throat and answered with a frown, “I hope you didn’t send her away because of me, Chris. I’m not a threat to society or anything.”

“Didn’t say that you were, Tristan. I sent Sara upstairs to grab a bottle of wine. She’ll be right back. Has anyone treated you like you
a threat to society?” Chris’ voice was really loud by the time he was finished speaking.

Peyton tensed up beside him, and Tristan instinctively reached out and grabbed her hand to comfort her. Chris stared at their hands while Tristan answered, “No one has said the words, but it’s pretty obvious when they avoid me at all costs.”

“I don’t agree with that summation, but I’m not a psychiatrist or anything. Seems like things are going well between you and Peyton?” Chris had slowly moved his gaze from their joined hands, to Tristan, and then over to Peyton. She was practically shaking sitting next to him, and it was fucking pissing Tristan off that Chris was being so over the top and scaring her.

“Hey, dickhead, knock it off,” Tristan gritted out just as Sara walked back into the apartment, carrying a wine bottle in her hands. She stopped cold when she heard what was just said and gave them all a patronizing look.

“Honestly, I leave for two minutes and you’ve already pissed them off, Chris? I think that might be a record.”

Tristan was barely familiar with the BDSM lifestyle in the playroom, and his knowledge of the specifics outside of that were vague. But he was damned sure that Sara wasn’t supposed to act so…snippy. She was supposed to be submissive personified, and Chris was supposed to be, well, just like he was…a domineering dickhead.

Tristan was ready to stomp off and take Peyton with him, when Chris let out a belly laugh that left the entire room stunned. All except Sara. She laughed with him and went to the kitchen with the bottle in her hand. “Peyton, do you want to have a glass of wine with me? I think these two need to talk and we could go upstairs on the roof garden to relax while they hash this out. There’s a patio heater up there, so it gets nice and toasty even this late in the year.”

Sara had already grabbed two bottles of the Corona that Tristan and Peyton had brought and handed one to Chris and the other to Tristan. She was walking back to the kitchen when Chris reached over and swatted her on the rear while he laughed. “She’s right. Peyton, I am sorry for being such a jackass. If you wouldn’t mind, I would like to speak with Tristan privately.”

Peyton looked over to Tristan, and he could tell that she was asking if he was okay being left alone with Chris. He just nodded his head and said in a steady voice, “Go ahead, baby. I’ll be alright.”

Peyton sighed and gave him a smile, then turned to look at Chris and with a surprisingly steady voice told him, “Okay, but I want you to know that I’m well aware that you’re paying me to be Tristan’s nurses aid. But I have enough sense to keep my professional relationship with Tristan separate from any personal relationship that we may have or may not have. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“I’m sure you can Peyton, and no, it isn’t any of my business what you two do behind closed doors. Thank you for that, though,” Chris told her.

Peyton walked to the kitchen and grabbed the glass of wine that Sara had poured for her and they walked out the front door, whispering the entire way.

“She’s a very caring individual,” Chris said as he watched the door shut.

“Who, Sara or Peyton?”

Chris turned back to look at Tristan and sank back into his chair, popping open his beer and taking a large swallow. “Both. Sorry for the way I acted. We usually don’t have guests over in our home. Sara needs me to be rather firm with her, or she acts out. Just part of who we are now, I guess.”

“Sorry about that; not really good with the social graces and all that bullshit,” Tristan teased.

“No, no. I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been meaning to talk with you about what happened the night of your…

Tristan gave a nervous laugh, “You mean the night I beat the shit out of Valerie? The night that you warned Dominic to kick me out. Right?”

“Look, Tristan, I’m not here to say I told you so. What happened that night was very unfortunate, but in all honesty, I’m glad that we were there to make sure you got the help you needed. How is your recovery coming?”

Tristan was ready to give his standard,
doing great
to Chris, but there was something in his expression, a little bit of empathy that made him drop his alpha male attitude. He scrubbed his hands through his hair and answered, “I’m going day by day. Lately I’ve been doing pretty well, but, ya know, I’m not looking too far into the future.”

There was one question that had been burning a hole in his brain for quite a while now, and Tristan knew that Chris was the right person to ask. He just didn’t know how well the question would be received. “So, is, um, Dominic pretty pissed off at me? I haven’t heard nothing from him. Not that I blame him for being angry with me, but I’d like to apologize.”

Chris visibly stiffened as he stared off behind Tristan. “He’s on a…vacation right now. But, I’ll let him know that you’re doing well.”

The answer wasn’t at all what Tristan was expecting, but he didn’t want to overthink it right now. The man was probably pissed as fuck at him and wanted nothing to do with him and his problems. Like most of the world.

Chris absently nodded his head a few times and then brought his eyes back to look right at Tristan again. “I dare say that Peyton has become more than your nurse’s aide…correct?”

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