Healing Hands (5 page)

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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Chapter 8

The drive to the hotel was short thankfully and Marcus spent the journey with his hand clamped
on her thigh and he was stroking it reassuringly at every opportunity, he felt like a 16 year old on a
first date he had purchased condoms when he was in the pharmacy at the hospital earlier in the
week, he didn't want their first time to involve an awkward conversation about blood tests and
birth control. He had such a mixed range of emotions floating around his brain on one side
desperate to love her the other aware of how restrained he needed to be and also he was totally
unsure how he would react seeing her naked. From their discussions he knew the worst scars were
yet to be found and he needed to be prepared, he must make her feel sexy, secure and totally
desired, that shouldn't be too hard though and the way his cock was behaving he would struggle
with the taking his time part.
Sophie was reflective she knew what she wanted, the way he looked at her made her body clench
in places that she didn't know existed, she was also aware that as this was the first time since
Jasper and only the second man to have sex with part of her was terrified that she would freak out
and have flashbacks or end up attacking him or even throwing up, hardly conducive to a night of
passion. The buzz between them was growing though and walking up to the hotel reception
Marcus stopped suddenly grasped Sophie’s face curling his hands into her hair and pressing his lips
to hers, Sophie responded instantly and dragged him closer with her hands wrapped around his
neck, tongues thrashing in a tantalising dance, Marcus pulled away first but only an inch their
foreheads touching “I need to get you upstairs and make love to you before I drag you into those
trees, you bewitch me Sophie that is some magic you have woven, He released her and they went
inside clasping each other’s hands Sophie could feel her lips throbbing from his assault, she licked
them gently and sighed she was desperate to give herself to him and wanted this first time to be as
special as it could be, her history must not be the cause of her waking up disappointed tomorrow
Marcus had booked two rooms that adjoined as he hadn't wanted to presume anything tonight but
he needed to be close enough to comfort her if she had any night terrors, their bags were sent on
and they stepped in to the lift, the moment the doors closed the current was there again they
stood side by side both fighting desire, breath ragged and fists clenched, when it stopped he
grabbed her hand and they strode to their room.
Once inside they were on each other lips tongues and hands they stumbled towards the large four
poster bed, Marcus paused regained his composure then he pulled back, “let’s do this right Sophie
I have wanted you from the moment I saw you and I want to savour every inch of you and every
moment we have together,”
He removed his jacket and tie all the time keeping eye contact with her “stop now I want to help
with the rest!” she whispered blushing
“you first little lady” Marcus stroked her face then turned her round he moved her hair off her
back and kissed her neck along the top of her zipper, he was about to pull it down when he noticed
her tense up “Sweetheart every part of you is mine nothing about you will change this desire I
have for you right now” to prove a point he pressed his hard groin into her bottom so she could
feel every inch and exactly what effect she had on him she moaned softly which sent tremors
down his spine. Slowly he inched the zipper down kissing every part as it was exposed he could see
a weave of scars some old some more recent criss crossing her back from the base of her bra strap
to the top of her panty line “clever choosing the parts no one would see” he thought to himself
when he peeled her dress off he stroked her marks there were so many he had trouble seeing
where they started and ended, he knew that some were deep enough to be permanent flaws but
most would heal eventually and be almost invisible over time but the idea her so called lover had
forced this much damage to her made him tremble and he struggled not to lose control and throw
things around the room.
Sophie was aware Marcus had stopped kissing and knew he was now looking at her scars she
waited for him to react, good or bad this was the moment it could go either way, suddenly she felt
his lips start their journey again and a moan escaped her lips he pushed his erection into her again
as if to reassure her that the sight of her scars had not halted his desire, Sophie instantly relaxed
and became soft in his arms, before she knew it she was lying face down on the bed, Marcus was
licking and nuzzling and stroking her she could not stop herself wriggling and groaning beneath
him he paused again at the top of her thighs the junction of her woman hood, she closed her eyes,
she knew the cigarette burns in such an intimate place was probably the worst of her horrors they
were done after sex and she was vague about how or why as she was usually barely conscious
when they were done to her.
Marcus hissed at the sight of the burns, he had seen the ones on the front but hadn't thought
there would be more, he peeled off her panties slowly and kissed down each leg as he made a
slow journey south he then licked his way back up her body to her bra strap, he had left this part
until last as he wanted to relish the first touch of her sumptuous breasts. Sophie was flipped over
after her bra strap had been unfastened, she watched his face as he gently peeled her bra away
then saw a look of pure joy then lust as he smoothed his hands over her soft skin rolling her
nipples with his thumbs she groaned and arched her back pressing her groin into his hardness
desperate for some contact with his flesh, he sat back yanked off his shirt shuffled out of his pants
put on a condom and then lay above her with an expression that alone could bring on an orgasm,
to be desired so much was driving her to the edge, she looked down the length of his body she had
been aware his erection felt impressive but the sight of his glory in the flesh was mouth-watering,
he nudged her gently with the tip of his cock then bent forward to kiss her breasts.
Sophie wrapped her legs around his trying to lever herself close to his length, but as he was quite
tall she could only get the tip close so she rubbed her opening gently over it very aware she was
practically dripping for him, he obviously felt her wetness too as at that moment he bit hard on her
nipple and cursed softly” woman you will un man me if you continue with that” he pulled himself
back continued sucking her nipples but his left hand started to move down to explore her, his
fingers found their target and as he plunged between her soft lips he stifled a growl at how ready
she was he gently moved his fingers in and out touching that sweet spot just inside but using his
thumb to massage her swollen clit, within seconds she was pulsing under him crying out with her
pleasure. ”oh baby you are so beautiful are you sure you want me to carry on?” she nodded
fervently at him desperate to feel full and only when she had finished trembling did he then ease
his length slowly and gently into her checking her reaction to him, making sure she was ok with
this, once she urged him on he then moved in and out gently at first then deeper and deeper as he
felt her squeezing his length with her tightness, she dug her nails into his back driving him on
harder he sucked and kissed her breasts then her mouth her orgasm was building again and he felt
her rise and quiver suddenly she pulled back from his mouth and screamed his name aloud
pulsating around his cock he thrust once more and then he found his own release he sank into her
feeling every last pulse. Sophie had a job to breath she closed her eyes loving the feeling of
completeness and him still twitching deep in her body he pulled out of her gently noticing her little
moans as he withdrew he removed the condom and pulled her on top of him holding her close,
she lay on his chest unable to move she had just discovered how making love was meant to be she
smiled up at him and he kissed the tip of her nose “sleep now baby “ Exhausted she needed no
encouragement he turned round pulling her into his arms so he was curved around her spine and
stroked her hair until she fell into a contented sleep.

Chapter 9

Marcus felt her drift into sleep and sighed contentedly their love making had been amazing she
had been more receptive and responsive than he could have hoped, his erection had hardly
dwindled and was ready for action again he put that thought aside and lay back to enjoy the view.
Sophie looked so peaceful tonight more so than the last time he had watched her sleep, she
looked so frail she called to the depth of his soul, the sex was fantastic best he had ever
experienced the depth of his emotions had made the pleasure unimaginable and he would never
be able to satisfy himself with her body, her breasts were like a teenage boys fantasy and she was
so warm and tight he loved being inside of her it made him feel whole, these were not the right
thoughts to calm his erection he would need to jump in the shower or read a book but he couldn't
bear to part from her, his erection pressing at that soft flesh of its own accord and he couldn't help
himself so he reached for another condom and then nestled into her so the tip just slid inside, his
hands explored her breasts again and he pushed deeper inside, Sophie moaned her appreciation
and her eyes were suddenly open, she felt him pushing gently inside her and thrust herself
backwards to take all of him over taken by an immediate need to feel him inside her again she
threw her arm behind clasping his buttock to pull him closer, Marcus growled his pleasure at her
reaction and angled himself so he could hold onto her hips and plunge deeper into her pussy she
bit into the pillow as she could again feel the pressure beginning to overtake her” yes she shouted
Marcus harder please” one deep thrust just rubbing her spot and she fell into an orgasm gasping as
he thrust once more to explode inside her.
Marcus was exhausted but was aware Sophie had not let go of his hips he pulled out and turned
her round to face him, tears were running down her face, he sat up pulling her into his lap “Sophie
I’m sorry did I scare you then I know you were asleep are you alright?” she smiled through her
tears “ Marcus tonight has been the most wonderful night of my life but I’m scared it won’t last
forever, I never wanted to need a man ever again and yet here I am now needing you, Marcus you
can’t ever leave me I won’t survive it you have made me love you too quickly and I am in too deep
to run away now”
Marcus was stunned he stroked her hair soothing her “baby it’s OK I won't leave don't worry” he
pulled her face away from him wiped the tears that streaked her face and looked directly in her
“Sophie I am thrilled you think you love me because baby.. I love you too I know it’s very quick but
I’ve known since day one and I could only dream you would feel the same” he kissed her soft lips
and she beamed at him her eyes glowed with pleasure and she snuggled into him he held her close
until sleep took over her, he knew he loved her and his desire now was to make sure she was safe
Marcus had a burning desire to find the bastard that hurt her and make him pay.

On the journey home back to reality Sophie reflected on her perfect weekend they had time for a
shower together this morning before they had to check out, they cleaned each other then
proceeded to get dirty again, she also noted the few hours they had actually slept had been dream
free, she wondered if love was her cure and that now she was happy the nightmare was over, as
long as kept herself out of the media she was relatively safe. She wondered what would happen
after they got back Marcus was starting day shifts from tomorrow so would he stay at hers or
would they go to his home, she was intrigued to see where he lived, her cottage was on a month’s
lease easily extendible but she needed a get out clause in case she had to leave abruptly. Perhaps
now was the time to give Marcus the full story of her past and the reason she was hiding, no one
had found out Jasper had strangled and left her for dead prior to her escape. Sophie had been
found half dead and if she hadn’t been given help she would not be alive today.
Jaspers lawyer suspected something was amiss Sophie had called him that Friday morning sobbing
after Jasper had given her a black eye it was one of many over the past few months but she had
finally got the courage to do something about it and was going to try and get away tonight. Mr
Simons aware of the sick mind of his client helped her set up a bank account and transferred some
money just to see her through he warned her Jasper would try to find her but she had a plan. Late
that evening after worrying himself silly as he had been expecting his client to ring and rant and
rave at him about helping her get away but no word at all, he was supposed to be out until 9pm
and she was leaving when he left at 4pm he made his way to their apartment to check everything
was alright by taking some papers as an excuse to drop in, maybe she had changed her mind when
he couldn't get a response alarm bells rang in his head he had a set of keys and let himself in to
their home to find her unconscious in the hall way dark black hand prints around her neck she was
still breathing just and he was to bring her back to consciousness, she had terrible bruising and was
in shock, an agreement was made with Simons to hide Sophie as she didn't want anyone to know
what had happened to her and so she disappeared, Jasper had fled the country thinking he had
killed her and was actually furious his lawyer had intervened he wanted her dead no one could
have her after him so he flew back determined to hunt her down. He was a master at deceiving the
world and everyone rallied round him and cursed her for ruining his life. Sophie had to keep quiet
about the murder attempt as she was well aware he had footage of her and photo's that would
destroy her should they ever be made public, the shame would be too much for Sophie, the
images would make her look like a slut. Sophie shuddered.
“What’s wrong honey?” Marcus had noticed her deep in thought frowning, he wondered if she felt
a little insecure about their next step” baby I am taking you home to pack as much stuff as you
require, you are coming home with me no way am I letting you out of my sight, I have a lovely
housekeeper and grounds man who I trust with my life and would trust with yours too, I promised
you safety and that is what you will get” he felt better when he saw a contented smile warm her
face she reached for his hand and held it to her cheek. “Marcus I do need to tell you more about
my past for us to work..”
“Whenever you are ready baby one step at a time, here we are now I will make us a drink while
you organise a bag”
Sophie unlocked her door and noticed a large envelope on the matt; she picked it up and saw it
was recorded delivery sent late last night from London.
“What’s that honey? Post on a Sunday it must be important”
“it must be from mum” but Sophie had a sinking feeling, she had spoken to her mum this morning
and she had not mentioned sending anything to her, she took it upstairs and sat on her bed she
could hear Marcus singing away downstairs clanking mugs and digging around her freezer for the
beans. She slit open the envelope and slid out the contents bells and clanging went off in her head
dizziness threatening to overwhelm her she dropped the letter onto the bed words typed in bold

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