Healing Promises (21 page)

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Authors: Joseph Prince

BOOK: Healing Promises
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… God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the
Holy Spirit and with power, who went about
doing good and healing all who were oppressed
by the devil, for God was with Him.

CTS 10:38

Unconditional Love And Healing

It didn’t matter who they were or what kinds of past these people had. As long as they sought Him for healing, Jesus healed them gladly and graciously. He never asked them what they had done or not done, or if they had repented. He never asked them to sign a pledge to follow Him and never told anyone that He would not heal them because they deserved to be sick.

Surely none of them were perfect in their thought life or behavior. Surely there were some who came to Him without strong faith. Yet, all this didn’t matter to Jesus. All that mattered to Him was that they had been suffering and needed to be set free.

Beloved, see this compassionate Savior when you come to Him for healing. He puts no demands and no conditions on you. He simply wants to heal you and set you free!


“But this is the new covenant I will make
with the people of Israel on that day,
says the Lord: I will put My laws in their
minds, and I will write them on their
hearts. I will be their God, and they will be
My people. And they will not need to teach
their neighbors, nor will they need to teach
their relatives, saying, ‘You should know
the Lord.’ For everyone, from the least to
the greatest, will know Me already. And
I will forgive their wickedness, and I will
never again remember their sins.”

EBREWS 8:10–12, NLT

‘I Will…I Will…I Will…’

The new covenant of grace that we are living in today is all about God saying, “I will…I will…I will…” to you. It’s about
God doing
and blessing you, not you trying to earn His blessings by
your doing.

My friend, if you come to God today and ask, “Father, will You heal me and my child despite all the wrong I’ve done?” He will say to you, “I WILL.”

Beloved, God says to you, “I WILL heal you and your loved ones. I WILL be your God, your healer and everything you need Me to be to you.” Don’t try to earn your healing when Jesus has already paid for it at the cross. Instead, hear Him say, “I WILL” and see Him doing for you what you cannot do for yourself!







I will bring health and healing to it;
I will heal My people and will let them
enjoy abundant peace and security.


And my God shall supply all your need
according to His riches in glory
by Christ Jesus.


The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with you.


Grace That Supplies

The Lord told me once, “Being under grace means being constantly under My supply. It means being conscious not of the need, demand or crisis, but of My supply to you.”

My friend, the essence of grace is supply. See yourself under His grace by seeing yourself under the waterfall of His supply. Do you need healing for your body today? See the area of affliction surrounded by His power to heal and His resurrection life!

Beloved, because of the cross, God’s grace is always supplying healing, protection, wisdom and provision to you. And the more you are conscious of it, the more you will walk in it!


Now it happened on another Sabbath,
also, that He entered the synagogue
and taught. And a man was there whose right
hand was withered…And when He had
looked around at them all, He said to
the man, “Stretch out your hand.”
And he did so, and his hand was
restored as whole as the other.

UKE 6:6, 10

“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”


See His Supply!

It must have drawn many looks—some curious, some sympathetic, some possibly of disgust. For the owner and all who saw it, the withered hand must have spelled “challenging”, “difficult” and very likely, “impossible to heal”.

But where others saw the witheredness, Jesus saw only God’s supply of healing and wholeness available to the man. That’s why He said to him, “Stretch out your hand.” Jesus didn’t see the lack others saw. He only saw the Father’s
superabundant supply of grace
all over that withered hand. He saw the Father’s heart to heal and bless the man!

Today, don’t focus on your pain, symptoms or the doctor’s negative report. Whether it’s an aching back, ailing heart or barren womb, see His healing power enveloping your body. See His grace supplying life and health to you!


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