Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1) (18 page)

BOOK: Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1)
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Another look at the soft lines and curls of Niko’s writing and her gut knew what she would do next. Call it instinct or call her crazy … Gabby slid the key into the lock and opened the door.

Stephon waited in the hall. “Miss Ryan, I hate to be rude, but I do need your permission to enter your home.”

She shouldn’t have been surprised, but she was. Then Natasha’s words slammed back into her.
That invitation made my visit possible.

Not wanting to remember the rest of
conversation, she flung a prayer to the heavens that she was right about him, and waved a hand in welcome. “Of course, please come in.”

He stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind him, then tugged his hat into his hands. As though he were noting every dust particle, his gaze moved around the room. Then his eyes drifted closed and he sucked in a deep, exaggerated breath. His lids lifted and he walked around the room, searching for heaven only knew what.

I need you to tell me everything you can about the last time you saw Mr. McDade.”

Gabby’s insides twisted and turned into uncomfortable knots. “The last time I saw Mr. um, Jayson was at the church. Technically, it was in the bride’s room when he gave me the tickets to Hawaii and he told me he would be waiting for me there.”

Stephon paused in the appraisal of a picture he’d plucked from the table and looked at her. “You didn’t marry him?”


Interesting.” Periwinkle eyes twinkled and a smirk formed on his lips.

Interesting wasn’t the word she’d use for this little conversation. Irritating, definitely irritating! She wondered if she would get the chance to tell Nikolai she’d never married Jayson, or if Stephon would run back to his employer with the good news. Big, Blond, and Beautiful would probably get a bonus for it—rewarding the messenger and all that.

Yet, Gabby couldn’t help but wonder if Niko would even care. It had been days since she’d strode into his house and went off on him. He hadn’t chased after her, hadn’t forced her to accept him into her life, into her heart—like he didn’t already own it.

So … um … I have things to do,” she told Stephon which was only a step more polite than saying ‘get out my house’.

He replaced the frame and stepped toward the door. “I will let you know what I find out. This affects you as much as it does Nik.”

Ha!” The word burst from her lips, although she felt no humor. How could she? She was in love with a murderer. “This doesn’t affect
anymore. What do you want anyway?”

I’m investigating the circumstances of the murder in order to determine who committed it.”


Because I don’t believe it was Mr. Voinea.”

Oh, that’s rich,” Gabby scoffed. “We both know Nikolai is only trying to save his ‘good name’ in the vampire world. Being convicted of murder must really suck for your kind.”

You have no idea,” he muttered, his tone suddenly somber and Gabby didn’t want to have an idea. “However, killing a
, especially one who stands in the way of being with your heartmate, is not something he would be prosecuted for.” He tipped his head, flashed her a smile and nodded slightly. “Well as I said, I’ll keep you apprised of my findings.”

Stephon took Gabby by the hand, shaking it gently. “Good night, Miss Ryan, I will be in touch,” and then he
out of the room.

I hate when they do that!”



Nikolai stood like some kind of criminal on the balcony in the dark and waited until the lights went out in Gabby’s apartment. As the soft whispers of her breathing steadied, he released the locks with his mind, opened the door, and went inside. It was the same as he remembered it. The only thing different were the photos conspicuously missing.

Jayson had been removed from her life. Literally and figuratively.

Quietly, Nikolai made his way down the hallway to her bedroom. His long fingers slowly pushed the door open. Step by step he made his way toward the end of the bed. Her auburn hair spilled over the pillow, haloing her beautiful face. That beauty shook him to his core. He wanted those tresses tickling his chest, but knew it would only ever be a fantasy now.

Her breathing stuttered, and the muscles of right hand tensed just slightly. He leaned closer to make sure she was okay.

Hi!” She jerked straight up, bringing them nose to nose.

He jumped and evaporated to his bedroom. His brain registered what had happened and he vaporized to the same spot he’d just left.

Her scowl was frigid. “I thought you might show up at some point. Since you’re too chicken to do it when I’m awake.” Her voice lacked all emotion, was completely flat, totally monotone, and Nikolai suddenly wished he hadn’t come back.

I guess I deserved that.”

You deserve a lot more than just that.”

Nikolai didn’t know whether she was friend or foe. Her heart raced, the increase supplied more blood and a stronger scent; the lemon overpowering the coconut. Animosity rolled off of her in waves, along with frustration, sadness and—he sucked in a breath—love?

I just wanted to check on you.”

I’m fine. Confused and a little freaked out, but … yeah, I’m fine.” She gathered the covers to hide away the minute pieces of skin showing from under her nightgown. She stared at him, the silence deafening. Moments ticked into minutes, and Niko thought he might just go crazy. But then she spoke.

Why did you hire Stephon?”

He’s a private investigator and he will find out who killed your hu—” He nearly choked, but cleared his throat and finished, “—killed Jayson.”

Her eyes flashed. “You just wanted to keep your hands clean so you paid someone else to do it?”

No!” He crossed the room and hauled her out of the bed and into his arms before his brain even registered the motion. He gripped her hard in his hands and, somewhere in the rational part of his thoughts, he knew there would be bruises tomorrow. Bruises he’d hate himself for giving her.

Let go of me!” She jerked out of his hold. “Who the hell do you think you are, Nikolai? You kill Jayson—”

I didn’t kill him.”

then just expect to claim what you
is yours?”


I belong to
no one
, you arrogant prick!” She picked up a romance novel off of her nightstand and chucked it across the room. It landed just shy of him. The pillow however would have nailed him in the head if he hadn’t dodged with his heightened speed.

I don’t even know what to believe anymore.” Then like a deflated balloon she folded in on herself, dissolving into a puddle on the floor. Tears glistened in her eyes and she dropped her head into her hands.

The anger and frustration within him melted away, replaced by every tender emotion he’d ever felt for her. He knelt beside her, using one finger to trace the soft skin of her neck and bare back.

She flinched and it nearly killed him. Knowing she feared he might hurt her cut deeper than any blade. His mother had had the same reaction more times than he could count. Ekaterina Voinea had needed to fear for her safety, though. And Ekaterina hated her heartmate.

He eased her into his arms and inwardly cheered when she didn’t pull away. She curled up in his lap, her fingers weaving around the cotton of his t-shirt.

He wondered if it was possible for a heart to explode. His might be the first. The intensity of the blood rushing through his veins was the greatest high he’d ever experienced. He’d never felt so much love for another person.

Believe this, Gabrielle—” He tipped her chin so she’d see the truth of his words in his eyes. “—I love you. You are my heartmate, and I would do
to make you happy.”

Her eyes fluttered closed and she sighed, her hand releasing its grip. “Even murder?”


Her eyes flew open, narrowing with accusation. She pulled away and jumped to her feet, bolting to get as far from him as the room would allow. She backed into a corner, her eyes wide with panic. She folded her arms over her chest and shook her head violently.

You need to leave.”

His heart dropped to his toes. He wasn’t sure she could have said anything to hurt him worse. He knew he should leave. But her body was reacting to his, he could smell it. He had to get through to her. This might be his chance, his last chance and he was
going to waste it.

He would push her just a little further. Leaving her, walking away from her forever would be the end of his world. He stepped forward cautiously, and placed a palm on her cheek. She didn’t flinch this time, only closed her eyes and accepted his touch. Leaning down ever so slowly, he kissed her.

I love you,” he said against her lips.

Not enough, Niko. I don’t think that’s enough.” A heavy sigh escaped her lips and she rested her forehead against his chest. “You know, as crazy as it is, I can accept the whole vampire thing. But I can’t be with someone I can’t trust, and as much as I want to, I can’t be certain you didn’t…” Her voice broke and she stepped back putting what felt like the Grand Canyon between them. “Please Nikolai, you have to go.”

This isn’t over.”

Yes. It is.”

He walked to the doorway and stopped to memorize everything about her, just in case. But then, he wished he hadn’t. Gabby had collapsed onto her bed, lying on her belly, great shudders shaking her delicate body.

Gabrielle, please.”

Niko … just … go.” Her plea was soft, soggy. She lifted herself from the mattress, squared her shoulders and swallowed hard. When her eyes met his, the determination in them made Niko gulp. “And consider this my two week notice.”

He wanted to argue, but could see the topic wasn’t up for negotiation. He offered the only defense he could.

I love you, Gabby. With every last beat of my heart, I love you. Never forget that.”

A sob caught in her throat. A big, fat tear slid down her cheek. “You are no longer welcome in my home, Nikolai Voinea.”

His mouth dropped open. Panic consumed him like a wave. But with his invitation rescinded he had to leave. The pull to get out nearly ripped him in two. He closed his eyes, concentrated on where he wanted to go, and left his everything behind.



Gabby tried to pull herself together, but walking into the office she shared with Nikolai was now complete and utter torture. She’d once looked forward to walking through those doors, sitting down at the desk, and stealing glances at the man she loved. That seemed like a lifetime ago.

She knew he was behind the closed door. She could sense him. With every ounce of control she could muster, she forced herself to sit down in her chair and, after a few clicks, open her email.

A door opened, but not the one she was hoping for. Vincent and a young woman Gabby had never seen before strolled through the door.

Since you’ll be his assistant,” Vincent was telling her, “Mr. Voinea will be interviewing you himself.”

For the first time in her life, Gabby understood honest-to-goodness jealousy. Had Niko searched the city for the most attractive women he could find? Gabby’s teeth ground together and her eyes narrowed in the direction of the unsuspecting replacement.

My chair isn’t even cold yet.

Mr. Kottke,” her tone was cool, and the use of his formal title was an added ice cube, “may I help you?”

His head jerked in her direction, obviously surprised by her presence. He looked at Niko’s closed door, then back at her.

Hi, Gabby … I didn’t expect … I thought you…” He took a breath and simply said, “Nik told me that you wouldn’t be back.”

She forced a smile she didn’t feel to grace her lips. “He must have misunderstood. I did give him my two weeks, but I fully intend to finish out my time here … myself. Can I tell Mr. Voinea who is here to see him?”

Vincent never got rattled—well, almost never. Sweat beaded on his forehead under his short black hair. His iceberg blue eyes searched hers for answers. He opened his mouth, but closed it again. His black brows crinkled, nearly touching in the middle. She respected Vincent Kottke, and it wasn’t fair to treat him badly. It wasn’t his fault Niko was a lying jerk!

She fought the urge to scowl at her
. It wasn’t her fault either.

Mr. Kottke?” She stepped around the desk, resisting the urge to put her hands on her hips.

Um…” He shook his head. “This is Taylor Morris. Here is her resume.”

He held out the fancy schmancy, expensive paper lined with just how capable Taylor was to be the new woman in Nikolai’s life. Gabby tried to take the resume calmly. And failed, practically ripping the paper. Vincent pretended not to notice, smiling at the blonde bombshell.

BOOK: Heart Ache (Bound by a Touch Novels #1)
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