Heart Breaker (Break on Through) (6 page)

BOOK: Heart Breaker (Break on Through)
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“Fine,” he spat, gathering his things. “Not that interested anyways. Samantha, just do your job and don’t leave your shit behind again. I have no problem firing your ass if you step out of line.”

Suddenly Kyle dropped his arm from me and stalked toward Derek, making him flounder backward toward the exit. He stopped just a hairsbreadth away from him, pointed his finger in his face and growled, “Don’t even
about threatening her in any way. If I hear you’re being any less than a professional, a gentleman, I will
you in every way possible.”

“What else are you going to do to me, Masterson? You already took me to the cleaners when you represented my cunt of an ex-wife! Why else do you think I’ve taken this job? No one in New York will hire me, thanks to you, asshole!”

“Just don’t fuck with her and you’ll never have to find out what else I can do,” Kyle replied, in a voice uncannily cool. With that, he turned around, grabbed my hand and we left the theater. I had to practically jog in order to keep up with his long strides. I caught a quick glimpse at Kyle’s face to see he still looked angry, hardened, ready to strike at any minute. We got outside and I pulled on his arm.

“Stop,” I panted, trying to catch my breath. “I’m five feet nothing and it takes four of my strides to equal one of yours!”

His face softened and he came closer to me. “Sorry, Sam, I just can’t stand the idea of you having to work for that sick fuck.”

I looked up at him, feeling overwhelmed by his presence. My adrenaline must have dropped because suddenly I was shaking and when he tucked me into him, his warmth, the safety of his arms, I dissolved into tears. My shoulders bopped up and down as I sobbed into his chest, wetting his nice shirt and probably smearing my makeup all over my face. He wrapped himself tighter around me and rubbed soothing circles on my back, cradling my head close to his cheek while bent over me.

“It’s okay, Samantha. I’ve got you. I’ve got you, baby. I’m not going to let anybody hurt you. No way.”

I don’t know how long we stood there, but he didn’t rush me and I didn’t really care. Eventually, my crying stopped and my breathing evened out. I wiped my face on his shirt and gazed up at him.

“Sorry ’bout ruining your shirt.”

His eyes twinkled, and he gave me the sweetest smile. “Not too worried about it, honey.”

I nodded, saying nothing, just continued to stare up at him, drinking in his golden beauty.

“You better now?” he asked while using his thumb to wipe some residual tears from under my eyes.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” I swallowed hard. “I don’t even want to think about how much uglier that scene would have been if you hadn’t showed… Why’d you come here?”

He kept me tight in his hold, gazing down at me with such warmth and affection. This wasn’t the player that Jackson had told me about. This was an entirely different side to Kyle, one I could get lost in if I wasn’t careful.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. Tried for seven days to stay away, leave you alone. But here I am, so you know how well that went.”

I smiled wide and happy, taking in the deliciousness of the moment. His eyes crinkled in the corners as his boyish grin warmed his handsome face. My heart contracted and I closed my eyes while he placed a chaste kiss on my forehead.

“Do you want me to take you home?”

I looked up at him again, his eyes not giving away anything really, just held this warm glow that felt as if it was meant just for me. I knew right then I didn’t want to walk away from those eyes, this man. I was beyond curious. I was completely intrigued by him and I wanted more than just a fortuitous rescue.

“My sister left today for a conference and won’t be back until tomorrow night. And I don’t feel like being alone tonight.”

His eyes burned into mine, going from warm to scorching in a heartbeat. His hands came up to frame my face, his hot skin immediately warming my windblown cheeks.

“Are you sure about this, Samantha?”

The air I took in was shaky, but my resolve wasn’t. “I’m sure, Kyle. I want you. So much.” Then I lifted myself on my toes and pressed my lips to his. The minute my tongue touched his mouth, his hold on me strengthened, and he groaned deep into my mouth as he opened and took me in. His grip around me tightened, and his lips and tongue demanded everything from mine. My head swooned and, if it wasn’t for him holding me up, I would have lost my footing. He made me dizzy. He threw my equilibrium off-kilter, the compass inside usually centered straight and due north now was spinning on its axis.

He tore his mouth from mine, still holding me in his arms. “I can’t wait anymore, and Vienna’s too far away. You’re coming to my place.” With that command, he led me to his waiting car and drove me to his apartment.

Chapter Four

I wish I could tell you what my first impressions of his apartment were when I walked in. I remember nothing of the drive over or the ride in his elevator. That was because I was ensconced in all that was Kyle. His scent, the feel of his tongue on my skin, the grip of his fingers into my flesh.

I could tell you that underneath the smell of clean linens and soap, I caught a hint of his natural musk, so earthy and male that I wanted to claw myself right into his body. I recall in perfect detail how tantalizing his golden tan skin was, especially juxtaposed with the crisp white of his dress shirt.

I loved that he had only the lightest dusting of chest hair that darkened as it trailed down his abdomen to his sex. As soon as we walked into his apartment, he shoved me against the wall, tearing open my blouse, the buttons scattering and pinging against the hard marble floors, rolling in an array of directions. Just like the neuron connections in my head: zapped and all over the place.

“I’ll buy you a new one,” he promised, all the while peeling it off, unbuttoning my jeans. They were skinny jeans so they were fairly tight and he had to jerk them down. I started to move toward my ankles and, as I leaned down to get them and my heels off, he stopped me, grasping my hand then taking me by both wrists.

“Don’t do a thing. I got this,” he ordered, proceeding to strip off the denim but then taking a moment to put my heels back on my feet. Now I was standing in nothing but a lacy green bra and panties, with my surprisingly comfortable Manolo Blahnik hot-pink high heels. My lucky shoes, ones I always wore on the first day of rehearsals, no matter how impractical.

Then he pinned my arms over my head, against the wall by his front door. He pressed his hardened cock against my stomach as I moaned under the delicious pressure.

“You wet for me already, honey?” he asked while moving away from my mouth and gliding his perfect lips along my jawline, down my thrumming pulse. As he was working the sensitive skin on my neck, his hand ran down my belly, his fingertips skimming along the fringe of my lace underwear then dipping right into the pooling wetness between my thighs. His long fingers rubbed between my lips, giving my clit a couple of circular strokes right on the tip. A guttural moan escaped me, and I closed my eyes, soaking in his touch, reveling in the feel of him. I knew I was being played like a fine instrument, by a man who had spent years perfecting his skills with Lord knew how many women. And in that moment, I honestly didn’t care one bit. I was just thrilled to be played by a master.

“You like that? The way I touch you? Fingering that hot, wet pussy?”

I could barely nod a response, already beyond the point of being able to talk.

Then he removed his hand from my panties, making my body immediately bereft. I slowly opened my eyes to find his immediately lock with mine. The charming guy was gone, replaced with this intense, dominating man who was hell-bent on claiming every whimper and moan I had to give. Kyle then brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking hard while staring at me the whole time.

“Just knew you were gonna taste good.” He gave me one of those wicked smiles of his, part Cheshire-grinning devil and part good ol’ boy. Still smiling, he bit his bottom lip in between his teeth, a habit I’d seen him do when he was amused or thought I was being particularly adorable. I couldn’t help but feel my heart soar a bit more off the ground, like I had earned a coveted prize.

“Really need to eat that sweet pussy of yours. Right now.” And with that, he unhooked my bra with the flick of his fingers and grabbed my panties by my hips and yanked them down—fast. Before I had a chance to register anything, he hoisted me into his arms, his hands cradling my ass as he walked me to his bedroom.

I thought he was going to immediately put me down on the bed, but he just held me, one arm around my waist and the other cradling my ass. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms were holding on to him, draped around his shoulders. I was at eye-level with him and I started unbuttoning his shirt and loosening his tie. He gave me a quick squeeze.

“Look at me, Samantha,” he gently commanded me, his gaze singeing an electric current through me, contracting my throat, making it hard for me to breathe. “I know we’ve just met, but…do you trust me?”

“I…well, I’m about to sleep with you, so yeah, you’ve got to know I trust you on some level.”

He didn’t reply right away, just stared at me, his eyes taking me in, like he was reading me. “Even if I didn’t have a memory like a steel trap, I still wouldn’t have forgotten you, Samantha.”

God, why did he have to say things like that? His words were so beautiful that they made my heart hurt. But I knew I was dancing with a devil, so I squelched the rise of pure, happy emotions and gave him one of my classic smirks and then teased, “I know it’s a cliché line, but I bet you say that to all the girls.”

Instead of responding, he laid me gently on the bed and then straightened his tall frame and began undressing himself, the whole time not losing eye contact with me. The smirk on my face faded the longer I watched him hover over me, taking off his shoes, socks, pants and boxers. Then he was standing before me in all his naked glory. Goddamn he was male perfection, with a sculpted torso I could easily explore for hours. But my attention was soon drawn to his straining cock, so large and dark, with veins pumping his blood and arousal through him. I reached for him, but he grabbed me by the wrist and my eyes immediately rounded in surprise.

“Not yet,” he said. “Not ’til you understand something.”

“What?” I looked up at him, completely flummoxed and unsure of what he was going to do or say next.

“You are the most beautiful, stunning and talented woman I have ever known. I have been in awe of you since the first minute I saw you on stage, and getting to know you?” He released my wrist and stalked over to me, his body skimming over mine as I lay down flat. The hair of his chest teased my nipples, making them harden, and the warmth and scent of his skin alone made my folds flood with my arousal. “Getting to know you is better than anything I could have dreamt up.” He lay on top on me, the pressure of him feeling so good. “I can’t blame you for thinking I’m feeding you a line. What Jackson said is true—I’ve been around. But this isn’t some casual conquest for me. I want you to know that.”

He cradled my head in his hands, placing some of his weight on his forearms while gazing at my face and playing with my hair. Without even thinking, I opened up my legs, wrapping myself around him, with his cock pressing and separating the lips of my sex. He immediately started moving his hips, grinding against my swelling clit, bringing swirls of pleasure through me. I scored my fingernails down his back and he shut his eyes, leaning his forehead against mine.

“You feel incredible, Samantha. Need to fuck you.”

I wanted that too, desperately, but I had to know what he wanted. “You asked before if I can trust you. What did you mean by that?”

He met my gaze, looking unsure for the first time since, well, since I’d met him. I found his unease sweet and endearing, making it harder and harder for me to steel my heart against his onslaught of sexy sweetness.

“I know it’s our first time together, but I wanted to tie you up.”

My eyes rounded again, widening in surprise. Not that I was a stranger to such things, but that he would bring it up so soon.

He read my expression. “Yeah, I know it’s a ballsy thing to ask you. I just wanted to taste and smell and touch every inch of you. Uninterrupted. And I wanted it badly enough to ask you our first night together.”

As much as his request had surprised me, all the while he kept working his hips back and forth, rubbing his impressive dick right along my aching clit. I was trying to stay focused but the rising ecstasy he was giving me was clouding my brain, making every nerve in my body purr with pleasure.

“I don’t know, I-I…” Fuck, I couldn’t even form a goddamn sentence!

“Would never hurt you, Samantha. Just want to devour every inch of you.”

I gazed up at him and even though the room was fairly dark, there was enough moonlight coming through his bedroom window for me to see that the whiskey color of his eyes had all but disappeared, with his pupils almost fully dilated by his desire for me.

“I’d like to touch
too,” I said in a barely-there whisper.

“Next round. Promise. Could you give me this, for our first time?”

I thought about it. If Kyle was dangerous or a freak in a bad way, I knew Jackson and Lauren well enough to know they would’ve warned me about him. Besides, I trusted my own instincts and they told me as long as I wanted this, I was safe.

And I wanted him. Badly. And honestly, the idea of him taking over, being in complete control of how and when I came, really made me hot.

“Okay, baby,” I drawled. “Tie me up, ’cause I really need you inside me.” Then, before I forgot or got too caught up in the moment, I added, “You have condoms, right?”

He blew out a breath, relief washing over him like a deluge, which charmed me even further, somehow. “Gonna make you feel so good, honey.” He leaned over to his nightstand, opened one of the drawers and took out a condom. “Hold this. Be right back.”

Then, while still deliciously naked with a firm ass I’d be willing to write sonnets about, he went to a drawer and returned with velvet ropes.

“Get in the center of the bed and spread your arms out for me,” he said while standing over me.

Immediately, my breath hitched, and he gingerly took hold of each wrist. As he tied me up, he offered feather-light caresses with his fingertips, tracing my shoulder down through the underside of my wrist. He noticed my breathing was erratic and the fluttering pulse point on my neck.

“Deep, even breaths, Sam,” he soothed. “This too tight?” He was asking me about the restraints.

“It’s good. I’m fine.”

He nodded and once both my arms were secured, he leaned down to kiss me. More like a brush on the lips than his usual delicious plundering claim, but I still liked it. It was almost as if there was a solemn reverence to what he was doing to me, like he understood how big of a deal it was for me—for anyone—to submit their body, their control to another.

With his lips he worked his way down, rubbing his cheeks and nose and mouth on the outer curves of my breasts, then sucking each of my nipples into his mouth. Hard. A surge of euphoric tension shot straight to my core, making me even wetter, if that were possible. While his hands gently stroked my belly, the sides of my waist and down my thighs, his mouth worked each peaked nub, fondling them with his tongue and lips. Even biting them with his teeth, stinging and soothing me in a rollercoaster wave of pleasure.

“Open for me, honey.” His Southern drawl had thickened, his voice heavy and low, like slowly dripping molasses off the tip of the tongue. “Let me see that pretty pink pussy of yours.”

I hadn’t even realized that I still had my legs together, bent and leaning to one side. I slowly moved my limbs to center and widened them, hesitantly, for him. Like he asked. As he quietly commanded me to do.

He quickly tied my ankles, checked to ensure their fit, and then put a knee to the mattress, climbing over to me with his gaze transfixed between my legs. Kyle brought his lips and nose right up to my sex, wrapping his arms under and around my upper thighs, and proceeded to close his eyes and take in a deep inhale.

Like I was a rare wine. Or more like an exotic flower, because he took his fingers and opened my folds. Like petals. Like an unfolding pink lotus.

“Swear to Christ, your scent is the most intoxicating I’ve ever come across.” His words were poetic, but his voice was gruff, harsh even, like he had been thrown off-center, like he couldn’t get his bearings straight. Then he lifted my ass slightly and licked me from my back opening to my clit. Slowly. Roughly. Deep and probing, almost as if he was afraid he’d miss a drop of me if he didn’t take his time.

Then he growled.

He actually
into my flesh, now quivering due to the magic he was making for me with his mouth. He licked and bit, sucked and devoured me with his teeth and fingers, lips and tongue. Within seconds, I was a writhing mess of need and sensation, so primed I couldn’t even see straight.

But every time I was a hairsbreadth away from coming, he would back off, leave my heated core alone and instead give me gossamer-light touches with his fingertips or claw me with his nails. On the backs of my knees. Along my ribcage. The insides of my thighs. The arches of my feet.

Kyle did this to me for what felt like hours, and only when he saw my tears flow down the sides of my cheeks, not from pain but from sheer frustration, did he untie me and give me permission to ride him to orgasm. He ripped the condom with his teeth, sheathed himself and lay down on the bed. I climbed on without hesitation and impaled myself with his huge and gorgeous cock.

“Ohmigod… I’m going to… It’s so…so…” I called out as I began to move.

“Let it happen, Sam. Let go for me,” Kyle said, gritting his teeth, thrusting his hips up to meet mine.

I closed my eyes and threw my head back. My hair cascaded so far down, I could feel the ends tickling my ass. Then his thumb and forefinger took hold of my sensitive nub, giving it pressure, and before I knew it, I exploded into a million pieces, sprays of stardust streaking across my eyelids, blinding me as I rode the crest of my orgasm.

Kyle unleashed a groan of ecstasy, gripping my hips and grinding his cock deep into my womb, and even with the condom on, I swore I could still feel him coming in me. My hands were resting on his chest, balancing my weight and waiting for the spots in my vision to abate. But Kyle gently pushed me into his hold, cradling me in his arms. The scent of his skin and our arousal was thick in the air surrounding us, making me even dizzier in spite of lying on him.

“You good, babe?”

“Mmm hmmm,” was all I could respond.

He took a deep breath in. “I could lie here with you all night, but I better get rid of the condom.”

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