Heart Fate (52 page)

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Authors: Robin D. Owens

BOOK: Heart Fate
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She wanted to be loved by her HeartMate.
She wanted a Family.
It surprised her that it would be a FirstFamily, but that's how the wheel of fate had turned.
Strother coursed ahead, and she smiled as she felt his great joy in being able to openly run and bark and play.
They turned down a street bordered by high walls, and Lahsin sensed scrystones recording them. She inhaled deeply and smelled the sea, but knew enough about T'Holly Residence that it didn't have an outlet to the beach. T'Yew's had, but they considered the beach dirty. Or only for T'Yew and Taxa.
As Lahsin and Strother approached T'Holly Residence, the tingle of old, strong spellshields slid over her skin. She'd make them the best on Druida. The greeniron gates were three times her height and very wide. When she and her Fam were a couple of meters from the gates, they swung outward and open.
All the way open.
Lahsin gulped but steadily walked through. The gates closed behind her. The gliderway was long. In the distance the tall, forbidding gray castle thrust into the sky, every stone proclaiming it a Warrior Family fortress.
They rounded the last curve of the drive, and Lahsin hesitated. There were three—three!—Gatehouses, and the Hollys that staffed them saluted then followed her. The whole Family had turned out, they stood staggered on sharply rising steps. T'Holly and D'Holly stood on the top step, holding hands. Just below them, also with fingers entwined, were Holm Holly and his wife, Lark. Holm wore a floral wreath on his head, and that made Lahsin blink. Then she sensed Lark had made Holm the wreath and her hold tightened on her own HeartGift. Interesting that she and Lark both had creative Flair that included flowers.
Her mind was gibbering. This was going to be more difficult than she'd anticipated.
But she had been the one to repudiate their love, so she was the one who had to bend her pride.
She just hadn't realized it would be before so many people.
Tinne stood at the bottom of the steps, waiting for her. Ilexa sat regally by his side, her tail curled over her paws.
Strother walked softly beside Lahsin.
Deep breathing. This is what
Keeping her eyes on Tinne, she marched the last few meters and stopped within his reach—she knew his reach exactly.
“I . . .” Her voice wobbled, and she hated that. Her throat tightened, and her mouth dried so that she didn't think she could speak at all.
But she had the crazy notion that everyone would stay just as they were until she said something, and she didn't think she could do it.
But she could do something else. She unwrapped her pitiful tunic, showing the three-dimensional heart-shaped holly plant, rich with plump red berries.
A rumble of approval rolled from the crowd, making her shoulders tense.
She lifted the potted plant, met Tinne's gaze for the first time. His eyes were dark and showed hurt . . . and love.
Emotions spun between them. She let their bond expand, pulse with love.
With desire.
Heat flushed her, and more murmurings rose. She thrust the pot in Tinne's direction and found her voice. “My HeartGift!” Again a surge of Flair betrayed her. Her voice was so loud she thought all of Noble Country could hear her words. She lifted her chin. “My HeartGift for Tinne Holly, my HeartMate.”
Cheers rang out.
But Tinne didn't move. He'd closed his eyes.
Her courage began to crumble.
She wouldn't let it!
This time her voice cracked, just like she'd known it would. “Please take it, Tinne.”
He opened his lashes, and his eyes looked damp.
Clearing his throat, he took the plant in one hand, swept the other arm around her waist, and pulled her close. “I accept your HeartGift.”
There was another cheer, and Lahsin sensed this sound, too, could be heard throughout Noble Country.
His arm trembled behind her waist, and he urged her up the steps, the Family parting for them.
Lark took Lahsin's limp hands. An immediate connection formed, a new friend, wives of the Holly sons. “Welcome to the Family, Lahsin,” Lark said.
Holm kissed her cheek.
Then they stepped aside, and she was facing the older Hollys. The GreatLord and GreatLady themselves.
Her knees went weak, and Tinne's arm strengthened behind her. He was solid and wonderful.
Her HeartMate.
Tears rolled down D'Holly's face. “Oh, my baby's found his HeartMate.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “Oh.” Then she enveloped Lahsin in a fragrant hug.
T'Holly's eyes were wet, too. He kissed her. “Welcome to the Family.”
Tab winked.
Everyone surrounded them, smiling.
D'Holly said, “I told you all that she was a wise woman and wouldn't wait too long.”
People pushed forward, wanting to be introduced. Lahsin promptly forgot all their names. After a few minutes of milling around they still hadn't reached the great hall. Strother was being admired by many, given too much attention for Ilexa's taste. She sat on the sidelines and sniffed.
Finally, Tinne raised his voice. “Excuse me, do you think we could go and celebrate our HeartBond?”
Laughter rippled through the crowd, Lahsin flushed in embarrassment, but her nerves had settled. She knew herself, was accepting change, and had followed her heart.
Her body had heated since Tinne had touched her, instinctively readying for him. Her skin seemed too sensitive, and where his arm wrapped around her was pure pleasure.
He was pure pleasure. Why had she denied herself this?
Then she and Tinne were in the great hall, a moment later they'd teleported to a dim corridor and stood outside a door of ancient wood so hard and dark it appeared like stone. The hum in Lahsin's head grew louder, changed until it was a lilting melody.
“My Mamá,” Tinne said. “Her tunes suffuse the Residence. I think it will sing for the rest of its existence.”
“A blessing,” Lahsin gasped, but barely heard what he was saying, what she herself said. She was on fire with passion. Heat pooled in her core. Need. Yes! “I
you,” she panted.
His breath was unsteady, too. “I never thought . . .”
Her heart wrenched. “Is it too soon?”
He shook his head, his breath shuddered out. “You know it isn't. I don't understand how things happen, can only believe it's destiny.”
She licked her lips, looked around the narrow corridor. “Where are we?”
“Outside the HouseHeart. I want you to learn about my Family, about me, here.” He framed her face in his hands, and they were warm and calloused and wonderful on her skin. His eyes were a gleaming, intense silver. “Only you,” he murmured, and it was her turn to shudder.
She wrapped her hands around his wrists, pulled them from her face to cradle them between her breasts. “I never dreamed I could feel so much. It's overwhelming, as powerful as Passage, but so much lovelier.”
“I want to make love with you in the HouseHeart, HeartBond with you there.”
Again he took her hand, faced them toward the door. “Listen, this is the rhyme to open the HouseHeart. My Mamá set it to music.” He lifted his voice in a rhythmic song that was easy to memorize, the words simple and sincere. She touched her fingertips to the door, and sensation swept through her, the essence of the Residence itself—ancient, powerful. The door swung open.
With a Word, Tinne disrobed them, then lifted her into his arms. The feel of his bare skin against hers focused her entire being on him and the loving to come.
He carried her into the room, the door locked behind them.
He knelt with her, to lay her down. She clutched at his shoulders. “Don't. I want to come to you on my own two feet.”
His gleaming gray eyes met hers, a smile touched his lips, and she had to touch them, too. She traced them with her finger, felt his smile widen.
“All right,” he said and gently set her on her feet. Her bare toes curled in the rich permamoss. Tinne
to her.
She drew back from him, looked around the HouseHeart. It was a small room with beautiful tapestries against smooth rock walls. The grass underneath her gave off a sweet scent. Tinne picked up her HeartGift and set it beside some other holly bushes along one wall, but they were different than hers. Ancient Earthan stock, like the low yellow light in the room approximated an ancient Earthan evening.
Tinne turned around and caught his breath. Tears welled in her eyes. He was the most beautiful thing in the chamber.
Slowly they walked toward each other. When they were close, they clasped hands, palm to palm. She opened all of herself to this man, gave herself to him. Accepted all of him in return.
Reality faded.
Lahsin's breath was swept away as they fell through gorgeous, star-studded darkness. So wondrous that she slowed their descent to see more than smears of bright white. Deep, deep black, like she'd never seen, stars of all sizes, pulsing to different beats. Fabulous.
She and Tinne danced. They played. They whirled gently toward the land below—blue green oceans and green earth—like a leaf on a lazy breeze. She sensed his surprise at her joy. “Beautiful,” she said, squeezing his hands.
“Yes, it was. I'll tell you all about it later.” He smiled, squeezed back.
Looking into his eyes she knew she'd learn and grow with this man beyond what she could comprehend now. She was whole without him, but would always be better, richer in mind, body, and spirit, with him.
They stood there for long moments, hands locked, emotions merging. Sexuality rising and rousing bit by bit, until all her skin felt warm and everything in her ached.
“Lahsin.” Tinne's voice was a husky murmur.
“Yes, Tinne.”
“Yes.” He drew in a deep breath, and she felt it herself. “Accept me as your man, your lover, your HeartMate.”
“I do.”
“And you are my woman, my love, my HeartMate.” Emotions swamped her, her love for him throbbing through their link, being returned, cycling, expanding. Tenderness. Gentleness.
Accept my HeartBond
, he sent.
Her body heated more, desire twined tighter. HeartBonding, during sex—no, during
, he echoed.
Drop the shield from your HeartGift, Lahsin.
She trembled. The instant she did that they'd feel only passion, their bodies would rule, explode. Her vision went blurry, but his gaze had sharpened. She released her HeartGift's spellshield.
Then she felt it, the HouseHeart cache opened and
HeartGift, a beautiful small drum, rolled out with a resonant thump. There was only desire.

I love you
,” she said mentally, sent through their bond, whispered aloud.

I love you
,” he returned with a lilting note, almost laughter.
They came together.

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