Heart of Fire (45 page)

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Authors: Kristen Painter

Tags: #romance, #love, #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #magic, #sword and sorcery, #elves, #fantasy romance, #romance fantasy, #romance and love, #romance book, #romance author, #romance adventure, #fire mage, #golden heart finalist

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Pausing, she closed her eyes and
listened again. He placed her hand against his chest, over his

“It’s amazing,” she whispered,
opening her eyes again.

He pulled her onto his lap,
feathering kisses over her bruised skin. You’re amazing.

Her eyes went wide. “Did you say
that? I heard your voice in my head!”

Aye, I said that and it’s true, you
are amazing. I never knew a woman could cast such a spell over

Her eyes sparkled. “I’ve done no
such thing. In fact,” she rested her elbow on his shoulder,
stroking his ear with her fingers, “I think you’re the one charming

His eyelids closed and a low,
throaty moan vibrated out of him. “You have no idea what that does
to me, woman.”

“Then tell me.”

“My ears are very,” he swallowed,
“sensitive.” He spoke while she caressed the edge of his ear,
running her nails from the pointed tip to his lobe. A shudder
coursed through him.

She slipped out of his lap to kneel
beside him on the bed. Brushing his black locks off his broad
shoulders, she bent to kiss the first rune marking his skin. A
deep, rumbling sigh escaped him. He grasped her about the waist and
spread his fingers over her hips, kneading her flesh. He arched his
head back. Her tongue grazed his ear and he jolted. She smiled
softly, her lips never leaving his skin.

“You like that?” she murmured,
knowing full well the effect it was having on him. The sense of
power was more delicious than any chocolate biscuit she’d ever

“Saucy wench,” he whispered, his
eyes never opening. “I warned you once about teasing me this

She leaned back. “I guess I should
stop, then. We do have a wedding to prepare for.”

He grinned, a flicker of things to
come dancing in his eyes. “I almost forgot. Tomorrow is our wedding
day.” His gaze darkened. “And our wedding night.”

“Actually, I postponed our wedding
until you were recovered.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You just said
we had a wedding to get ready for.”

“We do.” She smiled. “But it’s not

Ertemis rubbed his temples. “Who

“While we were gone, your father
asked your mother for her hand and she said yes.”

His jaw hung slack. “They’re to be
wed? Truly?”

She nodded. “Shaylana will be Queen
Mother of Shaldar and no one will ever be able to question your
right to the throne again.”

“I cannot fathom it.” He eased back
against the headboard, trying to take it all in. “But when will we

“Whenever you like.”

“I like sooner better than

“Is the day after tomorrow soon

“Nay, but it will do.” He reached
for her, his voice low and liquid. “Let me show you what else your
teasing does to me.”

* * *

After standing beside Ertemis during
his parent’s simple ceremony, Jessalyne thought she might never
again glimpse such pure joy in his eyes as she saw that day. She
was wrong. The light in his eyes outshone the sun as she walked the
aisle toward him on the day of their nuptials.

Her breath caught at the sight of
him. He was magnificent. Silver-tipped plaits hung from his temples
while the rest of his shimmering black locks flowed over his
shoulders. To match the tunic she had given him, the king’s
clothiers had sewn him a pair of white linen trousers and tucked
into knee-high silver-buckled boots they fit like a second skin.
His flowing grey cloak bore the royal crest of Shaldar. His sword
glinted at his side. Ertemis was every inch royalty. She swallowed,
overwhelmed. This man was about to be her husband. And her husband
was about to be king of Shaldar.

Beneath her intricately embroidered
overdress of lilac silk with its long bell sleeves grazing the
floor, she trembled. Her gaze drifted to the cluster of white roses
in her hands, the heady scent almost too much. Her undergown of
white silk clung to her steadily warming skin, the air stuck in her
lungs. So many eyes watched her.

I’m right here, lelaya. Just a few
more steps and you can lean on me. Like a cool caress, Ertemis’s
words calmed her. She smiled to let him know she heard.

That’s right, keep your eyes on me,
sweeting. His gaze echoed his words and she relaxed, the steps
coming easier now.

I love you. So much it made her

His smile widened slightly. And I
you, with all my heart.

The gathered crowd of nobles and
dignitaries receded from her sight as she laid her hand on top of
his. The feel of his skin against hers, the connection of flesh,
centered her.

Raythus bound their hands with gold
cord symbolic of their commitment to one another and the people of
Shaldar. Ertemis’s strength flowed through her; his confident smile
reminded her she was no longer alone and never would be

Endless litanies were recited before
the vows were spoken and the cord removed. Ertemis held her hand as
they knelt together. Raythus crowned them with circlets of gold, a
shimmer of tears in his eyes and Shaylana at his side

He nodded for them to stand and he
raised his hands before the assembled crowd. “It is my great
pleasure to present to you as husband and wife the new king and
queen of Shaldar, Lord and Lady Ertemis Maelthorn.” His voice
echoed through the cathedral as the congregation erupted in loud
hurrahs and shouts of “Hail the King.”

Ertemis caught Jessalyne up in an
embrace and kissed her soundly, inciting another swell of cheers
and well wishes.

“I’ve never kissed a queen before,”
he whispered in her ear.

She smiled as she answered him.
“Time to practice, don’t you think?”

The feast in the great hall was
followed by dancing. Jugglers entertained out in the courtyard and
stilt walkers amused the crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of the
royal couple.

The day wore away and Jessalyne
realized hours had passed since she’d spoken to her husband. She’d
seen him at his father’s side across the great hall talking with
some duke or being introduced to yet another noble. As exciting as
it was, holding court at the head table wore her out. All the names
and faces of the noblewomen presented to her blurred together. With
a whisper in Shaylana’s ear, she excused herself and escaped into
the kitchen to catch her breath.

“What’s wrong?” Fynna followed
along, a great hunk of wedding cake in each blue fist.

“I cannot bear to meet another
person. I’m tired and I just want to see Ertemis alone, away from
all this noise.” She frowned. “If this is court life, I’m not cut
out to be queen.”

“Nonsense,” cook chimed. “Your
ladyship’s just worn thin, poor thing. After all you been through,
it’s a crying shame for you to be thrown into that rabble out there
and expected to endure. Sit and have a cup of tea.”

“That sounds wonderful. Thank you,

Fynna winked at her. “You’ll be
alone with him soon enough.”

“Fynna, behave yourself.” Jessalyne
laughed and bit her lip. Being alone with him was, quite frankly,
daunting. She’d never been so nervous about anything in her

“You’ll be fine. Better than fine.
You’ll see. I need more cake.” Fynna flitted back into the horde of

She had drunk less than half her cup
of tea when Fynna returned. Valduuk followed a moment later. Both
had icing smudged in the corner of their mouths.

“It’s time, it’s time!” Fynna
twirled in the air.

Valduuk held out his arm. “He asked
us to fetch you. He’s had enough as well.”

Jessalyne slipped her hand over
Valduuk’s massive forearm and let him walk her into the great hall.
The massive candelabras, lit at sunset, suffused the hall with a
rapturous glow. The crowd dissolved around them and knowing smiles
met her every glance. Her cheeks warmed.

Ertemis stood between his parents,
the circlet of gold gleaming against his obsidian brow. He held out
his hand and, with a bow, Valduuk backed away. Jessalyne reached
for her husband. Their fingers meshed. The subtle pulse of blood
beneath skin filled her ears. The sound of her beloved’s

He kissed her hand, pressed it to
his cheek, his eyes never leaving her face. “I have a surprise for
you,” he whispered.

She tilted her head, a slight grin
belying the fresh surge of nerves she felt. “What have you

“You’ll see soon enough.” He turned
his attention to the waiting crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen of the
court, you have honored us with your presence on this most
memorable day.” Jessalyne’s heart swelled as Ertemis spoke. He had
become the king before her very eyes.

The cheering drowned him out until
he raised a hand. His dark gaze met hers and he held it as he
spoke. “As I’m sure you will understand, the events of the past few
days have worn us out. Your queen and I will be retiring for the
evening.” He kissed her hand again. “Please, stay and celebrate as
long as you like. Tonight our home,” his voice caught at the word,
“is yours.”

Again the crowd cheered, turning
back to the revelry with renewed passion. The musicians struck up a
new tune and dancers partnered off. Wine flowed and servers carried
silver trays of sweets throughout the hall.

Raythus clapped him on the back.
“Well spoken, son.”

Shaylana kissed Ertemis on both
cheeks, then Jessalyne. “I cannot imagine greater happiness than
what I feel today.”

“Nor I.” Ertemis nodded, a grin
spreading across his face. “Don’t expect us for meals tomorrow.
I’ve already left orders with cook to send ours up.”

“Ertemis!” Jessalyne cuffed his
shoulder, the crimson flush in her cheeks undoubtedly visible even
in the candlelight.

With a laugh, he scooped her up in
his arms and bid his parents good dreams. He took the steps two at
time until he reached the first landing. Leaning back against the
wall, he set her down only to enfold her in his arms. Without a
word, his mouth found hers in a deep, hungry kiss.

She draped her arms around his neck,
luxuriating in the press of his body. His hands slipped to the
small of her back as he nibbled the side of her neck.

“Mmmm…” she laced her fingers
through his hair, loosening the plaits at his temples. “You’re very
good at that.”

Hot breath tickled her ear as he
whispered promises of things to come. “My love, tonight you will
find I’m good at many things.”

His words shot heat through her at
and she shivered, her hands slipping from his hair to his
shoulders. “I fear I cannot offer you the same

“Your virtue is a great gift, not
something to be ashamed of.” He smiled reassuringly. “My life
started anew today. Nothing else that came before matters. I want
no other woman but you for the rest of my life.”

Footsteps sounded on the stairs
behind them. Ertemis drew his cloak around them and hid them in the
shadows. “I’ve had enough idle chatter with well wishing

“I agree.” Jessalyne huddled against
him, watching the torch shadows flicker through the spot where her
feet should be. The clean leather scent of him delighted her.
“We’re invisible,” she whispered.

“Aye, but not mute.” Shifting, he
quieted her with a kiss.

The voices of Raythus and Shaylana
echoed in the hallway as the pair made their way hand in

“If I had a few less years on me,
I’d carry you in my arms as well. I’ve half a notion to try it

Shaylana laughed. “You are a silly
man. Sweet, but silly.”

“Unfortunately I’m also an old man,
my darling. I wish—”

She silenced him with a kiss on his
cheek. “I have a thought on that subject…” She paused as they
passed the landing, staring straight at Ertemis and Jessalyne. “You
two haven’t made it very far.”

Ertemis threw off the enchantment.
“I thought you were guests. I’ve had my fill of small

Raythus chuckled. “Your mother used
to hide from me like that.” He tapped the side of his nose. “I had
other ways of finding her.” He slipped his arm around her waist,
holding her close.

Shaylana clasped his hand, her pale
green eyes stayed on his face. “We should be off,

He kissed her forehead. “Indeed, we
should. Good dreams, children.” Nodding at Ertemis and Jessalyne,
the pair continued off down the hall entwined like young

Ertemis dipped slightly, catching
Jessalyne beneath her knees and lofting her into his arms again.
“They set a good example. Besides there is the small matter of the
surprise I promised you.”

Her fingers laced behind his neck.
“I cannot imagine what you’ve been up to. Is it a new dress? New
slippers? A book of spells, perhaps? A kitten? I would so love a

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