Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 (11 page)

Read Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Action & Adventure, #Thrillers

BOOK: Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
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“Ha! I knew it! I knew it was you!” she says sitting back and pointing at me with her eyes bulging out of her eye sockets and a hard stare on her face.

I look down to see the picture I took of her from the park when she was moisturising her leg.

“I can explain,” I say as she raises her eyebrow at me and crosses her arms over her chest.

I suddenly have a thought. “Wait, did you want to take the photo just so you could see if I took the picture of you from the park?”

She shrugs. “Player just got played,” she says and her sassiness right now is actually starting to make my cock a little hard, rather than my temper angry.

“Fuckin’ hell.” I run my hand through my hair and stand up to start pacing the floor. Petunia starts to run around my feet and it makes it awkward to pace.

“Start talking you creeper.”

I exhale and turn to look at her. “You want the truth?” I ask and she nods. “Shit, okay. Our date… um… when I messaged you and said I had club stuff to attend to… well, I lied.”

She furrows her brows and frowns looking hurt as her body slumps.

“It’s not that I didn’t want to go on a date with you, I did… I do. Trust me, even now, sharin’ this night with you so far has been… eye openin’. But you Flame, you’re such a good girl and me? I’m a rough guy. I’ve done bad things. I hang out with
bad people. I don’t want to bring you into a world you’re not cut out for. I don’t want to dim your light. So I blew off the date for your sake. I told myself I’d forget about you and let you go. But I can’t get you out of my mind.”

Her lips turn up into a slight smile.

“Today, I was really strugglin’, you just wouldn’t leave my thoughts alone. Every single one was about you, and so I had to see you. But my stance on bringin’ you into my world hadn’t changed. You don’t belong with me. But I thought if I could just see you, just one glimpse it would tide me over. So I came here, saw you through your window, your legs were…
I don’t even know what came over me. I just wanted a reminder of the way you looked… I wanted to remember it. So I took a photo but the flash went off and that’s when you saw me. I swear I wasn’t tryin’ to be a creep, I wasn’t doin’ it to stalk you or anythin’ weird like that. I just want to protect you. I want to keep you safe. But I needed to see you, and then it all went to shit. I’m sorry I should’ve told you it was me. I don’t know why I pretended it was someone else. I was afraid of what you’d think of me… do think of me.”

She’s quiet for a moment like she’s processing all the information. She nods and stands up walking up to me. I brace for the impact as her hand comes up in line with my cheek. I close my eyes waiting for the harsh slap to collide with my face, but instead, her gentle caress soothes my nerves. I open one eye squinting and looking down at her. She’s smiling at me and I exhale forcefully opening the other, as her soft hand delicately caresses my cheek.

“Steel, why you feel the need to protect me is courageous and brave, but I don’t need protecting. I just want to get to know you, and even though seeing some guy taking pictures of me from across the road scared the shit out of me, when I saw it was you, I found it kind of exciting. You excite me Steel, and I want to live dangerously for once in my life.”

I take a deep breath and wrap my arms around her waist and shake my head. “You don’t know what you’re askin’. You haven’t met my brothers, they’ll eat you up. They’re not like me.”

She smiles. “Well, I wouldn’t want to date
Steel. Just you.”

I rest my forehead against hers, and it’s only now I can smell her strawberry lip gloss. It’s driving me insane. “This isn’t a good idea.”

“I don’t really care what you think. You were stalking me in the bushes. You owe me, so we’re going on a date, a real one. You
pick me up on your bike, and I’ll wear pants and red heels just like you demanded. This isn’t a request Steel, this
happening. And if you back out again, I’ll show up at your clubhouse and just hope like fuck you’re there, so your brothers won’t eat me up and spit me out.”

I raise my eyebrows and smirk at her confidence. “Tellin’ a biker what to do can get you in a lotta trouble, Miss Willow.”

She steps in close so her body is now flush with mine. The warmth emanating from her against me is making my cock ache for her. I want to throw her back on this coffee table and fuck her brains out. But she’s worth more than that… a lot more than that.

“Maybe, I’d like you to show me how much trouble I’m really in Mister Biker-boy?”

I groan and grind my cock into her abdomen, she opens her eyes wide as my cock hardens against her. Her tongue darts out licking her bottom lip and I can’t contain myself anymore. I have to taste her. My hand races up to grab the back of her hair forcefully, part of her messy bun falls out around my fingers as she gasps at the tightness of my hold on her hair.

“You want trouble, Flame?” I ask running my nose along hers taking in her flowery strawberry smell.

“Mm-hmm,” she murmurs rubbing her body against mine.

A low throaty growl rumbles from my chest and I can’t contain myself for one more second. I look into her eyes and as she looks back at me something in my chest sparks. The rhythm of my heart skips a beat, and I inhale sharply at the sting resonating through my soul. She’s captivating me and my lips have to capture hers. Gripping her hair tighter, she needs to know life with me won’t be hearts and flowers. It will be dominance and control. I force my lips to hers. A jolt of the same electricity shoots through me making me feel more alive than ever before. It shocks me, and I grip her hair punishingly hard making her moan.

My tongue licks at her lips, she tastes like strawberry, and on command she opens her mouth and gives me access. Our bodies mould together, her hands move up entwining into my short hair as she grabs hold, and the little bitch tugs on my hair.
I love it!
She brings her leg up and wraps it around my waist. Grinding my hard cock into her pussy, I groan into her mouth as I kiss her firmly and with so much want that I have to resist the need to fuck her right here and right now on this couch. My cock is throbbing and I’m going to need to rectify that tonight, but not with Willow. She’s not some club whore who I can rush into things with. No, Flame is Old Lady material
she can handle my brothers and this life. And right now kissing her as she grinds her pussy against my cock and working me up like the little minx she is, fuck do I want this to work out. I don’t know her well, but what I do know so far makes me think this doesn’t have a hope in hell of lasting. So right now, I need to get my head out of my arse and back into the here and now, and into the moment with Willow.

I pull her closer to me as she moans into my mouth. My tongue dances with hers while my hands move down to her arse. She grinds into me further, and I groan as her pussy pushes along my aching cock.

Fuck, I want her.

But not tonight.

I grab her arse cheeks and pull her up, her legs wrap around my waist and I move back and sit down on the lounge. She straddles me.

Fuck me, if this isn’t every guy’s fantasy—the innocent girl who’s virtue is taken away by the bad boy.

Fuck I want this.

But I want to treat Willow right, so we’re not fucking tonight.

She leans back in kissing me again, and I slowly ease the kiss even though everything in me doesn’t want to. Every manly instinct in me is kicking my arse right now. But the gentleman my mother always told me to be, is finally showing his ugly head and I’ve figured out Willow has some bad boy fetish thing going on, and I
be that bad guy for her, but I’m not going to treat her wrong. My breathing is rushed and harsh, and as I lean my head back on the towel on the lounge, Willow pulls back looking at me and smirks.

“So… um, that was a nice first kiss.”

I chuckle. “Nice?” I question. “Nice, hey?” I grind my erection up into her pussy that’s sitting directly over it.

She closes her eyes like it’s affecting her and swallows hard. “I don’t generally go further than kissing—”

Opening my eyes wide, I stop her before she continues. “Hey, we’re not fuckin’ tonight.”

She jolts her head back and furrows her eyes like she’s thoroughly confused. “We’re not?”

I move my hand up and position some of her loose hair behind her ear. “No babe, we’re not.”

She exhales and slumps her shoulders and looks away from me down to her hands on my chest. “But I thought all bikers took what they want.”

I smirk. “We do.”

She purses her lips and nods slightly and then pulls her robe together tightly and slides off me to the other side of the lounge. I find the sudden change in her demeanor strange.

“Okay,” she says sounding like a lost puppy.

I furrow my brows and wonder what the fuck it is I’ve done wrong now. “Hey, what’s up?” I face her and take her hands in mine.

She looks down at the lounge and shakes her head avoiding eye contact at all costs.

I’ve really screwed this up. I just don’t know how.

“No, it’s okay. It’s fine. Really, I get it.”

I furrow my brows and shake my head running my hands through my hair. “Get what?”

She looks up at me and her bottom lip is trembling. I grab her chin with my fingers and place my thumb on her bottom lip to stop it from moving.

“Willow, talk to me.”

“You’re just not that into me, right? That’s why you don’t want me?”

My chest aches and my heart stops beating. I made her feel this way. “What?” I murmur not really believing that she thinks that.

“I mean sexually. You just don’t want me that way, right?” She nods then stands up striding toward the front door wrapping her arms around herself. “It was nice seeing you, Steel. I had a good night, but I’m tired now and I need to go to bed.”

She’s kicking me out?

“Flame, I don’t think you understand.”

“No, I get it perfectly, thank you very much. You just like to perv on me, but you don’t want to have sex with me. That’s fine. But I want you to go now.” She opens the door and gestures for me to leave with her hand.

I scoff and shake my head wondering how this turned so dramatically. “I’m goin’ to leave, but I want you to know one thing, babe.”

She raises her eyebrows. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

I pace over to her and pull her to me. She squeals slightly and her breathing hitches. I grind my still fully formed erection into her and lean down kissing her vigorously. Pulling back, I flare my nostrils starting to get angry at this situation. “If you think for one second that I don’t want to fuck you… you’re an idiot. I want to fuck you so bad that my balls are achin’ right now just from lookin’ at you. I’m going to have to go back to the clubhouse and rub one out thinkin’ about you in that robe, and whatever the hell it is you’re wearin’ or
wearin’ under it. Because that thought has been killin’ me all night. The only reason, and I mean literally the
reason I’m not fuckin’ you tonight is because you’re not a club whore, and I want to treat you with the respect you deserve. You deserve to be worshipped, and I want the first time I fuck you to mean somethin’. Not because I’m as horny as fuck and you make my cock throb by just lookin’ into your eyes. So… am I just not that into you? The answer is simple… babe, I’m
into you I can’t fuckin’ stop thinkin’ about you. You’re doin’ my head in, and do I want you? More than anythin’ fuckin’ right now. But I won’t take you. Not yet. Our time will come,
you stop over thinkin’ and just let this happen naturally. Okay?”

Her mouth is open wide and I can’t help but imagine my cock sliding in and out of it. I have to blink a few times to rid myself of that image.

“Okay? I reiterate.

“Yep,” she whispers her body cowering into itself as she goes all shy.

“Now, have a good night, babe. I’ll message you with the info for our next date.” I lean in kissing her roughly, and then let her go and walk out not looking back. Getting on my Hog, starting up the engine and putting on my lid, I glance back at the front door to see her standing there smirking at me. I huff and rev the engine, she jumps slightly at the sound and her robe slides off one shoulder showing me she isn’t wearing a bra underneath. I groan and look away duck walking my bike backward out of her driveway and onto the road.

This girl will be the death of me!

I pull back the throttle and hammer down not looking back. I need to get away before I go back and strip that fucking robe off, and fuck her in the doorway of her pristine little villa with her fucking pristine picket fence, in her pristine fucking neighbourhood!


Marching back through the clubhouse doors with tension in my neck that won’t ebb, and an ache in my cock far superior to any horniness I’ve ever felt before, I storm past my brothers to head for my room. I ram past Behemoth, but as I slam into his side he doesn’t budge, it merely makes me stumble backward a few steps.

“Watch where you’re goin’” I yell and Behemoth furrows his brows looking at me as I right myself.

“You okay, brother?” he asks and I ignore him as I storm off not making contact this time, heading down past the bar, into the hall and down to my bedroom. I traipse into my room feeling really agitated as I slam the door behind me. The wood groans with the force of the blow as it strikes the door frame. I need to relieve this tension, and I need to do it now. The ache in my cock is unbearable and spending the last couple of hours with my Flame hasn’t helped this situation it’s only inflamed it.

Pulling off my cut, shirt, jeans and boots, I throw them all on the floor and make my way to the bathroom. A hot shower will help, and I can think of her and make a mess without having to clean it up.

Turning on the searing hot water, I make my way into the cubicle and my cock is already harder than granite. It’s throbbing and pulsing and I need to take care of it right now. My mind flicks to Willow’s legs and I smile as I take my cock in hand. The thickness swells and spasms rack through it as I groan, finally feeling some relief as I start to move up and down.



Feeling a lot less tense now I’ve relieved myself, had a shower and dried myself off, I stride naked out of the bathroom and back into my bedroom. I jump slightly when I look to my bed to see Lunar and Skye topless lying on top of the sheets.

Blinking my eyes slowly as I walk into my room, I raise an eyebrow and look at Lunar as she smirks and looks right at my cock.

“So Behemoth said you need some relaxing. I thought a three-way might help?” Lunar asks grabbing her nipple and tweaking it.

It does nothing for me. My itch has been scratched. “Not tonight, darlin’,” I say and tread over to my jeans to start putting them on. Lunar and Skye both sit up on the bed and furrow their brows. I don’t ever think I’ve said no to a threesome with them before, so I understand their confusion.

“Umm… Skye, can you give us a minute?” Lunar asks as I pull my shirt over my head.

Skye nods and stands up then walks past me with a half-smile and proceeds out of the bedroom closing the door behind her. Lunar sits on the edge of the bed and studies me as I go about my business.

“I’m really not interested in anythin’ tonight, Lunar. So you can go too,” I dismiss her.

She huffs and pats the bed next to her, I exhale and turn to look at her as she frowns at me. “Steel we’re friends first, and something’s getting to you. Will you fucking talk to me, you gutless prick?” she says in her usual manner. I chuckle then sigh walking over to the bed and sitting down next to her. She wraps her arm around my shoulders and cuddles into my side. “Now tell Auntie Lunar what’s bothering you?”

I smirk deciding I need to talk to someone, and other than Techie, Lunar knows me so well. I rub my hands across my face and groan. “Okay, so don’t judge. I don’t think I’m in my right mind right now.” She smiles and nods. “I met someone, but she isn’t right for me. She’s gorgeous, I mean drop dead stunin’, but she’s so pure and innocent, you know? She’s sweet, yet feisty. She’s a little eccentric, too. I mean the bitch owns a pig for Christ’s sake. Who in the fuckin’ hell owns a pig, when you have white… fuckin’ everythin’?” I laugh to myself. “She’s amazin’. I’m totally captivated by her… her smell, her voice, her look, everythin’. She’s so different. I’m… I don’t know… I don’t know what’s fuckin’ wrong with me.”

Lunar exhales and takes her arm from around me looking down at the floor. “She’s really gotten under your skin?” She won’t look at me and I find that strange.

“Yeah, I suppose she has. But she isn’t right for me. I need to leave her alone, but somethin’ keeps drawing me to her.”

Lunar finally looks up at me, and I think I see her eyes glistening like maybe she wants to cry. I jolt my head back slightly in surprise.

“Maybe you need to follow your head on this one. If she can’t cut it with the club, then she isn’t the right girl for you. You need a girl who loves the club, Steel. The club is your life, and unless you’re willing to give up the club for her, then
need to give up on her.”

The thought sends an ache deep through my chest and I look at Lunar and she’s frowning, her eyes are still glistening and she looks away and stands up.

“You need to think about your choice, and see how this girl would react to the club,” she says and then walks away. Her footsteps are heavy as she leaves, and I can’t help but think that she’s not saying something. I’m just not sure what it is.

But she is right. I need to know how Willow will react to the club. She’s sassy with me, I’ll give her that. So maybe with a bit of time she could learn to love the club, too?

I chew on the side of my cheek and decide to message her. There’s only one way for me to find out how she’ll be with my brothers and the club, and that’s to spend more time with her. I type out my message.


I’ll pick you up for our date from the childcare centre.


I make it more of a demand than a request, I don’t want her to think I’m a pushover. My phone beeps moments later. I walk over to my bed opening the message and sitting down on the edge.


Okay. I’m looking forward to it. I had a good night tonight. Thank you for being a gentleman. I know it was hard for you to walk away.


I half smile. She has no idea how hard it was to leave her place without fucking her brains into the middle of next week. It took every ounce of strength I had. I really surprised myself with my resolve in that situation, but I’m glad we waited.


I had a good time too. Have a good sleep tonight babe, and give Petunia a cuddle from me. ;)


I chuckle at my message, I sound fucking pathetic. Lying down on my mattress a message comes through soon after.


Wow! The pig gets a cuddle now? First you want to stab her ‘cause she’s a rodent, now it’s all cuddles and love. You’re changing biker boy. ;)


I smirk and shake my head typing in my reply.


Careful Miss Willow, or there’ll be no cuddles for you, just rough, wild and dirty… bad connection… cutting out… you’re breaking up…


I hit
and chuckle to myself.


You’re such a douche, you can’t pull the bad connection line in a text message doofus! Anyway, maybe I like rough, wild and dirty...


I sit up on the bed and my cock instantly starts to ache. “Fuck me.”


Shit woman, are you trying to kill me?

No, sorry, just trying to play your game biker boy. I better go I have Church in the morning.


I open my eyes wide and frown.
Is she serious?
Another message comes in almost straight away.


Psych! Freaked you out, hey?


I breathe a relieved sigh and shake my head with a slight chuckle.


Yes, I almost died. You would be coming to my funeral instead of a date. But I will let you go, it’s late and I need my biker boy beauty sleep. Sleep well, babe.


I lay back down on the bed and shake my head. She’s funny even though I don’t want to admit it.


Night biker boy. xo


I plug my phone into the charger and stand up getting undressed. Pulling back the covers of my bed, I slide into the crisp sheets and let my thoughts drift to Willow. Her red hair cascading over her delicate shoulders. Her cute little button nose and those tiny little freckles that I want to kiss each individual one. Closing my eyes, my visions are of her, and as I delve into sleep my dreams are of her too.



Monday came quickly, thank God, and things at the club are quiet. There’s been no talk from the 5113ers, and another shipment is set to go through in a few weeks’ time. It still feels a little too easy to me—a simple misunderstanding for the loss of life that occurred, can’t be that easily explained. Sure the reason it went down could be because of the Asian, but having the gang’s boss killed and for them to just be
with it, now seems terribly suss to me.

Sculling back the last of my beer, I stand up looking around as the clubroom is preparing for a party. The club girls are in full swing, with the guys all getting comfortable for the evening, and I’m just glad I’m heading out to pick up Willow—we won’t be coming back here tonight.

Starting to make my way out of the clubroom, I’m not wearing my cut tonight. Just simple jeans, a black shirt and a leather jacket. I want to look less biker for Willow. Techie and FIM spot me on my way out, and both start to make kissy faces at me.

“Have fun on your date, lover boy,” FIM says and I throw him the bird.

“Partying with an outsider. Just make sure she’s worth it, Steel,” Techie says and I huff.

“She is.”

“Must be something if you’ve done your hair all purdy and you’re wearing your good leather jacket,” FIM says and I glare at him.

“Yeah, he scrubs up well for a shaggy cunt,” Techie teases.

I throw a nearby pool cue their way. They both duck as they continue to chuckle at me. “Fuck off, arseholes.” I push the door to the clubhouse open to walk outside. The cheering and wolf-whistling of the two idiots doesn’t go unnoticed by me as I leave the room. The door closes blocking out their hounding while my heart pounds in my chest. I’m actually fucking nervous and I don’t know why.

Walking to my bike, I pull on my lid and fumble even doing up the straps. “Get a grip you pussy,” I murmur to myself. Finally strapping it up, I start the engine. My Hog roars to life as I kick the stand back and pull on the throttle. Gatekeeper opens the gate, and I ride out onto the road toward the childcare centre.

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