Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 (17 page)

Read Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Action & Adventure, #Thrillers

BOOK: Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
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Behemoth comes over and grabs Tyrell, and Lookout scurries off outside.

“What are you going to do to me?” Tyrell asks and I smirk.

“It’s not me you need to worry about… Jigsaw.” I call him over and he smiles and looks right at Tyrell pulling out a set of brass knuckles from his jean’s pocket. I chuckle slightly because I didn’t even know he had them with him, and it thrills me to know he has.

“No, no, please. I’ll do anything—”

“Don’t beg, it’s pathetic,” I say and nod to Jigsaw. He places the knuckles on his fingers and clenches his fist.

“Bones, collagen, calcium, carbonate… breakable.”

“What? Tyrell asks and Jigsaw smiles and brings his fist up and slams it into his nose.

The cracking sound of sinus severing echoes through the room making Techie look up briefly, but then back down again as he continues to type. Blood spurts out Tyrell’s nose as he yelps out in pain. Jigsaw pulls back and his fist connects with his eye socket this time. His eyebrow splits apart, and blood oozes down his face pooling at his chin as he starts to hunch over in Behemoth’s arms.

Jigsaw turns, looking at me with the biggest smile on his face. I chuckle and shake my head at him. He steps aside and I move forward grabbing Tyrell’s chin and lifting it up, so his chest and stomach is open wide. I grin and bring my leg up and side kick him right in his guts. He lets out a harsh breath and hunches over as the blood pools on the floor. I’m loving this. Not so much the violence, but the fact that this fucker is getting a taste of his own fucking medicine!

“I’ve gotten into his offshore bank accounts and I’m transferring all his money to Nikita,” Techie calls out.

Tyrell groans and shakes his head. “No.”

“Yes! This is what happens when you mess with women fuckhead,” I say and punch him in his other eye socket. The sting of his eye bone hitting my knuckles reverbs through my hand, but I shake it off and laugh as we destroy this man’s life.

Jigsaw steps up again and punches Tyrell’s jaw and it cracks so loud I cringe and then he moans out in severe agony. I look at his jaw and it’s displaced to one side. I chuckle slightly and pat Jigsaw on the back.

“I think you broke it, killer.”

He smiles wide and nods like he’s proud of himself.

“All the cash has been transferred. The sex tapes of him with underage girls have been leaked via social media, too,” Techie tells me.

I laugh as Tyrell groans and moans only staying upright because Behemoth is holding him by the scruff of the neck. I had no idea about the underage girls, but Techie is the best, and he finds anything and everything.

Now that we’ve messed him up well and truly, I have every intention of letting him go. He has no money, his career is ruined, his reputation is in the gutter, and to top it off he’s in a world of pain.
Our job here is done.

I lean in next to Tyrell’s ear. “If you ever, and I mean ever, go near Jackson or Nikita again we
be back, and we won’t be so lenient next time. If you send anyone after us, we
kill you.” I pull out Wesley from the back of my jeans and drag the tip along the edge of his sternum to give him a final scare.

Suddenly, the door swings open and Lookout comes barrelling in behind Behemoth. “There’s cop’s circling the area…” He stops in his tracks, looking down at Tyrell and all the blood, and he starts to sway on the spot. “Fucking cock up my motherfucking arse. Catch me fucker.”

I tense up as Lookout passes out. It’s like slow motion as he falls forward onto Behemoth, which makes him fall forward with Tyrell pushing him straight down onto my knife. The pull of the muscles and flesh tense against the knife as he falls on top of me while Wesley pierces straight through his heart.

I’m on the floor, Tyrell’s on top of me, Behemoth is on top of Tyrell, and Lookout is on top of Behemoth.

“Fuckin’ hell!” I call out as Tyrell gurgles and moans out his lasts breaths on top of me, blood oozing from his chest all over my clothes.

Jigsaw pulls Lookout off and onto the floor as Behemoth stands up. I push Tyrell off me as he rolls onto his back on the floor with Wesley hanging out of his chest.

“Shit! Fuck! Crap! Balls! I didn’t mean to kill the fucker!”

“Death is only silence,” Jigsaw says and I shake my head at him

That little piece of enlightenment didn’t help at all.

A squirt of blood splashes from Tyrell’s chest as Jigsaw pulls Wesley out and hands it to me.

“We better get out of here,” I huff and wipe the blade on my jeans and place it back in its holder. Behemoth bends down picking up Lookout, and Jigsaw snatches up Tyrell, and we all walk out to the bikes and van. The thump of Lookout and Tyrell’s bodies resonates through me, so I check around to make sure no one is watching as they’re placed in the rear of the van to go back with Techie. Behemoth pushes Lookout’s bike up and into the back of the van also.

“Techie when you get back to the club make sure to leave traces sayin’ Tyrell has fucked off somewhere because of the embarrassment he brought upon himself, and that he’s left everythin’ to his wife and child as repentance. Make it sound legit. I don’t care what you do just do somethin’” I say and he nods and leaps into the van.

Picking up my phone, I message Ryder about cleanup duties and give him the address. “You guys better go in case those cops circle back. I’ll stay here until the cleaners come. Jigsaw make a puzzle, and put the pieces in acid and get Ryder to take the present to the usual spot. Make sure the cleaners run a Luminol test over the area. Otherwise, the blame might shift to his wife for the disappearance of this dickwad.”

He nods. Behemoth, Jigsaw and Techie all leave, with Lookout and Tyrell in the back of the van leaving me covered in blood in a bloodstained house with cops circling.

This is bad.

Very bad.

How did it go so wrong?

Now a kid is fatherless.

Not just any kid—Jackson.

But then again, I guess he’s better off without an arsehole like Tyrell in his life.


The pungent smell of bleach is burning my senses as the cleanup crew are doing their thing in the dining room of Tyrell’s house. I know them, they work for us. They’ll do their job and there will be no evidence of anything left in this room after testing is done.

“Steel, you should go. Leave this to us,” Miranda tells me and I nod.

The thing about the cleanup crew is they’re so clean cut, you’d never suspect them to be working for bikers. So if anyone walked in on them cleaning up, you’d think they’re typical cleaners going about routine tasks. That’s why we hire them. Plus, they keep their traps shut.

“Okay, thanks, Miranda. Let Techie know when you’re done and he’ll turn the security cameras back on.”

She nods and I exhale and turn walking out of the house and back down the road toward my bike. Looking down at my blood stained clothes, I probably should have given my shirt to Techie to take in the van, but riding without a shirt would cause more suspicion than riding with one. Plus, if I hunch slightly passersby probably won’t see the blood. I’ll have to take my chances, I have no other choice.

Putting on my lid and hopping onto my Hog, I start the engine and hammer down. I need to feel the breeze over my body and the energy between my legs. I let loose and accelerate down the street making it out onto the highway at lightning velocity. The vibration of the motor brings a smile as the wind flicks against my face, almost stinging I’m riding so fast.

The expanse of the clubhouse pulls into view, and I take in a relaxing breath knowing I’ve made it back without being pulled over. Although, if the heat tried to tail me I would have made a run for it anyway. Gatekeeper pulls open the massive corrugated iron and mesh gate, it squeals and moans as I pull through and ride up to my spot.

Turning off my engine and parking my bike, I run my hand through my hair as I pull off my lid. I want to make sure Jigsaw is taking care of our little problem, and that it’s without Dad’s knowledge. I know he was heading out today, so I’m pretty sure he won’t be here, which makes life a hell of a lot fucking easier.

Cassius greets me in his usual happy manner wagging his tail. “Hey boy, I missed you too.” Leaning down, I pet him as I amble toward the clubhouse door. He cuddles into my leg as I walk, and it’s nice to have a bit of normality in this crazy fucked up day. My thoughts turn to Willow and what she’d think of what went down. She wouldn’t like this one bit. The fact that I killed a man today? I know that wouldn’t sit well with her. It would probably scare her to death, even though it was a complete accident.

I can’t tell her, no matter what.

Pulling back the weighty black door, I wander inside the clubhouse. It’s sparse with minimal people inside. Knucklehead is at the bar and he looks me up and down as I walk past him.

“Rough day?” he asks with a slight chuckle.

I scoff. “You have no idea! D’ya know where Jigsaw is?”

He nods toward the basement and smirks. “In the Chop Shop.”

My feet feel heavy as I drag them down toward the basement. Shuffling down the stairs, I can hear the machinery in action. I hate the thought of what I’m about to walk into, but it’s how shit goes down at this club and it’s how Jigsaw works—I need to respect that. Jigsaw comes into view with one foot on the bench, and he’s running the Jigsaw power tool through the middle of it. I cringe as he cuts through the body part, then drops the two halves into the vat of acid below.

Jigsaw switches off the power tool and I relax knowing I won’t have to witness any more of that fucked up shit today. I don’t think I could stomach it, honestly. “You all done in here then?” I ask.

He looks up at me smiling, his face is covered with a plastic shield which is splattered with God knows what. He lifts it up and nods.

“Ja… the final cut brings with it ease.”

I raise my eyebrow wondering what the hell he’s on about and he smiles widely and pulls off the shield and throws it on the bench. He wipes his thick black gloves on his butcher’s apron and then pulls them off as I turn around and climb up the stairs. All I needed to know was if everything is going to plan. It is. I certainly don’t need to see the rest of the final gift wrapping.

What I do need is a beer or something to take this edge off. I need to relax and then have a shower. Making it back out into the clubhouse, I tramp over to the bar and sit down on a stool. Resting my elbows on the bar, I tap it and Knucklehead nods and starts pouring. A faint echo of hushed voices reverberates across from the other side of the room. I turn to see FIM and Doug seemingly in a heated discussion. Furrowing my eyebrows, I turn back to Knucklehead and tilt my head in their direction.

“What’s up with the wonder twins?”

He shakes his head pursing his lips. “I have no idea. They’ve been arguing for like half an hour.”

I turn back to them and bring my fingers to my lips and whistle loudly. They both turn to look at me and open their eyes wide like they didn’t even know I’d come in.

“Oi, you two. What the fuck’s wrong?” They look at me and then down to my shirt and cut where the blood stains mark them. They stare and walk over, then sit down one either side of me and shake their heads.

“No, nothing. Looks like you’ve had a rough day?” FIM says.

I look down to the douche’s blood all over me and shrug. “All in a day’s work.”

“Anything you wanna share? Like, get off your chest?” Doug asks and FIM groans. I have a feeling this is what they were arguing about.

“No, I’m good. I’m not really one for sharin’ my feelin’s and shit. Thanks, though, girlfriend,” I tease and FIM chuckles.

“See, I told you.”

Doug sticks his finger up at his brother and huffs like an errant child.

Shaking my head, I frown at them. “What’s goin’ on?”

“Oh, Doug here thinks now we’ve been here a few days, we should know what’s happening in the club. What everyone’s doing? I told him we’re prospects and we have to earn that right,” FIM says. I look at Doug, who’s now folding in on himself cowering like a little fucking girl.

“Why do you think you’ve earned the right to know what’s goin’ on when you’ve been here fuckin’ minutes? Knucklehead over there, has been here nearly a year and he knows jack shit about nothin’?” I yell trying to put Doug in his place.

“I’m sorry. I’m just getting used to how all this works. I like to be in the loop—”

“Well, you’re goin’ the wrong way about it. Don’t be a nosey snatch! Stickin’ your beak in will more than likely end up with it bein’ cut off.”

He tenses and nods emphatically.

“Just pull your head in, or the Prez will toss you out on your arse. If not him, then I sure as shit will.”

“He won’t fuck up again will you Doug?” FIM says defending his brother like a good brother should.

“No,” he says firmly.

I nod. “Good.”

Bringing my beer glass up to my mouth, I drink down the remnants of the refreshing amber liquid. The cold fluid flowing with ease down my throat relieving my tension as it descends further down. I honestly need to shower and get this cunt’s blood off me, so I stand and walk off leaving them to mull over what’s been said. Making my way down the hall toward my room, I feel heavy. I’m pissed that I killed Jackson’s father. Not because he didn’t deserve to die, he did, but now Jackson will grow up without a dad. I did that to him. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I’m not proud of myself that’s for sure. He’s definitely better off without him, but what will he think happened to his father? Of that, I have no idea, and I just hope that it doesn’t affect him too much growing up. Hopefully, he’s too young to be traumatised by his father leaving him at such a young age.

Making my way into my room, I close the door behind me and strip off as quickly as possible on my way to the shower. The cool temperature of the tiles beneath my feet as they hit the bathroom floor makes me take in a deep breath as I stand adjusting the hot water. The rivulets of water flow down the drain, and as I step in they turn red washing away the blood of Tyrell Jones.
The man I just killed.
My forehead hurts as I bang it against the wall leaving it there and letting the water flow over my body. I never like killing. Tyrell is not my first, probably not my last, but it still affects me every single time I take a life. Even if the guy is a scumbag. I need to ease some of this tension. I wish I could see Willow, but she’d know straight away something was wrong, and if she asked I’m not sure I could lie to her tonight. So I’m going to head to Strapless, have some beer, a burger, watch Lunar and get bevvied up and shitfaced!



As I was walking out of the clubhouse to go to Strapless, Ryder had the box in his hand. I knew it was Tyrell, and it relieved me to know he was finally being taken off-site. The quicker, the better. I don’t want Dad finding out about our little side action. Especially with how it turned out. So having Tyrell off club premises now, is a good thing all round.

I’m now at Strapless sitting in a booth waiting for my burger. Vinnie fries up the best burgers in town. I’m in front of Lunar’s stage as always. I like to keep an eye on her, some of the patrons can be scum and if I need to step in to protect her then I will.

I’m feeling slightly more relaxed as I sit in the booth leaning back into the seat drinking my beer as a guy walks into the club. He’s tall, obviously drunk from the way he’s stumbling, but his arms are decked out in coloured tattoos that go all the way up his neck. He kind of looks familiar, but I’m not sure where I’ve seen him before. He staggers up to Lunar’s stage and starts whistling and throwing random bills at her. Scrunching my eyebrows together, I sit up taller watching him. Lunar laughs as she bends down picking up his cash. The guy seems like a complete dick to me, but Lunar’s making googly eyes at him and seems to be enjoying his ogling.

“You’re beautiful,” he calls out in an American accent and she giggles which surprises me as she bends down and grinds her arse cheeks in his face. He grins from ear to ear and then suddenly falls over flat on his back. I stand up in the booth as Lunar jumps up and looks at me. I rush over to the guy who’s laying on the floor and laughing at himself.

Shaking my head, I bend down and offer him my hand. “Here dude, grab my hand.”

He looks at me and his eyes roll around in his head, but then focus on me. Grabbing my hand, I pull him up and he stumbles slightly but I steady him against myself.

“You okay, mate?” I ask and he exhales and shakes his head.

“Think I’ve drunk a bit too much,” he says and then hiccups.

I huff and look over to Vinnie, who’s watching me with this guy, and I tilt my head toward the coffee pot.

“Coffee, Vin. Black and strong.”

Vin nods as I pull the guy over to the booth to sit us both down.

“You look familiar. Do I know you?”

The drunken guy laughs and throws his hands in the air. “I’m a rock star! Or I was when I played on tour with Staked and Slayed.”

I open my eyes wide. “You played with Colter fuckin’ Slade?”

“Yeah, yeah, Colter fucking Slade. Fuck my chest hurts.”

I furrow my brows as he falls into the seat clutching at his chest and clenching his eyes shut while breathing harshly.

“Fuck man, are you all right?”

“She broke my fucking heart!”
he yells at the top of his lungs and everyone turns looking at us.

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