Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 (5 page)

Read Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1 Online

Authors: K E Osborn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Action & Adventure, #Thrillers

BOOK: Heart of Steel: A Satan's Savages MC Novel #1
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So he looks after the prospects and stays in the clubhouse primarily. He doesn’t deal with the darker side of the club because he can’t keep awake long enough through it.

“Fucking idiot.” I chuckle to myself as Behemoth places him down on the booth seat and fans him with a cocktail menu.

“What the fuck guys?” Vinnie yells, walking over dragging his leg in his usual limp carrying a dustpan and broom.

“Sorry Vin, Lookout got a bit… excited again,” I tease as my brothers’ chuckle.

“Look, I don’t mind you guys coming in here. I love you all, you know that, but please don’t wreck the joint!”

“Sorry Vin, I’ll make Lookout give you some remuneration pay… when he wakes up.”

The guys all chuckle as Vin shakes his head and starts to clean up the broken bottle.

“Big dicks… big hard dicks,” Lookout mumbles as he begins to come around. Raising my eyebrows, I walk over and slap his face.

“Wake up, fucker.”

“Suck my cock, hairy man,” he says and then sits bolt upright his face right in line with my cock.

He smirks and shakes his head slightly while I take a step back so his face is out of my crotch. “What the fuck? Fucker?”

I smirk. “You passed out.”

“I did?” he asks looking around the room to see his brothers surrounding him and Vinnie cleaning the smashed glass. “Oh shit! Yeah, that’s right! You stole my job, you fucking motherfucker. I should beat your arse, then rub it better, with a bit of baby oil and some peppermint—”

“Okay. Fuckin' hell dude! Just say sorry like normal people.” I put out my hand and he grabs it. Yanking him up so he’s standing on his shaky feet, I pull back.

He looks down to see the blood on his leg again, his eyes moving up quickly while wobbling slightly.

“Fuck! Don’t look down. Don’t look down! Next time, let me pick the prospects. And can I, at least, meet these fuckers? I mean it’s my job to vet these pussies, I need to know if they can cut it.”

“Go for it. Knock yourself out. They’re with Techie getting their background checked.”

He leans in and grabs me, pulling me in for a hug. I slap his back as he leans in kissing my cheek. I wince and pull back. He has a habit of kissing people, it’s weird, and he seems to be the only brother who can get away with it. Lookout has strange… tendencies that we’re not really sure of, but we let him go. He’s harmless.

“Thanks, brother,” he says and rushes off to find Techie.

I look back at the other guys and they all shrug and chuckle.

“Men that are true brothers delve into strange rollicks.”

We all stare at Jigsaw and furrow our brows, he smiles at us all and starts to walk off. Crash, Behemoth and I stare at each other and shake our heads.

“What the hell does he ever actually say? He never makes any fucking sense?” Crash says and I chuckle and nod.

“Too right, the guy’s an enigma.”

“Enigma speaks merely in riddles,” Jigsaw calls out on his way to the bathroom.

I shake my head wondering how on earth he heard me, and I can’t hold back my chuckle as Crash shakes his head and Behemoth laughs loudly.

“He’s really quite the individual,” Behemoth murmurs and I nod.

Lunar skips up to me, her pink and yellow hair swaying from side to side as her tits jump up and down giving me great satisfaction. She wraps her arms around my neck and I move my hands to her waist turning in to kiss her briefly before pulling back. I know Vin doesn’t like me staking claim on the girls while they’re working.

“You guys heading back?” she asks.


“‘Kay, see you when I get off.”

I smirk and lean in biting her earlobe. “I think you’ve already gotten off enough tonight don’t you?”

She slaps my chest and pushes me away from her as she turns and shakes her arse at me. “No,” she states with a smirk.

I pull out a fifty and place it in her G-string. She smirks, blows me a kiss and saunters off up the stairs back on stage. I exhale and rearrange my twitching cock yet again while looking over to see Techie walking back with Lookout slinging his arm around FIM with Doug, as they walk back toward us.

Two new prospects—this should be fun!


As I ride up the driveway and through the open gate into the compound of the clubhouse, flanked by my brothers, the intoxication of tonight’s alcohol is fuzzing my brain. But riding mildly drunk doesn’t bother me, as long as
the heat
don’t pull me over.

The two new prospects have come back to the clubhouse with us from Strapless so I can introduce them to Dad and the rest of the club. Plus, I guess, tonight’s a good night for them to join. They can see what being a brother really means, as we’ll be having a ceremony for Alex, Jake, and of course, Ghost. I’m sure Dad will have it all good to go by now. That’s why we’ve came back, we need to pay our respects and give them the sendoff they deserve. There will be a funeral, but we like to do something just for the brothers without the families.

I pull in and Cassius greets me wagging his tail and barking loudly. Turning off my bike, I pull off my lid placing it on my handlebars as usual and throw my leg over to get off my Hog. I pet Cassius as he pushes into my leg. For a dog who’s fierce and aggressive to any intruders, he’s such a big ole softy to me.

“Hey boy.” He smiles up at me as I walk over with the other guys falling in behind me. Looking back to see FIM and Doug checking and eyeing everything off, I grin knowing that the sheer size of this place can be daunting at first. But I know even through the rusted exterior, it’s still a pretty awesome place to be.

“C’mon guys. Let’s introduce the new prospects to the Prez,” I call out.

Lookout walks up to FIM wrapping his arm around his shoulders. “I think you fuckers will get along just fine,
fine I say.” He winks at FIM and drags him inside the clubhouse. Doug looks at me as FIM turns back opening his eyes wide like he’s petrified of Lookout and all it does is make me chuckle.

Walking inside to the sound of
‘Jigga What/Faint’
by Jay-Z and Linkin Park, the heavy guitar riffs and drums reverberate through the clubhouse as I walk in to see Chops and Dad sitting at the bar drinking. I take up a stool next to Dad and he looks up at me with droopy eyes and a megawatt frown on his face.

“We’re about ready to start the ceremony. I was thinking you dicks weren’t gonna make it back in time.”

I grab his shoulder and tilt my head furrowing my brows. “We wouldn’t miss it.”

He nods and exhales, turning and gulping the dregs of his beer down. Lookout walks up with the two new prospects and Chops and Dad look them up and down as they stand there gulping and sweating profusely.

“Prez, I found us some new meat. This here is FIM, and this is his brother Doug. They both been 22. Techie’s done the fucker’s backgrounds and everythin’ checks out. They be good replacements for Alex and Jake, boss man.”

Dad stands up his tall stature towers over the two new prospects. Doug’s eyes shift and he gazes over at Lookout. “Been 22?” he asks raising his eyebrow.

Lookout furrows his brows. “Been in prison. Damn, fucker, you gotta learn the lingo if you wanna be all up here in my arse and shit.”

“Okay, that’s enough Lookout. FIM and Doug, was it?” Dad asks.

They both nod and swallow. Their eyes opening wide as Dad steps up and stares down at them while looking them over.

“Tonight’s a bad night. We lost good men today. Being a brother means you could die for this club. Are you willing to lay your life on the line to protect us? To protect yourselves?” Dad asks and I wait wanting to know the answer to that question myself.

They look at each other, then back at Dad and nod.

“Good, then be prepared to say farewell your predecessors. Don’t fuck up like they did, or you’ll end up dead. Welcome to the Virginia Chapter. Fuck up and you’re out. By being out… that means a body bag… you got me?”

I try to hide my grin as they both nod emphatically.

“Kid, let’s get this ceremony underway.”

Bringing my fingers to my mouth I put two in and whistle loudly to gain everyone’s attention. The clubroom stops and everyone stares at me, only the echo of the music can be heard. Knucklehead turns it down.

“Brothers… it’s time to remember. Make your way out to the burnin’ tree.” They all nod and stand up taking the last remaining sips of their drinks, and we all walk out the back to the grassed area where the bonfire is lit and the table bears the three cuts. The first branding the Vice President patch. The two others with Prospect patches. The mood is eerily silent as we all make the circle around the bonfire. Dad under the tree right by the table with the cuts, me next to him, and our brothers forming a circle surrounding us. Arms wrapped around each other in a show of brotherhood. Of family. Of unity. Of solidarity.

“We come together to mourn the loss of this brotherhoods’ great Vice President, and two of the finest young prospects we’ve seen to date. The commitment, love and loyalty these men showed to the club surpassed our expectancy. These men were brave, gallant, and loyal to the end. They fought hard, they died devoted, and their honour will never be forgotten.”

I swallow hard as Dad talks and my heart races thinking of the blood bath they died in. I turn grabbing Ghost’s cut and hand it to Dad.

“Ghost. You are a Savage to the end. Ride with the wind, brother.” He throws his cut into the flames and a tightness in my chest makes me close my eyes briefly.

Opening my eyes to the pungent, toxic fumes of the leather burning in the flames, the grey smoke billows from the bonfire. Taking a deep breath, I turn grabbing Alex’s vest and hand it to Dad.

“Alex, you were so close to patching in, so it only seems fitting we give you the road name you would’ve been given had you made it to patching… Ratchet. You are a Savage to the end. Ride with the wind brother.” He throws his cut onto the flames and they flick snatching the leather cut into the red and yellow fierceness engulfing it into the fiery pit.

Taking a deep breath and grabbing the last cut I hand it to Dad, this never gets easier. It’s not every day we farewell our members, but when we do it’s still hard to watch a brother fall.

“Jake. You are a Savage to the end. Ride with the wind brother.” He throws the last cut into the fiery pit. Taking a deep breath, I wrap my arm around Dad’s shoulders and look up to my brothers.

“Satan’s Savages, fear none, ride hard.” We all say our club motto in unison as we stare into the flames flicking and burning, the three cuts in memorial of our fallen brothers. We stay standing for three minutes silence, and I can’t help but notice Dad wipe away a tear. Losing Ghost is difficult for him, and I can’t help but think of what the repercussions of this might be for him. He doesn’t cope well with losing those he loves, and I’d hate to see him fall apart over this.

“Right, let’s get drunk!” I say after the three minutes pass. The guys laugh, and Dad wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“He would want you as VP, you know kid,” he murmurs so no one else can hear.

I exhale. “I think Chops might have something to say about that.”

He smiles and tilts his head. “We’ll see. But right now, I need to get drunk and wait for the girls to come back and have Jess suck me off.”

I cringe. “Nice Dad.”

He laughs that manic laughter he’s famous for and I shake my head as we walk from the compound into the clubhouse. Looking over to FIM and Doug, I detach myself from Dad and manoeuvre over to them. They half smile at me as we position ourselves at a table and sit down, gesturing to Knucklehead—the longest serving prospect we have here now—to bring us some beer.

“So now you’ve seen this part of our club. You’ve seen how we all come together to mourn for our brothers. When you’re a brother, you’re a part of a team. Now that everythin’ has come back clean on your security checks, you’re part of this team, too. A part of our family. A brotherhood.”

FIM and Doug smile and nod. “I like that the men are so close. My family, besides Doug, aren’t into being supportive. Having people watch your back will be a nice change,” FIM says and Doug nods his head in agreement.

“Well, honestly guys, once you start to get to know these fuckers, you’ll love each and every one of them as if they were your real blood brothers.”

Knucklehead comes up with three beers and places them with a thud on the table. A great big smirk appears on his face as the contents spill over the top of the steins.

“Hey guys, Knucklehead’s the name. I’ll be your prospect leader, I guess. Right Steel?” he asks and I nod. Seeing as he’s the only prospect left now, it makes him the only one who can look after the two newbies when Lookout isn’t around.

“Yeah, Knucklehead will be the one tellin’ you guys what to do. So listen to him. He knows how things work around here. You guys will be doin’ bar duty first, and you’re startin’ tonight. Since the ceremony, the boys will be wantin’ to get drunk, and with Ratchet and Jake no longer behind the bar, it’s up to you guys to keep us fully hydrated.”

Doug tenses as FIM nods. “I’ve never pulled a beer in my life,” Doug says.

“Well, come back now and I’ll teach you, brother,” Knucklehead says. He pulls Doug up by the scruff of his neck and drags him behind the bar. I laugh because Knucklehead—

who’s young, nineteen I think—is tallish but scrawny in comparison to Doug’s six foot and bulky muscles. It’s comical watching a kid drag a thirty-something monster away.

“So do you think you guys will fit in here?” I ask FIM and he looks at me and smiles.

“I think we’ll get along just fine.”

I clink my beer stein with him as we chuckle watching Knucklehead with Doug as he fusses about him pouring a beer the wrong way.

A high pitched whistle echoes through the clubhouse and I wince as it pierces my eardrums.

“Emergency church,” Dad calls out.

I knew this would be coming sooner or later. We currently have no Vice President—that’s a problem.

“That’s my call. Have fun with those two,” I say gesturing with my head toward the bar to FIM.

He chuckles and nods as I stand up and walk with my beer toward the assembly room. Taking my usual seat halfway down the table, Dad sits at the head, Jigsaw to his right and the seat to Dad’s left is unmistakably empty. It’s so weird to see Ghost, our VP not there. It still doesn’t seem right that he’s gone.

Dad bangs his gavel as everyone takes their seats and the church doors are closed to the others inside the clubhouse rooms. This meeting is for certain members only. Only the trusted full patched and ranking members are allowed into private conversations such as these.

“Right, I’m sure you all know why we’re here. Ghost fell. He was the VP and this leaves us without one. Now, I want to make it a club vote as to who we promote as the next VP. I want you guys to nominate candidates—”

“Steel,” Techie says before Dad can finish.

I notice Chops straighten in his seat as a resounding “aye”
reverberates around the room.

Dad smiles as does everyone else, excluding Chops, as Dad bangs his gavel. “It’s decided, with an overwhelming
vote. Steel, you’re the new VP. Congrats, kid! I knew you’d do me proud one day.” He kicks the seat to his left out and tilts his head toward it.

The brothers all cheer and start clapping as I stand up, my heart beating ferociously against my chest. Never thought this would happen in a million years, I thought Chops had this in the bag.

Each step my boots take on the floor my heart pounds a little harder. My breathing is short and sharp. As I walk toward the VP chair I’ve only ever dreamed of sitting in, a smile crosses my face.

This is happening.

This is actually happening!

I’m becoming the Vice President of The Satan’s Savages MC, to run alongside my father. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted. Life doesn’t get better than this! I look down at the chair and turn to sit down into it. My arse hits the cushion, and I sink into it leaning back into the high back of the wooden seat. I smirk as I look at my brothers and Dad leans in and slaps my shoulder.

“Well done, kid!” Dad moves his hand out to me turning it over. He opens his fingers to reveal the white patch embroidered with the black words V. President.

A shiver runs down my spine in excitement. I smile wide and take it from Dad then look down to Techie, who nods his head. He knows how much I’ve wanted this, he’s my best friend after all. The guys all cheer and bang their hands on the table as I chuckle and nod at them.

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