Heart of Stone (11 page)

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Authors: Arwen Jayne

Tags: #romance scifi, #consciousness mystical, #consciousness nondual, #immortal beings, #menage, #pagan, #aliens, #paranormal romance, #immortality, #australia, #scifi, #consciousness evolution, #mysticism, #erotica, #conspiracy, #tantra, #adventure

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So after this I will be
like your wife?”

No, you will be my goddess
and I will be your god. You’re not marrying my outer form but
instead joining with the divine masculine within me while I join
with the divine feminine within you. We recognize our unity,
merging our essence into one. Together we connect with the oneness
of the all-spirit. There are no injunctions to love, honour and
obey as such injunctions would only be to yourself anyway as I am,
always have been and always will be part of you. My question now to
you is are you ready to accept that I am part of you?”

Tyra was breathless at the beauty of
what he had just described. “Yes.”

Simon patted a place on the blanket
beside him. “Then let’s start by feeding each other. Be mindful of
your five senses and explore the touch, taste, sight, smell and
sound of the food and us.”

Simon finished laying out a modest
banquet of colourful, decoratively carved and garnished fruits and
vegetables. He picked a particularly juicy morsel, a mini sized
Greek dolmade, vine leaf stuffed with rice, olive oil and herbs and
held it up to Tyra’s lips. She paused to smell it, savoured its
taste and juices then swallowed, feeling it slide down her

They spent a while this way, enjoying
the food and enjoying the fun of picking out what the other might
like next.

Simon poured himself a small glass of
the wine and passed another to Tyra. Then they crossed arms and
drank from the each other’s glasses. The wine was deep crimson,
verging on purple. It had a rich fruity aroma hinting of cherries
or perhaps mulberries. Unlike some other wines it had a refreshing

Tyra could feel the wine and its
hidden herbs doing something to her. It felt like it was warming
and opening her chakras, the energy centres up and down her

They shed their clothes and Simon
quietly put the food to one side then seated himself comfortably in
the lotus position.

Tyra stared at Simon’s very large
erection. She swallowed the moisture building at the back of her
throat. She walked right up to him, placed her arms around his
neck, placed her legs either side of him and carefully positioned
herself over his cock.

Simon braced her with one hand and
used the other to guide his penis into her entrance. Then he
wrapped his arms around her to balance her as she impaled herself,
sliding slowly all the way down his firm, warm length.

Tyra cried out, he was so deep, the
fullness of it took her a few moments to relax into. Then she
wrapped her legs closer around his back and leaned back her head a
little so she could see into his eyes.

I love you, I accept you,
we are one” they whispered the ritual words to each other in
reverence and then keeping eye contact they started the

Simon started chanting in deep
resonant overtones. It was a prayer, in the ancient mother
language, a request to the all-spirit to have mercy and release
them from the illusion of separation.

Tyra used the all-am-I mediation Simon
had taught her, adding a vaginal muscle contraction on the
outbreath to send the energy back up her spine. The all-am-I mantra
had become her close friend, indeed another part of herself. Simon
had explained that all words had vibration, their own energy. When
words were combined into phrases and said or mentally voiced with
intent and understanding of their meaning then they took on life.
Words were living beings too. Tyra allowed herself time to get into
the rhythm of the meditation and become one with the mantra, until
she was the mantra. Heat rose in her, gathering at the second
chakra. She just observed without fixing on the sensation. It rose
all the way to her heart and she thought her heart might explode
but the energy centre expanded to take it. It rose further into the
back of her neck, a clear vibrant sensation she had never witnessed
before. The energy reached the crown of her head and it felt like
plugging into the cosmos.

As she continued with the meditation
she became aware that she was dissolving, at least her mind was
perceiving it that way. Tyra just observed it and released the
momentary fear that arose. It wasn’t like her body had become
pixelated but it did have a transparent grainy quality to it, like
shimmering white energy particles. It was then that she observed
that there was no boundary between her energy particles and those
of Simon, or rather the masculine aspect of the all-spirit.
Complete adoration and awe filled her extended being but again she
just observed rather than entered into the sensation. Beneath her
ribs in the area of her solar plexus something awoke. It seemed to
have a kind of suction that desired to be plugged into the same
area on Simon. She let it. A golden light expanded out from it,
connecting all their chakras in a seamless egg of energy. They
became the golden light, it encircled them and filled them.
Boundaryless, no-thing-ness all-spirit.

A voice entered the limitless, “Come
back Tyra, it’s not time.”

Tyra slowly coalesced back into the
awareness of her body, reawakening to her boundaries of skin and
self but knowing that they would never again be anything other than
mentally constructed limits. Limits that allowed her to live, act
and even play in this plane of existence. She then leaned into
Simon’s embrace and let herself cry.

Simon quietly stroked her hair. “One
day Tyra, one day we will unite forever”.




A few weeks went by. Simon had told
Tyra that she needed to reground herself before they tried a
specially modified ritual of union with Thex, in an attempt to free
him. So she spent the time enjoying watching Oscar grow and weeding
around the daffodils that were starting to pop up in droves,
filling the air with rich scent of jonquils. She’d continued her
classes with Yan, as well as her daily practices. She’d found much
wisdom in Suzukisan’s books particularly the stuff about the
oneness of existence. It was somehow reassuring that other humans
in recent times had come to the same insights into the nature of
the universe. She’d also enjoyed some online videos by a modern day
Christian mystic and a Zen Buddhist who were both saying pretty
much the same thing. It got her over feeling odd and alone in the
experience. Maybe she wasn’t going mad. It was time to accept it
all and stop living in a kind of half-life after glow. It was time
to get on with what the old Aikido master would have called
courageous and creative living.

Oscar pounced playfully on a dandelion
that had been minding its own business.

Simon was watching them both from the
verandah doorway, enjoying the moment. “You’re ready aren’t

Tyra looked up and smiled.



The drive out to the crater was
uneventful. They didn’t see the eyes watching them from the forest
as they entered the cabin.



Tyra circled the crystal thoughtfully.
“So how we going to do this?”

On the theory that we’ve
already done this once we don’t need the foreplay so to speak. So
we can dispense with the preparation of the senses. We’ll sit on
opposite sides with our backs up against the crystal and go
straight into the meditation. I’ve tried this on my own, once
before, long ago but I’m counting on your humanness and compassion
being the final elements needed to make this work. We just need to
raise his vibration enough to reconnect Thex with the

Tyra settled herself in
position, feeling the earth beneath her, feeling the crystal at her
back, opening her mind to Thex, mentally voicing the ritual
I love you, I accept you, we are

Thex’s heartfelt reply
whispered through her mind
let it be

Simon began his chant. Tyra took that
as her cue, connecting with the earth and the cosmos and started to
raise the energy as she merged with her breathing and the mantra in
her mind. The earth seemed to pulse and warm beneath her. She
connected with the very resonance of the earth. Boundaries blurred,
she perceived the dissolving of her body, of her very self. There
was only all-spirit. There was no perception of crystal at her back
or Simon on the other side of it, only the oneness. Something
grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her away. She struggled for
breath and peered up to see a large reptile she had come to know as
a Din. It pulled a weapon and shot at Simon. A bolt of dark light
piecing him, simultaneously condensing into a crystal spear where
the beam connected with his flesh. Tyra screamed. “No!”

The Din stalked towards Simon, ready
to make the final kill.

Shots resounded from the passageway.
The beast staggered as a hail of bullets drove him back from
Simon’s body. The beast howled in rage but the bullets kept coming
until it fell and stilled on the floor.

Abruptly the Major appeared from the
passageway. He walked up to the beast and shot four more shots from
his AK47 into it for good measure.

Tyra rushed to Simon. “Shit, Simon.”
She looked at the spear of stone that pierced his chest and
couldn’t comprehend. “You can’t die, you’re immortal, bullet proof
remember” she wanted to shake him in her frustration and despair
but instead touched him tenderly. “You can’t leave me Simon. I
can’t do this on my own”. Tears streamed down her face.

Simon groaned, one eye tentatively
peered open. “Shush Tyra, I’m not dying, it’s not my time yet.
Although no doubt there will be much blood and pain when the Major
pulls this thing out of me so listen. Call the feminine aspect of
the all-spirit in her form as Goddess of the earth”.

Why not just call on the
all-spirit, you know, highest authority and all that.”

Simon tried not to shake his head
because it hurt like hell from where he’d hit his head on the way
down. “No the Goddess deals with the world of matter and that’s
what we need help with right now. In fact we’ve been

Tyra was astounded “Lucky!”

There is death and blood
in this place, she will come readily.” He turned to look at the

Give me your word that you
will not interfere once she’s called the Goddess. Whatever you do
don’t try to harm the Goddess.”

The Major suspected that Simon was
delusional if he thought some Goddess was about to appear. “Okay, I
give my word”.

Now pull this damn thing
out of me”.

The Major shook his head. “It will
kill you.”

John, do it! Trust

Harris, you can’t be
serious. Let’s wait and get help.”

Do it now or I will ask
Tyra to do it.”

You manipulative bastard.
Okay, but on your head be it”. He grasped the end of the crystal
spear. He gave a sharp yank and it came out. Blood pooled from the
now gaping hole in Simon’s chest. Simon blacked out. John placed
his fingers on Simon’s carotid artery. Amazingly there was still a
pulse. He turned to Tyra. “You got a phone? We need to call for

No, there’s no line to the
cabin and mobile phones don’t work down in the crater. Anyway Simon
said to call the Goddess. Damned if I know how but I’m not about to
leave here until I try.”

John just shook his head in amazement.
“Some alien beast just came through what looked like a mini
wormhole to me, your lover’s lying as good as dead on the floor and
you want to perform some kind of pagan ritual?”

Tyra walked calmly up to John and
placed her hand on his heart. “I’ve been around these guys long
enough now to know to trust them. Watch my back for me in case more
of those things turn up”.

John sighed. “Okay but whatever you’re
going to do make it quick, Simon’s bleeding out.”

Tyra knew it would take too long to
explain to the Major her need to follow Simon’s request. She racked
her brain instead, thinking of how one goes about calling
Goddesses. She’d never read anything on the like. A fleeting memory
flashed across her inner vision, of how the earth had resonated
when they had started the ritual. She’d go with that as a starting
point. What else had Simon said...blood and death. She looked
around the chaos of the room and found a place equidistant between
Simon and his blood and the fallen beast. Sitting cross legged she
refocused on her breath, centered herself and remade the connection
to the earth. She allowed the boundary between her and the earth to
dissolve. She became its resonance, its warmth, its very heart
beat. “Goddess of the earth, come to our aid...I beseech you in the
name of love and compassion”.

The Major reeled back in shock and
tried his best not to swear. “Farout!”

A dark skinned woman stood before
Tyra. “I hear you daughter. What is your request?

Tyra’s jaw dropped, it had worked. She
struggled to find the right words. “Please aid us Goddess, heal
these men.”

The Goddess surveyed the room, taking
in the memory of all that had happened. She laid a hand over
Simon’s wound, tears in her eyes. “Son”. There was a world of
something in her words. She looked up at the crystal and then at
Tyra. “You were close to freeing the Commander. I will need your
heart’s blood to finish the job. Are you willing to give

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