Heart of the Highland Wolf (20 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Highland Wolf
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She was on her own.

She walked into the living area and raised her nose and sampled the air. The smell of an unfamiliar gray lingered. “A gray wolf,” she said. “I don't recognize his scent.” She moved into the kitchen, but before she could take a strong whiff of the air in there, the phone rang and she gave a startled cry. “Sorry.” As she grabbed the phone, her first thought was that her grandfather was calling to give her hell for telling Ian about the contract.

“Hello, love. I see you've brought the laird himself with you today. Are you going to tell him we're lovers now?” the familiar Scottish voice said, soft with a menacing threat.

Her skin already felt like ice, but now it prickled with fresh goose bumps. Her knees felt weak, and her heart picked up its pace. “What have you done, you bast—”

She didn't get the rest of the words out. Ian moved swiftly to take the phone from her hand as she slumped onto a chair, feeling light-headed and nauseous.

“She's so bonny, my laird. So very sweet. Is she as sweet with you?” His voice was hard, and then the phone went dead.

Ian's face turned dark as he set the phone down in its cradle.

“It's him. The man who called last night, Ian. He's watching the cottage. He has to be.”

“Stay here.” Then Ian stalked off toward her bedroom, and she didn't even
to know what he'd find in there.


Ian would recognize Basil's scent and voice anywhere. The bastard had definitely left his sperm on Julia's sheets. Although her scent was also on the sheets, Ian didn't smell her musky fragrance, and so he didn't believe she'd been with the madman when he'd come. Ian would stake his life that after she and Maria had left the cottage, the bastard had ejaculated in her bed, claiming her in his sick way.

Ian ran his hands through his hair.
Hell. Cearnach.
His brother had about given him a stroke over believing Julia was Sutherland's lover. But none of her actions had revealed any dishonesty in that area. And when she'd answered the phone, she had turned so paper white and was so near to collapse that there wasn't any way that she could have faked her fear.

Ian called his brother. “Cearnach, find Maria and tell her not to leave the castle grounds. She's either moving in with Harold's people or with us. But she's not to return to Baird Cottage alone.”

Cearnach didn't say anything.

“She's not in the wrong, brother. She's all right.”

“Julia?” Cearnach finally asked, his voice apprehensive.

“Aye. The sick bastard just called here. Guess who the blackmailer is?”


“Aye. Hasn't Aunt Agnes told you yet? I'm betrothed to Julia MacPherson. We just have to locate the contract hidden in the walls of the castle. But Basil Sutherland's been trying to blackmail Julia's family over it.”


“You there, Cearnach?”


“You don't sound happy for me.”

“You're sure about the lass?” Cearnach still sounded glum.

“I'm certain. He's watching the place. It's Basil Sutherland. Julia's staying with us. We're returning now. Everything all right there?”


Cearnach didn't sound as though everything was all right there. Hell, now what was wrong?

“We'll see you shortly.”

“Aye, Ian. That's good news.” Cearnach sounded more like his cheerful self now.

“You can tell me the other bad news when I arrive,” Ian said, knowing Cearnach better than that, and cut the connection.

He stalked back into the kitchen where Julia was still sitting at the table, only now she was drinking a glass of water, still pale as death. “Are you all right, Julia?”

“What did he do in there?” she asked, her voice small.

“Nothing that matters. It looks like Cearnach already got your bags. I didn't see anything else of yours in there. I've already called him so he'll be talking to Maria and making sure she doesn't come back here alone.”

“Ian, tell me. What did he do in there?” Julia asked again, her green eyes staring up into his, willing him to tell her the truth.

He pulled her from the chair and gently kissed her lips. “He soiled your sheets.”

“As in…” Her eyes widened. “Cearnach thought… thought this man and I had… oh, Ian, I've never seen him in my life.” Tears misted her eyes, her expression saying he couldn't have thought that ill of her.

Her disconsolate voice and expression struck a deep chord. “He's a sick bastard. We've been fighting each other for centuries. We'll fight for centuries more.” If Ian didn't kill him first. Ian rubbed her back with a touch that was both possessive and tender, wanting to return her to the safety of his castle where no one like Basil Sutherland could ever reach her. Then he swore under his breath and drew her into his arms and held her tight. “Forgive me, Julia, for thinking anything ill of you.”

The box and its contents held no real interest for him. Julia was all he cared about. When he thought she couldn't be his, that she was another man's woman, he'd felt his whole world crumble. And he realized then how this wasn't anything like what had happened with Ghleanna's deceit. He hadn't cared about her. Hadn't loved her.

He looked down at Julia, her face lifted up to him, her eyes gazing at his mouth, now grim, his brow furrowed.

And then she kissed him. The kiss was sweet and unassuming and sealed a promise. If he read it right, there was no one else in her life. She could be his. And damned if he didn't want her. He kissed her lightly back, but he wanted to return her to the castle forthwith, not wanting to do anything here with her after what had already happened.

“We've missed supper. We'll return to the castle and eat, and then we'll look for that box.” Still feeling bad about what he'd suspected had happened between Sutherland and her, even though he had been trying damned hard not to jump to conclusions, he tried to cheer her with another hug and a smile.

She seemed reserved, and then he wondered if she was still worried about Sutherland and his bullying. She had every right to be. But he didn't believe the bastard would do anything now. Not if he hadn't already.

Ian led her outside, vowing to put a stop to Basil Sutherland's games one last time.

Her heart still in her throat, Julia felt the change in Ian's demeanor. He was loving toward her again, his hand around her waist, possessive, caring, wanting. She had no doubt the notion he had that she had been with this Sutherland had pained Ian. And she didn't blame him for believing the worst of it, because under the circumstances it would have looked pretty damning.

Yet Ian seemed a little preoccupied, worried maybe, and she wondered if it had to do with Sutherland being close by, so she didn't say anything and followed Ian's lead. They weren't far from the castle, only about a mile away if they cut through the trees, and as fast as the horse moved, they'd be there in no time. Yet, she couldn't help feeling a little cold, a little anxious, a little scared.

Ian locked the cottage, untethered Rogue, and then mounted him and pulled Julia up behind himself. He tightened her arms around him. “Hold on tight, lass. We'll be at the castle in a few minutes.”

Again, she felt the tension in Ian's body. It wasn't directed at her, she didn't think, But Ian seemed to have some concern about Sutherland and where he was at present.

She glanced around the forest but didn't see any sign of anyone. She lifted her nose and sampled the air, but only smelled Ian's delightful scent, the horse, oiled leather, the piney woods, and a hint of rain in the atmosphere.

Even so, she kept a wary watch for any movement. If the man would cause their car wreck, what else was he capable of?

As soon as Rogue cantered through the forest, the quickest route to the castle, Ian sensed his horse tensing, nervous, and shying away from shadows. Ian sat taller, studying the trees.

Julia tightened her arms further around him and whispered, “I smell a wolf. No,” she said, squeezing harder, sounding scared, “two wolves.”

Ian pulled his phone from his belt, but four wolves dashed toward them, materializing out of the pines. Rogue shied, whinnied, and suddenly reared. Julia screamed and slid off the horse's rump, landing hard on the ground with a thud. Ian's heart dropped when he lost Julia. Snarling, the wolves went after Rogue.

Ian jumped off the horse, slapped him on the rump, and hollered, “Home!”

The horse bolted for the castle.

Seeing that Julia was unharmed, Ian searched for the blasted phone he'd dropped. As soon as he located it in the pine needles and leaves, he went for it. A wolf crept closer, ears flattening back, mouth snarling, showing off the extent of his wicked canines. None of the wolves here was Basil.
Damn him.

Giving up on the phone, Ian began ripping off his clothes. Julia scrambled for the phone, managed to jerk it up, flipped it open, and punched a button.

“Help! We're in the woods. Four wolves attacking.”

The wolf pounced on Julia, knocking her flat on her back. She screamed.

Ian's heart nearly stopped.

His people would have heard her scream. They'd see the horse galloping riderless back into the outer bailey. Someone had to have gotten her phone message. They'd send help. But for now?

They were on their own.

Filled with rage, Ian shape-shifted as fast as possible and faced down the wolf that had knocked Julia onto her back. He didn't want her to shape-shift and attempt to fight any of the wolves, not with being a smaller red against the heavier gray males.

Snarling and growling, the other three drew closer to join their buddy, all wrinkling their noses and looking ferocious. Shouts from the castle were already reaching Ian. In part, the shouts were to gather the men, but in part it was a way to let the wolves know Ian's pack was on its way, so the other wolves should leave before there was bloodshed.

Ian was intent on watching the wolves for the smallest twitch of a muscle to indicate they were readying to lunge, so he heard, rather than saw, Julia yanking off her clothes. Hell. But he couldn't take his eyes off the wolves. Damned if they turned their attention on her, though.

He charged the closest wolf, and with his teeth bared, Ian grabbed for his neck. The wolf yelped and tried to dodge away from Ian's sharp teeth. But Ian was too fast, too determined, and too damned angry. No wolf of the Sutherland clan attacked his soon-to-be-mate or trespassed on his land without paying for the transgression.

His neck bleeding, the wolf finally jerked free. He ran a short distance away, head bowed, panting, ears flat. The other three stood their ground. Until they heard shouts in the woods and something like the sound of horses galloping toward them. Ian knew his men had unleashed the wolfhounds.

At the feel of the earth trembling and the dogs barking and his men shouting to locate Ian and Julia, the wolves backed off and then turned and vanished into the foliage. Ian nudged Julia with his nose, comforting her in their wolf way.

“Hell,” Cearnach said, riding Rogue back to the scene of the fight. “I hope you took a good chunk out of Basil again.” He leapt down from the horse and eyed Julia.

She growled at him, and he smiled back.

“Glad to see you're all right, too, lass.”

It appeared Julia wasn't about to let Cearnach get by without an apology. Ian didn't blame her.

Not willing to shape-shift again in the event some of the film crew had followed his men here, Ian nudged Julia to run with him. At any other time, they'd have had no trouble returning to the castle in their wolf forms. But now that it was overrun with humans?

Hell, Ian was relegated to shape-shifting out here, which could prove disastrous, or going in the back door as if he was a servant.

He trotted alongside Julia through the woods as Cearnach gathered their clothes, remounted the horse, and then followed with the wolfhounds and several of their men. For safety's sake.

Ian glanced back at the woods with one thought: Basil Sutherland would pay.

Chapter 18

Here's where the postern gate is located, Julia thought, after wondering earlier how easy it would have been to sneak in this way. Two burly Highland guards were posted at the entryway, and she realized she couldn't have slipped in sight unseen, if she'd tried before.

Adrenaline still ran high through her veins, as she and Ian dashed inside the castle walls as wolves, their tails like bushy flags, their gait strong and hurried. Cearnach led the way on horseback, making sure none of the film crew was about to see Julia and Ian running onto the castle grounds as wolves. Still in human form, more of Ian's men were sprinting to catch up as they protected Julia and Ian from the rear in the event Sutherland's men tried anything more.

Back home, she'd never had trouble with werewolf packs. None had lived near them. It made her realize just how peaceful life with her family had been with just a grandfather and father. Her family was an oddity, really. But they had raised her that way after her mother and the rest of her grandparents had perished. Julia didn't have any siblings, and with no pack or pack fights or squabbles over territory, she really had been rather isolated from the usual pack dynamics.

Although instinctually she knew what to do.

Ian hadn't wanted her to shift, but he had to realize she would have fought the wolves if necessary, and that as a wolf she'd have had a better chance at aiding him against other wolves than as a human. That she wouldn't have let him fend for himself.

Even though she'd never fought any wolves before, the instinct was inborn to protect her own pack, and with a strange realization, she became aware that she'd readily adopted Ian and his pack.

She and Ian darted through the garden and ended up at the kitchen's back door. A woman's face appeared in the window of the door, her eyes widening, and she quickly jerked the door open and let them inside. She was pretty, a taller female like the grays were, with dark hair like Ian's and dark inquisitive eyes. Her studied gaze shifted from Ian to Julia.

She was about Julia's age and smiled brightly at her. She greeted Ian, and then she said to Julia, “I'm Heather MacNeill, the laird's cousin, and you must be the famous author. I've got every one of your books. Will you autograph them for me? After you've shape-shifted, of course.” She grinned again.

Maria burst through the kitchen door, tugging away from a red-faced Duncan, her own cheeks flushed with color. “Where is—” She stopped, fixed her gaze on Julia, and took a ragged breath. “Oh, Julia, the whole place went crazy when Cearnach got your call. We heard your screams, and the horse tore into the courtyard like a crazed animal. And… and Harold
you.” She glared at Duncan, wagging an accusing finger at him. “
told Harold you'd trespassed on the property last night. And Harold went and fired you.”

Julia's wolf's gaze turned to consider Duncan and his expression, expecting he'd show a little remorse. She should have known better. Instead, he folded his arms and gave her a hint of a smile.

She had expected Maria to fuss at her about disappearing in the middle of the night and being unable to visit with her to reassure her for hours today, but Harold didn't even know what she was doing on the “job.” So why would he fire her?

“Guthrie had been watching me all morning after Duncan put him in charge of me. And that was after Cearnach made Duncan responsible for watching me.” At this comment, Maria sounded more than annoyed. “Then Harold came over to speak with me, you know, in that loud, booming voice he has that is set on one volume—high—asking where you were.

“Someone on the film crew must have known you were in the castle. Duncan overheard Harold asking me about you because he was so loud. Although, come to think of it, he would probably have heard anyway because of his wolf's hearing.”

Maria glared at Duncan and then spoke again to Julia. “Harold wanted to know why you were cavorting with Laird MacNeill and getting special treatment when you have a job to do. I waffled about what your job is, and he wasn't convinced.” Maria clenched her fists and then folded her arms. “Harold ordered me to fire you, and you're to be banned from the castle while the filming is going on.”

Astounded, Julia finally realized what this was all about.
Harold was jealous.
But the part about Harold banning her from the castle made her smile. She could just imagine what Ian would have to say about that. She glanced at him. He gave her a wolf's smile back.

“He's the director. He calls the shots. He's used to being treated like he's somebody important. So when one of his flunkies gets the royal treatment instead, he wants to know why.” Maria took a breath. “Not that you're one of his flunkies, Julia. I swear Duncan purposely told on you to get you fired.”

Surprised that Duncan would do this to her, Julia glanced at him to see his reaction. He gave a dark smile and shrugged. “You did, lass.”

“Yeah but you didn't have to tell Howard,” Maria said, her words venomous.

“He wanted to know why she wasn't doing her job and was instead riding a horse with Laird MacNeill. I didn't tell the director she stayed in the laird's chamber for most of the day.” He smiled even more evilly, Julia thought.

Julia straightened her tail, raised her head, and glowered at him. Just his dark clothes and persona warned her that Duncan could be dangerous, but she hadn't thought he'd have it in for her. Then again, he wasn't there to coddle people like her, either. Did he not like that Ian was paying attention to her? Or was he just worried that she was real trouble and he wanted to nip her devious ploy in the bud? Had to be, if he spoke up accusing her of something so low. Even if it was all true.

Ian nuzzled her cheek and then licked her, as if assuring her everything was fine. But it wasn't. She'd come here with the film crew. She didn't have a passport, money, an ID, anything. And she'd thought she'd be staying with the rest of the film crew at the other mansion. Now that wasn't happening. Which meant she had to rely on Ian's generosity, because Duncan and Cearnach still appeared to be viewing her in a dim light.

Cearnach entered the kitchen, carrying Julia's and Ian's clothes. Apparently overhearing something of the conversation, he gave Duncan a brief nod and said, “You did what was right.” He handed the bundle of clothes to Heather. “Take it to Ian's bedchamber, will you, lass?”

Just like Ian's brothers, Heather didn't seem concerned about the mess Julia was in, either. Ian's cousin nodded and hurried out of the kitchen.

Cearnach sounded serious, not annoyed but rather pleased with his younger brother's actions. She wasn't happy with Cearnach, either, after he let it be known to Ian that he believed she was Sutherland's lover.

Ian shook his head and nudged Julia to join him.

But she paused long enough to nuzzle Maria's leg and hand to thank her for her concern. Maria dropped down to give her a hug, clasping her arms soundly around Julia's neck, and rubbing her cheek against Julia's furry one.

“You scared me half to death. Cearnach said I have to move in with Harold and his people or into the castle with Laird MacNeill and his clan. But since Howard's jealous you're getting special treatment while Laird MacNeill won't let him into the castle, I'll stay with the film crew. Otherwise, my head will be next on the chopping block. You didn't tell me the bastard that threatened us in L.A. called you last night, though. We'll talk later, okay?”

Julia nodded, needing to talk to Maria about the blackmailer, the betrothal contract, and everything. This time, she trotted alongside Ian and headed with him through the great hall. She couldn't believe Howard had fired her! She didn't even work for him. And then to say she was banned from the castle and grounds?

But she couldn't get over that Duncan had gotten her fired. She was sure the fact she'd been staying with Ian hadn't helped. But did Duncan really despise her that much? She truly did like Ian's brothers, despite themselves. She guessed it was because they had Ian's best interests at heart and didn't want him hurt. That made her realize just how special they were. To Ian, at least.

She glanced at Ian as they headed up the stairs, shoulder to shoulder. He licked her cheek. Thank God, they'd been close to the castle. What if the wolves had followed them to the falls and had attacked them there? They'd have been so far from the castle that the cell phone might not have reached Ian's people.

She shuddered. Then a horrible notion occurred to her. What if Sutherland or his men
been watching them there while Ian had been stroking her into ecstasy?

She groaned.

Heather smiled in the hallway outside Ian's chamber and said, “I left your clothes on the dresser.”

Ian dipped his head to acknowledge her comment but then hurried Julia along. She had a feeling he was perturbed with her, probably because she'd shape-shifted when he hadn't wanted her to do so in front of Sutherland's wolves.

And sure enough, as soon as they were in the room, and Heather had closed the door for them, Ian shifted and, in all his naked glory, frowned at her. “I didn't want you taking the risk of shape-shifting and fighting Sutherlands' wolves.”

She summoned the urge to shift, and when she stood before him ready to disagree with his logic, his eyes instantly took in her nudity, and he didn't say anything for a moment. Then his hands covered her shoulders, and he took a deep breath and pressed his forehead lightly against hers. “I could have lost you.”

She thought he sounded different. That their relationship had changed. Her hands slipped around his back at the waist, and she raised her chin to dispute his faulty logic, but Ian brushed his firm, warm lips against hers and said, “You are mine.”

Had she missed the “I love you and want you for a mate forever and
” declaration somewhere along the line when she wasn't paying attention?

She frowned a little. “As in? This sounds awfully permanent. What if there is no betrothal agreement? What if this was all an elaborate ruse for me to meet you and garner your interest?”

His eyes widened a bit, and he appeared surprised to hear her say so. “Was it?”

She shrugged. “I have only my grandfather's word, and normally that's enough, but I'm beginning to wonder—”

“But it's not of your doing.” He was frowning now.

“No. Where are we going?”

“You know where we're going,” Ian said, caressing her shoulders with the pads of his thumbs.

“I don't mean that. Where is this relationship going?”

“I told you. You are mine.”

Julia ran a finger down his chest. “Hmm, does that mean you intend to mate me?” Which she assumed was where this was leading.


“And what about love?”

“My parents learned to love each other in due time.”

“Ian, I'm a romance writer for a reason. I don't write about people falling in love just because I love romances. I write it because I believe in it. I would never mate someone who is not in love with me and me with him.”

His mouth curved up a bit.

“I'm serious about this.”

“Aye, lass. And I told you how it worked for my parents. If it was good enough for them, it's good enough for me.”

She sighed deeply. “Then you will have to find someone else to be your mate because it isn't good enough for me.”

Ian's frown deepened. “Why are you being so difficult about this? I want you, and you want me. You can't deny it, lass. Ever since we first met, even before that, you wanted me.”

“To use for a description in my novel.”

He shook his head. “If I was in a legion of kilted warriors, would you not pick me out of the whole lot to be your hero?”

She smiled and kissed his chest. “I admit you stand out among men and I see only you.”

“Aye. See, that is the right of it.”

“And me? If I was at a huge social function filled with elegant ladies, would you have even noticed me?”

“Aye, mud splatters and all, lass. Clinging wet garments showing all your womanly curves, and the glowers you gave me that first day at the pub. Had there been a thousand women, I would have had eyes only for you.”

She laughed. “Oh, yeah, you and every other male in the place. I looked close to naked.”

He grinned. “That's the way I like you.”

She rolled her eyes.

He lowered his head to kiss her. He was as gentle with her as if she was the most exquisite and delicate object of his desire, and if he wasn't careful, he'd lose her. Yet she could see the more forceful side of his nature wanting to take control—the laird, the clan chief, the alpha pack leader who would have his way. She felt it in the way his hands tightened on her shoulders, the way his thumbs continued to stroke her, insistent and possessive.

She was drawn to his strength and his pride, the way he took care of his people, the way he took care of her.

In that instant, she realized just how much she wanted him, to belong with a pack, to be part of his family, and the question begged to be answered. Had her grandfather set her up? Had he known what she hadn't realized herself, that she needed more than just her grandfather and father in her life, more than flitting relationships like she'd had with her former boyfriend? A wolf who could share her dreams and offer her new ones? A pack and all that went along with being part of one? The time to reconnect with her Scottish roots?

Ian's hands slid down her arms in a soothing touch, his darkened gaze on her face, waiting for her response. If she said one last time that she couldn't commit to him unless he loved her, truly said he loved her, would he shun her?

But she was certain he loved her, even if he couldn't say so. She couldn't stand the idea of returning home without him. And the wonderful thing about her chosen career? She could live anywhere and dream up romantic worlds wherever she made her home.

BOOK: Heart of the Highland Wolf
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