Heart of the World (31 page)

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Authors: Linda Barnes

BOOK: Heart of the World
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“They made the shape of the maize and they buried it for the god of the maize. They made a jaguar figure to speak to the god of the jaguar and they buried it in the good earth and the priests gave it food.”

They buried it
. His words echoed the words of the wounded American in the hut.
They would just bury it
, that's what he'd said.

“The Tayrona were wiped out by the
I said. “Exterminated.” I'd read the text in the Gold Museum twice; Tayrona chieftains had been drawn and quartered, tied to horses and pulled apart.

“There are still Tayrona,” Roldan said firmly. “They are Kogi. They
have lost much knowledge, but they have kept the secrets of tree bark and plant pulp, things we don't know. They brought me back to life. They made me understand it was my fate to survive.”

His words seemed to come from far away, shimmering in the distance, a mirage of sound.

“Who knows?” he said. “Perhaps that will be your fate as well. You must climb a little farther.”

God, I didn't think I could move yet. I certainly didn't want to move, not with Roldan on a talking jag.

Quickly I said, “The others on your plane, did they survive?”

“No. I cut my ties with my old life. I work with the
here, the peasant farmers, not the
, the ones who come to carve the land into plots and plant the wrong crops.”

“You didn't cut all ties. Cabrera knew.”

“For over a year, I was dead. Now, a small number know I'm alive. I have known Luisa's family, her father, her uncle, for years. She has a good heart, but she is impatient for change. She thinks she can mold me to her will, make me do her bidding. Still, she brings money from my bankers. That I must have, to protect the Kogi, because when this land dies we will all die. You understand? Every climate, every—what do you say?—ecosystem on earth is represented here. The coastal beaches, the jungle, the savanna, the
, the mountaintop.
The Kogi are the keepers of the heart of the world.”

The heart of the world
. I examined the craggy landscape, the piercing sky, the snowy peaks. This place might be the heart of the Kogi world. It might be the heart of Roldan's world, but it was trees and rocks and blistered feet to me.

Paolina was the heart of my world. My sister. A girl who pedaled down traffic-choked streets and chattered to friends on the phone, who couldn't decide which cologne to wear Saturday night. Tough and smart, with the resilience that comes from learning to cope in a broken home. Old beyond her years. I admired that; I regretted it. I couldn't imagine the course of my life without her.

“You must walk,” Roldan said.

“Your daughter,” I said. “She's the survivor.”

He lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes. “You said she is musical, no?”

“A drummer. The best. You should hear her play.”

“Drums are good,” he said. “Drums are an old skill.”

“You should meet her.”

“It's too late.”

“It doesn't have to be.”

“She was a beautiful baby, so tiny, with eyes as bright as stars.” His eyes gleamed and I thought, A trick of the mountain light; the sun so close.

“What happened? With you and Marta?”

“Marta, too, was beautiful. My father would have disinherited me if we'd wed, but I didn't care; I wanted nothing of his money then. I wanted only to go to the hills to join the revolution.”

“And Marta didn't.”

His eyes went cold. “There you have it. One wants something; the other doesn't. Each makes a choice. Each lives with that choice.” As he spoke he wrapped my feet in leaves and carefully replaced my sandals.

“Come,” he said. “Now you must truly climb.”


I was afraid my legs would buckle when
I stood, but I steeled myself and they held. I concentrated on breathing, on filtering the cool mist through my nostrils. I couldn't seem to inhale enough of the thin air to expand my lungs.

“Here. These will help.” I must have closed my eyes, because when I opened them, his brown hand was cupped near my face. It contained a quantity of leaves from the woven bag.


“Coca leaves.”

I shook my head. “I can make it.”

He grunted, half amused, half exasperated. “It's an honor I do you, to offer you leaves,
. Here, they are only for men.”

“No, thanks.”

“Very well, then. Your feet will hurt less when you walk on sacred ground.”



sacred ground, I thought. I'm not a religious Jew, just half and half, uneducated in my mother's faith, but as we climbed, as we kept climbing, as the terrain grew wilder and rougher, I kept imagining Abraham and Isaac, walking up the mountain. Surely it couldn't have been this steep. Little Isaac would have died from the climb.

“You'll see,” Roldan said. “You'll see what
have done.”

This time his voice held no reverence for “they,” only revulsion. Two different groups, I thought, a holy
, a profane

The rocks were craggy boulders now. Roldan had to show me where to place my hands and feet. He moved confidently, upright in places I had to crawl. It felt like I'd been climbing forever, like I'd be climbing forever. I made myself into a machine, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. I didn't look down. Roldan scanned the terrain with hooded eyes like an eagle watching for prey.

We came to the edge of a deep ravine. I closed my eyes and wondered whether this was it, whether
this was what they'd done
, whether this end-of-the-world cleft was what I'd crawled so far to admire. Retreat seemed the only option, but Roldan knelt at the side of the narrow path, his hands busy in the underbrush, tugging and shoving at a stand of seemingly rooted trees until they moved aside, all of a piece, as though they'd been mounted on a swing gate. Then we were on a primitive suspension bridge, a narrow span of knotted ropes over jagged rocks and empty air. A single length of rope served as a guardrail, and the structure shook with every step. It seemed impossible that it could handle my weight, let alone our combined weight, but Roldan showed no hesitation. I tried not to look down. I counted steps, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, and then we were on solid ground. He led me across a jagged ridge, past tangles of shrubbery, and the vista opened like a page in a storybook.

Las Ciudades de Piedra
. The Cities of Stone.
Las Ciudades Perdidas
. The Lost Cities.

If the hut in which I'd woken was part of a village, this was its capital, a ceremonial city of stunning grandeur. No birds called out, no insects buzzed, sound itself seemed hushed by the majesty of the site. I understood why Roldan had used the word “sacred.” There was nothing savage about the place, none of the aura of human sacrifice that permeates even photographs of ancient Aztec sites. The holy shrines of the Navajo are natural formations, mountain peaks and high mesas, but this was shaped by humans with care and love and artistry. It was a ruin, yes, a shadow of what it had once been. The vines had taken command, and the moss and the shrubs, but the structure remained, the architecture, the steps, the circles, the areas for crowds to congregate. There were retaining
walls, to stop erosion. The circles of ground were covered with emerald moss as perfect as putting greens. The river split before diving into a series of swift waterfalls on either side of the stone steps. The towering mountain peak was iced with immaculate snow.

I turned to Roldan with questions on my lips. How did they do this, make this without machinery? The questions died. He was holding Paolina's gold birdman in both hands like an offering. His eyes were closed and he spoke in a language that was neither Spanish nor English. It wasn't the Latin I'd heard when my father dragged me to mass over my mother's protests, but it had the gravity of words spoken in church.

Behind him and to his right,
What the hell was that?
I closed my eyes and squeezed them shut, opened them again, thinking this must be what Roldan wants me to see, this is what he meant when he told me to
“see what they have done.”
Not a hundred yards away, a blackened hunk of twisted metal scarred the mountainside. It was more than an eyesore; it was a violation, an open wound.

I didn't feel my feet as I made my way toward the intrusive mound. At first it was simply metal, misplaced modern sculpture, but slowly, it took shape: the shattered cabin, the twisted rotor blades, the partially melted windscreen. At first I thought drug dealers, crashing in the fog, then I remembered the wounded man in the prison hut. I covered my nose and mouth with my hands, and hoped I wouldn't vomit on Roldan's holy soil. The closer I got, the worse it smelled, a mixture of gasoline and roasted meat and rotting flesh.

How long had it been here? Not a day, not a week. The underlying smell of putrefaction reminded me of corpses discovered in rented rooms by lax building managers, by neighbors returning after lengthy vacations.

A bird called, and I looked up.

Out of the corner of my eye, out of the mist, as though they had taken shape within the clouds, figures materialized, four or five indistinct shrouded shapes. I blinked, and then the shapes were moving steadily toward the wreckage, growing more distinct, larger, becoming figures of little men. Less than five feet tall, each wore a white tunic and long baggy pants. Like Roldan. Pointed white caps covered their heads, and woven sacks hung from their shoulders.

“You see?” Roldan's voice made me start like a deer. “You see.
They have come”


Four of the tiny figures halted at a distance
of thirty feet, then turned away and melted out of sight into the fog, their footsteps eerily silent on the rocky ground. One alone continued to approach, moving stiffly as a walking statue. In his right hand, he held a gourd-like object that he carried with the majesty of a scepter.

Roldan bowed and spoke to the little man, using the same tongue in which he'd addressed the gold statuette, musical and gruff at the same time. I couldn't decipher a single word. The language was like nothing I'd ever heard. It had strange clicking noises and odd gutturals. Since my ears were ineffective, I used my eyes.

The top of the little man's head reached no higher than my upper arm. Thick salt-and-pepper hair flowed from beneath his peaked hat to his shoulders. The backs of his hands were as wrinkled as tree bark, the skin on his face deeply lined mahogany, his feet bare. He could have been fifty or sixty, or twice that old. I'd never seen anyone like him. I couldn't help but stare.

Roldan turned to me and said, “You must understand this: They came for the gold.” His voice seemed to resonate oddly, almost to echo. Maybe it was the effect of the altitude, some hollow by-product of the mist.

“Who came? Why? Who are you—”

“I will translate for you what Mama Parello wishes you to know.”

The little man had a name. “Mama?” I repeated. Roldan smiled. “It is a Kogi word, a Kogi concept. He is a priest, a shaman, a
of the Kogi people.”

“He lives here?” I motioned to encompass the stone city. Roldan shook his head no.

“But you expected him to meet you here.” With no clocks, no phones, the little men might have waited for hours, days, in this timeless place.

“Yes, because I spoke to him in the spirit, in
. It doesn't matter that you don't understand,
. He is here; we are here.
You have seen, but now, you must understand”

“Understand what?”

“Why I cannot help my daughter.”

Before I could protest, the small man held up his hands and spoke. The words sounded like birdsong as much as they sounded like speech.

Roldan smiled again. “He wishes to know if you are my woman.”

“Tell him no.”

The little man chirped and clacked, his lined face animated. Roldan answered in the strange clicking language, then translated the little man's response.

“Your reply makes him sad; he says I need a woman. He does not understand how a woman with red hair comes to walk the mountain, but he wishes you to know that this place, the heart of the world, is protected. He asks for your promise that you will never return.”

“Consider it given.”

“No,” Roldan said. “Do not take this lightly. You must truly promise. If I am to tell you, if
are to tell you, we must have your word of honor that you will say nothing to endanger these people. If you cannot give your word, I must do what Luisa says I must do.”

Kill me

“If I can save Paolina without endangering these people, I will,” I said.

Roldan spoke, perhaps translating what I'd said. Then he held up the stringed beads I'd found in the hut, and gave them to the little man, who beamed and nodded.

I will return them to their owners
, Roldan had told me when he'd appropriated them. So the small men had once lived in the gumdrop huts.

Roldan said, “He does not understand the color of your hair, although it is not strange to him because he has seen it in the spirit world.”

As he spoke, the little man dipped a stick into the gourd and sucked the end of it. The gourd looked like a relic from the Gold Museum, what was it called? A
. One of his cheeks was taut and rounded, as though it held a plug of chewing tobacco. The woven bag dangling at his side was stuffed with coca leaves, like Roldan's.

Spirit world, partially explained

I said, “What happened here?”

“What do you see?”

“A helicopter crash. When did it happen?” I found his reticence infuriating. What did a crashed copter on a remote mountaintop have to do with Paolina's kidnapping?

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