Heart on Fire (9 page)

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Authors: Brandy L Rivers

BOOK: Heart on Fire
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Kyle never liked Brad. He was another teacher at the school. “Serves that jackass right,” Kyle grumbled.

“Look, if she was anyone else, or there were different circumstances, I would doubt her sincerity. I don’t think that’s it. Play along and she’ll come around.”

“Yeah well, your sister didn’t think I was worth much until she lost me, now did she?”

“That was different. I tried to warn you about Rene, but you didn’t want to hear it.”

“Don’t remind me. I screwed up, that was all me. I should have known better, but damn, I wanted to believe. She’s your sister, and I hoped she’d changed.” Kyle sighed and went back to mixing the Coolwhip into the fruit salad.

“She tried to convince me to invite her to the barbeque. I told her no, but don’t be surprised if she tries to crash the party. You did change your locks, right?”

“Did that the day I left her. She’s always been manipulative, but I’m not stupid.”


* * * *


There was a knock as Mila pulled the pie out of the oven. Cherish charged for the door, and squealed, “It’s Jenny and her mom, can I open it?”

“Give me a second, honey.” She set the pie down and started toward the door. “Go ahead.”

Cherish answered it with a big smile.

Jenny had similar features to her mother, but her coloring matched Gavin’s reddish brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her mother’s amber eyes twinkled as she swept her baby fine blond hair behind her ear and held out her hand.

“Hi, I’m Cadence. This is Jenny.”

“Hey, I’m Mila, come on in. Cherish, why don’t you show Jenny your room?”

Cherish grabbed Jenny’s hand and they charged up the stairs chattering away.

Cadence stepped in and shut the door with a laugh.

“Cherish tells me she already knows you.”

“Yes, I volunteer in their class.” She paused to close her eyes and breathe in. “That smells wonderful, by the way.” Cadence grinned. “You have a lovely daughter. Such a sweetheart, and so smart.”

“Thank you. One question though, and I’m simply curious. Did I hear the wrong time for tonight? Or are you early?” Mila hoped it was the latter.

“Early,” Cadence admitted, sheepishly lifting a single shoulder. “Jenny wants me to invite Cherish over, and I figured you would want to get to know us before committing. I would. I have a feeling we’re going to get along fine though, but feel free to hold off on an opinion until later.”

Smiling, Mila nodded. “I already like you.”

“Perfect. Then to make it official, we would love to have Cherish stay the night, if you’re comfortable with the arrangement. We’re a few doors down.”

“Most likely. I’ve met Gavin a few times already, and I’ve only heard positive things about you. Right now, I’m fairly certain I’ll tell Cherish yes. In fact, she mentioned it this morning, and I let her pack her backpack, sleeping bag, and pillow, but explained we were playing it by ear.”

Cadence grinned. “My kind of mom. Shall we bring the pie over now? Or did you want to change? You have Cherish-sized handprints on your shirt.”

Looking down, Mila laughed. “She always gets me. You would think I would learn not to wear black when baking. I’ll be right back, literally like a minute. I’m not one of those girly-girls, but I would like to be clean.”

Mila hurried up the stairs, feeling relieved. They were on a similar wave length where their girls were concerned. Thirty seconds later she came back down.

One pale brow arched in amusement as Cadence took in Mila’s appearance. She was wearing jeans, a fresh t-shirt, and no trace of cosmetics. “Gavin mentioned you were low maintenance. I like you even better now.”

“It’s a barbeque, right? I’m not trying to impress anyone.”

“Ah, I think you may be my long lost soul sister,” she commented with a smile. Cadence was fresh-faced as well, but dressed in capris and a blouse.

Mila called the girls, grabbed the pie with pot holders, and ushered everyone out so she could lock up before heading over to Kyle’s.

As they made the quick trip next door, Mila asked, “Does Kyle do this often? The barbeque thing?”

She nodded, a curious glint in her eyes. “Usually one of us hosts weekly. The wildfires put things on pause. After some recuperation, the rest of the guys will join in again.”

Unsure what to say, Mila offered a smile.

“Hey, don’t count yourself out. Friends and families are welcome. Firemen aren’t the only ones invited, but Gavin usually hangs out with the guys from work.”


“What about you? Making a lot of friends with the other high school teachers?”

“I am, but it’s the beginning of the year and I’m focused on learning what I can about my kids so I can better teach them. Once things settle down, I’ll spend more time socializing.”

“I take it you like teaching?”

“Yeah, I really do.”

“Why high school?”

“I love science, which isn’t as much fun until high school. I could teach any of the classes, but they needed chemistry, which is right up there with biology, at least in my opinion.”

“Let me get the door,” Cadence offered.

The girls went first, followed by Mila carrying the pie.

Cadence grinned. “Perfect, the guys are already out back. They may actually leave dessert alone. Here, let’s put it on the counter.”

“Brilliant idea.” She left it next to the stove and watched as Cadence clicked the locks into place. Mila couldn’t help wondering why.

Cadence turned and tipped her head toward the door. “In case you’re wondering, Gavin’s totally bitchy little sister, may try to crash the party. The lock may slow her down because she won’t think to walk around the house in the heels she’s no doubt wearing. We told her she wasn’t invited, but the woman is all skull and no brain, so who knows.” Apparently Cadence wasn’t on her sister-in-law’s side.

“Let’s hope she doesn’t.”

“Agreed. Rene isn’t your biggest fan.”

Mila swallowed hard. “Oh. The woman from the diner?”

Cadence nodded in the affirmative.

“She doesn’t seem to think much of me,” Mila replied mildly. However, her solution would be to go home if Rene showed. She didn’t have the patience to play catty games, and had no intention of exposing Cherish to such behavior. Kyle was a big boy, capable of figuring out what he wanted.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she smiled and stepped into the backyard.

Kyle’s voice washed over her. “There you are, Mila. We were wondering if you were going to hang out over there, or come back here.” Kyle winked at Mila. “Did you decide to leave the pie at home?”

Flustered, she tipped her head toward the house. “The pie is cooling on the counter.” His smile gave a dose of confidence and she added an ounce of sass to her tone. “It’s barely been out of the oven five minutes. I thought the barbeque was at five.”

He laughed softly. “Cadence doesn’t believe in fashionably late. It’s more like
always early
for her. I should have warned you.”

“It’s fine. She showed up with perfect timing.”

“Are you hungry? I can put the steaks on. Does Cherish prefer hotdogs, or burgers? Or steak? Jenny won’t eat steak, so I keep other stuff for her.”

Mila called, “Cherish, come here a sec, please. Kyle has a question.”

Cherish charged over with a big grin for Kyle. “Yes?”

Jenny joined her, linking her arm through Cherish’s.

Kyle held up a pack of hotdogs and a pack of hamburgers. “You both can choose. Steak, burgers, or hotdogs? Which will it be?”

Jenny jumped up and down. “Burger, lots of ketchup!”

Cherish frowned. “Do you have cheese? The good cheese, not the yucky kind?”

Mila translated, “Good cheese is cheddar. Bad is American.”

“We have the
cheese.” He winked.

“Burger then, with the
cheese, please.”

“Sure thing, kiddo.” The girls bounced off and found a soccer ball to kick around.

Mila couldn’t help wondering if he was always this way with kids, or if it was an act. Could she trust him?

His voice pulled her attention. “Does Cherish play?”

“Not yet. We were planning the move over the summer, so sports didn’t work out. She does know how to swim though.” She turned to Cadence. “Is there public swim time at the pool? Maybe the girls would like to go sometime.”

“Yeah. Jenny would love that.”

“Perfect. We’ll set a date.”


Chapter 8



Two hours later, the group sat around a large picnic table, devouring the best pie in the history of dessert. Kyle was having trouble keeping his eyes off Mila, but he was trying.

Cadence grinned at Mila. “So, can Cherish stay over? Totally up to you.”

“Yeah, I’ll walk her down when you all are ready to go. Maybe next weekend Jenny can stay with us.”

“Ooh, ooh, can I, Mommy?” Jenny bounced up and down in her seat.

Cadence nodded.

Gavin cut in, “Sure, but we’ll barbeque before. Deal?”

“Tell me what you’d like me to bring,” Mila offered.

“This pie was delicious,” Kyle replied with a hopeful smile.

Gavin smiled slyly. “Can you do peach?”

“Sure. Maybe one of each?” She gave the pie tin a dubious look. “We polished this one off.”

She caught Kyle swiping his finger through the last bit of cherry filling before bringing it to his mouth. He closed his lips around the tip and winked at her.

Her brow arched, one corner of her mouth twitching.

Kyle shrugged sheepishly. “There might be a couple more families by the next get together.”

“Cadence told me that after the wild fires, some of the other guys needed a break. I can imagine it was pretty stressful and a ton of work.”

“Oh yeah, you can say that again. However, neither one of us,” Gavin shoved Kyle, “can sit still that long.”

“I don’t know, I’m pretty stuffed right now. Don’t think I’m moving anytime soon.” Kyle rubbed his tummy. “That was easily the best pie I’ve ever had.”

The honk made Mila jump and put a scowl on Kyle’s face. He sighed. “Looks like she decided to show. I should probably shoo her off.”

Cadence leaned over and quietly told Mila, “We should stay back here, and let the boys deal with Rene. Gavin can usually talk some sense into his little sister.”

Cherish perked up. “Can I go to Jenny’s now?”

Mila chewed her lip and glanced at the fence. “If they’re ready, I don’t see why not.”

Gavin looked to Kyle and back to her with a shrug. “Sure, after we get rid of my sister.”

She met Kyle’s gaze and sparks flew. “Dinner was excellent. Thank you, Kyle.”

“Mmm, not compared to your pie.” Her eyes sparkled and he couldn’t resist adding, “You’re welcome over anytime.”

“You too,” she answered. Her breath caught but she didn’t take it back. After he got rid of Rene, he had every intention of going over, even if only to spend a few more minutes with her.

Standing, she turned to Cadence. “We can sneak into my backyard. Kyle fixed the gate this afternoon.”

“He did? I thought he liked it busted,” Gavin said pointedly.

Kyle snorted. “That was when the Larkays liked to come over. Visits from them always turned ugly. Their foul-mouthed shouting was inappropriate for kids. It was easier to avoid them when they couldn’t get past the gate.”

Gavin agreed, “You do have a point about that. You’re lucky to have such great neighbors now.”

There was another blare of the horn.

Cadence groaned. “I’ll go with the girls. Gavin can meet us there.”

Mila glanced toward the front. “Sounds like a plan. I’d rather avoid a scene if possible.” She took her daughter’s hand and started for the gate. Cadence and Jenny followed.

With a sigh, Kyle rushed through the house, Gavin right behind him, to send ever-persistent Rene away.


* * * *


Mila hurried the girls into her yard and then though the back door. “Cherish, go grab your stuff. I don’t imagine it will be long before you leave.”

Cherish threw her arms around Mila’s legs. “Thank you, Mommy. I’ll be extra good, I promise.” The girls stampeded up the stairs.

“I can tell they are going to have a lot of fun together.” Mila turned to grab a notepad and pen. “Here, let me give you my number in case there is any trouble.”

Cadence nodded, a knowing smile on her face. “I’m sure they’ll be fine, but I would appreciate having a way to contact you.”

There was a knock on the door by the time numbers were exchanged. Seconds later, the girls came crashing back down at a full run carrying sleepover gear.

Cadence opened the door. “Trouble gone?”

Gavin nodded, giving Mila an apologetic look. “Yup, and sorry. My sister is crazy. I swear it doesn’t run in the family, at least not like that.”

Mila offered Gavin a smile. “Don’t worry about it.”

She dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Cherish. She wasn’t thrilled about another night alone with temptation next door, but Cherish was happy and that’s what mattered most.

Reaching over, she patted Jenny on the head. “You girls have fun, okay?”

“We will, Mom. Don’t grade papers all night,” Cherish teased. Luckily, she was already done but didn’t bother correcting her.

Cadence smiled. “We’ll call if there are any problems, but I’m sure there won’t be.”

Mila nodded, and let her daughter go. The girls both waved as she stood up. She watched as they skipped down the driveway.

Cherish turned to blow a kiss before turning down the road.

Hoping Kyle would come over, Mila shut the door and sat down on her stairs to wait.

A few minutes passed in total silence, and her doubts started to creep in. There was the slightest chance Kyle took off with Rene. Maybe that would be for the best. It would give her a reason to write him off.

Frustrated, mostly with herself, she walked back to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate, and nearly had a heart attack when she saw Kyle about to knock on the glass door.

With her heart racing, she crossed the room, and opened it with narrowed eyes. “What about the front door?”

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