Read Heart Ties (Club Ties Book 2) Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Heart Ties (Club Ties Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Heart Ties (Club Ties Book 2)
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While Ever and Delta cleaned up, the guys went into the other room. Their voices were too low to understand, but the tones calmed Delta. She dried dishes and put them away, chatting easily with her sister.

Then they sat at the table together, talking while Ever smoked. “I hope you aren’t on the run very long.”

Delta pressed her lips together. “Me too. I’d…” She paused, unsure whether or not to speak her heart. “I’d like more days like this.”

“Without the hasty getaways and the hiding out.” Ever bundled her long red hair over one shoulder. “Why did Meat tell us to get you out of there?”

Damn, her sister was good. Not even Drake had picked up on that. If he had, he was saving the questioning for when they were alone.

Bouncing her foot under the table, Delta came clean. “When I got up to leave, the Russian started to come after me.”

Her sister issued a heavy sigh and leaned back in her chair. “Always so damn complicated.”

“It is.”

“I’m sorry you’ve been dragged into it. When I told Jamison to find you and bring you to me, I never thought we’d be putting you in danger, pulling you from something you loved.”

She gave a quick shake of her head. “Never loved.” It was the most she’d say about her life, but Ever’s gaze roamed over the bruises on Delta’s cheeks. No amount of makeup had covered them.

Jamison appeared in the doorway. He tapped the jamb with a palm. “Let’s go, baby.”

Ever stood immediately, and Delta shot up to embrace her. As her sister’s arms circled her, tears sprang to her eyes. Ever squeezed hard then pulled back with a sniffle.

“We haven’t had enough time together, but soon.”

“Soon,” Jamison agreed, drawing Ever to him.

Delta and Drake trailed them to the door. “We’ll take good care of the house,” he said as they left.

Jamison threw a wave, and Drake shut the door. Delta blinked. “We’re staying here?”

“Yep.” The hungry look in his eyes was undeniable. Until he stalked slowly toward her, she hadn’t realized she’d backed up. When her spine hit the wall, Drake was on her. Mouth bruising, fingers digging into her ass as he lifted her against his steely erection.

Need spiraled through her, out of control. She raked his shoulders, angling her head to better receive his kisses. He must have sucked a mint after dinner, because he was peppermint and man.

He wedged a thigh between hers and she ground wantonly against the hard muscle. His eyes were stormy when he raised his head. “You’re never going into that backroom again.”

He plucked her off her feet and carried her through the rooms to a short hallway. When they reached a door, he kicked it open and stormed into it as if invading enemy territory.

As he drove his tongue between her lips, he stole her mind. She rubbed restlessly against his chest until he took two more steps and dropped her on a mattress.

A laugh bubbled up, but she didn’t have time to release it before he followed her down on the bed, pinning her under his big body.

“I’ve been dying to pull up this little black dress and see what’s under—” He cut off as his wandering hand met bare flesh.

Her slick folds seemed to part for his rough fingers. With a groan, his eyes rolled up in his head. Damn, he was a beautiful man who pushed all the right buttons, and from the looks of it, she pushed his buttons too.

When he ran his fingertip from top to bottom, circling her opening before gliding back up, she stopped breathing. Over and over he teased her throbbing folds while kissing her senseless.

His touch left her, and a second later she was completely bare, her dress discarded and her bra lost.

“Take off your shirt. I want to feel your hot skin against me.” Her words shocked her, but she didn’t stop to think, only feel.

After ripping his shirt overhead, his teeth flashed white with a grin. She marveled at the creases around his hard lips, but not for long. He was flipping her onto her stomach and jerking her hips up to meet his finger thrust.

Two fingers. No, three. Her flesh pulsated around the invasion, and she pressed her cheek against the fresh-smelling bedding. Pressure built as he drove his fingers deep, deeper. Spreading her wide and curling his fingers against her inner wall.

She bucked, crying out.

“Come on, Princess. Soak my fingers. Then I’m going to pound into you. I can’t go slow.”

His gritty tone and heated words ignited her. Pressing her ass high into the air, she took his fingers right to the knuckles. He finger-fucked her hard and fast, a light, slapping noise filling her ears.

Her need spiked—held—and with a shuddering scream, she came. Hot juices flooded his fingers, and he growled with appreciation. When she began to float down to reality again, she became aware of a
. A second later, zipper teeth.

She twisted to see him pull his cock free. Her breathing hitched at the sight of the straining head, fat and mushroomed with a glistening tip. A vein rode the side of it down to his big fist.

“Fuck, I hate condoms. Hold on.”

Her body twitched from her orgasm as much as anticipation. When his spongy head kissed her pussy, she thrust back.

In one wild shove, he filled her. On the first glide, she began to contract again.

“Jesus, are you coming? Fuck, Princess. You fucking killed me all day.”

His hips slapped hers, his balls swinging forward to caress her swollen clit. He sank his fingers into her sides, holding her prisoner.

As if she wanted to go anywhere.

“You went in that backroom and I almost lost my shit.” Thrust, grind. “And when you sat on my lap shaking…”

It was as if he was purging his demons of the day, finding voice through this act of sharing their bodies. She collapsed deeper into the mattress as he shoved her up the bed with every jerk of his hips. Her inner fires built.

“Won’t happen again. Fucking won’t.” He stiffened, and she felt the heat of his release. He pumped faster, driving her higher too. Their harsh breaths mingled. When he fell over her, an arm lashed around her middle and his chest plastered to her spine, utter contentment stole over her.

His prickly beard moved back and forth over her shoulder. “I’d say I’m sorry for that, but I’m not.”

“Good.” It was hard to draw a full breath with his weight crushing her, yet she wasn’t ready for him to get up.

He tongued her earlobe, sending chills down one arm. There was a smile in his voice. “Next time I’ll go easier.”

“Next time I won’t.”

He started laughing, rolling off and flipping her atop him. She stared down into his rugged face, made striking by his grin.

Pinching her bottom, he said, “Do your worst.”


She was going to kill him. Her eyes were blue flames as she sat atop him, grinding her pussy. He ached to drive into her again, but the damn condom was a roadblock.

With a hand on her hip, he stayed her movements. “Let me take care of this.”

“I’ll take care of it.” She slid down his body, rubbing breasts against his chest, abs, cock. Then her silky fingers tormented him as she removed the rubber.

He watched her curvy body cross the room to discard it. The return trip was even better—she looked just as delicious coming as going.

Wrapping his fist around his cock, he pumped it once.

“Uh-uh. Let me.” She prostrated herself atop him, hot breath torture against his thigh. When she parted her lips, he clamped off a roar.

“Look at me, Princess.”

Rock-hard with need, he threaded his fingers through her hair and guided her. As she took his shaft into her scorching-hot mouth, he almost lost it a second time. Her gaze never left his.

He’d had blowjobs from whores with way more skill, but Delta’s mouth wrapped around his cock was fucking perfect. She tucked her jaw down and swallowed around his length, sending vibrations through him.

Up and down, wrapping her tongue around the tip then following the vein down the side. When she released him to suck his sac, he almost came off the bed.

“More of that, baby.”

She sucked one ball into her mouth gently, pulling back and giving him those eyes.


He hadn’t had a drop of alcohol in days, but his speech sounded slurred, uncontrolled. He was losing his grip. Plunging a hand into her hair, he pulled lightly.

She cooed, the sound running the length of his cock. She released his sac and swallowed him to the root.

Lust and fear had ruled his mind since she’d disappeared into that backroom. Goddamn, he was stupid for letting her talk him into getting information. Never again.

He’d practically counted heartbeats until she’d come out, and when he’d found her shaking… He wasn’t going to give up control like that again.

Except now.

She bobbed her head, taking him deeper. As the head struck the back of her throat, he grunted and she moaned.

Heat coiled at the base of his spine. He was so close, and damn if he didn’t want her to taste his release. As she sucked on his cock with stronger pulls, he could barely breathe. He felt himself melting into the pools of her eyes until this woman owned his every reaction. Hips rising to meet her, primitive groans escaping.

Her soft touch on his balls did it. She lashed them to his body while pulling hard with her mouth.

A long growl. He exploded. Jets pouring into her sweet mouth, his mind spinning in a haze of ecstasy.

He had no idea how long it took for him to gain his wits, but she had her arms folded on him, propping up her chin. Smiling.

He took in her satisfied smile and grunted.

She moved up his body to snuggle. He yanked her against him tightly, molding her body to fit his. For some reason, the change in position joggled his mind, and he was suddenly as alert as if he’d had a shot of caffeine.

He trailed a hand over her shoulder and the flowers there. “It’s a good thing I didn’t know you before I deployed. I would have been arrested for deserting.”

Her smile spread over his chest, warming more than his skin. “Have you ever been arrested?”

“Only for drunk driving.”

She didn’t reply or shift a muscle.

He tapped his stump. “This wasn’t lost in war.”

Why was he sharing his self-loathing with her? It was bad enough he believed he was a fucking idiot, but for her to think it? He liked that absorbed light in her eyes too much.

“We all make mistakes,” she said at last.

His throat closed off for a second. When he was able to force words out again, he said, “What mistakes have you made?”

As she shook her head, dark hair tickled his flesh. He looked down at her and used a finger to raise her chin. “I promised you don’t have to share the past, and you don’t.”

Relaxing, she nodded.

Her silence acted as a crowbar, prying words from him. “I’ve fucked up a lot. Left home before I graduated from high school, got a job in construction and my own apartment. I thought my mom was so rotten, but she did the best she could as a single parent. Broke her heart in the end, especially when I went to war without contacting her first. She heard the news secondhand, had a heart attack, and died before I could ever make amends.”

Delta moved her lips over his chest, soothing.

“About that time we were in the thick of it, and I was blowing shit up daily. Government buildings, secret meeting places. This one time…” He huffed at the memory of the survivors running out of the flames, screaming for people who were left behind. “We’d get our orders, and there was no choice.”

Delta clasped his hand.

He fell silent, unable to go on. When she pressed a kiss to his chest again, the cobwebs of his mind blew away in the fresher wind.

“I’m glad Ever and Jamison let us stay here,” she said.

He gathered her closer. “I don’t like running either. The MC is the first place I’ve called home in too long.”

“But tomorrow we’ll be off again.”

“As soon as Burns brings my bike. I sent word.”

He could almost hear disappointment in her sigh.

“Do you think the Raiders are that close?”

“I don’t believe for a minute that they don’t know we’re in town, Princess. They’re biding their time.”

A shiver ran through her, and he wished he hadn’t said anything. It only seemed right to keep her informed and aware, though.

“About the Russian…” She cut off.

He lifted her face to see her eyes again. “Is there something you’re not saying?”

“No. I just wondered why he’s targeting The Gearhead. Has he been to the other bar?”

“You’re damned good at piecing together information, you know that?” It surprised him that she knew about Tomfoolery.

She nodded but didn’t smile.

“He hasn’t been to Tomfoolery. They’re on the lookout.”

“It feels odd to me.” She shifted her shoulders.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“If he’s gambling with printed money to win the real stuff, he would be trying to get as much as possible from as many sources as he can. At least, that’s what I’d do.” The shell of her ear was distracting as hell, the soft curve inviting his lips.

It was too much. He closed his teeth over it and gently ground the tender flesh until she quivered.

“Have you had trouble with Russians and the MC before?”

Her words stopped him. He released her ear and pushed her onto her back to look down into her eyes. “Princess, I know I said you don’t have to talk about your past, but I think it’s time we start working as a team outside of bed.”

But that didn’t mean he’d allow her to place herself in danger again.

She leaned upward and kissed his neck over his cross tattoo. She seemed able to talk easier when her lips were on him. “The Russians were buying prostitutes from the Raiders.”

He clutched her nape and held her to him, eyes drifting shut at her ministrations even as his mind kicked into turbo. “And you think this Vasily believed you were a hooker?”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t matter. He’s not sitting at that table holding cards because he wants a hooker. He wants money.”

“But why does he want it only from my club?”

“I think that’s just it, Drake.” She bit lightly into his throat, raising hairs all over his body. “He’s not interested in the money so much as the club. He’s watching.”

BOOK: Heart Ties (Club Ties Book 2)
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