Heartbreak's Reward (Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight Book 2) (25 page)

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Authors: Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

Tags: #Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight #2

BOOK: Heartbreak's Reward (Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight Book 2)
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She tapped her finger against her lip and reflected on her words. Her headache returned. Brenna turned around in the sand and headed back to his house. She pulled up out front and revved her pony.

Jase came to the door and stood there with one arm propped against the jamb. “I’m not going to ruin this,” she said. She removed her sunglasses, stepped out and ambled toward the door.

His chin tilted down and he frowned. “Forget somethin’?”

She grabbed a hold of his jeans at the waistband and pulled him out the door. “I forgot you. You’re not getting away as easy as you let me get away.”

Jase narrowed his eyes. “This guy doesn’t play games. Get that straight now.”

Her hand remained clenched on his waistband. He glanced down at it, looking so sexy in that shirt with two buttons undone, the cuffs turned up the way they were—even though that’s the last thing he probably wanted to look like right then.

The next thing she knew, he lifted her into his arms and carried her inside his house, down the hallway, and to his bedroom. He lowered her to the mattress and lay beside her, unbuttoning her blouse in the process.

Her chest rose and fell with each breath as she watched him beside her, holding an intense stare. What was he going to do? Was she about to let him…do…anything? He straddled her thighs and used both hands to finish unbuttoning her blouse. He yanked it open, exposing her upper body to his view.

Still, she had no words, only saw the passion and fire in his eyes as he viewed his own hands cupped around her breasts. Her throat tightened, and she was fearful, but not enough to stop him. She already knew she’d give herself to this man. What she didn’t know was why, other than the mixture of his chemistry with hers, or that maybe their auras blended—whatever it was, worked.

Jase got up and pulled his boots off, watching her with a provocative glimmer in his eyes. “Don’t go anywhere.” He left the room and then the back door slammed, about the same way her heart slammed against her chest, and he returned. “No interruptions this time.” He dropped to the bed and sat astride her thighs. “Where were we, Brenna Page?”

She reached for him and dragged him down on top of her, and she kissed him, wildly, not holding back anything. Her mouth became possessive of his, taking his lips with an opened mouth, yet, soft and gently, and she tugged at his lower lip. Going back and getting aggressive again with her kiss, wanting nothing more than to be connected with his mouth.

He jerked away from her. “Do you know what you’re doing? You realize I haven’t been with a woman for a long time? Don’t play with me.”

She pulled him down once again and trailed her fingers over his back. “Take your shirt off,” she whispered.”

want it off, take it off yourself.”

Brenna didn’t know where her strength came from, but she grabbed ahold of his shoulders and moved him off her, straddling his thighs this time. The spark in his eyes ignited and his lips quirked defiantly. She unbuttoned his shirt. “Hallelujah,” she said, when she peeled it away. She ran her fingernails over his chest. “Look at you.” She peered into his heated gaze. Breathlessly, she muttered, “You’re divine.” Brenna picked up and examined the cross on the chain he wore around his neck.

She took his hands, leaned forward and kissed the side of his neck, his throat, moving down over his collarbone and even lower to kiss his left nipple, gingerly flicking her tongue against it until it plumped. “You’re a gorgeous man,” she mumbled against his chest. “More than I probably know what to do with—”

“Brenna, you’re not ready for this, admit it.” He placed his hands under her arms and lifted her off, stretching out on his side.

She slipped his shirt off his arm and he rolled over so she could get the other arm. Having a hard time keeping her hands off him, she slid her opened palm around his waist and beneath his waistband.”

“Oh, no, girl, don’t even. I can’t take this right now. Whoa, you need to think this over. Thirty minutes ago you were done with me. Now, you want me to rob you of your virginity?”

“Yes.” She gulped, meaning it, too.

He grasped her wrist. “Just like that?”

“It’s not just like that. It’s the right time and you know it.”

“No, it’s not.” Jase pushed two pillows against the headboard and wrenched away from her clutches. “Not like this, with you coming back, telling me you didn’t mean it. I want you so freakin’ bad, girl, that I could take
bit of every part of you right now. I could devour you and turn around and do it all over again. That’s how bad I want you. But I won’t take you like this.”

She laid her hand against his thigh, and slid it up and down his leg.

He removed her hand. “Oh, Bren.”

“Do you know how many men wish they were you right now?”

“Absolutely, I do. And it takes every ounce of willpower I own and some borrowed to sit here while you’re so willing.”

Brenna pushed a pillow against the headboard and sat beside him. “Why do you choose to wait? I’m offering myself to you. I’ve never done that before.”

“Brenna, love. You came back here to convince me to stay. This isn’t what you have to do.”

“That’s not why. We talked about this earlier…moments earlier. You know I want you…to be…”

“Your first?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Well, guess what, darlin’. I want more than only being your first. When you can know that in your heart, I’ll make love to you like crazy.”

“None of us knows the future.”

Jase got up and walked around the bed. He took her arms and pulled her up in front of him, hugging her, but then lay her down across the bed, crawling on top of her. “Is this what you want? You want to lose your virginity to a horse rancher who says he wants you forever? I’m almost a stranger.”

“I know your heart, and you’re not a stranger. Forever is a long time,” she whispered. “I can do you for a long time. I don’t want anyone else.”

“You know I’ve heard that before. Even had vows said, promises made…and broken.”

Jase pressed her hands against the mattress and she clenched his fingers. “Don’t compare me to someone else. We don’t know, is all I’m saying. You don’t know. Maybe the next blonde lost on the side of the road will sweep you off your feet.”

“It’s already happened, sweetheart. Something like that
happen twice.”

“Exactly, Jase Carlson.” Brenna glared at him to make her point. What he said was true.
, whatever they had, couldn’t happen twice.

“Oh, dammit, girl.” Jase got off the bed and pulled his shirt back on. He reached for her hand, and clenched her fingers when she stretched out her arm to him. Pulling her up, he buttoned her blouse, took her face between his hands, and leaned forward to kiss her. Not aggressive like she had but loving. “Come out to the barn with me.” He shook his head and dropped to the chair beside the bed and pulled his boots on, stood, and buttoned his shirt. “I have to get you out of this bedroom.”

Brenna slipped her shoes on for the second time.

Taking her hand before leaving the bedroom, he brought her against his body. “Call your sister and tell her you’ll be a while.”

“No, I better not. Best she thinks I’ll be home any minute, but I’ll call to see if she needs anything, and if she got in okay.” They went out the back door and she took her phone from the car and called.

Chloe answered. “They left a TV hooked up, Brenna. There’s a sofa and a chair here. And a package for you from the office.”

“Go ahead and open the package.” She heard the envelop ripping, wondering why Nora left the TV, but it was nice of her.

“Oh, it’s the password for the Internet for one thing and the lease. Stuff like that. It’s nice here, Brenna. I love the upstairs.”

It choked up Brenna. “I’m glad you like it, hon. Um, is Davy still there?”

“Do you care? I mean, yes, but is it okay?”

“It’s okay for now.” Brenna watched Jase step out of his horse trailer and walk into the barn. In reality, she hated the idea of a nineteen-year-old stranger being at home with her sister, but if she put enough trust in Jase to offer herself to him, she’d have to trust his word about Davy. “At least you’re not alone. I’ll be home later.” Brenna started to say farewell, but… “Chloe?”


“Thank you.”

“Sure, anytime. Be a good girl, big sister.”

Brenna detected the humor in her words. Her sister was happy today and she didn’t want to mess with that. In a heartbeat, Chloe had turned into someone she didn’t know, and it was enough to make Brenna happy. Jase waited at the barn door, his hands in his front pockets, gazing out over the desert. The sun was low.
I’m in love with him.

“Come on in here. I have a surprise.”

When she entered, he led her to Warrior. He put a bridle on him, ending with a pat to his flank, and tied the reins to a post.

“Go ahead, you can touch him. Let him hear you.” He turned toward the back of the barn and Warrior tapped his hoof against the floor. “I’ll be right back.”

Brenna walked up to the horse and ran her hand down his smooth back and over his muscular flank. “Hey, Warrior, good boy.” She glanced around the barn, noticing how clean it was and the wood was good quality, not something thrown together to keep horses in one place. He took pride in what he owned. It showed in his house, his vehicle, and even his horses.

Jase returned, drying his hands on a paper towel.

“What are we doing with your horse?” Brenna asked, when Jase turned and walked him outside.

“You’re getting on him.”

All of a sudden they were getting on a horse? She wondered if he was the type of man to ever be figured out. “Without a saddle? What are you riding?”

“My horse. Come on, get on over here.”

“You’re very bossy.” Brenna surveyed the horse as Jase tugged down on the bridle and commanded Warrior to lie down.

He frowned. “Climb on him.”

“What? He’s lying down.” She looked back and forth at the horse and Jase. He wasn’t kidding by the sincere look on his face—his furrowed brows, narrowed eyes.

“Unless you want to jump on him when he’s standing there, I suggest you give this a try.” Jase laughed. “If you want, I’ll bring a sissy stand over, but I’m telling you he isn’t going to stay down much longer.”

Sissy stand? No way!
When she swung her leg over and settled on the horses back, Jase clicked and pulled on the reins.

“Hold on to the mane when he gets up.” Jase clicked again and Warrior rose from the ground. “Good boy.” He reached into his pocket and brought out part of a crumbling cookie. “Keep holding on when I get up there so you don’t roll off.” Jase leapt and got on the horse’s back, giving quite a jolt when he landed right behind her. “You’ll love it, and for the record, I’m bossy for your protection.” He clicked with his tongue and they took off.

His legs tightened around her thighs, his muscles flexing with each bounce.
Good God!
“We’ll take it slow for now till you get the feel of bareback and find your balance.” He tightened his arm around her waist and held the reins loosely in his other hand. “If we’re lucky we’ll see the flamingo colored sunset from the desert.”

“I need to get home…my sister has been there with Davy long enough.”

“I talked to him. They’re watching a movie. Trust me, Brenna. I have to keep telling you that?”

“I trust you, but I don’t know him.”

“Ho, boy.” He brought Warrior to a halt and turned her face until she could see him. “I said you can trust him. They just met for God’s sake. What do you think they’re going to do, jump on the couch and get off on each other?”

Brenna raised her hands in rebuttal, but Warrior stepped to the side and she almost fell off. Jase had to grab her leg and jerked the reins. He slid his arm around her and leaned into her back.

“Can you stop worrying and enjoy the moment? Everything is okay. He’s keeping her company and they’re both enjoying the evening. Like I’m trying to do.”

Relaxing, she leaned more into him. His arm tightened, and their bodies flowed with the horse’s movements, fluid and smooth…and hot.

“I’ll get you on the other palomino…
you’re planning on staying around, sweetheart.”

“I’m not going anywhere. I’d love to ride her.” She leaned her head against him and enjoyed the ride. He kicked in his heels again and they went faster, directly toward the mountain.
This city is filled with damn cowboys and mountains.
The sun dropped lower and the mountain face glowed. Brenna held his arm. She laid her other hand over his holding the reins to experience the sensation of guiding the horse.

“Here, take a hold of the reins with both hands. Hold them loosely and just go with it.”

Brenna observed the sun going down and the orange sky deepened in color. She held the leather in her hands, and Jase’s went to her waist. He slipped them around to the front and over her thighs to the inside of her legs, slowly back to her waist. From there he eased his hands around, unbuttoning her shirt, and fondled her breasts.

A smile broke out on Brenna’s lips. Apparently, she hadn’t learned anything from the ice cream episode. “I see what you’re doing. You’re keeping my hands busy again. Remember what happened last time?”

“I don’t see any way you can do anything this time unless you want to become one with tumbleweed.” He nuzzled his face against her neck. He reached for the reins and pulled them back a little to slow the horse down, but set his hands right back against her breasts. “I love the way they feel in my hands right now, bouncing with the trot. Mmm. Dammit, girl.”

She leaned against him and let his fingers wander. He slipped his hands under her shirt in the back and unhooked her bra, and stroked her bare breasts. His touch was gentle, even with a rough hand. She laid her head against his shoulder and let him play while she enjoyed.

Once he stopped the gentle pinching, and she got her senses back, she pointed ahead toward the four peaks. “I’d like to go up that way sometime.”

“I’m kind of liking these two peaks right now,” Jase said.

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