Heartless Rebel (29 page)

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Authors: Lynn Raye Harris

BOOK: Heartless Rebel
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was beginning to bubble up inside her soul. And certainty: the certainty this
was absolutely right, that
right for her and that their love would last forever.

if I don’t want to be chaste?” she asked, slipping her arms around his neck and
arching against him.

body was stone. Hard, hot stone. He closed his eyes and groaned. Then he opened
them and speared her with a glare.

will be, like it or not, until the day we are married.”

smiled, her heart racing ahead and making her almost dizzy. This was really
happening. She was really going to do this. She was going to take the biggest
chance of her life—and she wasn’t scared any longer.

you bring your plane, Jack Wolfe?”

answering grin stole her breath. “I did indeed.”

she asked.





were married in Las Vegas before the sun set the next day. And they were making
love in a penthouse suite not an hour later. Though it had only been less than
two weeks since they’d last been together, this time was like the first time.
Jack worshipped her body with his own, bringing her to climax again and again
before taking his own pleasure.

when she’d recovered sufficiently, Cara returned the favor, teasing and
taunting him to the edge of control before taking him over the peak.

fell into a deep sleep, and then woke again before sunrise to make love when
everything was quiet and still. When it was over, Cara fell asleep again. Her
dreams were filled with Jack, and when she woke, he was there with a tray of
food and a bouquet of fresh-cut roses.

you think your mother minds very much that she couldn’t be here for the
wedding?” Jack asked as she smeared jelly on the last slice of toast.

heart turned over as she looked at him. He was clad in a pair of silk
boxers—and that only so he could answer the door when room service came, she
imagined. His hair was tousled, and his easy smile stole her breath away.

long as we have the big wedding back home, she doesn’t care that we’re already
married. She couldn’t have left Remy, anyway. He wouldn’t understand.”

I don’t suppose he would.”

had been so happy for her, and she’d loved Jack on sight. And when they
eventually had the church wedding back in New Orleans for friends and family,
Mama would be the proudest woman alive.

Jack said a few moments later, and she knew she’d been staring at him.

just thinking how much I love you. And how grateful I am for what you’re doing
for Remy.”

full-time nurse Jack had suggested they hire would make such a difference in
Remy’s life. In all their lives. Mama wouldn’t have to worry so much about her
son anymore, and Evie would no longer have to take turns watching Remy. She
could pursue her own goals and have the life a twenty-three-year-old should

additional therapy, Remy would be able to cope with changes much better than he
did now. It was more than Cara had ever dreamed she would be able to provide.

family is my family now. And your mother’s a wonderful woman.”

just saying that because she told you to marry me quick before I changed my

leaned down and kissed her. “You weren’t changing your mind.”

went over and opened his briefcase. When he dropped a thick packet on her tray,
she frowned.


smile was very self-satisfied. Like the proverbial cat that ate the canary, she


ripped open the packet and pulled out a thick sheaf of papers. Her jaw dropped
as she realized what they were. “These are shares in Bobby’s Nice casino.”

shares, my love. Congratulations.”

blinked up at him. “You bought Bobby’s casino for me?”

of it,” he said. “But Bobby still has a stake. What fun would it be if you
couldn’t torture him a bit?”

laughed. “Oh, my God, you mean I’m Bobby Gold’s boss?”

you’d like the other casinos, I’ll get them for you.”

shook her head. “No, one is enough.” Ridiculously, her eyes filled with tears.
“Thank you.”

set the tray aside and pushed her back against the pillows. “Just think, every
year on the anniversary of our first meeting, we can close the high-stakes room
and play our very own game, just the two of us.”

did you have in mind?” Cara asked as his lips found the pulse in her throat.

sinfully sexy laugh vibrated against her neck. “Strip poker, of course.”


Jacob becomes a success …


Jacob’s genius reputation spread, his designs became greatly sought after. But
Jacob refused to be motivated by profit and instead specialised in projects for
charity whenever he could. But as the years went by, Jacob became increasingly
uncomfortable with the increasing media attention and stepped back, becoming a
shadow again. He knew that taking the limelight would force him to face the
past he had pushed so determinedly behind him.

fate had other ideas, and just five years later Jacob’s path crosses with one
of his beloved siblings—Sebastian Wolfe. Shocked to hear his brother’s name
after so long away, something begins to stir within Jacob. Sebastian has
submitted plans for the design of his new flagship hotel and, intrigued, Jacob
ensures the job is accepted.

just this small touch of intimacy with his brother—however far removed it might
be—Jacob’s ache of loneliness increases. He cannot bring himself to contact
Sebastian directly and so pours his love for his brother into his design. The
hotel was heralded as a work of genius, helping Sebastian’s fledgling company
find its feet.

this day, Sebastian is unaware of Jacob’s input.




Share a secret about Jack or Cara?

loves Cara’s long legs, but when she was growing up she hated being so tall.
She was always taller than the boys in her class and it made her feel gawky and
ugly. Thankfully, she no longer feels that way!

Who is the biggest, baddest Wolfe?

would say he’s the biggest, baddest Wolfe because he never, ever shrank from
doing the hard things in life. Jack is tough and willing to go the extra mile.

Which Wolfe brother did you most fancy?

of course! He was such a brooding, lonely, sexy man. He has a Bond-like quality
to him. He’s a loner and he’s tough as nails. Nothing fazes him. You can
absolutely count on him in any crisis.

Which is your hero’s favourite room in
Wolfe Manor?

isn’t very fond of Wolfe Manor, but if he had to pick a room, it would be the
kitchen. Because when he was little and feeling lonely or scared, he would
creep into the kitchen and hide beneath the big prep table. The cook always
knew he was there, however, and she’d lure him out with tasty morsels of food.
He felt safe and loved in the warm kitchen with its delicious smells.

How did Jack pop the big question?

need to read the book to find out!




What do you enjoy most about writing as
part of a continuity series; how does it differ from writing a single title?

enjoyed working with the other authors! We had an e-mail loop and we talked
quite a lot about the details of the stories. When I’m writing a single title,
I’m working alone. It was nice to have the support of the other authors.

What do you think makes a great

think a great hero and/or heroine needs to be passionate about something.
Passion is at the heart of every strong character, whether it’s a passion for a
cause, a worthy goal, or even another person.

When you are writing, what is a typical

depends on how close to deadline I am! In the early days, a typical writing day
entails getting up early with my husband and going up to my office with a cup
of coffee or tea. I work on e-mail and social media for a little while, and
then I write. By the time my husband comes home again, I’m done for the day.
But as I get close to a deadline, I end up working late into the evening until
the book is done.


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