Heart's Lair (32 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Morgan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Heart's Lair
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"Yes, I do!" She couldn't stifle the sob. "I . . . Oh, Karic, I'm sorry I called you an animal. I think it was my way of avoiding that part in us all, inin me."

"It's all right, Liane. I swear to you. It doesn't matter." He swung her up into his arms and strode to the little bed, pulling her down atop him.

She gazed at Karic for a long moment, smiling, then moved to straddle his thighs. Her hand encircled his erection.

Karic groaned. Her palm closed tightly around his massive length, and she guided him to her. At the first touch, Karic went wild. He drove himself into Liane, rocking his shaft as deeply into her as he could.

She cried out, arching her head back, her breasts thrust forward, plunging to meet him with all the shuddering strength of her body. He impaled her, his rhythm quickeninghard, fast, deep. Liane whimpered above him. She was on fire, trembling with a searing heat, aching unbearably, unable to bear it a moment longer.

With a sharp, keening cry, she fell atop him, lost in the throes of her release. Karic gave a harsh, gutteral moan and clasped her to him, coming violently again and again. Together, on a nocte fraught with death and danger, they were drawn into that dark, deep chasm of swirling, exquisitely poignant ecstasy.


Even as she lay there afterwards, nestled in the protective haven of his arms, Liane knew she must soon go. Though Karic was yet awake she could see the drug finally working, slowing his breathing to a deep, even rhythm, beckoning him toward sleep. Still, Liane was loathe to leave.

The nocte outside the little hut was black, filled with nameless terrors, danger and possible death. Here, lying next to the warm comfort of Karic's body, she was safe, protected and oh, so very loved. The sated drowsiness after mating teased the edges of her consciousness. Liane wanted nothing more than to sleep and forget the harsh, horrible reality that lay outside.

An irrational thought that perhaps this was all just some terrible dream struck her. Perhaps if she went to sleep she'd awaken at solrise in Karic's arms, back once again in the Cat's lair, back to a life of peace and happiness. For a brief moment more she allowed herself the forbidden luxury of dreaming, then she stirred, propping herself up on an elbow.

Karic's eyes slowly opened, eyes already glazing over with sleep. "Where are you going?" he mumbled.

She smiled down at him. "Nowhere, my love. II just wanted to say one thing more, then let you rest."

His lips lifted in a drowsy smile. "Then say it."

"I love you, Cat Man, with all my heart. You know that now, don't you, beyond a shadow of a doubt?"

"Yes, I know that." Sensing there was something Liane still needed to say, Karic forced back his sleepy haze. With a weary sigh, he turned on his side to face her.

His action afforded Liane a full view of tautly muscled abdomen, narrow hips and the breadth of his chest. Desire once again flared, and she nearly faltered in her resolve. But love for Karic and his ultimate safety relentlessly drove her on.

She forced herself to continue. "And you know that I've always had the welfare of your people uppermost in my heart. You know that, too, don't you, Karic?"

He slowly nodded, a quizzical frown forming between his brows. "Yes, Liane, I know that."

"And no matter what happens, you'll know that whatever I did, I did because I thought it was the right thing to do, like . . . like when I healed your leg against your will.''

Karic's frown deepened. "The only right thing left for you to do is to go with Arlen to Lyrae." He gripped her arm, fighting the encroaching mists closing in upon him. "And you still owe me your promise that you'll do so. Promise me, Liane!"

She heard the desperation in his drug-laced voice. She knew she must soothe him, and quickly, or his high emotions might well dispel the potion's effects. Yet to lie to him, even for such a cause . . .

"If you do not return from Primasedes,"
and if I somehow survive it myself
, Liane thought, "I'll go with Arlen to Lyrae. I, too, feel a need to protect our child. If something happens to you, I'll do so as ardently as I tried to help you. I swear it!"

Karic rolled over on his back, releasing her. "I believe you, Liane," he mumbled thickly, unable to fight the drowsiness a moment longer. "And I know you'll succeed. Our child will be safe."

She watched his breathing slow and deepen. His lids lowered to cover his striking green-gold eyes. Beautiful eyes, loving eyes, Liane thought with a bittersweet pang, eyes she might not ever see again. With the utmost care she rose from the bed, pausing only to tenderly cover him with a blanket.

Dressing was a challenge with the meager selection of clothes Liane had to draw upon. She had decided her best chance of entry and easy movement within Primasedes was to pass herself off as one of the many prostitutes who frequented the fortress, but fashioning a garishly seductive costume from her few garments was a real challenge.

She finally combined a sheer pink undertunic with a long crimson skirt, tucking a corner of the skirt up into her waistband to reveal an expanse of shapely leg to mid-thigh. Gathering her long hair high on her head to one side, she wove several colorful strips of cloth through the tresses and tied them in place.

Next, Liane turned to the task of preparing her face. She smudged her eyes with a bit of charred wood from the fire, then tinted her lips and cheeks with cerasa stain. After one last fluffing of her tousled mane, Liane gave herself a final inspection in the mirror.

Thank the five moons Karic could not see her now, she thought, for she definitely looked like an alley walker. She only hoped she possessed the nerve to see the role through, at least well enough to seduce the men guarding the alarm system. Liane shuddered at the thought of what she might have to endure in the process. It reminded her of the weapons Karic had brought along.

She moved to the table where one of the blaster guns and stunners lay. Liane hesitated over which one to take. The blaster was more powerful and deadly but was also too large to hide. She picked up the stunner. Though this version might not kill, it had several settings, the most powerful of which could disable for several horas, and she would need it to eliminate any potential resistance in her attempt to destroy the alarm system.

Liane slid the small weapon into her pocket. Then, almost of its own accord, her gaze moved toward the bed, toward Karic.

The lines of tension had eased from his ruggedly handsome face in the peaceful oblivion of sleep. Yet even now he seemed to emanate restrained power and masculine vitality. His sun-streaked mane lay about his shoulders, still tangled and windblown from the long journey. Liane suppressed a sudden urge to stroke his hair and face in tender farewell.

Her gaze lovingly moved down his body to the Cat's claw and chain he wore, symbol of his rank as lordling of his people. Even now his father might well be dead and Karic ruler, ruler of a race teetering on the brink of extinction.

Hot tears stung Liane's eyes as she took her final leave of him, his powerful naked chest, his muscular arms and strong handswonderful hands that had given her such joy and pleasure. Though the blanket now covered him, Liane well remembered how Karic had looked in all his magnificent, virile beauty.

With heart-wrenching resolve she turned, forcing her legs to carry her away into the forest and onto the familiar, oft trod path. She dared not look back or she'd never be able to leave. Though love strongly beckoned her in the form of the sleeping man she'd left behind, love just as strongly called her forward. The only hope of saving his life and the lives of his people lay ahead within an evil, forboding fortress called Primasedes.


Luck was with Liane as she neared the city. A small contingent of Bellatorians, recently returned from an inspection visit of one of the many agrifarms, was gathered at the main gate to be screened for entry. Tired from their long journey and excited to be home, the group was unaware of an addition to their numbers. Liane entered with them, the sensors noting only the form of yet another Bellatorian.

As soon as she could slip away, Liane took her leave. She backtracked to the main gate and the formidable building that was both guard barracks and alarm system center. Hidden in the shadows, she hesitated outside. How, by all the moons of Bellator, was she going to get past the many men milling about below?

Her ploy in the mining town of Fodina, to coax that miner to take her to the pits, had failed miserably, but that same ploy was all she had now. She would simply have to be bolder and more in control of the situation, for this time there was certainly no Gage Bardwin to rescue her. Liane smiled sadly. Her motives were still ultimately the same, thoughto save Karic's life.

Liane prayed that her quest would go smoothly. Once the alarm system was out of commission, she intended on infiltrating the palace and discovering the whereabouts of Karic's father, if he were even still alive. It would aid immeasurably in his safe rescue later if Karic knew exactly where to find him.

It was a dangerous plan, fraught with potential pitfalls every step of the way, but Liane's knowledge of the lower levels of the palace, where the prison cells and labs were located, would facilitate a swifter, more unnoticed passage than Karic could. Even with his cloaking powers, Karic's ignorance of the myriad, interweaving corridors would immeasurably slow his search. And any loss of time in reaching Morigan could well be fatal for all concerned.

No, it was the only prudent course of action, Liane grimly assured herself, gazing at the guard barracks. The long, two-story building was ablaze with lights on the lower level, and the boisterous sounds of male voices, some singing, some shouting, and most already slurred with drink, floated to Liane's ears. More the better, she thought. A drunk guard would be easier to manipulateor, she realized with a shudder, be just about impossible to reason with.

Liane quickly discarded that thought. It was pointless to dwell on it anyway. The time had come to set her plan into motion.

With an exaggerated sway of her hips, Liane strode across the courtyard toward the barracks. A man stepped out of the doorway as she approached. Liane tensed, then forced herself to relax and smile at him.

He grinned down at her, his mouth slightly lopsided, a glazed look in his eyes. He reeked to high heaven of the famous, locally brewed ale.

"Well, well," the man drawled, "what have we here? You're a pretty little piece to be out all alone on a dark nocte."

His arm snaked out and grabbed Liane about the waist, roughly pulling her to him. "Need to couple, do you, pretty one?"

Cold fear slid through Liane. She swallowed hard against the revulsion that churned up, threatening to choke her. For Karic, she screamed to herself. Do this for Karic!

She forced what she hoped was a seductive smile onto her face. "I'm always ready for a coupling," Liane purred, "if the price is right."

"And what's your price, my pretty little piece?" the man thickly inquired. "I've gambled away all my coins this nocte and am a poor man. Do you take credit?"

"Credit?" Liane laughed. "No, never credit. But there are other ways of payment, if you've the courage." Grubby fingers wove their way into her hair to clasp the back of her head. Inexorably, he drew her face toward him.

"Oh, I've the courage and more, my pretty one," the guard growled. "Name your price."

"I like to see new things, and I've never seen our famous alarm system. Do you possess the authority to show it to me? I especially like men with authority."

"I'm second in command of these barracks," he boasted, his chest visibly smelling. "Is that enough authority for you?"

"Will it get me in for a tour?"

"Most certainly."

Liane forced herself to press into him. "Then we have a bargain. The alarm system for a coupling. Let us go now."

"Not so fast, pretty one." The man stayed her. "I want a taste of what I'm buying first. It's dangerous showing you the alarms. You're not authorized, you know. I'll need some proof you're worth the risk."

Gazing up at his leering face, Liane was certain she'd have fled in panic if he hadn't been holding her so securely. What would it take to placate him? Would a simple kiss be enough? She fervently hoped so.

Lifting on tiptoe, Liane touched her mouth to his. With a grunt, the man pulled her into him, flattening the soft mounds of her breasts against his chest and her hips into his groin. His mouth roughly slanted over hers, his tongue wetly probbing for entry. Hot tears stung her eyes as Liane warred with her revulsion, but she finally allowed his invasion. She was a whore, and she had better act the part.

But when the guard's hand groped for her breast, Liane jerked back. "You've had your sample," she choked out. "The rest will have to wait until we're done with the tour. Shall we get on with it?"

He released her and began to pull her into the building. "Keep quiet and stay right behind me then," he snarled. "Let's get this over with. And you'd better come through with all you promised in that kiss!"

"Oh, you'll get all that and more," Liane murmured, her hand tightening around the stunner in her pocket. "That I promise."

They climbed a flight of stairs just past the entryway, the sounds of laughter even louder now they were inside the building. Good, Liane thought, it'll help cover any noise we make upstairs, especially when I fell him with my stunner.

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