Heart's Lair (9 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Morgan

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Heart's Lair
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"We're sharing her. Don't ever forget that. Necator said she was a reward for the two of us."

"Then why does he want us to bring her back?" the raspy voice grumbled. "He gave her to us. That's one femina I'd not tire of quickly."

"Who knows?" the gruff voice replied, moving forward once more with the lamp. "Maybe he wants a taste of her himself. One way or another, the Lord Commander means to eventually kill her. You saw her this sol. She's betrayed us for that Cat Man."

It's over, Liane thought. In another secundae they'll raise the searchlamp and find us. Oh, Karic, I'm so sorry. She touched her forehead to his chest in mute farewell.

The lamp's beam swung over them, passing by without a moment's hesitation. The trackers moved on, the hollow clunk of their boots echoing in the tunnel, growing fainter until they finally disappeared. Liane couldn't believe what had happened. How could they have not seen them?

Karic's mouth lowered to her ear, his warm breath caressing the delicate shell. ''Did you forget about a Cat Man's ability to cloak his presence?" he whispered.

She smiled and slowly nodded. Of course, Liane thought. With his body in front of hers they'd appeared invisible to the trackers' eyes. She tried to sit up.

"No, lie still. We're not safe until they leave this cave."

Liane sighed and squirmed back against Karic. He was right. The trackers still had to return this way.

It seemed like horas before they retraced their steps, the thud of footsteps and snarls of the search canus heralding their approach. Though she knew Karic would once more shield them, Liane couldn't repress a small tremor. So little protected them from discovery if the search canus caught their scent.

The trackers moved on. Karic continued to hold her there for a long while, perhaps an hora or two by Liane's reckoning, before he finally pulled her down from the ledge. He removed her gag and untied her hands.

"Thank you."

His deep voice rumbled out of the darkness and sent a new awareness coursing through Liane. She wanted to touch him, press into the comforting warmth of his male body. With an effort, she suppressed the tantalizing impulse.

"I don't understand," she murmured instead. "Why are you thanking me?"

He grasped her shoulders. "Though I had you bound and gagged you still could have moved, made a sound by kicking at the ledge with your boots. They would have heard. My cloaking can't cover sounds."

"I've never meant to betray you, Karic."

Strong fingers moved to gently encircle her throat. "Perhaps. Or perhaps your decision was made when you heard the trackers talk about what they would do to you."

Suspicion roughened his voice, turning it harsh and grating. Liane flinched and jerked away. "Yes, perhaps it was. But what does it matter? The result was the same. I didn't betray you."

He turned from her, moving to the ledge to retrieve their packs. Liane wished she could have seen his face when she'd answered him. Had her words hurt as much as his had? She hoped so.

Ordering her to wait, Karic stealthily crept into the main chamber and over to the falls. He returned after a short time.

"They're out there, camped across the lake. I don't know if they suspect something or are just bedding down for the nocte. At any rate, we'll be spending it in here."

Liane's nose wrinkled in distaste. It was dark, damp and cold in the cave. But what choice had they? Only the falls protected them from discovery from the search canus. "As you wish," she sighed. "Where do you propose we sleep?"

"This is as good a place as any."

"Up on the ledge?" Liane asked in dismay. She didn't think she could stand a whole nocte cramped up in that hard spot.

"No. I think down here in front will be all right. That way we're close to it if we need to hide again."

"Good. Can we have a fire for heat and light?"

"No. Light from the perpetual flame box you brought is fine, but no fire. If the trackers reentered the cave, they might smell the smoke,
I were even able to find any dry wood in here."

It was better than nothing, Liane consoled herself, and it would just drive some of that terrible, smothering blackness away.

She squatted and began to rifle through the packs. The domare hide backpacks were virtually waterproof. If there were any dry clothes or blankets, she supposed she'd survive one nocte in the cave.

A half hora later Liane was changed into a fresh set of clothes and huddled before the perpetual flame box, wrapped in a blanket. After the numerous times that Karic had seen her naked or nearly so, she had dispensed with modesty when she had shed her wet clothing. Besides, if he wished to rape her there was little she could do about it. He neither said nor did anything, his eyes narrowing briefly before he turned away.

Karic shed his tunic but remained in his damp breeches. There was no extra clothing for him. He loosely slung the other blanket about his broad shoulders, as if impervious to the cave's pervading chill. Liane wondered at his ability to bear so many kinds of hardship without it seemingly affecting him.

His glance caught hers, thoughtfully staring at him. "What is it, Liane?"

Warmth flushed her face, and she shook her head. "Nothing. It was nothing."

His keen eyes scrutinized her, and he shrugged. "Then I have a question for you."


"After what the trackers said, can I assume you now deem it safer to go with me than escape? Primasedes is certainly no longer an option."

"Are you sure?" A mocking smile touched Liane's lips. "If I truly know the location of your lair, don't I still have a bargaining piece that Necator wants? Don't you think it would buy me safe passage at least back to Primasedes?"

"You're right, of course," he growled, his eyes darkening in anger. "I'd forgotten about that."

"And if I don't know your secret," Liane continued, "my choices are virtually the same. One way or another, it seems I'm going to be raped."

"At least you won't die at the hands of my people."

The savageness of his reply startled Liane. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, her welfare mattered to him. She couldn't let it change her resolve, though.

"If I lose my maidenhood I'll dieone way or another."

"Why, Liane? Why is it so important to you? There's no shame in mating, no degradation if the loving is gentle and considerate. Most would even say it's pleasurable. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid. It's not that, Karic." "Then what, Liane?" He pulled her to her knees, the flickering light throwing dancing shadows across his rough-hewn features. "What
the reason?"


Liane hesitated. What would Karic's reaction be if she admitted that she would lose all her psychic powers if she mated? She wondered if he didn't secretly despise her for them, considering how she'd repeatedly used those powers against him. It might well prove the final excuse he needed to take her, right then and there, especially if he thought he was protecting his people.

The wise course would be to fabricate a lie, but Liane realized she'd never been wise when it came to Karichonest, perhaps, except for her falsehood about finding him disgusting, but never wise.

She steadily returned his stare. "You may choose to believe it or not, but if I mate I lose my powers."

Surprise lifted his dark brows. "Is this unique to you, or common for all Sententian feminas?"

"For all of us." He frowned. "Strange, but I've never heard of it before."

Liane rolled her eyes. "And do you think this is something we share with every passerby? No, it is a closely guarded secret. Our men respect it and allow us to make the choice."

"The choice?"

"Whether to mate and lose our powers or remain chaste. As strange as it may seem to you, some of our feminas prefer service to mankind over personal needs."

"And you are one of them?"

Liane nodded.

A pair of penetrating eyes studied her. "Then you are wrong, Liane. Beneath that cool, controlled exterior you're a passionate, hot-blooded fernina. Your body's meant for the touch of a man, created to give pleasure as well as receive it. You've far more to offer in loving, than in the"

"And who are you to decide that for me?" Liane heatedly interjected. "It is my life, my decision. And I have to live with the choice, not you!"

"And I say you cannot know what you're giving up until you've tried it."

She sadly shook her head. "But then it would be too late, Karic. I have to make the best choice I can with the knowledge I have. Please try to understand."

Liane tenderly stroked his face. "I am not as ignorant as you may think. I lied at the pool, when I told you I found you disgusting. The loss of my powers was the true reason."

A slow flush darkened Karic's features, then his jaw hardened. With a furious motion, he flung her hand from him.

"In one breath you tell me it's impossible to mate and in the next you admit you want me? Why don't you just take a dagger and drive it into my heart?"

Tears filled Liane's eyes. "I'm sorry. I thought it would help. I just didn't want you to think I found you loathesome."

He groaned, a harsh, aching sound that filled Liane with equal portions of pain and longing. "I think you don't know what you want, except to drive me mad."

Anger stirred in her. "I know I want to remain a maiden. To do otherwise would kill me."

Karic's bitter laugh startled her. "Don't delude yourself, Liane. You're a fighter, for all your purported Sententian meekness. Since we've met there's barely been a secundae when we haven't been at odds, and you've given it back as fiercely as I've handed it to you."

He shook his head. "No, don't delude yourself in the least. You wouldn't die. Instead, you'd probably turn your rage on the man who raped you. I almost feel sorry for the poor fool."

She caught the tinge of resignation in his voice. "You mean you won't . . . ? And you won't," she swallowed hard, "give me to your friends?"

A self-mocking smile touched his lips. "No, Liane, I'll not be party to breaking your heart. If nothing else, I think it would do that. I can't promise you anything once we arrive at my lair, but I think I can convince them your healing powers are as useful as your breeding potential."

He cocked a brow. "That is, if you'd be willing to share them with us?"

She expelled a relieved breath. "Yes, oh yes! I'd be happy to help in any way I could." Liane paused, concern wrinkling her forehead.

Karic eyed her warily. "What is it now?" "Lord Ardane. I should be there when he returns. I could do more for your people by speaking to him then by going with you."


"But you don't understand, Karic. There was something about him. He's good and brave and strong. He'll help."

He stiffened at the admiration he heard in her voice. "Are you sure you're not just in love with him?"

Liane recoiled from the barely veiled sarcasm. "What? You're mad! Does every decision you make originate from your loins? I just finished telling you I've made a vow of celibacy."

"But he's Bellatorian, one of your own kind. Perhaps a man as wonderful as you say he is might just change your mind."

She angrily jerked her blanket around her and lay down. "I'm going to sleep. There's no point in discussing this further."

He crawled over to her, dragging his own blanket with him. Lying down beside her he pulled her into his arms. She tried to squirm out of his clasp, but he only tightened it.

"Let me go!" she snapped. "I've no wish to be touched by an incoherent madman."

"I'm hardly incoherent," he snarled back. "And I still don't trust you not to run away, now that I know your true feelings about this Ardane, so lie still."

Liane bit back a jumble of insulting invectives. What was the use anyway? He was as stubborn as an elephas and not half as intelligent. The comparison brought a grim smile to her lips. Lulled by the warmth of Karic's stubborn, if stupid, body, Liane soon fell asleep.


Liane suddenly jerked awake, not sure why. She shot a sharp glance at Karic. His ruggedly handsome face was relaxed in slumber. Nothing wrong there, but something . . . !

A skulking movement, just beyond the span of the light of the perpetual flame box, caught Liane's attention. She propped herself up on one elbow, her gaze searching the darkness. A glowing pair of eyes stared back, and sheer black fright swept through her.

"Karic," Liane leaned over and whispered into his ear, "wake up!"

He was wide-awake before the words were completely uttered.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep. Damn this cursed"

He stopped short, catching the gleam of fear in her eyes. "What's wrong, Liane?"

"There's something out there in the shadows, watching us."

Karic slowly rolled over. A warning growl acknowledged his action. The shadowy form took shape as the search canus stepped forward. Karic twisted into a squatting position.

"Stay behind me," he said. "Once I've got the canus away, climb up onto the ledge. He won't be able to reach you there."

"But what about you?" Liane's nails dug into Karic's bare shoulder. "Surely you're not going to fight him? You've no weapon."

"I've got my claws." He shook her hand from him. "Now, no argument. When the time comes, do as I say!"

He was right, of course, Liane realized. Karic had to kill the canus. If he didn't they were doomed. The beast would alert the trackers and the other search canus that also might be nearby, leading them to their hiding place.

She exhaled a shuddering breath. ''Yes, Karic, it will be as you ask."

The canus moved closer. It was a huge beast, easily as high as Liane's hips, shaggy, long-fanged, with small, cruel eyes. As it crept forward Liane could see the powerful muscles bunching, gathering.

With a fierce howl, the canus attacked. Karic sprang forward to meet him, his own savage growl answering that of the beast's. They collided. After a few secundae of struggle, the animal's weight was enough to topple them both to the ground. In a confusing blend of fur and flesh, the pair rolled over and over, each fighting for the advantage.

Liane backed away, her gaze mesmerized by the horrible scene. Lethal fangs slashed at Karic, drawing blood. The scent and taste of it seemed to drive the canus to an even greater frenzy. Its teeth sank into Karic's shoulder. The animal held on, tearing the flesh with vicious jerks of its head.

Karic's claws took their toll as well. Bright splotches of red stained the canus' shaggy coat. Still, the beast hung on.

Sleek, powerful muscles, glinting with sweat, strained to pull the animal's teeth loose. Finally, Karic succeeded. He shoved a forearm between the canus' jaws, wedging them open. With the other hand he clawed his way through fur and muscle to the beast's throat. Blood spurted everywhere. With a gurgling yelp, the canus was dead.

Karic lay there, the animal's body atop him, dragging in great gulps of air. Liane ran forward to kneel beside him, momentarily confused as to what to do first to help him. There was so much blood. Steeling herself, she grasped the canus' jaws and pried them away from Karic's arm. He wrenched out his arm. Liane grimaced at the mangled flesh, then moved to shove the animal's body off Karic. Karic lay there for a secundae, then weakly pushed himself up on one elbow.

He grasped her arm with a bloody hand. "You didn't go to the ledge," he rasped. "I told you to go to the ledge."

"It doesn't matter. You killed him." Liane loosened his fingers from her arm and ran for some water and rags. She returned and knelt beside him.

She dampened a rag and began to cleanse his shoulder. Blood oozed from the deep wound no matter how hard she applied pressure.

His hand clamped down on hers again. "The other search canus. . . . He might be nearby. If he comes, swear to me you'll take to the ledge. Swear it!"

Liane winced at the pain of his grip. "How can I leave you lying here like this? To watch from that ledge while you're slowly savaged to death? And for what? So I can be captured, raped and eventually put to death?"

She laughed, bitter and low. "Don't even ask it."

Karic fell back with a groan. "You're a fool, Liane."

"And so are you, Cat Man."

The shoulder wound refused to stop bleeding. In frustration, Liane finally fashioned a pressure dressing and then tended to the rest of Karic's injuries. Aside from the forearm, which was badly torn but clotting rapidly, the rest of Karic's wounds were superficial slashes on his face and chest. They were quickly cleansed.

She turned her attention back to his shoulder. The bandage was thoroughly soaked, and Liane made her decision.

"Karic, you must let me heal you. Now, before you bleed to death!"

His lids fluttered open. "No. I told you before"

"Curse your stubborn hide!" Liane grabbed his face to hold it in her hands. "You have no choice. If you're dead, you can't very well protect your people from me, can you? And what other secrets are there to steal from you, if I already know the whereabouts of your lair? What possible danger is there in this healing? Presumably I've already done as much damage as I can possibly do."

His green-gold eyes, clouding over as the life blood drained from him, slowly scanned her face. "Do what you must," he whispered.

Liane's hands moved to his bloodstained bandage.

Liane gazed down at her handiwork and smiled wryly. If Karic's luck didn't change soon, he'd be crisscrossed with scars before he reached his lair. She shook her head and began to dig through one of the bags.

"What's so amusing?"

She turned back to Karic. His eyes were open, warily glaring up at her. Her smile widened. He could be so much like a young lad sometimes, with his pride on the verge of wounding.

"I thought you'd gone to sleep."

"Just resting. You didn't answer my question."

Liane shrugged. "It was nothing. I was just thinking how accident prone you are. You're fortunate I'm a healer."

"Accident prone!" Karic pushed himself up to a sitting position. "If I were any less adept, we'd be dead long ago." He paused, noting the teasing gleam in Liane's eyes. He chuckled and eased himself back down onto the blanket.

"A few moments more of rest and we must change our hiding place. This spot is too tainted with blood to be safe. And I must dispose of the canus' body."

"Yes, in a few moments," Liane agreed, offering him a small vial of an amber-colored liquid. "But first, I want you to drink this."

Karic arched a dark brow. "What is it?"

"A potion that will renew your strength. It will make you sleep for a while, but when you awake, you'll be as strong as ever."

"And why didn't you give it to me before? I could have used it from the beginning."

"I didn't want you too strong then. If you recall, I was planning to escape."

"And now?"

"Escape is not an issue. I agreed to go with you to your lair. Now, I need you as strong as you can be."

He took the vial from her outstretched hand and fingered it consideringly. "How long will I sleep?"

"It's hard to say. Four, six, maybe eight horas. Whatever your body requires."

Karic shook his head. "Too long. It wouldn't be safe. The trackers could return." He made a motion to return the vial to her.

Liane stayed his hand. "Find us a secure hiding place and I'll stand guard while you sleep. I can rouse you if necessary. The potion won't drug you that deeply."

His gaze sharpened. Liane knew he was deciding whether to trust her or not. She didn't try to defend herself. Her actions in the past few sols spoke for themselves, if Karic cared to dispassionately examine them. She steadily gazed back at him.

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