Heat Wave (14 page)

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Authors: Kate J Squires

BOOK: Heat Wave
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‘I'm really sorry, darlin'. How 'bout I drop by later and check on y'all?.'

She leaned forward and kissed him, turning her head towards mine so I caught the full view. ‘That would be lovely. You're the best, Tanner. See you later.'

‘Sorry again,' I tried, but she was already gone.

Tanner and I stood awkwardly, just the cameras and us. ‘Maddie. You look good tonight.'

I hated the reserve in his voice. ‘I look good for you. Tanner, I've joined the show.'

‘You have? Really?' His eyes lit up, hopeful. ‘I thought after last night—'

‘I can explain that—'

‘You don't have to.' He reached for my hand, his rough one covering my smooth fingers. ‘I've expected you to watch other women with me; it's only fair you should be allowed to spend time with other men too.'

‘No, it wasn't like that.' I was glad for his acceptance, but frustrated by his misinterpretation. ‘Greg and I are just buddies. Tanner, I'm here, putting everything on the line, my reputation, my dignity, my heart, because I want you.'

‘Maddie-girl.' He raised his palm, softly stroking my cheek with his fingers. ‘Are you sure?'

‘I am. I know I've screwed up a lot of things this week, but I'm hoping you'll let me show you how much I'm trying here.' I leaned into him, allowing my chest to touch his and our foreheads to meet. ‘Will you, Tanner, let me take you out on a date the day after tomorrow?'

‘Um …' His pause was devastating. ‘Well, yeah, of course I would, but I'm kinda booked already for that day.'

‘Callie.' I saw it on his face; he didn't have to say her name.

Tanner's liquid eyes beseeched me. ‘Please, don't be mad, sweetheart. You know this is part of my life right now, and Callie's a really nice girl who's going through a really rough patch.'

Rise above,
I told myself. Gritting my teeth, I smiled. ‘No worries. You can see her the day before me. It'll be a bit like eating dinner.'

‘How so?'

‘Because that girl is your boring entrée. I'll be your sweet, hot dessert. And here's a taste.'

In the back of my head, I could hear how cheesy I sounded, and was a little terrified at how quickly I'd fallen into a TV persona. But without overthinking it, I tilted my head up to his and kissed his stubble-shrouded lips.

Tanner kissed me back, and just the way it always was between us, the world drained away, leaving just him and me. Emotion surged between us, our tongues meeting and our hands looping around each other's backs.

I bit his lip gently, hoping to imprint myself on his skin, so if Callie or any other foolish wench forced herself on Tanner, they'd find me there. Tanner growled, locking his hands at the small of my back, drawing me tighter to his body, and I could feel his passion pulsing back.

Moaning, I dragged my nails through his hair.
Forget waiting two days
I want you now.

But there were other plots afoot. A voice boomed from a hidden speaker, causing us to jump and pull apart.

‘Contestants, and Mr Beau! Miles here. Gather 'round, y'all—it's time for a round-up.'

Chapter 12

I lurked towards the back of the crowd, watching Miles clap an arm around Tanner's shoulders. ‘Well, cowboy, you've had a busy few days. Let's watch some highlights, shall we?'

A giant screen on the stage glowed to life, and a painful five-minute clip of Tanner's exploits played. I managed to watch him having a romantic candlelit dinner with Smart, and the stupid striptease I'd been forced to view already by Maxine, but I averted my eyes in hissing jealousy as Serenity laid him out on a massage table and lathered him in oil.

All around me, I could feel the tension of the other women as they analysed the action on screen, comparing what had been done to their own progress. Miles clicked his tongue happily as the TV faded out. ‘Goodness gracious, girls. Some of you are fast movers—and others had better get a move on, before Beau decides where his heart truly lies.

‘You see, each of you was chosen to fulfil a specific desire for Beau. Smart, Silly, Severe, Sassy, Sugar, Serenity, Shy, Strong and Savvy. And now, we have a late-comer.'

Oh, no …

Miles gestured a chubby hand towards me, and every head spun in my direction. ‘Meet the latest member of our little family, ladies. This is Serendipity, and she and this man have a history more tangled than a braided lasso—am I right, Beau?'

Tanner looked pained, and I tried to ease things by waving in a non-threatening way. ‘Hi, everybody.'

I was met with stony death-stares from everyone except Sugar, who was busy making eyes at Greg.

‘I won't bore you with the messy details of their extensive past, but needless to say, my beauties, if you plan on having a chance with the world's most eligible cowboy, now is the time to step up your game!' Miles shimmied, and the result was revolting. ‘Get your goodies out, and remember, he can't say no … See you tomorrow night, gorgeous people.'

His words lit a fire under the competitors; as if their lives depended on it, they swarmed the stage, reaching for Tanner like swift clawing crabs. My heart pinched inside my chest and I turned away.

Sugar stood there with a bottle of White Shiraz and two glasses. ‘Feel like a drink?'

‘I think you might be my new best friend,' I said, allowing her to grab my hand and drag me up to the top deck where we'd first met Tanner.

Sitting on the side of the hot tub, we dipped our bare legs in the steamy water and drank the cool wine. Sumara was exactly the lightness I needed to balance out the turmoil brewing inside me, and I relaxed into her company.

‘So, what did Miles mean about you and Beau having history? Did you used to date?' Her crystalline eyes were bright with genuine curiosity.

‘Back in high school,' I said.

‘What?' She almost fell into the spa and I reached for her arm to steady her, which only resulted in both of us sloshing wine everywhere. ‘That's insane! Tell me everything.'

I shrugged. ‘There's honestly not that much to tell. We lost contact. I saw him a week ago, but it's all really messy, with the show and the cameras and everything …' I waved to indicate the lens pointed at us from the remote cameras attached to the walls.

‘If it helps, he doesn't look at anyone the way he looks at you. I believe in love, and love can conquer anything.'

As if her words had summoned him, Greg's grinning face appeared at the top of the steps. ‘Anything camera-worthy happening up here, ladies? If you two want to make out for a bit, that's totally cool, you know …'

I laughed, despite myself. ‘Actually, I'm ready to head for bed.'

‘I'll come with you,' said Sumara, daintily lifting her skirt as she stood up from the water. Greg's eyes were locked on her thighs, as though he could physically feel her through his gaze. Sumara, well aware of his stare, pulled her dress just an inch higher, showing another tempting length of creamy skin.

‘As bad as each other,' I muttered to Greg as I passed him on the stairs.

‘Nighty-night, Hobo,' he replied, pushing something into my hand.

I closed my fist around the paper and kept walking naturally. I'd seen enough spy movies to know a secret note when I was handed one.

As Sumara and I walked back along the plush corridor, I said as naturally as I could, ‘Hey, I feel like a quick walk around the ship—wanna come?'

‘Sure!' Her amiable personality made her an easy co-conspirator. I steered us into a staff hallway, where I was certain there would be less cameras, and huddled against the wall to furtively read the note.


Go to my cabin. Tell Sumara I'll be having a quiet drink where we were sitting last night.


I turned to her. ‘Um … this is going to sound strange …'

I gave Sumara clear directions to the deck at the bow. ‘You should definitely go and have a look—the view is incredible.'

Her eyes narrowed playfully. ‘Well I have to say, I'm always up for a mysterious adventure.' She hugged me quickly. ‘I'm glad we're friends. See you tomorrow.'

She flitted away on her pretty pink heels, and I silently wished her luck with my other friend, hoping that they'd both find the courage to be honest.

Finding my own courage, I jumped in a staff elevator and made my way as inconspicuously as I could back to my old cabin. If anyone asked, I would have said I was headed there to gather up the rest of my gear, but the corridors were deserted as I tapped lightly on the door.

‘Hello?' I whispered, wondering what on earth Greg was up to.

I didn't have to wait long. Tanner opened the door and pulled me into his arms. ‘Maddie-girl,' he said, his voice a hotspot on the top of my head.

‘Tanner! What are you doing down here?' I pulled backwards so I could stare into his glorious dark eyes.

He held my hands and led me to the bottom bunk. As we sat, knee to knee, he said, ‘I had to see you tonight. You've been putting up with so much for me, and we haven't even had time to sit and chin-wag properly.'

Without overthinking anything, I crawled onto his lap. Safe inside the circle his arms made around me, I said, ‘Oh my God, it's been so crazy. All of this, it isn't us.'

‘I know, girl.' He smoothed my hair down my back, his wide fingers firm against my skin. ‘I never in a million years thought you'd actually agree to come on the show, after yesterday. I thought I'd lost you.'

‘You'll only lose me if you tell me to go,' I said truthfully.

‘I could never tell you to go. Tonight, I was a split-second away from marching into Maxine's office and telling her that I quit, to hell with whatever she tried to throw at me. And then, there you were, like an angel … ‘Cept I don't think I've ever seen an angel wear a dress quite this short before …'

His hands dropped to my thighs, where the creamy material had ridden up, exposing my legs. I nestled into his neck. ‘I've never claimed to be an angel, but I'll happily be yours.'

We snuggled down on Greg's bed, allowing the world to fall quiet for a few stolen moments. Neither of us tried to push any boundaries, our strange state of suspension compelling us to simply hold each other.

‘How are you doing today, anyway?' he asked, his soothing voice full of concern. ‘Can I do anything to make your life easier?'

‘Besides jumping overboard with me?' I joked, then turned solemn. ‘I hated watching you with all those girls tonight. It hurts my heart. Especially Callie.'

‘Callie? Why, sweetheart? I thought you'd like her. She seems really down to earth and lovely.'

It was one of the things I loved about Tanner—his open and trusting disposition. It also made it hard to explain my feelings of unease where Callie was concerned. ‘I don't think she's a good person, Tanner. I can't really explain it. Call it a cowgirl's intuition.'

He shifted his weight on the small bunk, and I could sense his reluctance. ‘Maddie, I believe that you feel threatened by her, but you don't have to be. I'm friends with Callie, but the only girl who lives in my heart is right here in my arms.'

‘You're a sweet talker, Mr Tanner,' I said, lacing my tone with humour, ‘but please, try not to spend too much time around Callie. For me?'

‘I'll do my best,' he promised, ‘but I do have to check in on her before I hit the hay tonight, and we've got a date booked, too.'

‘I'll swing by and see her,' I offered magnanimously. ‘You must be exhausted anyway, and her cabin will be right near mine. That way, I can apologise again for kicking her dog.'

‘You'd do that for me?'

‘Dude, I've just signed up to look like a ninny on international TV for you. There's not much I wouldn't do for you.'

He pulled me on top of his body, and my dress rode up even further as my legs straddled him. He grinned at me. ‘You're wrong about that, you know.'

‘What's that?'

‘You could never look like a ninny. A klutz maybe, but not a ninny.'

‘Oi!' I poked him in the ribs and he crowed in laughter. ‘You watch it, buddy.'

‘I love you, Maddie-girl.' He said it so simply and with such conviction, it took my breath away. ‘I know we can make it through this.'

‘I love you too, cowboy,' I replied, because I did, and the world was a simpler place when I allowed myself to say it out loud, no matter how terrified and exposed it made me feel. Dropping forward to kiss his open lips, I said, ‘It'll be fine. It couldn't get any harder, right?'


After another half an hour of cuddles and soft whispers, we slipped separately out into the hall, bound for our proper rooms. I met a production assistant on the way back to my deck, and found out that Callie was staying only two doors along from me.

Taking a cleansing breath, I steeled myself to knock on her door.
Get in, say sorry, get out. Done.
I raised my hand and tapped softly.

‘Come on in.' A sultry voice floated through the door, which was cracked slightly open. Shrugging, I did as I was told.

Inside Callie's room, electric candles flickered in elegant frosted glass holders. Her balcony doors were flung wide open, with the warm night breeze causing the white sheer curtains to undulate like living creatures. Perhaps I should have called out; if I did, I would have been spared the next sight.

I rounded the corner and found Callie kneeling on the silk sheets of her bed, wearing a pair of white chaps over a lacy thong. Her hair was carefully parted in adorable pigtails, which poked out from underneath her white cowboy hat, and her perky breasts were artfully arranged in a blue denim corset.

We both stared at each other in silence for a few beats, too shocked to even know where to begin.

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