Read Heaven With You Online

Authors: Rebecca Julia Lauren

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas

Heaven With You (17 page)

BOOK: Heaven With You
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I shuddered.

“Cold?” he breathed.

“I’m all wet.” I caught the innuendo as soon as it left my lips, and frowned. “Hunter—“

He lifted up and caught my mouth with his own. I moaned softly at the feel of the delicious kiss that teased my mouth, making me hot, making me want more. His tongue flicked mine. I melted into him.

Water sprayed over us, but we didn’t care, never broke contact.

Rolling over he turned me on my back and kissed me so thoroughly that I felt the tingle all the way to my toes. The kiss was wild, hot and hungry. His arm brushed my breast and I flinched.

He lifted his head. “Okay?”

“Don’t stop kissing me.”

His mouth crashed against mine. I was consumed by the kiss, so attuned to the feel of him that I didn’t hear what was going on around us. Hunter pulled away suddenly. “It’s okay, Izzy,” he whispered against my ear.

A second later another voice pierced the night.

“McAllister, you alright? Oh, shit. Sorry, man.”

Hunter was shielding me with his body, but I recognized Charlie’s voice and I knew that there was no mistaking what we’d been doing lying in the grass oblivious to the raining sprinklers.

“Everything okay, Charlie?” Robyn asked.

“It’s fine,” Hunter replied calmly, easing to his feet and pulling me up with him.

“I tripped,” I blurted out, needing to erase the shock from their faces. “Hunter was helping me.” As far as explanations went, it was so ridiculous that they actually might believe it.

Grinning, Charlie glanced back and forth between us. “Yeah, Hunter is a real helpful guy.”

Robyn smirked, her eyes sliding down Hunter and I. “We can see how he was helping you.”

“Did ya’ll need something?” Hunter asked, not unfriendly.

“Nah, we were just driving by and saw your lights on. When we slowed we thought we saw someone on the lawn.” He winked. “I mean you helping Isabelle.”

“It looked like ya’ll were making out,” Robyn popped off cheekily.

My face burned. Hunter’s arm settled around my shoulders, pulling me to him in a gesture of comfort.

Charlie roped his arm around Robyn’s waist and pulled her away. “Right. So, we’ll just be leaving you two alone.”

Robyn glanced back over her shoulder as Charlie led her away. “Have fun now, you know in case Isabelle falls again.”

I covered my face with my hands and felt Hunter settle me against his hard chest. I shivered against him. I was cold now that I wasn’t smashed against Hunter and my legs felt wobbly.

 “Let’s go inside, Isabelle.”

Lifting my chin to look at him I smiled, then he swept me into his arms, lifting me up and strode towards the house.

“You’re embarrassed,” he said softly, once we were inside.

I was still cradled in his arms. “Aren’t you?”


“Charlie and Robyn are going to think we’re…” I felt the heat creep up my neck, and I couldn’t finish the sentence.

Hunter looked amused.

“It doesn’t bother you that they think we’re having sex?” I had to choke out the last word, because just thinking the word ‘sex’ while Hunter was holding me made me melt like a marshmallow too close to the fire.

He took me through his bedroom and into the huge master bathroom that was almost the size of my entire apartment. Turning on the water in the shower, he released me and my body climbed down his.

Unfastening his holster, he turned to me. “No. But I’m sorry it’s upsetting you.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “You’ll feel better after a hot shower.”

I glanced over where steam was beginning to drift from the tiles and then my eyes locked with his. Without saying a word, he knew what I wanted, his eyes flickering with need.

His head dipped and my body clenched with longing. No one had ever kissed me the way that Hunter did, and it felt as if he was as necessary to me as air.  I’d always tolerated it when men touched me, but when Hunter’s hands slid over my body, I couldn’t get enough of him, and I clutched him desperately.

His arm brushed my nipple and I gasped.

He groaned.

Lifting the hem of my tank, he pulled it over my head and tossed it aside and slid down my shorts leaving me standing before him in only my black lace bra and panties. The feel of my bare skin against his wet clothes was strangely arousing. I inched closer to him. Both of his hands cupped my breasts and I gasped. When his fingers played with my sensitive, aching nipples, I moaned.

I pushed my legs together to ease the building pressure, and then he reached down and stroked the spot that begged for his touch. His fingers applied the sweetest pressure, and suddenly my whole body tightened and burst with pleasure. I cried out as the waves of release rippled through me. Stunned and still in the grips of pleasure, I held on to Hunter as if he was my lifeline.

He stroked my hair and rubbed my back, waiting until the orgasm soothed my body. Slowly, I became aware of several details, the first being that I was nearly naked and Hunter was still fully clothed. For some reason I found that totally hot. The water was still spraying us. Hunter was holding me up. Most significantly, I was happy.

Hunter glanced down at me, tipping my chin upward. “You’re crying.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he said gently. “What’s wrong?”

I could tell he was concerned, and my heart warmed. “Absolutely nothing. That was… amazing.” Tears filled my eyes again. “Hunter, I had no idea.”

His expression was a mixture of astonishment and disbelief. “Was that your first orgasm?”

I nodded.

He stared at me, as if unable to believe what I’d said.

“I’ve tried before,” I told him, feeling a little defensive. “I even bought a book, but nothing worked. I just assumed something was wrong with me.”

“Isabelle,” he said tenderly, cupping my face. “There’s nothing wrong with you. I barely touched you, and you came for me.”

“It’s you.” I stared up at him. “I only feel this way with you.”

He rested his head against mine. “What am I going to do with you Izzy?”

“You could show me how to please you.”

“Jesus. Everything about you pleases me.”

“I meant how to give you pleasure.”

“I know what you meant.”

“We’re not going to have sex?”

“Not tonight.” He looked into my eyes. “I don’t want to screw this up. We can take it slow.”

After the shower, I curled up in bed with Hunter and we watched TV and talked. I slept peacefully in his arms, safe, secure and a little more in love with Hunter McAllister than I’d been that morning.


Chapter Fourteen


I awoke sprawled on top of Hunter, my cheek smashed against the solid muscles of his bare chest, my arm across his middle and my leg draped over his. Yawning, my lips brushed his skin and I felt him tense. I lifted my chin and sleepily called his name. “Hunter?”


“Do you need me to move?”

“Don’t move. Go back to sleep Izzy.” He rubbed soothing circles on my back. No, not circles. He was making an eight or the infinity sign. Hmm. Closing my eyes, I held on to Hunter and fell back to sleep.

The next time I woke up I was alone in the bed and beams of sunshine were flooding the room. Rolling over, I glanced at the clock on the nightstand and sat up, surprised. It was almost ten o’clock. I never slept this late. Thank goodness I didn’t have to work until this afternoon, though I was unsure how I was going to get there without a car.

I had to see Ellie today, but asking her for a ride before I’d apologized seemed wrong. I got up, went to the bathroom and found a brand-new toothbrush still in the package sitting on the washbasin. After that, I brushed my hair and washed my face. I was wearing one of Hunter’s t-shirts, which I’d slept in last night, and I was reluctant to take it off. It wouldn’t hurt to keep it on a little longer.

I needed coffee, but I made Hunter’s bed before I went in search of it. His house was incredible. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to live here with all of the gorgeous windows that overlooked the forest, hardwood floors covered with thick, expensive-looking rugs, comfortable leather furniture and huge flat-screen TV’s. He even had a fireplace in his bedroom.

Pausing at the arched windows in his living room, I glanced out and saw a baby deer and its mother on the patio. It wasn’t as if I’d never seen a deer before. We lived far enough away from the city of Houston that deer sighting were fairly common, but they didn’t usually come so close, and these two deer saw me and seemed at ease with my attention.

The scent of coffee had me looking toward the kitchen, and I followed the intoxicating aroma, needing a fix and bad. I stepped into the kitchen and froze. Hunter stood shirtless, his back to me, standing before the stove cooking. He flipped the bacon and his bicep bunched impressively. My breath caught. He was beautiful. I paused a moment, admiring the view.

“There’s coffee in the carafe.”

I jumped.

He turned.

I flushed.

The front of him was every bit as drool-worthy as the back.

“Sorry.” He glanced over at me, looking concerned. “I’m used to being alone in the morning. I can put on a shirt.”

“Leave it off.” My eyes widened at what I’d just said. “I-I meant don’t go to any trouble on my account.”

His smile caused a slow flip in my belly. The memory of his hands on my body, stroking me, making me cry out as I came filled my mind, making me hot all over. To distract myself, I poured a cup of coffee.

“How do like your eggs?”

“Over easy. What can I help you do?”

“You can take the biscuits out of the oven.”

I was happy to have something to do.  After I took out the biscuits, I set the table while stealing glimpses of Hunter’s naked chest. I’d never been the kind of girl to ogle hot guys, but Hunter McAllister wasn’t just any gorgeous guy. There was something about him, an inexplicable quality that was more than physical and attracted people like bees to honey.

He definitely flipped my switch. The word ‘lickable’ kept coming to mind. Was that even a word? Admiring those yummy muscles, I decided that if ‘lickable’ wasn’t a word it should be created especially to describe Hunter McAllister.

He strolled towards me, carrying our eggs, his eyes glued to mine. “Izzy.” His voice was gravelly and made my stomach tighten. “If you want to eat breakfast, you’re going to have to stop looking at me like that.”

My eyes slid slowly over his beautiful body before meeting his startling blue eyes. “Maybe I’d rather eat you,” I replied wickedly. Never before in my life had I said something like that. I wanted Hunter McAllister. I wanted to touch him, kiss him and taste him. I wanted him in bed, and I wanted him out of it. The intensity of my feelings scared me.

“Be good, Isabelle.” His voice was thick with desire. “You’re going to eat breakfast if I have to feed it to you.”

“That sounds fun.”

His deep laughter made my skin tingle. “Stop flirting with me and eat woman.”

“Okay, okay. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

Surprise flitted across his features. “You didn’t. I like it when you can’t take your eyes off of me but not when I’m trying real hard to keep my hands off of you.”

I swallowed, hard. “Why are you doing that?”

 His gaze flicked to mine. “I like you Izzy. A lot. We don’t have to rush this. I’m willing to wait as long as you need me to.”

“Hunter, I’ve never wanted a man like I want you. You make me feel things I never knew I could feel, and I want to repay you for last night. It was—“ I stopped and searched for the words to describe what he’d made me feel, but nothing seemed enough. I had to settle for, “It was crazy-good.”

He reached out and took my hand in his. “I don’t want you to repay me. Let me take you out and show you how it should be between a man and a woman. When the time is right, we’ll make love. Until then, I’m going to give you inconceivable pleasure, and I want you to let me.”

My knees went wobbly. “Okay.”

His gaze dropped to my plate before lifting to meet my eyes. “I want to watch you eat.”

“No one has ever said that to me before.” I laughed nervously. “You don’t have to worry about me. I know I wasn’t eating enough before, but I won’t let it happen again.”

“If you ever need anything, you can come to me,” he said carefully, as if he worried how I would take it.

“I know,” I told him. Jack laid his head on my knee and I stroked his head. “I don’t like asking people for help, but I promise I will if I’m in trouble.”

“Good, because there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Izzy. Remember that.”

My insides went all squishy at his sweet words. “That goes for you too. All you have to do is ask, even though I know there’s probably nothing you need from me.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.”

Something subtle yet undeniable had shifted in our relationship. We hadn’t slept together, but we were far more than friends. I was excited, scared and unsure of what the future would bring for us, but I was eager to find out.



The next few days flew by. Hunter was working a lot, but he called and texted. Reed had been released from the hospital and was doing well. I still hadn’t spoken to Ellie. Reed said she had the flu. I thought about calling, but I didn’t want to disturb her, so I waited and prayed she’d forgive me.

I hadn’t been sleeping at night. The texts from Scott had started up again, and it had gotten to where I was afraid to look at my phone for fear of what I’d see. The texts and the peculiar sense of unease, made it impossible to rest.

On Saturday night I’d made plans to meet Cora at Shooters. Amber called and asked if she could come so I, reluctantly, went to pick her up. I felt like a terrible friend for not wanting Amber to come with us tonight, but lately I couldn’t help but think something was wrong with our friendship.

It still stung how she’d kissed Hunter in front of me, knowing how I felt about him. She’d been drunk, and I tried to keep that in mind and forgive her, but it wasn’t easy. I made up my mind to do it anyway. Amber needed a friend, and I couldn’t let her down.

BOOK: Heaven With You
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