Read Heaven With You Online

Authors: Rebecca Julia Lauren

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Sagas

Heaven With You (24 page)

BOOK: Heaven With You
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Hunter strode towards me and I was so happy to see him that I flew straight into his arms. He caught me easily, letting me cling to him. I was overwhelmed with relief and didn’t notice immediately that he wasn’t hugging me back.

Pulling back I noticed that he was still wearing his suit, complete with jacket and tie. He usually had his jacket slung over his arm and his tie loosened when he got home. It occurred to me how early it was, too early for him to be home from work. His blue eyes pinned mine, and I knew something was wrong.

“Are you mad that Amber was here?”

He looked surprised and glanced in the direction she’d just left. Turning back to me, his gaze sharpened. “Let’s go inside.”

Something awful had happened. I knew it even before he closed the door and turned to me, his expression solemn. “Isabelle, is there something you need to tell me?”

“Yes, but you’re scaring me. First, I want to know why you’re upset.”

He pulled out his phone, tapped the screen and handed it to me. His eyes pinned mine, searching, studying, almost the same way that Scott had looked at me when he was trying to decide if I was the one stalking him and Deana.

A terrible feeling took hold of me, and that was before I looked down and saw the picture of Scott and I.  Dazed, I stared at it unable to believe what I was seeing. The picture had been taken just a couple of hours ago, and it looked as if Scott and I were embracing, as if we were about to kiss. I could only imagine what Hunter was thinking, and yet he stood calmly, waiting for me to explain.

“It’s not what it looks like.”

“I’m glad.”

I choked up with the realization that I hadn’t been paranoid or crazy all of the times when I’d had the peculiar sense of being watched. Someone was stalking me, taking pictures, and I had no idea who it could be.

“I don’t understand who could be doing this to me. I kept looking over my shoulder feeling like someone was there, and I thought it was all my imagination.”

“Someone has been following you.” He was suddenly alert.

“And sending me texts.” I showed him my phone. “I was sure that it was Scott so I went to see him today to confront him.”

His gaze narrowed, and I knew him well enough to know that he was angry with me. “You went to confront a man you thought might be following you? Jesus. What were you thinking?”

Hearing it put in those words made me realize how foolish I’d been. “I was thinking that I couldn’t go on like this.”

“Tell me how you got from confronting him to—“ he gestured toward the phone. “What exactly is this?”

“When I went to see Scott he was afraid of me.” I was shaking with emotion.

Whatever Hunter had been expecting to hear from me, I’d shocked him. “What do you mean?”

“He was scared of me. He said that I had to stop following him and Deana and that I needed help. Scott thought that I—“ Tears blurred in my eyes. “He thought that I did something to his dog.”

Asking no questions or demanding answers, Hunter pulled me into his arms. I sank against him, borrowing some of his strength. I knew he needed me to explain the picture with Scott, and he wanted to know what was going on, but he was willing to comfort me first.

He was the strongest man I knew. I wouldn’t let him down. Taking a deep breath, I brushed away my tears, stepped back and met the expectant gaze of the man I loved.

I told him about the dog’s bloody collar, and how I’d wanted to convince Scott that I wasn’t doing those things to him. “He said that he believed me, and that’s when he hugged me.” I met Hunter’s intent blue gaze. “I didn’t know he was going to do it. I told him that I loved you.”

He raked his hand over his jaw. “I wish you’d have come to me.”

I frowned, thinking he sounded disappointed that I hadn’t. “I didn’t want to bother you with my crazy paranoia. If I’d known that someone was watching me, I would have told you.”

“Nothing that concerns you would ever be a bother to me.” His expression was serious, and I realized he was in full cop mode, determined to figure out what was going on. I had no doubt that he would.

“Have you noticed anything unusual?”

I told him about the night Jack had acted strangely and about the car parked across the street from his house.

Hunter looked up suddenly, at the mention of the car.

Fear trickled down my spine. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve seen that car before.” He reached for his phone, and began tapping the screen.

“Across the street?”

He glanced up, his gaze steady on mine. “No. In front of Reed’s house.”

Oh, God.

He reached out and rubbed my back. “Your brother will be fine.”

“Ellie stays with him—“

“I know,” he said, his tone reassuring. “I’ll talk with both of them.” Turning his attention, back to the phone, his gaze sharpened and I thought he must have found what he was looking for. “I took a picture of the plate. I don’t know why or what it was about the car that bothered me, but I’m sure as hell glad I did.”

“That’s it,” I told him, looking at the picture.

“Do you know what kind of car Scott’s girlfriend drives?”


“You think it could be her?”

“I don’t know yet. The pictures of you and Scott, that’s something a jealous woman would do.” He raked a hand through his hair. “The text you got. That sounds like a man,” he said thoughtfully.

“Do you think Scott was telling you the truth?”

“I think so.”

“Can you think of anyone else that might have a vendetta against you or Reed?”

My blood froze. “Amber.”

This caught his attention.

“She was here when I got home, and I was—“ I stopped, closing my eyes and trying to wrap my mind around the possibility that Amber would want to hurt me.

“You were what, Izzy?” Hunter gently prodded.

“I was afraid of her. Something about the way she looked at me, made me uneasy. I shook it off. I even invited her inside. She was going to come in, but then she changed her mind when you got home.”

From his expression, I could tell Hunter was processing this bit of information and it didn’t look good for Amber.

“She said she wasn’t ready to face you after what happened with her and Ellie. I didn’t question it.”

He wore an expression of concern. “You shouldn’t be alone with Amber until I figure this out. I want you to be careful. Be aware of your surroundings, and don’t go out alone.”

“Amber drives a black sports car,” I offered hesitantly.

He gave me a measured look. “Until we know who’s doing this, be cautious of everyone and if you’re getting a bad vibe from someone don’t ignore it.”

He was right, but I couldn’t stop myself from trying to convince him that Amber didn’t want to hurt me. “It’s just that I’ve known Amber since I was seven. Her parents have been like a mom and dad to Reed and I.”

“I know, Izzy.” His eyes softened. “I’ll find out who’s doing this, I promise you.”

From the determination in his voice, I had no doubt that he would.  I relaxed. Hunter would figure this out. He wouldn’t rest until he did.


Chapter Twenty-One


To distract me from everything that was going on, Hunter got down the Christmas decorations from the attic and I started hanging ornaments on the live tree we’d bought the day before.

I carefully unwrapped the delicate balls and handmade ornaments that Ellie and Hunter had obviously done together.  One ceramic painted ball read ‘Our Family X-mas 2000’. Painted on the ornament was a picture of a little girl holding her father’s hand and a dog was sitting between them. Up in the clouds, an angel with wings looked down on the family, Ellie’s mom.

The innocence, the sweetness of the painting on the ornament brought tears to my eyes and I smiled, wondering what it would have been like to grow up with a father that loved me as much as Hunter loved Ellie. I could imagine the homey scene with a charmingly decorated tree twinkling with tiny glowing lights, a cozy fire burning in the fireplace and the smell of fresh-baked sugar cookies just out of the oven.

It was so far from what Reed and I had grown up with that it was difficult to imagine. I felt sick remembering Christmas at the Bentleys. There was no lit tree, cigarette smoke instead of a crackling fire, and the smell of Darryl’s drunken vomit replaced the sweet smell of cookies.

I hated thinking about him, hated that he was killed before he could be sentenced for his vehicular homicide conviction. I couldn’t stand thinking about the family of the woman he’d killed. No one deserved to rot in prison more than Darryl Bentley.

The only good memory I had of my childhood was Reed, and the times we’d spent with Amber and her family. It was unthinkable that she would want to hurt me.

Hunter’s hands settled on my shoulders, gently massaging the knotted muscles. “I thought the Christmas decorations would make you happy,” he whispered against my ear.

“They do. I’ve never seen any better,” I told him, turning in his arms and facing him.

“I’ll find out who’s doing this to you, Izzy. You’ve got to try not to worry. Making yourself sick won’t help anything.”

“I know. It’s not that.” Frowning, I tried to think of the right words to describe what I was feeling. “Well it is that, but I also got sad looking at the ornaments you and Ellie made.”

I could tell he wasn’t sure how to respond, so I helped him out. “Ellie is so lucky to have you. If I ever have children, I’d make sure that every holiday is special for them.”

“I’m sorry, Izzy. Do you want to talk about it?”

“I want to forget it.”

“Let me help you.”

I knew that he was probably the only one that could. “My mind is racing, and I can’t relax.”

“I’ll make it better.”

Leaning into me, he brushed kisses along my jaw and a shiver of desire slid down my spine making my stomach dip. My hands rested on his biceps and I marveled at the feel of the rigid muscles beneath his soft cotton t-shirt. He smelled like fabric softener and soap and man.

I moaned when his hand covered my breast, flicking the sensitive nipple with his thumb. His mouth took mine, and his kiss stole my breath away. No one had ever made me feel like Hunter.

He backed me against the couch, and I sat down. Hunter kneeled in front of me between my legs, his eyes fastened on mine and his fingers slipped beneath the waistband of my sleep shorts and panties. Pulling them down, my knees went weak.

Bending down he pressed a kiss on the inside of my thigh and I inhaled at the tantalizing feel of it. Inch by inch he moved his mouth along the sensitive skin of my leg. His eyes caught mine and I saw the hot promise in their turbulent blue depths.

I slid my fingers through his hair. Hunter’s head dipped and his mouth brushed over my flesh, kissing, sucking and licking. My body tightened and convulsed as waves of ecstasy crashed over me.

He held me until I stopped trembling and then he carried me into the bedroom and made love to me. Afterward, like he always did after we’d finished making love, he held me against his chest and stroked my back.

It was a long time before he spoke, but what he said surprised me, snagging my attention.

“I assume you want children.”

His deep voice purred across my skin, making me nervous in a way that only Hunter could. He was still young, but his daughter was grown and I wasn’t sure how Hunter would feel about starting a family again.

Lifting my chin from his chest, I met his expectant gaze and swallowed. “I do,” I said tremulously, hoping this wouldn’t be a deal-breaker.

The corners of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. “So do I, Izzy.”

I released a breath I hadn’t been aware I’d been holding. “I was afraid you didn’t.”

“I know. I could tell. I’ve always wanted more children, but there was no one I wanted to have them with, until now.”

“You want to have children with me?” I was shocked and thrilled.

His chest rumbled with laughter. “I want to marry you first,” he replied, looking me in the eye. “The last time I asked, you were afraid of what was going to happen in court and I wanted to give you time to accept what’s between us.”

“You never brought it up again. I just thought you’d changed your mind.”

“I just wanted you to be sure.”

“What about you?”

“I’m already sure.”

“So am I.”

He brushed a kiss over my mouth. “Good. I just needed to know we were on the same page.”

“Hunter, I want you to know that I would never betray you,” I told him, thinking about what happened with Scott.

“I trust you.” He sighed. “Those pictures surprised me. I didn’t know what to think.”

“The entire scene with Scott shocked me. I was expecting him to be his usual cocky, arrogant self. When he acted afraid of me, I got a little freaked out. I still can’t imagine who could have taken the pictures.”


Something about the way he said my name grabbed my attention. “You know who sent them?”

“I had the number on the phone traced.”

I sat up somehow knowing that what he was about to say would unsettle me.

“The pictures were sent from Reed’s phone. So were the texts you received today.”

My stomach dropped. My gaze flew to his. “Hunter, Reed lost his phone.”

“I’ve already talked to your brother and Ellie.” He rubbed my shoulders. “Only the texts from today came from his phone. The others were made with a disposable cell and it would be nearly impossible to track who sent them.”

“It’s someone that’s close to Reed and I.”

“Yes,” he said quietly. “I ran the plates on the car. It came back registered to a William Foster.”

I gasped. “William is Amber’s brother. No. No, he wouldn’t do this.” I thought of the shy, studious boy that Reed and I had grown up with, played with and I knew that it wasn’t possible for him to want to hurt us.

“Until we’ve figured this out, stay away from Amber and her family. You shouldn’t be alone. I’m going to take some time off work until this is straightened out.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

“You’re not asking. Besides, I haven’t taken a vacation in five years.”

BOOK: Heaven With You
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