Heinrich Himmler : A Life (154 page)

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. BAB, BDC, SS-O Krüger, RFSS to HSSPF East, Krüger, 25 April 1942. The ban was aimed at the director of the Land Office in the Warthegau, Standartenführer Hammer.


. For an example of a smoking ban imposed on the grounds of protecting health see Himmler to SS-Sturmbannführer Adalbert Graf Kottulinsky, 16 September 1938, published in Himmler,
, no.40.


. BAB, NS 19/2601, Himmler to Phleps, 10 May 1944.


. Speech of 8 November 1938, published in Himmler,
, 25 ff., here 46.


, 7/10a(1941–2), 19. The ruling was occasioned by a case that the head of Office I of the RSHA, Streckenbach, described in a circular (BAB, R 58/261, 28 February 1942). According to this, Himmler had ‘become aware that two older, married members of the uniformed police are living in the same building as enemies for trivial reasons, completely disregarding the obligation to be comradely. On one occasion a conflict concerning the keeping of hens resulted in their trading serious insults and blows. The Reichsführer-SS and Chief of the German Police placed a room at the disposal of these two policemen for six weeks to function as a communal living-room, thus giving them the opportunity to discuss their differences at length and to ponder together the concept of comradeship and the duties of Germans in wartime.’


. BAB, NS 2/275, 5 October 1942.


. BAB, NS 19/1415, note dated 22 July 1944. See also note by Brandt, 2 June 1944 (ibid.), that the Höhenvilla in Karlsbad should be the model: ‘Guests to be thrown out in the morning at a fixed time on the grounds that all the rooms are being thoroughly cleaned. They are then too uncomfortable for anyone to stay in and so everyone disappears of his own accord.’


Disziplinar- und Beschwerdeordnung
(Munich, 1933); Vieregge,
, 10 ff.


. Vieregge,
, 13 f.


. See below pp. 485 ff.


. According to Knut Stang, ‘Dr. Oskar Dirlewanger—Protagonist der Terrorkriegführung’, in Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Gerhard Paul (eds),
Karrieren der Gewalt. Nationalsozialistische Täterbiographien
(Darmstadt, 2004), 66–75, quotation 67, on the basis of a characterization in a post-war testimony. Essential information on his career can be drawn in particular from the assessment by the SD-Oberabschnitt South-West of 14 May 1938 and also from the letter from the Chancellery of the Führer of the NSDAP to RFSS of 17 May 1940. Details of the indecent behaviour are contained in the judgement of the district court of Württemberg of 26 February 1936 (all in BAB, BDC, SS-O Dirlewanger).


. Ibid. Dirlewanger to RFSS, 4 July 1939.


. Ibid. reply from the Personal Staff, 16 August 1939.


. The acquittal emerges from a report by the Stuttgart
NS- Kurier
of 25 May 1940. Berger had supported his admission to the SS (BAB, BDC, SS-O Dirlewanger, letter to Himmler of 4 June 1940); Berger had then also secured Dirlewanger’s release from custody (ibid. Dirlewanger to RFSS, 4 July 1939).


. It was SSPF Globocnik, of all people, who in a letter to Himmler of 5 August 1941 gave Dirlewanger an excellent testimonial for this period: ‘During deployment on the construction of the forward trenches at Belcez and when in charge of the Jewish camp of Dzikow Dirlewanger was an excellent leader’ (BAB, BDC, SS-O Dirlewanger). On Sonderkommando Dirlewanger see French L. MacLean,
The Cruel Hunters: SS-Sonder-Kommado Dirlewanger, Hitler’s Most Notorious Anti-Partisan Unit
(Atglen, 1998); Hellmuth
Auerbach, ‘Die Einheit Dirlewanger’,
Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte
, 10 (1962), 250–63; Hans-Peter Klausch,
Antifaschisten in SS-Uniform. Schicksal und Widerstand der deutschen politischen KZ-Häftlinge, Zuchthaus- und Wehrmachtstrafgefangenen in der SS-Sonderformation Dirlewanger
(Bremen, 1993).


. BAB, NS 19/3978, Himmler to RuSHA re petition from Emil K., 5. September 1944. Himmler here draws attention to the fact that K. does not need permission to marry as, like most other members of the unit, he was not an SS man.


. On him see Peter Klein, ‘Curt von Gottberg—Siedlungsfunktionär und Massenmörder’, in Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Gerhard Paul (eds),
Karrieren der Gewalt. Nationalsozialistische Täterbiographien
(Darmstadt, 2004), 95–103; Kaienburg,
, 259 ff.; BAB, BDC, SS-O Gottberg.


. Ibid.


. This was Darré’s evaluation in a letter to Himmler, 18 August 1939 (ibid.).


. Ibid. Gottberg’s report on the accident, which had taken place on 5 January 1936, to Gruppenführer Schmitt.


. Ibid.


. Ibid. Jeckeln to SS Main Office, 19 August 1936, on the declaration made by Gottberg on 12 August.


. Ibid. note on the file by Pancke, 13 November 1939.


. On von Gottberg’s activities and demotion see Heinemann,
, 133 ff., Kaienburg,
, 313 ff. See also below pp. 414 ff.


. BAB, BDC, SS-O Gottberg, Wolff to Pancke, 11 January 1940.


. Ibid. Himmler to von Gottberg, 30 May 1940.


. Ibid. RFSS to Pancke, no date, and Himmler to Gottberg, 6 April 1942.


. BAB, NS 19/1140, letter from Michner of 8 November 1939; statement from Rainer, 24 November 1939.


. BAB, BDC, SS-O Globocnik, Schwarz to Globocnik, 18 March 1941; ahead of this there had been an extensive correspondence in this matter: Schwarz to Himmler, 10 January 1941; Himmler to Schwarz, 20 February 1941; Globocnik to Schwarz, 3 March 1941, and also to Wolff, 4 March 1941 (all ibid.).


. Ibid. Himmler to Schwarz, 20 February 1941.


. Siegfried J. Pucher,
‘ . . . in der Bewegung führend tätig.’ Odilo Globocnik—Kämpfer für den ‘Anschluβ’, Vollstrecker des Holocaust
(Klagenfurt, 1997), 70 ff.


. Christian Jansen und Arno Weckbecker,
Der ‘Volksdeutsche Selbstschutz’ in Polen 1939/40
(Munich, 1992), 77 f. The Selbstschutz was perforce dissolved in the summer of 1940; Globocnik, however, created a successor organization in the shape of the ‘Sonderdienst’ (ibid. 194 f.).


. BAB, BDC, SS-O Globocnik, correspondence, 5 and 14 July 1941.


. Ibid. Personal Staff to Globocnik, 16 July 1941, and letter of thanks to Himmler, 28 August 1941.


. Pucher,
, 77 ff.; Bogdan Musial,
Deutsche Zivilverwaltung und Judenverfolgung im Generalgouvernement. Eine Fallstudie zum Distrikt Lublin 1939–1944
(Wiesbaden, 1999), 110 ff.


. See below pp. 572 and 528.


. BAB, BDC, SS-O Globocnik, letter of 30 August 1942 and Himmler’s reply of 11 September 1942. In April 1942 a letter was already in Himmler’s hands in which an SS Sturmbannführer complained that in Zakopane Globocnik’s fiancée had flirted extravagantly and without embarrassment in front of everyone in a public house, annoying and repelling in the process all the other people there, whose attention she had meanwhile attracted, by her appearance and carry-on’ (ibid. letter of 10 April 1942).


. Ibid. assessment on the occasion of SS-Gruppenführer Herff’s official tour of the General Government.


. Ibid. Himmler to Krüger, 5 July 1943. At first Himmler planned to make Globocnik deputy HSSPF Russia-Centre. Shortly after, however, the District Governor Wendler asked Himmler to see to Globocnik’s transfer ‘as soon as possible’ as it was impossible to work with him (letter to Himmler, 27 July 1943; Himmler’s reply, 4 August 1943).


. Ibid. letter of 1 August 1944; Himmler’s reply, 6 August 1944; letter from the Personal Staff (Brandt) to Globocnik, 18 September 1944; Brandt to Rainer, 28 September 1944. On Globocnik’s engagement in 1942 and marriage in 1944 see Pucher,
, 145 f.


. BAB, NS 19/4004, speech to the Gruppenführer meeting in Munich in the officers’ quarters of the SS-Standarte Deutschland, 8 November 1937. On the SS as a clan community see in particular Schwarz,
, 17 ff.


. IfZ, PS-2204, Himmler’s note in the file concerning his discussion with Hitler on 1 November 1935.


. BAB, NS 19/4002, speech at the leaders’ conference of the SS-Oberabschnitt South-East in Breslau, 19 January 1935.


. BAB, NS 19/4011, 16 December 1943.


. ‘Im Dienst des Führers . . . Vom Kampf der SS. Ein geschichtlicher Rückblick’,
SS –Leitheft
, 7/1b(1941), 10–14, here 13: ‘Thus although it can be still be said that the SS is a National Socialist order of men, it can never be said that it is meant to be an order for men alone.’


. Schwarz,
, 64.


. BAB, NS 2/166, leaflet on the submission of documents supporting petitions to get engaged or married, 27 April 1937. On the procedure for approving marriages see Heinemann,
, 50 ff., also Schwarz,
, 24 ff. The most important orders from Himmler on procedures for the approval of marriages are in NS 2/232 (4 June 1934), 2/280 (20 April 1935 and 19 March 1936), and also 2/53 (11 March 1936).


. BAB, NS 19/3483, Himmler to Kaltenbrunner re the application to marry from Wilhelm B., an administrator for criminal cases, 17 June 1943.


. BAB, NS 2/183, suggestion by Hofmann, the head of the Clan Office to be presented to the RFSS, April 1939: ‘Before suggestions can be made to the Reichsführer-SS on the form, content, and organization of the book, the Reichsführer-SS would really need to determine himself how he envisages the clan book and what he aims to do with it.’


. BAB, NS 19/577, order of 6 June 1935; cf. Schwarz,
, 31.


. BAB, NS 2/85, 19 March 1936.


. BAB, NS 2/53, 20 April 1935.


. BAB, NS 2/280, 6 July 1935; Schwarz,
, 32 f.


. BAB NS 2/175, Himmler to Darré, 30 April 1936.


. Schwarz,
, 34 f.


. Ibid. 33 f.


. BAB, NS 2/280, RFSS, 27 April 1937; detailed provisions for exemption followed on 25 May 1937 (ibid.).


. BAB, NS 19/577, order of 31 March 1939;NS 2/176, order of 25 February 1937 concerning decisions on marriages to foreign women.


. BAB, NS 2/288, RFSS to RuSHA, 4 March 1940.


. BAB, NS 2/231, Himmler to Hofmann, 12 November 1942.


. Ibid. letter from the head of the RuSHA, 5 February 1943.


. BAB, NS 2/85, Chief of Staff of the RuSHA to Himmler, 18. June 1936: the processing of proofs of descent and marriage requests had to be suspended ‘with immediate effect’ through lack of staff. See also the note on the file by the head of the Clan Office on a discussion with Himmler on 12 August 1936.


. BAB, NS 2/53, Chief of Staff of RuSHA to the Personal Staff, 13 May 1937. See also NS 2/85, for a similar complaint, 26 February 1937.


. BAB, NS 2/280, RFSS to RuSHA, 21 April 1937, concerning the easing of the procedure in the case of SS men who were already party comrades before 1933. In March 1939 Himmler decided that in the case of all SS men who were married before 1936 but were not at that time members of the SS there was no requirement for permission to marry to be obtained after the event (ibid. 22 March 1939).

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