Heir Of Novron: The Riyria Revelations (79 page)

BOOK: Heir Of Novron: The Riyria Revelations
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“Over here, monster!” Royce shouted, his voice booming across the great darkened expanse, echoing off the distant walls. “Come get me before I find the sword with your name on it and drive it through your foul excuse for a heart!”

Royce watched as Arista’s robe lit up, throwing white light in the room, at the sound of his voice. It was not nearly as bright as before, but enough to reveal the far wall, the open door, and the great beast in the middle of the room.

The Gilarabrywn was looking right at him. Royce braced himself, trying to decide whether it would strike with its mouth or a taloned foot.

How fast is it? How quickly can it cover the distance between us?
Royce was far enough away that even as big as it was, the beast would have to take at least ten steps to reach him. He wondered if it would lumber due to its size. He reminded himself it was not a real creature; it was magic and perhaps the same rules might not apply. It was possible that it could sprint like a tiny lizard or lash out like a snake. He stayed on the balls of his feet, shifting his weight back and forth, waiting for the lunge.

“Come on,” he shouted. “I’m in your lousy room. You know you want me.”

The beast took a slow step toward him, then another.

“Go!” Royce shouted.

Hadrian ran out the door. He had cleared only five strides when the monster whirled on him. Hadrian dug in his heels and slid to the ground as the giant head snapped around with amazing speed.

“Get back!” Arista screamed.

Royce ran forward. “Over here! You stupid thing,” he shouted, waving his hands over his head.

The Gilarabrywn ignored Royce and charged Hadrian, who scrambled back toward the light of Arista’s robe, which once more brightened.

“Gilarabrywn!” Royce called. The beast stopped its pursuit. “Over here, you stupid thing! What? Don’t you like me? Am I too thin?” The beast looked toward Royce but did not move away from the door.

“By Mar!” Royce exclaimed in frustration.

Minith Dar
,” the Gilarabrywn said, and its voice rumbled the chamber like thunder.

“It spoke,” Royce said, stunned.

“That’s right. They talk in Old Speech.” He heard Arista.

“What did it say?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t know the language well. I think he said, ‘
Comprehension is missing
,’ but I don’t know,” she shouted.

“I do.” It was Myron’s voice coming into the darkness. “It said, ‘
I don’t understand
.’ ”

“It doesn’t understand what?”

“Royce can’t hear a shrug, Myron,” Hadrian said.

“I don’t know,” the monk replied.

“Ask it,” Arista suggested.

There was a pause; then Myron spoke again. “
Binith mon erie, minith dar?

The creature ignored Myron and continued to stare at Royce.

“Maybe he didn’t hear you.”

Myron shouted louder. Still the beast ignored him, his eyes fixed on Royce.

“By Mar,” Royce said again.

Minith Dar
,” the Gilarabrywn replied.

“That’s it!” Myron shouted. “
Bimar! Bimar
in Old Speech.”

“Yeah, that’s right,” Arista confirmed. “But it only seems to hear Royce.”

“He’s elvish,” Hadrian said. “Maybe—”

“Of course!” the princess shouted. “It’s just like Avempartha! Say something to it in Old Speech, ask it a question. Say, ‘
Ere en kir abeniteeh?
’ ”

Ere en kir abeniteeh?
” Royce repeated.

Mon bir istanirth por bon de havin er main
,” the Gilarabrywn replied.

“What’d I say—and what did it say?”

“You asked its name, and it said…” Arista hesitated.

“It said,” Myron started, taking over, “ ‘My name is written upon the sword of my making.’ ”

“You can talk to it, Royce!” Arista told him.

“Wonderful, but why isn’t it eating me?”

“Good question,” the princess replied. “But let’s not ask that. No sense giving it any ideas.”

Royce stepped forward. The Gilarabrywn did not move. He took another step, then another, staying on the balls of his feet. He knew the beast was clever and this was just the sort of ploy it might use to get him off his guard. Another step and then another. He was within striking distance; still the Gilarabrywn did not move.

“Careful, Royce,” Hadrian told him.

Another step, then another and the Gilarabrywn’s tail was just inches away.

“I wonder how it feels about having its tail pulled.” Royce reached out and touched it. Still the Gilarabrywn did not move. “What’s wrong with it? Myron, how do you say
move away

“Vanith donel.”

Royce stood before the giant creature and in a strong voice ordered, “
Vanith donel!

The Gilarabrywn backed up.

“Interesting,” Royce said. He closed the distance between them. “
Vanith donel!

Again the Gilarabrywn retreated.

“Try coming out,” Royce said.

The moment Hadrian set foot outside the door, the Gilarabrywn advanced once again. Hadrian retreated into the room.

“How do you say


Royce ordered it to halt and it froze.

“Myron, how do you say
do not harm anyone

Myron told him and Royce repeated the phrase.

“And how do you say
allow their passage through this room

“Melentanaria, en venau brenith dar vensinti.”

“Really?” Royce said, surprised.

“Yes, why?”

“I know that one.” Esrahaddon had taught him
Melentanaria, en venau
in Avempartha. Once more Royce repeated Myron’s words, and for a third time Hadrian stepped out of the room into the Vault of Days. This time, the Gilarabrywn did not move.

Vanith donel!
” Royce shouted, and the Gilarabrywn stepped back, granting them passage.

“This is amazing,” Arista said, entering the room with Hadrian. “It’s obeying you.”

“I wish I had known I could do this back in Avempartha,” Royce said. “It would have been real handy.”

Royce herded the Gilarabrywn back against the far wall, the great beast stepping backward before the tiny figure of the thief, its head glaring down at him, but showing no signs of violence.

,” Myron said.

,” Royce said, and backed up. The Gilarabrywn remained where it was. “Everybody cross. Just stay spread out a bit—just in case.”

One by one, they ran the expanse. Arista waited in the open beside Royce to provide light until Gaunt—the last to leave—made the crossing.



he stone door on the far side of the Vault of Days was partially open, and taking the lantern from Myron, Hadrian was the first to enter. Inside, tall columns held up a high ceiling. The room was musty and stale. Large painted pots, urns, chests, and bowls lined the walls, as did life-sized statues, braziers, and figures of various animals, some easily identified, others he had never seen before. A colonnade lined both sides with arches framing openings, chambers within which lay stone sarcophagi. Above the arches words were carved and above them paintings of people.

Hadrian heard Arista gasp behind him as the lantern revealed the floor at the center of the room, where three skeletons lay—two adults and a child. Beside them rested two crowns and a sword.

“Nareion,” she whispered, “and his wife and daughter. He must have pulled them in here after Esrahaddon went to meet Venlin.”

Hadrian wiped the blade with his thumb, revealing a fine script. “This is the sword, isn’t it?”

Arista nodded.

“Which one is Novron’s coffin?” Mauvin asked.

“The largest,” Gaunt guessed. “And it would be on the end, wouldn’t it?”

Arista shrugged.

Myron had his head back reading the inscriptions on the walls above the arches, his lips moving slightly as he did.

“Can you tell which it is?” Gaunt asked.

Myron shook his head. “Up there.” He pointed at text on the ceiling. “It says this is the tomb of all the emperors.”

“We know that, but which is Novron?”

“The tomb of all the emperors, but…” Myron looked at the coffins, counting them with his index finger. “There’re only twelve coffins here. The empire lasted for two thousand one hundred and twenty-four years. There should be hundreds.”

Hadrian moved around the room, looking at the sarcophagi. They were made of limestone and beautifully carved, each one different. A few had details of hunting and battle scenes, but one depicted nothing but a beautiful lake surrounded by trees and mountains. Another showed a cityscape and buildings being raised. Several of the archways were empty.

“Could they have been moved?” Hadrian asked Myron.

“Perhaps. Still, there are only twenty alcoves allotted here. Why so few?”

“The rest are probably behind this door,” Magnus suggested. He was at the far end of the crypt, appearing even smaller than normal against the backdrop of the great pillars and statues. “There’s an inscription.”

The rest of them moved to the rear of the tomb to a plain wall with a single door and, over it, a single line of words.

“What does it say, Myron?” Royce asked.

“ ‘
.’ ”

“There you are,” Magnus said. “The first emperor is inside.”

Royce moved forward. The door was cut from rock. A set of stone pins held it fast and a lever hung recessed in the wall beside it. Royce took hold of the arm and rotated it, drawing out the pins, which ground loudly, until at last they came clear.

With a gentle push, Royce opened the tomb of Novron.

Hadrian held the lantern high as everyone stood behind Royce, who was the first to enter. Hadrian followed directly behind, along with Arista, whose robe helped illuminate the chamber. The first thing Hadrian saw was a pair of giant elephant tusks standing to either side of the door. They were arranged such that the points arched toward each other. Black marble pillars supported the four corners of the crypt, and within the space between them, treasure filled the tomb.

There were golden chairs and tables, great chests, and cabinets. To one side stood a chariot made entirely of gold, to the other an elaborately carved boat. Spears lined one wall, and a group of shields another. Statues of men and animals cast of gold and silver, draped with jewelry, stood like silent guards. In the center of the room, raised high on a dais, rested a great alabaster sarcophagus. On the sides were divided frames similar to those etched on the walls—the story of a council, a battle, and a war. Nowhere was there the scene of Maribor bestowing the crown, which Hadrian thought odd, as it was the quintessential image found in every church.

“This is it,” Mauvin muttered in awe. “We’ve found it, the crypt of Novron himself.” The count touched the chariot, grinning. “Do you think this was his? Was this what he rode into battle?”

“Doubt it,” Hadrian said. “Gold is a bit heavy for horses to pull.”

Arista moved around the room, her eyes searching.

“What is the horn supposed to look like?” Royce asked.

“I don’t know exactly,” she said. “But I think it is in the coffin. In fact, I know it is. Esrahaddon placed it there for Nevrik. We need to open it.”

Magnus wedged his chisel under the stone lid and Hadrian, Gaunt, and Mauvin took up positions around the lid. Myron held the lantern high as the dwarf struck his hammer to the spike. The men heaved the lid off.

Inside lay the coffin. Wrought of solid gold, it was body-shaped and sculpted to depict a face, hands, and clothing. They all stared at the image of a small slender man with angled eyes and prominent cheekbones wearing an elaborate helm.

“I don’t understand,” Gaunt said. “What—what are we seeing?”

“It’s only a case,” Mauvin said. “Just decoration. We need to open this one too.”

The nimble fingers of the dwarf found latches and popped them, and everyone helped lift the lid. Once more, they all peered in. Before them lay the remains of Novron the Great.

Hadrian had expected a pile of brittle decaying bones, perhaps even dust, but instead they found a body complete with skin, hair, and clothes. The cloth was gray and rotted such that their breath caused it to flake. The skin was still intact but dry and dark like smoked beef. The eyes were gone, only cavities remaining, but the corpse was remarkably preserved.

“How is this possible?” Gaunt asked.

“Amazing,” Myron said.

“Indeed,” Magnus put in.

“It can’t be,” Mauvin declared.

Hadrian looked at the face in fascination. Like the outer lid, it was sharp and delicate in feature, with angled eyes and unmistakably pointed ears. The hands were elegant, with long thin fingers still graced with three rings, one of gold, another
silver, and one of black stone. They were neatly folded over a metal box on which were scraped the words


To Nevrik

From Esrahaddon


“Careful,” Royce said, studying the hands.

“There’s something there,” Arista told him. “I sense magic.”

“You should if it’s the horn, right?” Hadrian asked.

“It’s not the horn. It’s something on the box—a charm of some kind.”

“It will likely strike dead anyone but the heir,” Magnus guessed.

They all looked to Gaunt.

“Can’t I just poke it with a stick or something?” he asked.

“Esrahaddon wouldn’t have done anything that could hurt you,” Arista told him. “Go on, take it. He left it for you, more or less.”

Gaunt took hold of his medallion and rubbed, then reached out and grabbed hold of the box, pulling it free of Novron’s hands.

Sconces around the walls burst into blue flame. A cold breeze coursed around the tomb and Gaunt dropped the box.

“Welcome, Nevrik, mine old friend,” a voice said, and they all spun to see the image of Esrahaddon standing before them. He was dressed in the same robe Arista wore, except it was perfectly white. He looked the same as when Hadrian had last seen him in Ratibor.

“If thine ears to these words attest, then terror’s shadow hast fled and thou art emperor. Wish I but knew if Jerish stood at thy side. On chance that dreams abide in mortal
spheres, I offer to him that which I withheld in life—my gratitude, my admiration, and my love.

“Stained upon my hands, the blood of innocents brands my soul with such a crime forgiveness gapes appalled. ’Tis my sin that shattered stone and rent flesh. ’Twas I who laid waste to our beloved home. Though to speak of it now feels like folly, for yet hath spark been struck. Still, committed am I. For not a breath nor heartbeat flutter can be granted onto a single Cenzar or Teshlor when the morrow comes. Their evil with me shall I take, the threat resolved, the night consumed, that thou may walk beneath the sun of a better day.

“Convinced stand I, here within these hallowed halls of thy father’s reckoning and their solemn rest, certain that Mawyndulë yet lives. Their whispers become a wail as mine eyes focus upon a murder left two thousand years unavenged. Foul is the spirit that haunts these walls, for beyond imaginings are the depths to which his depravity strains. We knew but half! Banned by horn and god alike, ’tis my belief the fiend aims with intent to outlast the law. A crevice hath he found and stretched to slip, for no restriction blocks his way should after a trio of a thousand years he survive. I go now to ensure he does not. While master beyond my art, my art will end him. To slay a fiend, a fiend I must become. Murderer of thousands, I will be stained and accept this as price paid for extinguishing this flame that seeks consumption of all.

“The horn be thine. Render it safe. Deliver it unto thine children with warning against the day of challenge to present same at Avempartha. Look to Jerish as champion—the secrets of the Instarya remain the thread upon which all hope dangles.

“Fare thee well, emperor’s son, mine emperor, my student, my friend. Know that I go now to face Mawyndulë honored to die that you might live. Make me proud—be a good ruler.”

Esrahaddon’s image vanished as quickly as it had appeared and the fires in the sconces died, leaving them once more with only the light of the lantern between them and the darkness.

“Did everyone catch that? I wish I had something to write it down with,” Hadrian said. Then, noticing Myron, he smiled. “Even better.”

Royce knelt down and examined the box. There was no lock and he carefully lifted the lid. Inside was a ram’s horn. It was plain, without gold, silver, gems, or velvet. The only adornment it possessed were numerous markings that ringed the surface, letters in a language he could not read but that he recognized.

“Not much to look at, is it?” Magnus observed.

Royce placed the horn back in the box.

“What does this all mean?” Mauvin asked. Looking doleful, he sat down on a gold chair in the pile of treasure. His eyes moved from one to another, searching.

“Novron was an elf,” Royce said. “A pure-blooded elf.”

“The first true emperor, the savior of mankind, wasn’t even a man?” Magnus muttered.

“How can that be?” Mauvin asked. “He led the war
the elves. Novron
the elves!”

“Legends tell of Novron falling in love with Persephone. Perhaps he did it out of love,” Myron offered as he wandered around the room, looking at the objects.

“Techylor and Cenzlyor were elves, then?” Hadrian said. “They may even have been Novron’s actual brothers.”

“That explains the small number of sarcophagi,” Myron pointed out. “The generations were longer. Oh! And Old Speech isn’t old speech at all—it’s elvish. The native language of the first emperor. Imagine that. The language of the church is not similar to elvish… it

“That’s why Thranic was lopping heads off statues,” Royce
said. “They were accurate depictions of the emperors, and perhaps Cenzlyor and Techylor.”

“But how could it have happened?” Mauvin asked. “How could an elf be the emperor? This has to be a mistake! Novron is the son of Maribor, sent to save us from the elves—the elves are—”

“Yes?” Royce asked.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Mauvin said, shaking his head. “But this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.”

“It isn’t what the church wanted to be known,” Royce said. “That’s why they locked up Edmund Hall. They knew. Saldur knew, Ethelred knew, Braga knew—”

“Braga!” Arista exclaimed. “That’s what he meant! Before he died, he said something about Alric and me not being human—about letting filth rule. He thought we were elves! Or that we had retained at least some elven blood. If the Essendons were heirs to Novron, then we would have. That’s the secret—that’s why they have hunted the heir. The church has been trying to wipe out the line of Novron so that elves would no longer rule mankind. That’s what Venlin was trying to do. That’s how he persuaded the Teshlor Guild and the Cenzar Council to unite against the emperor—for the greater good of mankind—to rid them of

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