Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms (55 page)

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Authors: Gerard Russell

Tags: #Travel, #General, #History

BOOK: Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms
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Nicene Creed, 127
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 77, 80
Nile River, 183, 184, 188, 189
Nimrod, 44, 45
Nineveh, 45, 56, 62
Noah, 3–4, 10, 149, 169
Nowruz, 90, 96, 105
Nuristan, 30, 229, 230, 231, 248, 251
described, 226–227
Nuristanis, 248, 251–252
village of, 252 (photo)
(Homer), 4
Old Testament, 13, 165, 170
Omar, Caliph, 7, 84
Orfalea, Paul, 263
Osiris, 191, 192
Ottoman Empire, 32, 54
Armenians and, xxiv
non-Muslim subjects and, xxiii
Ottomans, 41, 134, 196–197
oppression by, 261
Pagans, ix, xi, xii, 22, 44, 50, 78, 95, 99, 195, 227
monotheists and, 7
polytheist, 32
tolerance for, xxii
Pahlavi shahs, 82, 100, 101
Palestinian intifada, 156, 174, 176
Palestinian Telecommunications Company, 180
Palestinians, 163, 174, 262, 264
Druze and, 120
houses of, 164
Israelis and, 147, 160, 162, 176–177
Jews and, 161
racist exploitation and, 160
relations with, 162
restrictions on, 159, 177–178
Samaritans and, 174, 175, 176, 178
state for, 161, 162
Parsees, 77, 100, 103, 106, 107
identity of, 110
Iranians and, 110
Parthian Empire, 16, 46
Parthians, 16, 46
Pasha, Nubar, 197
Pashtuns, 237, 255
Passion of the Christ, The
(movie), 257
celebrating, 156, 157, 176–177
sacrifice of, 150, 165–166, 179, 180
Samaritan, 157, 158–159, 163–166, 170–174, 175, 176–177, 178 (photo), 179 (photo), 180
Paul, Father, 185, 218
Peacock Angel, 44, 60, 67
representation of, 60 (photo)
Peacocks, 275
image/feathers of, 277 (photo)
“Pek Ethronos” (chant), 183, 195
Pentateuch, 80, 165
People of the book, xxii, 8, 49–50
Mandaeans and, 32
Samaritans and, 152–153
Persian Empire and, 81
Zoroastrians and, 80–81, 82, 101
Persian Empire, 81, 89, 117
Byzantium and, 7
Hinduism/Buddhism in, 12
Roman hostilities with, 46
Persian language, 92, 232–233
Persians, 45, 84, 85, 88, 194
Greeks and, 80
(journal), 198
Pharaohs, 190–191, 194, 196
Pinkham, Amaru Mark, 275
Plato, 52, 80, 117, 124, 127, 140, 141
Academy of, 95, 116
Aristotle and, 123
Khomeini and, 95
philosophy of, 94, 95
St. Augustine and, 116
vision of, 95
Plotinus, 117, 123, 125
Plutarch, 64, 104
Polo, Marco, 56, 220, 221, 225
Polytheism, 27, 32, 50, 182, 191, 197
Prayer, 43, 54, 171–173, 237
communal, 66
kaddish, 257
Jewish, 165
Mandaean, 22, 23, 24
Samaritan, 165
Prometheus, 229
Ptolemy, 14, 95, 214
Purim, 166
Pythagoras, 50, 124, 127, 128, 131, 140, 143–144
Druze and, 114, 115, 117, 122, 143, 145–146
Harranians and, 117
Ibn Taymiyyah and, 117
pentagram and, 119
Socrates and, 116
theory of, 117, 119
Pythagorean Brotherhood, 114, 115
Pythagoreans, 115, 119–120, 122, 129
Qahtaniyah, 40, 41, 70
Qassem, Abdul-Karim, 32
Qom, 92–93, 95–96
Rabba, Baba, 152
Rabi’a of Basra, 62
Ramadan, xxvii, 3, 96, 128, 131, 186
Ramses, 184, 185, 196
Raphael, painting by, 123
Rashid, Haroun al-, 6
Rassam, Suha, xxvi
Red Cross, bombing of, 36
Red Kafirs, 248
Reincarnation, 44, 49
Druze and, 123, 140, 141–142, 142–143
Religions, xxix
Celtic, xx
cultures and, 7
Egyptian, 194
as magnet, 266
in Middle East, xvi–xvii (map)
minority, xxi, xxiii
Norse, xxi
origins/evolution of, ix
pervasiveness of, 186
pre-Christian, xxi
state-backed, xxvii
understanding of, 217
(Plato), 95
Revolutionary Command Council, 201
Reza Shah, 101
Rihanna, 241
Riley, Naomi Schaefer, 261
Rituals, 2, 52, 94, 99, 101
Babylonian, 27, 49
doctrines and, xii
Druze, 269
Jewish, 257
Kalasha, 243
Mandaean, 27
Zoroastrian, 109
River Tigris, photo of, 2
Robertson, George Scott, 223, 230, 233–234, 250, 252
Gish and, 225
Kafirs and, 225, 236, 251
Kam and, 224, 225, 242, 248
on Merak, 224
Roman Empire, xix, 194, 195
Romans, 40, 45, 148, 194
defeat of, 46
Jewish revolt and, 151
Rothschild, Baron Edmond de: Samaritans and, 175
Royal Geographical Society, Schomberg and, 234
Ruha, 1, 21, 69
Rumbur valley, 235, 243, 244, 247, 250
photo of, 252
Russian Orthodox, 265
Rustam, 89
Sabbath, 191
Jewish, 26
Mandaean, 34
Passover and, 176–177
Samaritan, 166, 167, 169, 175
Sabians, 8, 32, 50, 196, 197
animal, 40, 165
bull, 40, 42–43
Sadat, Anwar, 184, 201, 217
Copts and, 202, 203
sectarianism and, 202
Sa’eed, 205, 213
Sahak, Sultan, 57
St. Augustine, 2, 15, 17, 116
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, 145
St. George, 102, 207
St. Mark the Evangelist, 207, 209
St. Mark’s Church, 181, 182, 183, 195, 202
St. Pachomius, 208
St. Paul’s Cathedral, 5
St. Simeon Stylites, 265
Sainte Thérèse of Liseux, 184, 185, 187, 218
Salafis, 194, 203, 216–217
Salisbury, Lord, 106–107
Samanids, 92
Samaritan priests, 169, 179
photo of, 165, 173, 179
Samaritans, xxiv, xxix, 158, 161, 163, 164
accusations against, 129
Arabs and, 155
conversion of, 153
documentary on, 168
endurance of, 179–180
flourishing of, 151–152
genealogy and, 167–168
Greek islands and, 166
history of, 170
Israelis and, 177–178
Jews and, 149–150, 151, 153, 154, 165, 175, 178 (photo), 176
memento of, 156
Muslims and, 174, 175
Palestinians and, 174, 175, 176, 177
predictions about, 179–180
rebellions by, 152
traditions/customs of, 165, 168–169, 170–171, 172–173, 176–177, 177, 180
visiting, 154, 156–157
s, 59, 64, 67
Sanliurfa, 44–45, 47, 54
Sanoo’a, Yacoub, 198
Sargious, Father: on Copts, 199
Sarton, George: on Biruni, 8–9
Satan, 60, 62.
See also
Devil, Sheitan.
Angra Mainyu and, 79–80
cursing, 60
Sheitan, Arabic word for, 60
Sattar, Sheikh, 9–10, 22, 37
Mandaeans and, 10–11
Scaliger, Joseph, 153, 166
Scher, Mar Addai, 259
Schomberg, Reginald, 234, 237, 248
Kalasha and, 238–239
Schoolbook, Hebrew, 33 (photo)
Schur, Nathan, 153, 156

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