Helios Beginnings (The Helios Chronicles #0.5) (4 page)

BOOK: Helios Beginnings (The Helios Chronicles #0.5)
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“But how the hell am I supposed to get out afterwards?”

Andrew was starting to get a little panicked. This plan of theirs had so many flaws in it.

“Fuck Harrison, use your damn head.” Then John laughed, “The one above your neck.” When he saw the look on Andrew’s face he concentrated a bit, figuring he was probably pushing it. “Alright, alright, I don’t know. Tell her you want to shower together or something like that, girls like that that shit, then have her go in first and tell her you need to make a call and will be right in, and then just take off."

Andrew nodded. That seemed plausible. He took another deep breath before he casually walked by the mark. Make eye contact, he told himself. The woman glanced at the young man and smiled. Andrew, feeling empowered, gave her one of his sexy half smirks and saw her mouth part slightly. He knew she was interested, now it was time to step up to the plate and make it happen.

“Can I sit with you?” Andrew asked, arching his brow slightly, “I mean, your husband won’t mind will he?” he motioned towards her ring.

She breathed in deeply, “No, he won’t at all. He’s out of town.”

Andrew nodded, “Lucky me.”

He gave her a full blown panty dropping smile. She gasped and looked down, clearly embarrassed by her reaction to him and now he knew he could have her. Within forty minutes of shamelessly flirting with her she was unlocking the door to her house. He casually made sure that the front door was left unlocked before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly on the lips. She immediately melted into him before bringing her hands to his backside.

“How much time do we have?” Andrew asked her as he moved one of her hands to the front of his jeans.

“He won’t be home until Sunday.”

He smiled, “Well, let’s take advantage of that.”

“How old are you again?” she asked and Andrew could see that she had some reservations.

Andrew was only seventeen but he had a couple of days' worth of scruff on his face which made him look older. As much as he didn’t like it he resembled his father a lot. He had grown into his body. No longer small and frail. His six foot frame and broad shoulders worked to his advantage. It also helped that he didn’t act like most adolescent boys did. There was no awkwardness or self-entitlement. He had lived a difficult life already and it was reflected in the way he carried himself. He needed to use all of that. He could see that she was a little worried, so he pulled out the big guns and lifted his shirt off revealing his tattoos. He knew that they also made me look a lot older than what he was. After all, not many seventeen year olds had as many tattoos as he did. She had her mouth open and Andrew knew that her indecision was waning so he kicked it up a notch and unbuttoned his jeans letting them drop to the floor. Her eyes roamed over his body as he stood before her in only his boxers. He smiled and took her hand placing it so that she could feel how aroused he was. She let out a little whimper as Andrew kissed her.

“I’m old enough to know how to please you,” he whispered against her lips.

She slipped her hand under the band of his boxers, clearly no longer hesitant as she kissed him deeply. He let his lips wander down her neck, causing her skin to pebble in response.

“Where’s your room?”

“Upstairs,” she whispered, her voice cracking with desire.

He pulled away from her and smiled as he took her hand and headed for the staircase. Once in her room, he figured he needed to just get it over with. He undressed her quickly and had her on the bed in no time. He spent the next couple of hours just doing her. He was no expert by any means but he had been with a few girls and had watched a truck load of porn so he figured he knew what to do. After all, she was an older woman whose husband was gone a lot. He probably didn’t pay much attention to her at all, so, Andrew did. He made sure to please her over and over again, and when she finally fell asleep, exhausted, he slipped into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

“Fuck!” he said to his reflection.

He cleaned himself up as quietly as possible and made his way out of her bedroom and towards the living room where he found his clothes. He dressed quickly, wanting to get out of there. He glanced around the room and couldn’t really tell if John had been there or not. Andrew briefly panicked that maybe John had left him stranded but when he stepped outside, there was a car down the street. The vehicle flashed their lights and Andrew took off towards it. When he got in he glanced over the seat and saw that the backseat was filled with a lot of miscellaneous stuff. The plan had been simple enough. Andrew was to distract her while John went through the things in the house, grabbing whatever they could easily pawn. Andrew would then take off to meet John and they would sell it all and split the cash fifty-fifty Andrew had been hustling up some money here and there and had a couple of hundred saved, but he needed more to get through the first few weeks in LA until he could find a job. 

“I’m a fucking whore,” Andrew muttered, throwing his head back.

“No you’re not. You’re a fucking hustler, there’s a difference,” John said glancing at him.

John proceeded to explain the difference, but Andrew wasn’t listening to him at all. John could say whatever he wanted, but Andrew knew what he had just done. Just because she didn’t actually give him any money didn’t make him any less of a whore. Andrew felt like he was going to throw up. The sense of nausea was overwhelming. He couldn’t believe that he had actually done what he’d done. 

The ride to the pawn shop seemed to take forever as Andrew’s self-loathing enveloped him completely. He was actually happy once they arrived so he could think about something else. He let John do all the negotiating because he was really good at it. By the time they walked out of the shop, they had four hundred and eighty dollars. That wasn’t a bad haul. As they walked back to the car, John handed Andrew all the cash they had just received. Andrew looked at him in confusion and started to hand some of it back to him. John shook his head and wrapped his hand around the money in Andrew’s palm before getting into the driver’s seat.

“Look man, you need that a hell of a lot more than I do. The ticket to KC is gonna cost close to a hundred and fifty dollars, and you still gotta buy food and shit. Hell, you can’t go to LA with nothing. In fact...” He reached in his pocket and dug out some more cash handing it to Andrew. “That’s ninety-six dollars I think, take that too and...” He reached into the glove box and handed him a silver case. “I want you to have this as well.”

Andrew opened it to find twelve joints inside. “Fuck, John, thanks man.”

“Harrison, you sure you want to do this?” he asked concerned.

“Yeah, one-hundred percent, I need to get out of here. I can’t have a life in Detroit. Too much shit has happened here. It’s all around me,” Andrew said, looking down.

“And, what, you think you can have a life in L.A?” John asked kind of sadly.

“Yeah, I do. I know you don’t understand this John, but LA is calling me. I am supposed to be out there. I can feel it,” Andrew said as convincingly as possible. He wanted John to understand that what he was doing was the right thing.

John watched him carefully and gave him a solemn expression before turning back to the road.

“Thanks for everything you did and for helping me, man,” Andrew stated, tapping his shoulder.

John sighed and nodded as he continued to drive towards the bus stop. From there Andrew would hop a greyhound to Kansas City where it would be easier to hitch a ride to California. He hated the idea of it. He was not as convinced as Andrew was that going to California was such a good thing, but when Andrew set his mind to something he just did it.

The two young men said their goodbyes with little to no fanfare, for long drawn out goodbyes were a hazard when you were in the system. They had both learned that a quick ‘see ya around’ was much less painful then admitting you were going to miss someone. John watched as Andrew took a seat in the way back of the bus. He glanced out the window and gave him a swift little head nod that John returned. When Andrew turned back around John let out a sigh and returned to his vehicle. He lit a joint as the bus pulled away, taking his friend with him.

The bus ride to Kansas City was uneventful, which was good especially since Andrew’s mind was all over the place. He couldn’t seem to wash away the feeling of repulsion that permeated every inch of him. Andrew tightened the hoodie around himself and leaned against his backpack which he had placed against the window. He was happy about one thing. In spite of everything he was leaving Detroit behind and with it, the pain and sorrow it held. He closed his eyes, desperate for sleep.

“You’re going to be real pretty, Andrew, way too pretty for a man. You need to use that as an advantage to fuck others or you’ll end up getting fucked yourself.”

Andrew woke with a gasp. He sat up and quickly looked around, getting his bearings. The bus rattled on, indifferent to the thoughts that plagued its occupants. As Andrew looked to the front of the bus, he noticed that the bus driver’s eyes were on him through the rear view mirror. Andrew swallowed thickly and turned towards the window. He watched the signs and took notice of the scenery passing him by. When the bus finally stopped in Kansas City, Andrew was relieved. He stretched his weary body and looked across the street to where a truck stop laid. He smiled. It was an oasis in the desert. He readjusted his backpack and jogged over there.

“How long a wait for the shower?” he asked the man at the counter.

“Got one available now if ya want it,” he replied with a curious nod.


Andrew paid the man the five dollars plus an extra buck for the use of a towel. Andrew headed towards the designated stall and quickly stripped his clothes. He had felt absolutely disgusted with himself since he left Detroit and the smell of that woman on him made the disgust even worse. He scrubbed his body with the harsh soap until his skin was red, but he didn’t care. It was the least he deserved. Once he felt sufficiently clean, or as clean as he imaged he’d ever be, he stepped out, quickly dressing.

His stomach growled and he closed his eyes. ‘First things first,’ he thought. He would get some coffee since generally speaking you only had to buy one cup and then he could sit there all day drinking it. It would give him a chance to observe and see what he could do to get a ride. He strolled out towards the little café and smiled at the waitress, a middle aged woman with a head full of tight curls. She leaned towards him as he took a seat in the swiveled stool.

“What can a get ya?”

“Cup of coffee, black.”

“You got it, darlin’.”

She smiled as she set a cup before him. He sipped the bitter liquid as he watched people walk in and out. There weren’t a lot of people around but he was sure there would be as the morning progressed. After an hour his stomach was churning. He needed to eat something but didn’t want to lose his spot in the café to go look around outside for some discarded food. He shoved his hand in his pocket, his fingers gripping the crumpled bills. He sighed and waved the waitress over.

“Could I get one of those cinnamon rolls over there,” he said, motioning towards the glass case.

“Sure thing. You want me to heat it up?”

Andrew shook his head. She nodded and brought the huge pastry over on a plate. Andrew had been sure to eat before he and John left the group home but that had been around five o’clock the previous night. He hated the fact that he was now accustomed to eating three times a day, every day. It would make it much harder for him. He needed to conserve his money, not be wasteful. He hesitantly took a bite and let out a soft moan. It was delicious and it took everything in him not to inhale it in two bites. Instead he picked at it for an hour, making it last as long as possible.

“I’m going to miss you so much baby.”

“Me too,” the woman purred. “I wish I could come with you.”

“I’m going to be so bored with no one to talk to,” he said in a mock pout which elicited a giggle from his woman.

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Just eight days right?”

“Yep, I got to drop this load off in Denver and then pick up that other one in Casper, then back to Chicago and then home.”

Andrew had been watching their exchange through the mirror. He saw the couple go into the convenience store and then outside. He quickly stuffed the last of his cinnamon roll in his mouth and downed the rest of his coffee. He motioned for the waitress who set a piece of paper in front of him. He looked at it, a buck eighty-five. Not bad. He slapped two dollars on the counter and snatched his bag up, rushing out to find his potential ride.

“Where are you?” he muttered mostly to himself.

Andrew scanned the parking lot, hoping he hadn’t missed his opportunity. His breath hitched when he saw him. The trucker was walking away from a small vehicle and heading towards his big rig. The car drove off and Andrew quickly ran up to the man just as he swung his door open.

“Hey, mister.”

The man looked down at Andrew. “How can I help son.”

Andrew cringed at the terminology but smiled anyway. “Hey, I need a lift. Do you think you could help me out?”

“Where you headed?”

“Los Angeles, but whatever you could do would be cool.”

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