Hell Bent

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Authors: Devon Monk

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Hell Bent
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Magic for a Price

“Breathtaking. . . . Monk is a storyteller extraordinaire!”

RT Book Reviews

“A must read for those of you who like urban fantasy. . . . Allie Beckstrom, it has been a blast.”

—Claire’s Book Corner

“The action comes to a blazing crescendo.”

—Gizmo’s Reviews

“Deserves to be savored . . . amazing and incredibly satisfying.”

—A Book Obsession

Magic Without Mercy

“Urban fantasy at its finest. . . . Every book is packed with action, adventure, humor, battles, romance, drama, and suspense. . . . Clear your calendar. Once you start reading, you won’t want to stop.”

Sacramento Book Review

“Fast-paced, action-packed, and jammed full of all manner of magical mayhem.”

—Monsters and Critics

“A roller-coaster ride. I simply could not put it down!”

—A Book Obsession

Magic on the Line

“Dark and delicious. . . . Allie is one of urban fantasy’s most entertaining heroines.”\

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“Allie Beckstrom is one of the best urban fantasy heroines out there.”

—Fresh Fiction

“An action-packed series.”

—Night Owl Reviews

Magic on the Hunt

“An absolutely awesome series.”

—Night Owl Reviews

“Another nonstop adventure.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Amazing urban fantasy . . . this is one series that I can’t get enough of and I really love how kick butt Allie is.”

—Seeing Night Book Reviews

Magic at the Gate

“The action-packed fifth Allie Beckstrom novel amps up the magical mayhem. . . . Allie’s adventures are gripping and engrossing, with an even, clever mix of humor, love, and brutality.”

Publishers Weekly

“Devon Monk takes her story to places I couldn’t have dreamed of. Each twist and turn was completely surprising for me.
Magic at the Gate
truly stands out.”

—Reading on the Dark Side

“A spellbinding story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“Suspense is the name of the game. . . . I’m really enjoying this series. . . . Each book brings you a little bit further in to it and leaves you wanting more.”

—Night Owl Reviews

Magic on the Storm

“The latest Allie Beckstrom urban fantasy is a terrific entry. . . . This is a strong tale.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

“First-rate urban fantasy entertainment.”

—Lurv a la Mode

Magic in the Shadows

“Snappy dialogue, a brisk pace, and plenty of magic keep the pages turning to the end. . . . This gritty, original urban fantasy packs a punch.”

—Monsters and Critics

“This is a wonderful read full of different types of magic, fascinating characters, an intriguing plot. . . . Devon Monk is an excellent storyteller.”

—Fresh Fiction

“Monk sweeps readers up in the drama and dangers of the heroine’s life as it steadily changes and grows . . . an intriguing read with fascinating characters and new magical elements introduced to the mix.”

—Darque Reviews

“The writing moves at a fast pace with plenty of exciting action. . . . This series just gets better and better with each new book.”

—Night Owl Reviews

Magic in the Blood

“Tight, fast, and vividly drawn, Monk’s second Allison Beckstrom novel features fresh interpretations of the paranormal, strong characters dealing with their share of faults and flaws, and ghoulish plot twists. Fans of Patricia Briggs or Jim Butcher will want to check out this inventive new voice.”

—Monsters and Critics

“[A] highly creative series. . . . If you love action, magic, intrigue, good-versus-evil battles, and pure entertainment, you will not want to miss this series.”

—Manic Readers

“One heck of a ride through a magical, dangerous Portland . . . imaginative, gritty, sometimes darkly humorous. . . . An un-put-downable book,
Magic in the Blood
is one fantastic read.”

—Romance Reviews Today

“This series uses a system of rules for magic that is original and seems very realistic. . . . The structure of the story pulled me in right away and kept me reading. There’s action, adventure, fantasy, and even some romance.”

—CA Reviews

Magic to the Bone

“Brilliantly and tightly written . . . will surprise, amuse, amaze, and absorb readers.”

Publishers Weekly
(starred review)

“Mystery, romance, and magic cobbled together in what amounts to a solid page-turner.”


“Loved it. Fiendishly original and a stay-up-all-night read. We’re going to be hearing a lot more of Devon Monk.”

—Patricia Briggs, #1
New York Times
bestselling author of
Fair Game

“Highly original and compulsively readable. Don’t pick this one up before going to bed unless you want to be up all night!”

—Jenna Black, author of

“Gritty setting, compelling, fully realized characters, and a frightening system of magic-with-a-price that left me awed. Devon Monk’s writing is addictive, and the only cure is more, more, more.”

—Rachel Vincent,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Blood Bound


The Allie Beckstrom Series

Magic to the Bone

Magic in the Blood

Magic in the Shadows

Magic on the Storm

Magic at the Gate

Magic on the Hunt

Magic on the Line

Magic Without Mercy

Magic for a Price

The Age of Steam

Dead Iron

Tin Swift

Cold Copper



Devon Monk


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A Penguin Random House Company

First published by Roc, an imprint of New American Library,

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Copyright © Devon Monk, 2013

Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin to continue to publish books for every reader.


ISBN 978-1-101-60884-5


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



Books by DEVON MON

Title page

Copyright page




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34



Excerpt from

For my family


This book might never have seen the light of day if readers hadn’t asked me to share Shame and Terric’s story with them. Yes, I’m looking at you, John DeBudge. Thank you all for wanting to spend a little more time with these troublemakers.

Deepest thanks also to my agent, Miriam Kriss, and my editor, Anne Sowards, who has an amazing knack for making each book better. A huge thank-you also to the wonderful artist, Mike Heath, and to the many people within Penguin who have gone above and beyond to make this baby shine.

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