Hell House (18 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

BOOK: Hell House
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Jaylin rubbed his chin and winked at me. “Anything. I'm good at granting requests, especially if they're good ones.”

I cocked my head back. “I don't know where you're goin' with this, but you can keep that big dick in your pants. I'm not ready for that.”

He grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “My dick don't come that easy, but you can have something else.”

“Well, okay, Mr. Richy Rich. I want you to leave this house so I can win the hundred thousand dollars. You're goin' to be the hardest person to beat, and it's obvious that you don't need the money. Plus, I want you to eat the entire plate of whatever I cook and rub my achy feet with those strong hands, too.”

“If you win, you win on your own, so that request is denied. And it depends on what's on that plate, if I'll eat it all. Your feet? Let me get a close-up look at them.”

I removed one foot from my sandal and placed it on Jaylin's lap. He frowned. “Listen,” I said. “You asked me what I wanted and I told you. Can a sista get somethin' out of you?”

Jaylin spread my toes and pointed in between them. “Your toes are polished, but they still crusty as hell. Your heels, I won't even comment on those, so I prefer to eat the food.”

I wiggled my toes on his lap and moved them close to his lips. He backed his head up and smacked my feet away from him. “Don't play with me like that, all right?” His look was stern. I could tell he didn't like that, but I pouted.

“Geesh, I guess I'd better come up with requests that suit you, not me, huh?”

“No, but here's the deal. If you somehow manage to win this challenge, I'll give you an extra hundred thousand dollars. And if you cook me a healthy meal, I'll massage your feet and work some of that crust off them. Let me know if we have a deal.”

I threw my hand back at him. “You know damn well that you won't give me that kind of money if I win, will you?”

Jaylin held out his hand to shake mine. “My word, my bond. Now, go cook my food before I change my mind about those feet.”

We shook on his deal. I got off the couch and rushed to the kitchen to prepare Jaylin a healthy meal. This time, I grilled some chicken with mixed vegetables and made a low-fat chocolate pudding that would make his mouth water. After Jeff and the bodyguards left, Jaylin threw down in the kitchen. He gave me a pat on the back, and on my ass and then he worked my feet over like a professional. Worked them so good that I damn near creamed in my panties. I fanned myself with my hand and squirmed around on the couch.

“Oooo, ahh, uh-oh, hold the hell up,” I said, trying to sit up straight as I felt a tickle and a trickle at the same time.

Jaylin continued to rub lotion in all the right places. “Wha…what's wrong with you?” he asked.

Goose bumps appeared on my arms, so I pulled my feet back and clamped my legs together. “Tha…that's enough, boo. I'm good. Thanks, though, okay?”

Jaylin had a wicked grin on his face. He must have known what his hands were capable of doing. I had to hurry to the bathroom and get my pussy in check.
knew better than clowning like that, didn't
? If
didn't, maybe I needed to reiterate my plan. It was to approach Roc and Jaylin differently than Chase and Sylvia had. I was sure that the way to warming Jaylin's heart was through money, not by throwing pussy at him. No degree or advanced education taught me that, and I had gotten my knowledge from the streets. The streets also taught me how to play to win. With a possible extra hundred grand in my pocket, winning had become the priority and it was time to stop playing with these hoes, Sylvia and Chase. Not matter what they believed, we were not in this together.

What a day this truly was. Roc and Jaylin hadn't said anything to each other, and Prince was so messed up that he was now in the bed knocked out. Jada said he had smoked some weed and drunk a lot of alcohol. I was sure that it played a big part as to why he was still out of it. I mean, Jaylin had messed him up, no doubt, but Prince kind of deserved it. He thought he was being slick, and I should've said something when I initially saw him going through Jaylin's things. I was sure Prince had searched through other people's belongings, but I thought if I warned him, that it would be enough for him to back off.

No matter what, I was still upset that the men thought I was the weakest link. That hurt my feelings a bit, but I guess it was because of the way I had come across. If only they got a chance to know the real Sylvia McMillan. The one I used to be, years ago, when I didn't give a care about anything. I spent the last year or so trying to make myself over. Trying not to hold grudges and trying to forgive those who had wronged me as well. I didn't want to be selfish anymore, and I started praying every day for God to give me the strength to better myself. I had made much progress, but to men, that progress made me look weak. No wonder when I had gone to see Jonathan he really didn't have much to say. My new attitude was a turnoff to him. He told me he was getting married again and said that he was happier than
he'd been in his entire life. Hearing him say that to me really hurt. But all I could do was congratulate him and wish him well.

Dealing with all of that was what brought me here and into Jaylin's presence. I had pushed my thoughts of Jonathan to the back of my mind, until I realized that the two of them were friends. Out of respect for myself, I said I didn't want to go there. I told myself that Jaylin was off limits. But I started to think not. Jonathan was a part of my past that I wanted to forget. He could not care less who I was with, and I doubted that having sex with Jaylin would hurt Jonathan. I couldn't remember him and Jaylin being that close. Their connection seemed more about business than anything. At least, that was what I kept telling myself, but then today happened. I found out that I was being used. Jaylin had toyed with my emotions in order to get me out of this house. He was going to have sex with me and then literally kick me in my ass and tell me to get to packing. In no way did I expect him to have feelings for me, but that was cold. There seemed like a lot of passion between us in that bathroom, and I figured he was into the moment just as much as I was.

Then I had to consider playing the same game with him, as he'd played with me. Chase and Jada wanted revenge. They were plotting to get back at the men, and the only way we could weaken them was through the most powerful thing we had to offer. Sex. Sex, Chase said, would break them down. It would confuse them and have them eating out of the palms of our hands. Good sex would throw them off track and make them forget about winning this challenge altogether, Jada said. But when I asked who would be willing to put themselves out there like that, Jada said not her. The seducing would be left up to Chase and me. Jada, on the other hand, would make Prince think that she was so interested in him that he would want to leave this house with her and go get married.

Well, I wasn't foolish enough to underestimate any of these men, and I started to renege on our plans. Truthfully, I didn't trust Chase or Jada. I didn't tell them that I didn't, nor did I tell them that I'd be playing by my own darn rules. If I was going to win this challenge, it would be because of my own strategic planning. No one would get credit, and to hell with them all for considering me to be the weakest link.

At two o'clock in the morning, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned in bed, noticing that Jaylin wasn't beside me in his bed. While in my cream, silk shorts and pajama top, I left the bedroom to go find him. I spotted him standing in the kitchen drinking from a small carton of chocolate milk. He was in his Calvin Klein briefs and nothing else. I stood for a moment to check him out from a side view. His sexy abs moved in and out each time he swallowed. His package was sitting real pretty, and I swear that man had one hell of a bulge. I wanted to jump right on it, but all I did was clear my throat to get his attention. He removed the carton from his lips and turned his head.

“I didn't see you standing there,” he said and then tossed the empty carton in the trashcan.

“It wasn't for long. But long enough for me to realize why I'm so attracted to you.”

Jaylin nudged his head toward the backyard. “Let's go outside and talk.”

I followed him to the backyard, where he sat near the edge of the pool and put his feet in the water. So did I. He told me that he was having a difficult time sleeping.

“I couldn't get a lick of sleep either,” I said, looking straight ahead at the waterfall in front of us. “That waterfall is a beautiful sight, isn't it?”

Jaylin shrugged and then yawned. Sitting close to him, I noticed a small cut near his chin and his hands looked battered. Several
bruises were on his chest. “The waterfall is nice,” he said. “But it would be even better if a hot tub or bar was behind there.”

“I agree and it makes no sense for someone to create all of this and not include, at least, a hot tub.”

It was apparent that we were making small talk; seconds later, silence soaked the backyard. I figured Jaylin didn't want to talk much, but I had a lot on my mind that I wanted to say to him. I regretted that because of me, him, Roc and Prince went at it. I also wanted to find out why he considered me to be the weakest link.

“I know you don't feel like talking much right now, but what's on your mind?” I asked. “Why can't you sleep?”

“I'm always a night owl, and, sometimes, I don't sleep at all. I thought I'd be able to get some rest in this place, but it's kind of hard sleeping next to a fool who tried to take from me.”

“I get that. However, what I don't understand is why you went after Roc? I didn't tell you that he had done anything wrong, but you went after him like he was the one responsible for messing with your things.”

“That's not true. I went after Prince. Roc intervened when he shouldn't have. If he had stayed back, I probably wouldn't have said anything to him. Then again, I have a feeling that him and Prince been trying to get at me since day one.”

“We've all been trying to get at each other since day one. That was the plan, wasn't it? The plan has always been for you all to knock us out of the competition first, right? And since I was considered the weakest link, I'd be the first to go.”

Jaylin looked at me, wondering where I got my information. He didn't ask, but I let him off the hook.

“Don't worry about how I know what I do, but I'll say this. I'm far from being weak and shame on you for thinking so. If there was anybody's back in this house I had, it was yours. Just like you, Prince and Roc, Jada and Chase are up to no good, too. What
they're conspiring to do, I want no part of it. If I'm going to win this challenge, I want to win it fair and square. I'm not going down without a good fight, and I can assure you that the men in this house will not be the last three standing.”

Jaylin reached out to shake my hand. I welcomed it and shook his. “I appreciate you for telling me all of that. I will start watching my back a little better and keep my eyes on things. Normally, I do, but for some reason I'm slipping. As for you being the last person here, good luck with that.”

“Thanks,” I said, laughing. “But why? Why are you slipping and what's your story, Jaylin? You appear to have a lot going on, and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing.”

Jaylin stood and stretched. He yawned and then sat on one of the lounge chairs that weren't broken from the fight he had with Roc. “It's actually a good thing,” he said. “I love my life…really, I do. But my circle of friends is small and it can get lonely at the top sometimes. My ex-wife and I have had our share of problems, but at the end of the day, she will always be my future. I haven't forgiven her for some of the things she's done, but I'll get over it one day.”

“Well, in order for you to get the peace you need, you'll have to forgive her. There is no other way, but you'll have to do so on your time, not mine.”

Jaylin nodded his head and yawned again.

“If you're tired, why don't you go get some sleep?” I suggested.

“I will, but I'm enjoying our conversation right now, if that's okay with you? Come here.”

I went over to where he was, and instead of sitting next to him, I sat on the edge of the lounge chair in between his spread legs. “What is it that you want from me, Sylvia?” he said. “Whatever it is, it's all in your eyes and caught up in your throat. Speak now or hold your peace.”

I smiled and regretted that he could read me so well. “Nothing much, but I've been thinking about this entire thing with you and Jonathan. Been thinking about our heated session in the bathroom and I've come to a conclusion.”

“Yeah. And what might that be?”

“I don't care what Jonathan or anybody thinks about what I do on my watch. Jonathan will soon be a married man again, and I must move on and live my life as well. Do you understand what I'm saying?”

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