Henry IV (111 page)

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Authors: Chris Given-Wilson

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Jan. 1–12 Eltham. Jan. 13–22 Stratford Abbey. Jan. 28 Charlton. Feb. 1–7 Eltham. Feb. 12–18 Tower of London. Feb. 18 Eltham. Feb. 22–April 10 Canterbury. April 16 Tower of London. April 26 Westminster. April 28 Windsor. May 5 Beauregard. May 18 London. May 23–24 Stratford Abbey. June 28 London. June 30–July 3 Clerkenwell. July 3–8 London (Bishop of London's palace). July 8–10 Rotherhithe. July 11 Westminster. July 15 Fulham. July 17 Croydon. July 19 Rotherhithe. July 20 Croydon. July 30–Aug. 1 Fulham. Aug. 1–12 London. Aug. 18 Fulham. Aug. 26 London. Sept. 12 Tower of London. Sept. 15–19 Canterbury. Oct. 11–28 Merton. Nov. 3 Croydon. Nov. 4–5 Merton. Nov. 6–30 Croydon. Dec. 1 Merton. Dec. 1–23 Croydon. Dec. 25–31 Eltham.


Jan. 1–24 Eltham. Jan. 25 Lambeth. Jan. 28 Mortlake. Jan. 30–31 Eltham. Feb. 5 Greenwich. Feb. 21–March 20 Westminster.
March 20, Death of Henry IV at Westminster



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Chancery, Miscellanea

C 49

Chancery, Council and Parliament

C 53

Chancery, Charter Rolls

C 66

Chancery, Patent Rolls

DL 27

Duchy of Lancaster, Deeds

DL 28

Duchy of Lancaster, Accounts Various

DL 29

Duchy of Lancaster, Ministers' Accounts

DL 37

Duchy of Lancaster, Chancery Rolls

DL 42

Duchy of Lancaster, Miscellanea

E 28

Exchequer, Council and Privy Seal Records

E 37

Exchequer, Court of the Marshalsea

E 101

Exchequer, King's Remembrancer, Accounts Various

E 159

Exchequer, King's Remembrancer, Memoranda Rolls

E 175

Exchequer, Parliamentary and Council Proceedings

E 361

Exchequer, Enrolled Wardrobe and Household Accounts

E 401

Exchequer, Receipt Rolls

E 403

Exchequer, Issue Rolls

E 404

Exchequer, Warrants for Issue

KB 9

Court of King's Bench, Ancient Indictments

SC 1

Special Collections, Ancient Correspondence

SC 8

Special Collections, Ancient Petitions

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Arundel Castle, Arundel

Bodleian Library, Oxford

Borthwick Institute, York

British Library, London (Additional, Cotton, Harleian and Stowe collections)

Lambeth Palace Library, London

Shropshire Archives, Shrewsbury

Trinity College Library, Dublin


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