Henry James: Complete Stories 1864-1874 (123 page)

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Page 735
Mrs. Moreen hesitated. Surely you don't want to show off to a child?
To show
off, do you mean?
Again Mrs. Moreen hesitated, but this time it was to produce a still finer flower. And
talk of blackmail!
You can easily prevent it, said Pemberton.
talk of practicing on fears, Mrs. Moreen continued.
Yes, there's no doubt I'm a great scoundrel.
His visitor looked at him a momentit was evident that she was sorely bothered. Then she thrust out her money at him. Mr. Moreen desired me to give you this on account.
I'm much obliged to Mr. Moreen; but we have no account.
You won't take it?
That leaves me more free, said Pemberton.
To poison my darling's mind? groaned Mrs. Moreen.
Oh, your darling's mind! laughed the young man.
She fixed him a moment, and he thought she was going to break out tormentedly, pleadingly. For God's sake, tell me what
in it! But she checked this impulseanother was stronger. She pocketed the moneythe crudity of the alternative was comicaland swept out of the room with the desperate concession: You may tell him any horror you like!
A couple of days after this, during which Pemberton had delayed to profit by Mrs. Moreen's permission to tell her son any horror, the two had been for a quarter of an hour walking together in silence when the boy became sociable again with the remark: I'll tell you how I know it; I know it through Zénobie.
Zénobie? Who in the world is
A nurse I used to haveever so many years ago. A charming woman. I liked her awfully, and she liked me.
There's no accounting for tastes. What is it you know through her?
Why, what their idea is. She went away because they didn't pay her. She did like me awfully, and she stayed two years.
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She told me all about itthat at last she could never get her wages. As soon as they saw how much she liked me they stopped giving her anything. They thought she'd stay for nothing, out of devotion. And she did stay ever so longas long as she could. She was only a poor girl. She used to send money to her mother. At last she couldn't afford it any longer, and she went away in a fearful rage one nightI mean of course in a rage against
She cried over me tremendously, she hugged me nearly to death. She told me all about it, Morgan repeated. She told me it was their idea. So I guessed, ever so long ago, that they have had the same idea with you.
Zénobie was very shrewd, said Pemberton. And she made you so.
Oh, that wasn't Zénobie; that was nature. And experience! Morgan laughed.
Well, Zénobie was a part of your experience.
Certainly I was a part of hers, poor dear! the boy exclaimed. And I'm a part of yours.
A very important part. But I don't see how you know that I've been treated like Zénobie.
Do you take me for an idiot? Morgan asked. Haven't I been conscious of what we've been through together?
What we've been through?
Our privationsour dark days.
Oh, our days have been bright enough.
Morgan went on in silence for a moment. Then he said: My dear fellow, you're a hero!
Well, you're another! Pemberton retorted.
No, I'm not; but I'm not a baby. I won't stand it any longer. You must get some occupation that pays. I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed! quavered the boy in a little passionate voice that was very touching to Pemberton.
We ought to go off and live somewhere together, said the young man.
I'll go like a shot if you'll take me.
I'd get some work that would keep us both afloat, Pemberton continued.
So would I. Why shouldn't
work? I ain't such a
The difficulty is that your parents wouldn't hear of it, said Pemberton. They would never part with you; they wor-
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ship the ground you tread on. Don't you see the proof of it? They don't dislike me; they wish me no harm; they're very amiable people; but they're perfectly ready to treat me badly for your sake.
The silence in which Morgan received this graceful sophistry struck Pemberton somehow as expressive. After a moment Morgan repeated: You
a hero! Then he added: They leave me with you altogether. You've all the responsibility. They put me off on you from morning till night. Why, then, should they object to my taking up with you completely? I'd help you.
They're not particularly keen about my being helped, and they delight in thinking of you as
They're tremendously proud of you.
I'm not proud of them. But you know
Morgan returned.
Except for the little matter we speak of they're charming people, said Pemberton, not taking up the imputation of lucidity, but wondering greatly at the child's own, and especially at this fresh reminder of something he had been conscious of from the firstthe strangest thing in the boy's large little composition, a temper, a sensibility, even a sort of ideal, which made him privately resent the general quality of his kinsfolk. Morgan had in secret a small loftiness which begot an element of reflection, a domestic scorn not imperceptible to his companion (though they never had any talk about it), and absolutely anomalous in a juvenile nature, especially when one noted that it had not made this nature old-fashioned, as the word is of childrenquaint or wizened or offensive. It was as if he had been a little gentleman and had paid the penalty by discovering that he was the only such person in the family. This comparison didn't make him vain; but it could make him melancholy and a trifle austere. When Pemberton guessed at these young dimnesses he saw him serious and gallant, and was partly drawn on and partly checked, as if with a scruple, by the charm of attempting to sound the little cool shallows which were quickly growing deeper. When he tried to figure to himself the morning twilight of childhood, so as to deal with it safely, he perceived that it was never fixed, never arrested, that ignorance, at the instant one touched it, was
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already flushing faintly into knowledge, that there was nothing that at a given moment you could say a clever child didn't know. It seemed to him that
both knew too much to imagine Morgan's simplicity and too little to disembroil his tangle.
The boy paid no heed to his last remark; he only went on: I should have spoken to them about their idea, as I call it, long ago, if I hadn't been sure what they would say.
And what would they say?
Just what they said about what poor Zénobie told methat it was a horrid, dreadful story, that they had paid her every penny they owed her.
Well, perhaps they had, said Pemberton.
Perhaps they've paid you!
Let us pretend they have, and
n'en parlons plus.
They accused her of lying and cheating, Morgan insisted perversely. That's why I don't want to speak to them.
Lest they should accuse me, too?
To this Morgan made no answer, and his companion, looking down at him (the boy turned his eyes, which had filled, away), saw that he couldn't have trusted himself to utter.
You're right. Don't squeeze them, Pemberton pursued.
Except for that, they
charming people.
Except for
lying and
I sayI say! cried Pemberton, imitating a little tone of the lad's which was itself an imitation.
We must be frank, at the last; we
come to an understanding, said Morgan, with the importance of the small boy who lets himself think he is arranging great affairsalmost playing at shipwreck or at Indians. I know all about everything, he added.
I daresay your father has his reasons, Pemberton observed, too vaguely, as he was aware.
For lying and cheating?
For saving and managing and turning his means to the best account. He has plenty to do with his money. You're an expensive family.
Yes, I'm very expensive, Morgan rejoined, in a manner which made his preceptor burst out laughing.
He's saving for
said Pemberton. They think of you in everything they do.
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He might save a little The boy paused. Pemberton waited to hear what. Then Morgan brought out oddly: A little reputation.
Oh, there's plenty of that. That's all right!
Enough of it for the people they know, no doubt. The people they know are awful.
Do you mean the princes? We mustn't abuse the princes.
Why not? They haven't married Paulathey haven't married Amy. They only clean out Ulick.
know everything! Pemberton exclaimed.
No, I don't, after all. I don't know what they live on, or how they live, or
they live! What have they got and how did they get it? Are they rich, are they poor, or have they a
modeste aisance?
Why are they always chiveying aboutliving one year like ambassadors and the next like paupers? Who are they, any way, and what are they? I've thought of all thatI've thought of a lot of things. They're so beastly worldly. That's what I hate mostoh, I've
it! All they care about is to make an appearance and to pass for something or other. What do they want to pass for? What
they, Mr. Pemberton?
You pause for a reply, said Pemberton, treating the inquiry as a joke, yet wondering too, and greatly struck with the boy's intense, if imperfect, vision. I haven't the least idea.
And what good does it do? Haven't I seen the way people treat themthe nice people, the ones they want to know? They'll take anything from themthey'll lie down and be trampled on. The nice ones hate thatthey just sicken them. You're the only really nice person we know.
Are you sure? They don't lie down for me!
Well, you shan't lie down for them. You've got to go that's what you've got to do, said Morgan.
And what will become of you?
Oh, I'm growing up. I shall get off before long. I'll see you later.
You had better let me finish you, Pemberton urged, lending himself to the child's extraordinarily competent attitude.
Morgan stopped in their walk, looking up at him. He had
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to look up much less than a couple of years beforehe had grown, in his loose leanness, so long and high. Finish me? he echoed.
There are such a lot of jolly things we can do together yet. I want to turn you outI want you to do me credit.
Morgan continued to look at him. To give you creditdo you mean?
My dear fellow, you're too clever to live.
That's just what I'm afraid you think. No, no; it isn't fairI can't endure it. We'll part next week. The sooner it's over the sooner to sleep.
If I hear of anythingany other chance, I promise to go, said Pemberton.
Morgan consented to consider this. But you'll be honest, he demanded; you won't pretend you haven't heard?
I'm much more likely to pretend I have.
But what can you hear of, this way, stuck in a hole with us? You ought to be on the spot, to go to Englandyou ought to go to America.
One would think you were
tutor! said Pemberton.
Morgan walked on, and after a moment he began again:
Well, now that you know that I know and that we look at the facts and keep nothing backit's much more comfortable, isn't it?
My dear boy, it's so amusing, so interesting, that it surely will be quite impossible for me to forego such hours as these.
This made Morgan stop once more. You
keep something back. Oh, you're not straight
Why am I not straight?
Oh, you've got your idea!
My idea?
Why, that I probably sha'n't live, and that you can stick it out till I'm removed.
too clever to live! Pemberton repeated.
I call it a mean idea, Morgan pursued. But I shall punish you by the way I hang on.
Look out or I'll poison you! Pemberton laughed.
I'm stronger and better every year. Haven't you noticed that there hasn't been a doctor near me since you came?

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