Her Alpha Lover: A Draken and Charli Boxed Set (13 page)

Read Her Alpha Lover: A Draken and Charli Boxed Set Online

Authors: Amanda Richensexi

Tags: #Erotica, #BDSM, #Erotic romance, #billionaire, #Exhibitionism, #voyeurism, #robots, #sex toys, #spanking

BOOK: Her Alpha Lover: A Draken and Charli Boxed Set
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"You got it," he grinned and pinched her earlobe. "Speaking of sex...I think we should wait for Matthew to come back before we fuck. He might like to watch you ride me in my chair while he schedules with you."

"What? Oh, but—I thought we were going to do it before he—" she stammered.

"Changed my mind. Now how should we while away the time till he gets here? I know. Hand me that cigar box."

Her heart pounded. "Seriously—uh—Mr. Almatto. I don't want Matthew to watch. I just want you to fuck me," she said honestly. "I've wanted it all week. What happened—what happened in the meeting was—I liked it. But I just really want you to—"

"I know what you want," he said cheerfully. "Trust me. I do. Now the box."

She'd been right. Matthew
stashed the dildo in the cigar box. She handed it to him with trepidation.

"I'd like you to stand with your legs wide apart now, Ms. Fontina," he said in that deep, commanding voice that was beginning to give her shivers the moment she heard it. "Very good. Now say, 'Please insert the nice dildo high into my pussy because I liked it so much before, Mr. Almatto.'"

"M—Mr. Almatto, please insert the pussy—I mean, please insert the dildo—the nice dildo—up into—"

"High into."

"High into my pussy Mr. Almatto because I liked it before."

"Because you asked so sweetly, I will. By the way, as much as you adore Hot Pink—" he waved the dildo in the air—"you don't get to take it home, no matter how hard you beg. Now smile and hold your arms straight above your head, palms up."

"Why?" she gritted.

"Because, Ms. Fontina, it looks cute."

Do NOT smack the irritating man upside the head. You DO want him to fuck you.
Spine rigid, she held her arms up—pursing her lips stubbornly.

He smirked. Then flipped up her dress.

As before, it was a tight squeeze. Charli had to widen her stance twice more and bend her knees before Draken's sure fingers could screw the dildo all the way in. Charli didn't want it. What she wanted was
. Draken's cock, which was way more huge than even this dildo. But now that she had this invader in her, her core was clenching madly and starting to drain away any other thought except
fuck me, fuck me now. Please fuck me now.

He let the skirt fall down again, studied her face, and looked pleased.

"I wonder, are you ever
wet, darling? That thing sailed in like it was coated in butter."

She crossed her legs uncomfortably. "Mr. Almatto—"

He touched the tip of her nose with his finger. "Shh. It was a rhetorical question. Here's what I want you to do now. Tonight I'm supposed to meet an old college buddy of mine at the gym club down on the mezzanine level. You and I are taking longer than I expected, so I'd like you to go down to the gym and ask for him at the desk. When you find him tell him there's going to be a short wait while I finish fucking you."

"You want me to go down there and tell him..."

"And be sure to mention that you have a rather large dildo in your cunt. Let him reach under your skirt and feel for himself. You'll find him by the racquetball courts. His name is Jim Emerson."

Her jaw practically fell off its hinge. "Mr. Almatto! No! I can't—oh, my God! I can't just walk up to—and let a man I don't know—"

"Sure you can. It should take you less than—" he checked his phone—"fifteen minutes."

"W—why don't you just text him and tell him you're running late?"

"I did that. He doesn't want to wait. When he sees you, beautiful, he'll know what I'm up against. But I'll be honest, Ms. Fontina. It's mostly because I want to see if you'll do it. How far you'll go. Last week and today were a stretch for you, but not anywhere close to stretching you the way I intend to."

"W—why would you want to—"

"Sooner or later, you'll break, Ms. Fontina. Sooner or later, I'll push you too far and your enthusiasm will wane and so will mine. And I'll be free of what I have to admit is an annoying preoccupation with you. Maybe it'll be today."

With that, her chin flew up defiantly. "I won't
. You don't have that kind of power over me. Nobody does."

"Oh, the power of innocence," he said with a small smile. "To have that again. You really are sweet. Go on, get going, Ms. Fontina. And remember, you're not wearing panties. So don't lose your grip on that dildo, or it'll fall right out of you in full view of everyone. That would be unfortunate."

Chapter 9


Draken received the text a few minutes after Charli stomped out.


Jim: WTF just happened


Draken: You tell me


Jim: Busty chick looking just like my old babysitter walks up to me and tells me you're about to fuck her

Jim: Then says you have her stuffed with a vibrator

Jim: Then tells me to check for myself


Draken: And did you?


Jim: Well she looked like she was about to faint if I went near her

Jim: There were people in the courts playing

Jim: But she widened her legs and wrinkled her nose

Jim: So yeah, I reached under there and felt her up. Damn bro. She was sopping wet and her clit...


Draken: Yeah that clit


Jim: Hope you don't mind I rubbed it a while

Jim: Couldn't stop myself


Draken: Fuck you


Jim: Well what did you expect

Jim: And when I felt in the back she was squeezing that stick in her cunt for all she was worth


Draken: Did you do any more than that?


Jim: You think I want Alison cutting off my dick

Jim: No I didn't do more

Jim: But damn

Jim: When I rubbed that little button she started jumping around


Draken: Fuck did she come? You fucking better not have made her come.


Jim: No but she wanted to

Jim: Didn't think you'd appreciate that though

Jim: So what's up, this was a crazy stunt even for you


Draken: She's an exhibitionist but doesn't know it. Teaching her.


Jim: Submissive too looks like

Jim: High maintenance


Draken: You have no idea. So we play in about an hour?


Jim: You're kidding right

Jim: You're not gonna be done for a while

Jim: Not with that piece


Draken: Fuck.

Draken: She's making me insane.

Draken: Will get her out of my system soon.


Jim: Your problem

Jim: Glad I'm getting married and don't have to deal with that shit anymore


Draken: One thing. Don't share this. I'm guaranteeing her privacy.


Jim: Well haven't you gone all touchy-feely overnight

Jim: Sorry I probably will tell Alison


Draken: Alison is fine if she can keep her mouth shut.


Jim: She's marrying a lawyer bro


Draken laughed and put away the phone just as Charli Fontina walked back into the office.

Fury, indignation and lust were streaming out of her as she strode up to him, arms swinging, her intent clear on her face. Draken caught her hand before it even left her side.

"Now why would you want to slap me, Ms. Fontina?" he chided, as if he didn't know.

"Y—y—you—h—he—he—" She crossed her arms and shot bullets up at him with her eyes. "He

"You told him to," he teased.

"You said I should. You didn't say he had a beard."

"Does it make a difference?"

"Or that he's wearing an engagement ring."

"Oh, but Ms. Fontina, I wouldn't have sent you to him otherwise. There aren't many men I'd trust around you in this state without my supervision. Tell me, how did it feel when he stroked your clit?"

"H—how did you know?"

"He told me."

Her blush was absolutely scarlet. "He stroked it."


"Just what you'd think! I—I couldn't help—you already had me—"

Draken lifted her and set her onto the desk, then pushed her skirt up. His fingers went immediately to her clit.
. That bud was slick as an oyster straight from the sea. The woman made a choking sound as he circled it.

"You have to stop thinking of this clit as yours," he crooned. "This clit belongs to Almatto Tech Sport for the duration of our arrangement. It gets stroked when I say it gets stroked. By who I say. And it is always stiff and wet. Now say, 'Yes, sir, Mr. Almatto. I understand my clitoris is to be constantly ready to come. And I'm a horny girl who's always wet and I know I can do this.'"

"Oh," she moaned, staring at him, her big brown eyes very wide. "Yes, sir, Mr. Almatto. My clit has to be constantly ready to c—come. And I'm horny and can d—do this."

With her last few words, there was a knock on the door, and Matthew walked in.

Chapter 10


Charli gave a shattered cry, jumped off the desk, grabbed her purse and ran past Matthew out of the room.

"What just happened?" Matthew said, stopping dead.

"Pushing her," Draken sighed. "Go after her, will you? Damn, that woman's driving me to the edge."

He followed, giving Matthew a few seconds' head start, and came on them just as Charli was pressing the button on the elevator.

"Ms. Fontina, you'll have to forgive my cousin," Matthew was saying somberly, his eyes flicking briefly to Draken edging up behind her. "Draken can be a power-hungry bastard. Been that way since we were kids. If you let him, he'll push you past your limits. It can be exasperating, I know. But honest to God, he's one of the good guys."

Draken rolled his eyes. They both knew Matthew was twice as bad as Draken in every respect.

Charli shook her head. "He wants to break me. He said so." She hadn't spotted Draken yet. She had her arms crossed across her chest and spoke softly with her back turned to the reception desk.

"Only because you're making him a little crazy," Matthew answered, smiling. "Draken's not used to a woman having any kind of power over him and he's good at pushing people's buttons. How about coming back? I can tell you're frustrated."

"You can?" Her face puckered and she blushed. "He told me to go down to—he put the d—dildo in and—"

Matthew flicked him a look of disbelief. "He had you walking around all over the tower with the vibrator?"

Charli hung her head.

"That can't be comfortable, Ms. Fontina," Matthew said, sounding concerned. "Here, you're shaking. Come on back to his office."

"She loves the vibrator," Draken remarked, loudly enough that Charli almost shot out of her shoes. "And now she's going to get fucked
she's a good girl. Come back, Ms. Fontina, and you can sit on my cock and bounce away to your heart's content while you work out the next few meetings with Matthew."

"Oh, God," she moaned, and Draken knew he had her.

"Christ," Matthew said under his breath. "Draken, you owe me."

"I do," Draken murmured back, circling his arm around Charli's waist.


Charli allowed herself to be led back to Draken's office, her face flaming. Once the door closed behind them all, Draken released her and she wrung her hands. She glanced between Draken and Matthew, frustrated.

"This is normal for the two of you, isn't it?" she accused.

"Normal?" Matthew sounded surprised.

"To have women basically dropping their panties whenever you want them. I mean," she stammered, "Sally. And you—" she lifted her chin at Draken. "Do you always offer to let women bounce in your lap like it's a favor to them?"

The men exchanged puzzled glances. Draken looked honestly confused. "Girls aren't hard to get, baby. Did you think they are?"

She barely refrained from stomping her foot. "I get it. The female sex has been falling into your arms since you were born. I guess tomorrow you'll have some other woman bouncing in your lap."

"Probably," Draken said curtly. "Is that a problem?"

"Don't listen to him," Matthew said soothingly. "I haven't seen him with one of his bimbos in weeks."

"Are we forgetting our roles here?" Draken said sharply. "Matthew, get booking."

"Right, sir, Draken sir," Matthew said, and winked at Charli.

Charli was all kinds of messed up as Draken removed her dress and bra and helped her step out of her shoes. This was going to happen, and happen with Matthew here. Somehow it seemed way more intimate than what had occurred in the conference room. Even when Draken himself didn't undress at all—just sat down on his chair without even removing his jacket and unzipped his pants.

Matthew, meanwhile, hung out on the other side of the desk, working with a tablet. "Do you have your appointments on your phone, Ms. Fontina?"

His question came just as there was the humiliating sound of a juicy squelch—Draken popping the dildo out of Charli's pussy.

"Ah!" she gasped. "Uh—yes. My bag."

Matthew retrieved her purse for her, not even pretending he didn't know what was going on. On the plus side, he didn't comment when Charli hunched over and groaned. Or on the fact that she was naked. He just laid the purse on the desk discreetly.

Draken was not as tactful.

"Get the phone out for Ms. Fontina, will you, Matthew? I'm getting this rubber on and she's a little upset. Her poor pussy's empty again."

Silently Matthew handed Charli the phone.

"Th—thank you," Charli said and clutched it awkwardly as Draken lifted her by the waist into his lap as if she were a weightless doll. He sat her down straight onto his cock, huffing out a blast of air once he was embedded in Charli's tight, slick passage.

As for Charli...

Exquisite. Excruciating. Relief.

The sound Charli made as she sank down carried through the spacious office in embarrassing volume. She buried her face in Draken's neck.

"Is that better, little one? You have what you want now?" Draken asked.

She nodded.

"It's time to get happy," he crooned. "Bounce. Show us how excited you are to be here."

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