Her Anchor (14 page)

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Authors: Viva Fox

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Christian, #Historical, #Psychological, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial

BOOK: Her Anchor
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Chapter 6


He woke up suddenly, excited. His body quivered with this tingly sensation that made the hairs on his arms stand on edge. His eyes scanned the room in quickened anticipation as he tried to figure out what had just happened. As he looked down, he saw Valery laying there, fast asleep, her gentle chest moving up and down with her measured breaths. Had his all too real vista been nothing more than a dream? His hand moved under the covers to his dick. He could feel it throbbing under his palm as his hand wrapped around it ever so slightly. A groan emerged from between his lips as he got the sudden urge to pleasure himself. As he looked over at Valery, however, he knew he couldn’t run the risk of waking her.


Slowly, he made his way out of bed. Entering the bathroom, he locked the door behind him and turned on the shower. He wanted to wash away the urge that now possessed him, a carnal sort of urge that took up every inch of his brain, making him nothing more than a horny mess. This need had to be abolished soon for he couldn’t let himself fall for her. He had caused her too much pain already for him to ever be with her. It would cause him too much guilt.  These thoughts drove him into a position of self-hatred, but at the same time, he couldn’t deny the burning desire that ran through his engorged member.


Once the water was warm enough, he stepped into the shower, his hands already over his smooth dick, running up and down along its length. He bit his lip and leaned against the shower wall, trying to think of something that would edge him on. He tried to think of something naughty, but his mind just came back to Valery. The only image stuck in his head was her naked body standing before him.


The water was cascading down her beautiful skin and her eyes called out to him. He wanted to reach out and touch her. But as his hands reached forward he was met with nothing more than thin air. It was all just a mind trick. Groaning once more, his mind imagined her pressed up against the wall, bent over slightly, her round ass on display for him. Elliot pictured himself rubbing his palms over the wet flesh. A smile spread across his face in response as he allowed his mind to venture down even dirtier avenues. He would lean forward and bite her neck as one of his fingers found its way to her pussy. He knew that she would be eager for him, he could feel it.


The thought drove him wild. His hand flew over his member faster and faster, until he felt his balls tighten with the need for release. His hand rubbed himself harder and harder until he felt the soft burning of too much friction. Before things could get too heated, he shot his load onto the shower wall. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he leaned back on the opposite side. Had the thought of Valery alone, been enough to drive him over the edge?


As he tried to catch his breath he was forced into a state of denial. No, he was just excited by the vivid dream was all. He didn’t know what was going on inside of him, but it had to stop. He couldn’t let himself get attached. She had to recover and get on with her life. He had already caused enough damage.


A sense of guilt washed over his body as he stood under the showerhead. His dick was now limp and lifeless between his thighs and he frowned, knowing he had allowed his lust to get the better of him. He should have just controlled his desires, but he had brought himself to sweet release by the simple thought of her instead. He felt angry with himself, but deep down knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her much longer. There was something about her that summoned this primal nature inside of him, like her very being was calling out to the wolf within.


He tried to ignore the feeling as he threw on some new clothes. Once done, he padded his way back into the bedroom. Valery was still asleep. He smiled to himself, seeing her angelic face. Her pale skin was flawless, radiating a natural beauty he couldn’t pry his eyes away from. Her hair glowed, even in the dull light of the small room. He wished he had courage enough to caress it, but instead he just stood at the foot of the bed, admiring her, mesmerized.


He wasn’t sure how long it would take her to heal, but he knew that he would have to take care of her until then. If he let her out of his sight, the pack would come for her and finish the job. He couldn’t let that happen. He sighed, knowing this would be a strange experience. He just hoped he would be able to suppress the animal instincts that were raging inside of him.


Even now as he laid down on the bed again, it was ever so difficult. Her scent, her looks, the feeling of her breath in the small space between them was enough to drive him wild. He wanted to pull her closer, to claim her for his own. Somehow, however, he managed, at least for that night, to stop himself by some impossible force of will, keeping the animal inside of him caged away. His body was tense and his jaw clenched as he tried his best to resist her. He needed to let her rest, but right now all he wanted to do was kiss her.


Leaning forward, the space between their faces diminished, until there was nothing more than a narrowness between them. Elliot held his breath, knowing he shouldn’t be doing this. All of a sudden, her face twitched slightly and her lips curled into a soft smile. Elliot pulled away and looked at her curiously. She was sleeping and yet, somehow smiling. Was she dreaming? He hoped that her dreams were pleasant.


Nala moved forward with an elegant movement. She looked up at her owner for a second before meowing softly. Valery looked down at her curiously, trying to figure out where the cat was going. They were inside, but Nala seemed to be leading her toward the back door. Did she want to go outside? Valery turned on the backyard’s floodlight, in hopes of seeing something that might have perked the cat’s attention.


There, sitting in the moonlight was Elliot. His rugged features were even more pronounced as the nighttime shadows danced across his cheeks. His dark hair looked black in the lack of light and his eyes were almost invisible. Still, Valery could see the crookedness of his nose and smiled to herself before opening up the door.


Almost immediately, Nala dashed out. She greeted him by rubbing up against his hand. He gently petted her and her loud purr could be heard floating in the slight nighttime breeze. He grinned, looking up at Valery with a pleased expression. She gravitated toward him. Her feet moved of their own accord as she fell deeper and deeper into his spell.


She was finally next to him and he reached out, presenting her with his hand. She blushed for a moment before grabbing it. He pulled her down on top of him gently, until she was laying on his body. His arms wrapped around her waist tightly and their chests pressed together. She smiled to herself, a small mewl of happiness escaping her lips before she looked up and made eye contact with him.


She stared into his dark eyes, mesmerized by his intense gaze. She felt her heartbeat quicken and her hands became clammy at the proximity of their faces. She bit her lip, wondering what would happen next. Her heart sped up even more as he moved closer and closer to her, his eyes searching hers with an intensity she couldn’t quite understand.


Finally, the distance between them was destroyed and their lips collided together. Hers parted almost instantly and he used that opening to sneak his tongue into her mouth. As they made out, their tongues danced together. Their breaths were taken away and they smiled, feeling their chests heave in and out with the effort of the passionate kiss.


All of sudden, he pulled away. He pushed her off him but then pulled her close once more. He gently guided her head to his chest, his hand resting on her cheek for a moment as his thumb caressed her soft skin. He smiled to himself before looking up at the stars with her. She looked up as well, seeing the nighttime sky.


The stars littered the sky, filling it with a beautiful splatter of twinkling lights. Valery felt her body enter into a state of serenity and peace as she laid there with Elliot. In that moment, the world seemed perfect. As his arm wrapped around her waist even more and his lips brushed against her warm cheek, she felt like nothing could come between them.


She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the peace that had taken her over. She cherished it for as long as she could, feeling his soft breath against her ear as he kept holding her. He smiled before nibbling on her earlobe gently. She slowly started to open up her eyes again and looked into the sky once more. As she did, a shooting star flew across the sky. Her eyes grew large at the rare occurrence and she quickly uttered a wish under her breath.


Valery woke up when she felt something soft brush up against her face. Scrunching it against the sensation, she tried to move away only to feel her body racked with pain. She groaned, remembering the attack she was a victim of. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea that werewolves were real and that somehow they had been the cause of her fiancé’s death.


It made her sick just thinking about it, but as she tried to move she was consumed by pain that scattered throughout her entire body. There was no denying that the events that had occurred last night were all too real. Opening her eyes, she stared right at Nala who was looking at her seriously, as if trying to say something in her own unique feline way.


“What is it, girl?” Valery croaked, feeling her throat dry and raspy. She tried to clear it, but to no avail. There was still a burning scratchiness at the back of her throat. Sighing, she tried to sit up instead, but that proved equally as useless. Her injuries were severe, not allowing her to do much of anything. “Ugh…” She looked around, noticing the strange building she was in. Looking at the ceiling, or at least what should’ve been one, she saw what seemed like wooden logs linked together. Was she in some sort of log cabin?


Suddenly, she felt anxiety bubble up inside her. What if the wolves had taken her hostage and she was trapped in one of their homes? The thought that Nala was still with her, didn’t seem at all comforting. All of a sudden, there was an arm on her shoulder, making her jump. Her eyes grew large as she looked up at Elliot’s face. “Shh… calm down. You’re safe here.” He said soothingly. There was a dark expression on his face as he looked at her. It seemed like he was holding back a lot of pain himself, like the simple act of touching her was enough to make him cringe. She frowned, wondering what it all meant. Could she come to trust the man who had killed her fiancé?


Chapter 7


“How am I safe with a man who killed the man I was going to marry?” Valery blurted out before she could stop herself. Elliot’s face instantly darkened at her words. He frowned and looked down, knowing she was probably right. She wasn’t safe with him either, but what else was he supposed to do? If he stopped protecting her, Stanton would be back to finish the job and he would be damned if he allowed that pitiful excuse of a wolf to lay another paw on her.


“Because I’m the lesser of the two evils. Stanton
kill you.” He said in a tense voice as he made his way off the bed. He left the room, leaving Valery stunned, not having any idea of what she should do. As she looked around, she tried to sit up again. The sharp pain radiated through her side once more, but even worse, was the pain that shot through her leg.


As she lifted the covers, she saw her leg swollen and bruised. It seemed stuck at a horrible angle. Something was definitely wrong. As she looked at it, she remembered the wolf who had pounced on her leg, snapping it under the weight of his body. She shuddered, remembering the pain that had flooded her system at that moment. She laid back and closed her eyes as if she could make all of this go away.


Doing so, she didn’t notice Elliot come back into the room with a first aid kit. His eyes examined her body for a moment before they grew wide in shock when he saw her leg. He hadn’t noticed it last night and it was now in a severe condition. He walked up to her quickly, gently running his fingers over the tender flesh.


The pressure of his fingers on her skin was enough to make her eyes shoot open. She whimpered in pain as she felt him propping her leg. “Stop!” She yelled at him, ripping his hand away. He stopped and looked back at her with a serious expression.


“Do you want to lose your leg or walk with a limp for the rest of your life?” His questions were sharp as he stared at her. She gulped, realizing the gravity of the situation. “I really need to bring you to a hospital for this, but they will track you down there… too many spies…” Elliot muttered under his breath as he paced beside the bed, running his fingers through his thick hair. Valery watched him, trying to make sense of his words.


“What? So you aren’t going to take me to a hospital!?” Valery’s words were almost hysterical as she looked up at the man that had carried her to this unknown place. Was he insane?


“I can’t!” He shot back, seemingly distressed. Valery tried to get up yet again, only to wince and fall back, gasping as the agony she felt was too much for her to handle. Elliot looked at her instantly, his eyes painted in concern as he moved over to her, naturally placing his hand on her cheek.


“Don’t touch me!” She snapped, feeling like she was in an impossible predicament. What was she supposed to do now that she was injured and stuck with this werewolf she knew so very little about? She cursed under her breath, regretting the day she had gone out to help him. If she had just called an ambulance or something, this wouldn’t be happening.


“You need to let me help you.” He said gravely, looking hurt that she had pushed him away. Their eyes locked for a moment and all was silent as the tension in the room grew. Valery didn’t want to give in. She felt like she was betraying Liam by even succumbing to this guy, but at the same time, Stanton was the one who had turned him. Maybe it wasn’t his fault…




“Because I can’t bring you back to the city. Stanton and the pack have people in every part of the city from the police, to hospitals, to schools. He runs everything without anyone knowing. So if I just bring you back home, he will have you in his clutches faster than you could say
.” He chuckled bitterly at his own joke before getting up and looking at her leg again. “I have to set this in its proper place… it’s going to hurt.”


Valery gulped at his words. “H…how much?” She asked softly.


“A lot. I can try knocking you out if you wish.” Valery stared at him in shock. How was he going to manage that? In that moment, she really didn’t like the idea of him being around her unconscious body. There was no telling what he might do. “Or I can try doing it while you are still awake. Your choice.” He shrugged as he pressed his palms against her leg, feeling for the bone.


The moment he placed more pressure on her injured leg, she yelped in pain. She closed her eyes and bared her teeth in an attempt to deal with it. “Okay… knock me out…” She said breathlessly, her eyes still shut. Elliot moved to her side slowly before placing his fingers under her chin, waiting for her to open her eyes.


“Are you sure?” He asked. She nodded immediately. She knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the procedure while conscious.


“Yes… but how are you going to do it?” She asked, a little scared. She wondered if the process of passing out would actually be more painful.


“Pressure points.” He took one more look at her beautiful face before his fingers jabbed into her neck. Her whole body went limp and she was left unconscious on the bed. Elliot sighed before running his hands through his hair again and moving back over to her leg. Taking it in his hands once more, he held it firmly. He would have to re-break it in order to properly set it. 


Taking a deep breath he flexed his arms, allowing his superior werewolf strength to come into play as he snapped her leg, the audible sound of her broken bone making him shiver. Knowing he shouldn’t waste any time, he placed the bone in its proper position before placing splints on either side of her leg to keep it immobilized. He then worked on wrapping it tightly, creating a makeshift cast with the supplies he had.


He then left her, going back to the bathroom and rummaging through the medicine cabinet for some pain killers. When he finally found some, he brought them back to the bedroom along with a glass of water. He placed them on the nightstand and then sat down in a chair in the corner of the room. All he could do now was wait and hope that she recovered from all of her injuries.


Eventually, Valery healed very well. Through Elliot’s care, she was able to make a full recovery in three months’ time. She was finally able to walk around without her crutches and seemed to be doing better day by day. During her time of recovery, Elliot was forced to take care of her. In the process, they ended up growing very close. The hostility that had settled between them at the beginning of their relationship melted away when she realized she had no other option but to depend on him.


Throughout her recovery process, however, they both kept their distance. It was apparent that they were developing feelings for each other, but at the same time, they didn’t want to put themselves in a vulnerable position. So they spent three months in awkward chastity, but now as Valery was walking around the small building with her hips swaying side to side and her long strawberry blonde hair making its way down her back down to her tempting ass, it was becoming harder for Elliot to control himself.


It was hard enough keeping his urges suppressed when they shared a bed together, but it was even harder now as her body language teased him in every way possible. He just wanted to slam her against a wall and ravish her, but with all of her injuries he had been afraid to do such a thing. Now that she was feeling better, however, there was nothing stopping him from having his way with her.


He knew deep down, that she wanted it too. He could feel it in his very soul, but at the same time, something held him back. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was afraid. He was scared of hurting her, of losing her if he managed to lose control. He shuddered to think of what would happen if his wolf emerged while they were getting intimate. He didn’t even want to think about it.


He focused his eyes instead on Valery, currently making dinner for them. She really enjoyed cooking. He stood in the doorway, admiring her for a moment before Nala rubbed up against his legs. For whatever reason, the cat really liked him. He sighed and looked down before scratching her head gently. She purred loudly in return, grabbing Valery’s attention. Elliot blushed when he noticed her turn around and stare at him.


“What are you doing?” She asked. He should have been out in the woods, training. It was unlike him to be back in the house before the sun came down and they ate dinner together. She tilted her head in his direction, waiting for an answer before she placed her hands on her hips, stepping forward. Elliot had to summon all his willpower in order to control himself, as his eyes fell on the curves of her hips.


He wanted nothing more than to place his hands on her hips and pull her in close, to feel her body pressed up against his. The thought made his heart sputter in his chest and his cheeks reddened as she got even closer. He caught her scent and his body went into a frenzy of excitement as his wolf howled inside of him. He needed her. He wanted her. And yet, he couldn’t bring himself to have her.


“Elliot…?” The sound of his name on her lips was too much for him to handle. He took a step forward and grabbed her chin gently before tilting it upwards. Leaning down, he kissed her ever so softly, letting his emotions spill out into her soul until it made her weak in the knees. He could feel her crumble against him and he quickly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer.


His hands settled on the small of her back as he pressed their hips together until there was no gap between them. He grinned, catching her eyes as his own flashed a shade darker. He knew his instincts were about to take control and there was nothing he could do to stop it. All of a sudden, he picked her up, his fingers digging into her supple ass.


Valery naturally wrapped her arms and legs around him as if she expected it. She felt a fire rage within her that settled between her thighs. She had also tried to fight the urge for so long, but now knew she wouldn’t be able to hold back anymore. There was simply something about this man that made her feel so hot.


She wrapped her arms around him a little tighter as her fingers began to play with his hair, a little dirty from his time spent outside, but in this moment, she didn’t care. She was consumed by the need for him like there was something inside of her that would never be complete without him. With this need to fulfill the missing link, she leaned down and kissed his neck ever so softly. A small growl emerged from his throat, making her giggle. His arms tightened around her, pulling her even closer before he suddenly slammed her into the wall, a devilish look on his face.


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