Her Bareback Cowboys (9 page)

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Authors: Ylette Pearson

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Her Bareback Cowboys
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She planted another kiss on his lips before pushing him away. “You weren’t supposed to be here.”

“I wouldn’t want to miss it for the world,” Wade replied from directly behind her. Before she could slip away, he hugged her to him, circling her midriff with his arms. “Besides, I knew you were up to something you didn’t want us to see.”

Who alleged women were the curious of the species? She snuggled in closer to the little warmth Wade’s skin provided but changed her mind as the hard ridge of his cock jutted into her legs.

“I couldn’t resist the water, but now I’m freezing.” She slipped away from Wade. “Let’s get out of here before we freeze to death.”

“Best suggestion I’ve heard in a long time,” Maverick mumbled and started for the shore.

They grabbed their clothes in a flurry of excitement, dressing without drying off. “My bloody fingers are so numb I can’t get the buttons done,” Maverick grumbled then pleaded with Adrian, “If you help me with mine, I’ll help you with yours.”

“No way, cowboy.” She pointed to his cock bobbing up and down as he tried to get his feet into his pants. “Judging by the readiness of your equipment, we’ll still be here tonight and I still won’t have my pants on.”

“I could warm you up enough to not feel the chill?”

His look of innocence didn’t fool her for a second. Although she didn’t doubt his abilities, she still needed a little time to adjust to her decision of enjoying the men.

She buttoned her jacket and glanced at her watch. “We missed lunch and I’m ravenous. Why don’t we head to the house and I’ll fix us something to last us until dinner?”

Wade grinned and waved a saddlebag at her. “We made provisions for a long day.” He took a blanket, a flask, mugs and a plastic container with sandwiches from the bag. Adrian’s stomach growled when Maverick spread the blanket and they all sat cross-legged while Adrian poured them some coffee. The midday sun warmed her back as she stretched to hand a mug to Wade.

She swallowed a bite of her sandwich before she accused them “You planned this, didn’t you?”

Wade lifted his shoulders. “We knew we’d never make it to dinner without something to eat for lunch, and Marie prepared a picnic for us.”

“Speaking of Marie, do you get the idea she’s hiding something?” Maverick reached for another sandwich. “She seems familiar to me, as if I should know her from somewhere, but I can’t place her.”

“What makes you think she’s hiding something?”

“Well for one, she refuses to look me in the eye and tries to avoid me at all costs. She talks to Wade, but not to me.”

“I think she tried to warn me she was here to make sure I don’t step out of line.”

“Meaning what exactly?” Maverick asked.

“Meaning I need to keep my mind on the job and not on your bodies.”

“Not going to happen.” Wade grumbled. “We’re all professionals here. Besides, what we do in our spare time has nothing to do with her. As long as we finish the job, nobody can complain.”

He was right. Regardless of the watchdog function Marie might be here to perform, if Adrian did her job, and did it well, nobody could complain about what she did with her spare time. The situation with her ex-husband couldn’t repeat itself because she and the cowboys didn’t have a relationship other than enjoying each other’s bodies. Adrian swallowed the remainder of her coffee and returned the mug to the saddlebag. She waited until the men had finished eating, stood up from the blanket and looked at the men still lounging. “Be that as it may, I have to return to the house to edit the photos and plan the presentation. Thanks for the late lunch, you guys are lifesavers.”

“We Texans aim to please, ma’am,” Maverick drawled and Adrian laughed as she strode to her car.


* * * *


An hour later, excitement coursed through Adrian. She had all the photos planned and if she could complete her shoot before the video crew arrived, she could use the two weeks they were on location to put the final touches on her presentation for the company. After making a note to ask Maverick and Wade if they were willing to accommodate her, she closed her laptop and carried the storyboard she’d created to the dining room.

Wade walked in as she propped the board on an easel and stood back to assess her handiwork.

“You’ve been busy.”

He bent, kissed her cheek then studied the board in silence with his hand riding low on his hip. When he cocked his head to one side and frowned, Adrian couldn’t stand the silence anymore.

“Is there anything you don’t agree with?”

“No, but it seems like you’re in a big hurry to get this done.” He faced her again. “We didn’t scare you off with last night, did we?”

“No, you didn’t.” She lifted her chin. “I just want to get the photos done and leave myself enough time to prepare the presentation.” She winked at him. “I do have a reputation to save, you know?”

“Honey, if you want to finish the photos earlier, it’s fine by me.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “It would leave us more time to play.”

She smiled. “It would, depending on if you can keep up.”

“I love a challenge.” He straightened and walked toward the door. “Now, I need a shower before I stink up the place.”

Chapter Seven




During dinner, Maverick licked a speck of beef from his lips and Adrian’s food stuck in her throat. Memories of how he’d used his tongue to stir her into a frenzy of passion the night before flooded her mind and she rubbed her thighs together in an attempt to tamper the dull ache between her legs.

When Marie put the tray with coffee on the table, Adrian sighed with relief. Both men relaxed in their chairs, their mannerisms so alike it was hard to remember they were friends and not brothers.

“Having known each other for so long, do you guys share everything or do you keep some things secret?”

Both shook their heads, but Wade answered, “Secrets have a way of being revealed in any case. We decided early on in our friendship to always be honest about what we think.”

Adrian envied their easy companionship. She hadn’t had a close friend since high school, and for the past ten years she’d only had herself to rely on. It was good to see real friendship still existed in an era where faceless online friends were most people’s daily dose of human communication.

“So, Wade tells me you want to finish the photos this week.” Maverick pointed at the storyboard. “What do you need from us?”

Glad to return to business, Adrian explained what she needed. “We have to get up before dawn to use the first light of the morning for the shots on the horses. I should be able to get all I need in two days if we use both dawn and dusk.”

“And the other shots?” Maverick asked.

“I can take them during the day using the lights. The yellow light in the stables will add atmosphere to the photos, but I need the lights to lighten the shadows.”

Wade rubbed his chin, now wearing a smattering of dark stubble. “The saddles are workable and I have no problem endorsing them. What concerns me is some of the locations you have on there.”


“We have to ride a large part in the dark to reach them in time. As we don’t know the terrain, we risk injury to the horses.”

Adrian deflated. She hadn’t thought of that. “Maybe if we ride out at first light I might still get the shots I want?”

After they’d worked out the schedules, Maverick stood. “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the fire. Man, I’m glad we’re not camping in the veld.”

Once in the lounge, Wade poured them all a drink and they again pulled the couches closer to the fire. Maverick sifted through the selection of music and the melancholy sounds of jazz and blues drifted through the room. They sat in companionable silence, staring into the fire and basking in its heat.

Moments after a door slammed, indicating Marie had left for the evening, Maverick took Adrian’s glass and placed it on the floor. He sat on the couch beside her and drew her into his arms.

“Why do you have to be such a looker?”

Adrian chuckled. “You guys are not bad yourself.”

“If we start this, I won’t be able to stop,” Maverick whispered.

She swallowed while her heart thudded in tandem with his beating beneath her palms. She couldn’t stop her body’s response to the men, didn’t want to. She lifted her head and met Wade’s troubled gaze.

“I know.”

Wade’s brown eyes darkened and he put his still untouched drink on the table, stood and pulled her from the chair
His lips claimed hers in an explosion of want and need while his hands stroked her body. Her nipples puckered inside the coarse sweater and she wound her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and ravaging his mouth, impatiently rubbing her aching nipples against his chest.

Panting, she tore her mouth from his. “You’re overdressed.”

Wade claimed her mouth again while shrugging out of his shirt. Maverick tugged on the hem of Adrian’s sweater and she pulled it over her head then rushed to claim Wade’s lips again. He tangled his hands in her hair, tipping her head to expose her neck to his teeth and lips. Her knees gave way as he nipped and licked from the sensitive spot below her ear all the way to her shoulder.

She had to touch him or risk losing her mind. Splaying her hands over the hardness of his chest, she feverishly explored every ridge, memorizing his hardness. She pinched his tiny nipple and his sharp intake of breath melted the heat in her pussy to liquid.

Adrian lost focus when Maverick’s naked chest warmed her rear, and he undid the button on her jeans. Wade twirled her nipple between his fingers, sending sparks of electricity straight to her pussy. He caught her moan in his mouth while Maverick lowered her pants, his lips following his calloused hands along the contours of her legs.

Maverick straightened and fitted his body to hers, his rock-hard cock jutting into the small of her back. She reached behind her, but he caught her hand, lifting it above her head. Sensation upon sensation crashed through her as Wade suckled on one sensitive nipple and grazed his teeth over it.

“I can’t…”

Maverick chuckled close to her ear. “Can’t what, honey?” he asked and rubbed the tip of his cock in the cleft of her ass.

Her thought processes short-circuited.

“Too much…”

“Not enough,” Wade whispered and proceeded to suck her other nipple.

The evidence of her lust coated her pussy. She pulled at Wade’s hair. “I want you in my mouth.”

“God, woman, do you know what you’re doing to me?” Despite his breathy exclamation, he shrugged out of his pants.

His cock sprang free and Adrian’s eyes rounded. “Oh my.”

She reverently touched the magnificent male specimen and watched it grow bigger at her touch. The sound of foil tearing arrested her movements for a second, but then she bent at her hips, gripped the cock firmly and ran her tongue over the exposed tip.

Maverick nudged her inner thighs apart. “Open your legs, Adrian.”

She widened her stance and Maverick slipped a finger into her pussy. She took Wade’s cock in her mouth and he twisted his hand into her hair to hold her in place.

“Slowly, baby, we have all night.”

Her legs buckled when Maverick eased three fingers into her pussy.
What made you think you could handle both men?
Maverick worked his hand to stroke her clit with his thumb and her thoughts scrambled. This was too much.

Her muscles contracted around his fingers and Maverick pulled them out. He eased his cock into her pussy, circling her hips with his arm to keep her in place. Despite Wade’s hold on her hair, she swallowed him deeper, stroking him with the same fever Maverick ignited in her veins.

Stroke for stroke, she swallowed and pushed. Simultaneous with Wade’s cock pulsing in her mouth, liquid heat shot through her body, throbbed in her pussy and exploded in a volcano, threatening to send her thoughts into outer space. Wade tried to extract his cock and she tightened her jaw slightly until warm cum flooded her mouth. Only when the pulsing stopped, did she open her mouth.

Maverick grabbed hold of her shoulders and steered her toward the couch. He lowered her head over the backrest and shoved his cock deeper into her. His thumb probed the tight ring of her anus and her pussy convulsed around his shaft. Time and place lost all meaning until he drove into her a final time and found his own release.

Adrian wilted over the couch, hanging like a sunflower during winter while she waited for her breathing to return to normal and her limbs to start working again. The fire had almost died and she shivered. Wade poked at the embers and threw another log on.

“God, Adrian, you’ll be the death of me.” Maverick sighed and slouched beside her on the couch.

She watched through heavy lids as Wade gathered their clothes strewn all over the room and sorted them into neat piles. He held out her clothes to her. Adrian stood and turned her back to them.
It’s not like they haven’t seen all your intimate parts,
the voice in her head taunted. Still, she felt uncomfortable dressing in front of them.
The ridiculousness of her actions brought a smile to her face. She’d just had the most incredible sex with the two men, but still she tried to retain a semblance of modesty. What a hypocrite she was.

A sound at the door had Adrian lifting her head. Marie leaned against the doorframe, her lips pursed in disapproval. What was she still doing here? Wasn’t she supposed to have gone home hours ago? Her gaze roamed over Adrian’s body and Adrian shifted uneasily at the unconcealed lust in her eyes. Lust? Marie?

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