Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets (23 page)

Read Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets
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Chapter Twenty-two

Eli enjoyed the tempting sight that greeted him when he came home from work the next day. Kelly had loaded up Matthew and her stuff and had left early that morning, so Rachel was home alone. After Kelly left, he’d gotten ready and gone to work.

Two or three days a week he did tower work for the local electrical cooperative. It was very dangerous, but Eli loved the exhilaration of being that high in the air. He had assured Rachel that he never climbed without a harness and all the requisite climbing gear. She’d had a full-body shudder and wrapped herself around him, quivering. He liked that part of her reaction.

He sat in the truck behind the steering wheel and watched her bent over the fender of her car. A streak of jealousy shot through him as he glanced around to make sure no other men were in the vicinity also watching her.

There were no houses close by, and the nearest neighbors were at work. Her current position was his to enjoy alone, he noted with caveman-like satisfaction.

The hood was up. She was wearing a pair of cutoffs and tank top. He was willing to bet there was a G-string under those cutoffs since he’d told her how much he’d liked the one from yesterday. He could see the bright pink wires of her earbuds connected to her MP3 player, which explained why she had not noticed him yet. She was doing something to her engine.

He saw a pan underneath the car and realized with amazement that she was changing her own oil. Damn. She really was independent to the core. He debated about whether it was worth it to tell her that was his job. Maybe she’d accuse him of being a chauvinist. He grinned evilly and thought giving her a hard time might be a lot of fun.


* * * *




Rachel watched him surreptitiously from behind her wraparound shades as she unscrewed the plug to let the oil drain from her engine. She kept her face carefully passive, unobservant as she watched him. He seemed to enjoy watching her current position, and she wondered if he might have even been a little surprised that she could change her own oil. She fought a grin and leaned in a little farther, stretching her leg muscles. For good measure, she even tilted her ass up a
bit more and widened her stance. Perfect!

She saved herself thirty bucks every time she did this. But watching the expression on his face change was priceless. He was up to
. The loud thump of his truck door slamming told her she was in for it. A chill went up her spine as his evil smile turned to a scowl. Her pussy leaked moisture at the look of intent on his face.

Oh, goody! I am so in for it!

No one was around to see them. Otherwise, she would never have draped herself over her fender like this. She felt like one of those models on the cover of a hot rod magazine. She couldn’t believe her cheekiness as she subtly arched her back and presented her ass even more plainly to him and peeked over at him from behind her wraparound sunglasses, pretending to look at something in the engine.

The cutoffs Rachel was wearing today were shorter than the ones she’d worn yesterday, so Eli was getting a great view of upper thighs and maybe even a little ass cheek. Giving free rein to naughty side, she lifted up on her tiptoes in her little thong sandals.

How’s this for an invitation to a spanking, big boy?

Surely he knew she was aware of him charging across the little lawn over to her. She glanced at him again through her shades and kept her face carefully passive, shivering with anticipation at the feral intent in his gray eyes. If she didn’t know him for the sweet, gentle giant that he was, she would have been tensed up and shaking in her…sandals, she supposed. As it was, her body loosened and relaxed, more moisture flooding her cunt as she braced herself in anticipation of whatever he had planned for her. She yelped loudly as his hands grasped her hips hard, then the collision of his big hard body against hers pressed her to the warm fender of her car.


“Doing a
work again, angel?” he grated in mock anger at her as she braced herself over the air filter. She grinned devilishly. This was how he wanted to play it?

“Hey! Anyone could change their own oil!” she hollered back as she
against him and tried to back away from the warm fender, rubbing against his rock-hard erection.

“Maybe. But not just anyone looks the way you do right now with this beautiful body on display for the whole world to see.” He gently shoved her back against the fender.

“There’s no one around.”

“Anyone could see as they drive by.”

“We live at the end of a dead end!” she growled, trying not to laugh as he rubbed his cock against her denim-covered ass.
This is freaking fun!

“That’s beside the point. You could hurt yourself working on your car while no one is home. No one would know if you needed help.”

“That’s bullshit. How am I gonna hurt myself changing my—”

beside the point.” He gripped her ass cheeks again and then yanked her hips to him hard. “What if you
hurt yourself with no one around, and how about the way you put yourself on
with no one around to keep you safe from strangers? That’s two ways you’ve endangered your safety.”

Where is he going with this?

Eli elaborated. “Ethan says that if Grace puts her safety in jeopardy knowingly, she gets a
. He lights her little bottom up until it’s a glowing bright pink.”

A shiver raced over her skin. She so loved Ethan right now! “All I did was—” she began in a
sassy tone. Maybe sassing him would get her a few extra swats.

“You got two strikes against you already, Rachel. Ethan says back-talking him gets Grace

Ooooh. Extra licks sound good.

In a very sassy tone, Rachel retorted, “Ethan can kiss my

Oops! Looks like my ass is grass and Eli’s the lawnmower!

She thought that Eli did well at adopting a shocked tone. “Cursing from those pretty lips, Rachel? Such a shame. More sassing and foul language.

That’s definitely extra licks.” He pulled her to a standing position. He bent,


put his shoulder to her hips, and lifted her over his shoulder. She squealed loudly and tried not to giggle,
. She beat on his back with her fists and struggled to be put down. He gave her a solid pop on her bottom that didn’t even sting a little.

“Oh, come on. Is that the best you can do, you big brute?” she sniped.

He mounted the steps to her porch, barged through her apartment, and dumped her on her bed. His sheer strength was breathtaking, and she could have sworn she experienced a small orgasm.

Without giving her a chance to brace herself or get her balance, he swiped the thongs from her feet and yanked at the button on her cutoffs. She struggled to turn away from him, determined to not make it easy for him, but he got the button undone and the zipper down as she tried to get her long hair off her sweaty face. He yanked the cutoffs down her legs, and she allowed him a split second to appreciate the little G-string she wore. It was pink with little skull and crossbones printed all over it. It was cute because all the skulls were pink and had little bows on top. Very girly. She could tell he liked it a lot because he was careful not to rip it as he tore it from her body in the next split second.

“Careful, that’s my favorite!” She howled as it shot across the room and landed on the curtain rod.

“Ordering me around? You really want to add to the list of offenses?”

“Offenses my
! I’m the one offend—Hey!” she yelled as he gently but firmly grasped her around the waist and slung her torso over his knees.

“When Grace misbehaves, Ethan says he puts her right over his lap, like this.” He methodically got her into position. Her head and upper body dangled over his thigh, and her ass was within his easy reach. He spread his legs a bit until her mound was seated firmly against his thigh and spread her thighs enough that she was sure he could see her sopping wet pussy lips between her legs. She was barely balanced on her tiptoes.

Rachel bit her bottom lip as another thrill shot through her when his big hand rubbed hard over her bottom, barely tracing over her parted pussy lips.

Struggling again for good measure, she said, “Ethan can
kiss my ass
, and so can
, Eli. Don’t you
—Ow!” She screeched as his big hand came down over the fleshy part of her ass cheek. That stung a little. “Is that the best you can do, you big bully?”


Her ass began to warm against his palm. When he popped the other cheek, the sting was followed by a tingling, warming sensation. Ooooh, she adored Ethan. Eli must have taken notes.

She wiggled her ass, careful to keep her mound pressed against his thigh as he popped her again, this time on the other cheek in a new spot. Each smack sent a thrill to her clit and reduced her struggles until she could barely move for the pleasure she experienced. She forgot she was supposed to be struggling. She shrieked in surprise when the next pop made contact with her outer lips.

The next light tap landed full on her pussy, and she moaned in ecstasy.

A few more light pats landed on her ass then a few more to her pussy that were more like light thumps that vibrated through her clit. His hand sounded wet as he spanked her again, and she knew she must be leaking. She heard his guttural growl and felt his erection at her waist.

The thudding vibration of each tap sent her higher and higher until she was moaning and crying out from the little bite of pain mixed with pleasure.

His other hand slid down to gently part her lips. She opened her mouth to gasp in surprise and wailed instead when the next few light taps made direct contact with her clit. The tension increased, and her back arched more with each impact. On the third tap, she screamed and came hard, undulating on his lap as he rubbed her clit, helping her ride the pulsing waves before she melted against him. When she came back to herself, he was rubbing and caressing her ass. She even felt his lips kissing her there.

“Oh, Eli.” She sighed blissfully, lying limp over his thighs. His hands smoothed down the backs of her thighs then up to gently massage her ass again. He was silent as he let her slip to her knees. Her ass throbbed and tingled. She rested her forehead on his thigh for a second and caught her breath.

When her strength returned, she climbed into his lap and looped her arms around his neck. She straddled him and laid her head against the juncture of his throat and shoulder. With her warmed face buried there, she found the button to his jeans and unzipped the fly and pushed them down with a little help.

Lifting up, she positioned his rock-hard, weeping erection at the entrance to her pussy and sat down hard on him, making them both cry out.

She lifted her chin and looked into his eyes, holding his cheeks in her hands


as she rode him. Eli groaned loudly when she gripped him with her pussy muscles and bounced up and down on his cock. She brought them both to a quick, simultaneous, exploding rush of pleasure. He surged into her depths, filling her to the brim with his cum.

“Damn.” He nuzzled her throat, kissed his way to her jaw, then behind her ear, sending goose bumps zinging over her flesh. “You all right?” he asked as he caressed her tingling butt.

“Uh-huh.” She melted against his warm, muscular frame, his cock still deep inside her. She was completely content to stay there with him like that for a few minutes. He gently tipped her chin and looked down into her eyes and smiled playfully, his eyes warm with love for her.

“I suppose that will teach you to misbehave.”

“Yes, it
. I’ll be misbehaving all the time, if that’s what I can expect.” She chortled. He rubbed her ass gently.

“Your ass is a nice bright pink and hot, too.”

“I take it you talked to Ethan?”

He nodded. “He made some suggestions and told me what Grace likes best.
Next time
, you get the plug in your ass
.” He grinned evilly at the way her eyes got big, and her lips popped open. “The
one, so you have something to look forward to.”

“Oh, baby. I feel more misbehavior coming on soon.” She gasped as he gently lifted her off of him.

“Talking about this while I’m inside of you is going to get me hard again.”

“And that would be bad
?” she asked as she stood up on shaky legs and went in search of her cutoffs and removed her G-string from the curtain rod.

“No, angel. I’ve been pushing you hard physically the last several days.”

“Eli, I’d let you know if I didn’t feel up to it.” He shook his head gently and smiled at her, caressing her ass again.

“I know. But I’m imposing some rest on you, whether you want it or not. We’ll continue with the plugs. Did you wear one today?” he asked as he reached for the bottle of scented body lotion on her night table and poured some in his hand. He patted the bed beside him and nudged her to lie down on her stomach.


Smiling mischievously, Rachel nodded. “Uh-huh, while I was at work.”

She snickered at his surprised expression. “The
one, too.”

She’d felt incredibly daring leaving the plug in place for an hour or two that morning while at work. Every time she’d risen from her desk, she’d felt it shift inside her, and she’d fantasized about having Eli take her ass someday. Her panties had been drenched by the time she’d removed it.

“I thought about you all morning, and I was turned on the

She wiggled against his hand, practically purring at his gentle touch to her throbbing ass.

“Damn, woman. You are motivated, aren’t you?”

“Like you read about, baby!” She giggled as he leaned down playfully and blew on her lotioned butt. He surprised her when he pressed his lips against her butt cheek and blew a raspberry on her ass before smoothing lotion on that cheek. She cackled loudly and then sighed in pleasure when he laid sweet kisses all over her ass. She sighed at the pleasant tingle. “I need to run out to my folks’ house and check their mail and see if UPS left a package they were expecting this morning.”

“Tell you what. Since I interrupted your oil change, why don’t you let me finish it for you? You take a shower and get ready while I do that. While you run out to the ranch, I’ll shower and get ready and then I’ll take you out to O’Reilley’s for dinner. Tonight is my night off from the club, so we have the whole evening in front of us. We can go dancing or to the movies if you want to.”

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