Her Highland Rogue: A Wild Highland Guardian Novel (10 page)

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As if awakened from a deep sleep, she sparked to life. She could feel more than she ever had. The pervasive numbness in her heart slowly lifted, and she wanted him in every way imaginable.

“Please,” she called over her shoulder. “I am ready.”

“Ready?” he asked, sounding unsure of her meaning.

Did he dare laugh? “Doona tease me, Errol.”

With that, he flipped her over, hovering above. “I like when you say my name, lass. Do it again.”

“Milord,” she said.

“My name.”


“Speak. My. Name.”

“Errol,” she breathed out.

He lowered himself, feathering kisses across her cheeks, then captured her mouth savagely. At the same time, his knee eased her thighs apart, and he settled his length between her legs. She trembled all over with anticipation. Was this the love Sgùrr had foreseen in her future? Or just the blind passion she’d warned of? Aileana closed her eyes. The woman had told her many secrets, including the deep feelings handsome men could inspire.
But don’t mistake lust for love,
she’d warned.
If yer fortunate enough to feel both for one man, hold on to him for dear life, for he is scarcer than gold.

Shocked back to reality, her eyes popped open as Errol nibbled on her nipple, releasing another wave of wild sensations. He cupped her breasts reverently, kissing each with tenderness. Their eyes met.

“Tell me what ye want, sweet Aileana. I am your devoted servant.”

Her servant? The future laird? His dear words stole her breath away. But as she stared into the depths of his eyes, she could sense no falseness. The man utterly loved her—of that she was sure. And though she could not say the words back to him yet, emotions stirred deep in her heart. She touched his cheek.

“I want what you want, milord.”

He grasped her hips, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. “I want you,” he said fervently, lifting her.

She braced herself for the pain she’d heard would come from joining with a man. But as he thrust inside her, stopping twice to let her catch her breath, she felt only a pinch before he filled her completely.

“Holy God,” he said. “You were meant for me, Aileana. Do you understand that now?”

“Y-yes.” She melted underneath him.

Then very slowly, he began to move. Warmth radiated through her. She needed to feel his strength and the passion he claimed he felt for her. Only then would she know her truest feelings.

“I want
of you.” She gripped his sides, and moved her hips in wanton invitation.

He lifted her hands above her head, holding them in place while he pounded against her. Over and over again, until a faint pulse deep within her started to build. She cried out, but Errol stopped the sound with a mind-stealing kiss. Her body hummed with excitement and pleasure. How she yearned to give him the same. But he wouldn’t let her move. When she attempted to free her hands, he held her more tightly, stealing her breath with a kiss.

She arched her back, meeting his movements. He grunted and moaned, his powerful body taking what it needed. Then paradise stared her in the face, and she erupted with pleasure. But he didn’t stop; instead, he intensified his effort, sinking deeper inside her with every hunger-laced thrust.

Moments later he called her name. “Aileana…” Then he collapsed on top of her, breathless and covered in sweat.

Overcome by what they’d just shared, she hugged him tight, holding his exhausted body. If only she could crawl inside him and forget the world they truly lived in. There she’d stay with him forever, and let love grow between them.

“Sweet lass,” he said softly. “Did I hurt you?”

“Nay.” And he hadn’t.

“Nothing can divide us now. We are one in the eyes of the Lord.”

A single tear trailed down her cheek, for beyond her adopted aunties, no one had ever loved her. “One,” she repeated softly, praying it was true. “What will everyone think when we show up wet, our clothes wrinkled beyond repair?”

He lifted up so he could see her face. “Nothing, lass. I am the future laird, and yer my lady wife.”

Chapter 17

Instead of returning to the main entrance of the keep once they’d dried off and dressed, Errol showed her another entrance, along the north wall. Intended for use by the soldiers, the long corridor eventually intersected with a set of stairs that led to the second floor. But what surprised Aileana the most was when they stopped in the hallway where the chambers for the laird’s family were located. She’d only visited this part of the castle a handful of times while assisting the maids, and didn’t know where Errol slept.

He paused to give her a chaste kiss on the forehead, then opened the carved door. A fire awaited, and a tray of food was set on a table positioned between two beautifully cushioned chairs in front of the mantel. She stared at him in wonder, then let her gaze explore the rest of the space. The chest from her old room was at the end of the ornate poster bed, where a silky shift and bed robe were laid out.

“Doona look so surprised, sweet one. Edme and Margot have worked diligently in secret with some of the other maids to make new curtains, linens, and pillows for your bed. I wanted everything to be perfect so you feel at home. Anything you need will be provided. The next Lady MacRae will be happy and comfortable. And not only feel her part…” He cradled her hand in his. “But…but look her part as well.” He gestured at a second trunk, across the room. “Gowns and slippers.”

She likened it to a dream. But her future husband stood before her—flesh and bone. “I am humbled by your kindness and generosity, milord.”

His gentle smile warmed her inside. “This was my beloved mother’s chamber. I know if she were alive, she’d love and admire you.”

More undeserved praise that made her weak-kneed and left her in awe of a man she knew had a reputation for bedding as many willing lasses as he could. But in this moment, she felt like he belonged completely to her, as if his questionable past and hers were nothing more than fireside gossip. And since he’d made her a woman, the faint light of hope inside her heart had increased tenfold. She met his gaze with happiness.

“I am sure I would have felt the same for your mother.”

“Aye,” he said. “Her spirit lives on, sweet Aileana. A guardian angel for both of us.”

She turned away then, not wanting him to see the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Aileana would never reject a guardian angel, even if she didn’t believe they existed. For up until this point in her lonely life, though surrounded by love from her aunties, clothed and housed within the MacRae keep, and never having gone hungry, something still had been missing. And no matter how appreciated she felt now, the need to know where she came from had only increased. Witnessing the deep affection between Laird MacRae and Errol pleased her no end, and she wanted that familial connection with her own kind.

“Morning is not far off,” his deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

“Aye,” she said, seeing the moonlight through the high, narrow windows on the far wall. “And I am tired.”

“As ye should be.” He tugged her into his arms. “Know I would spend every night in this room with you. But I willna give anyone a reason to doubt your virtue. Our vows will be spoken soon enough, sweet Aileana. And until then, I will visit this chamber and baptize you with my love in secrecy. I won’t give you a chance to forget me, or what we share.”

His passionate kiss left her hot and wet between her thighs.

“My room is but fifteen paces to the left of yours. If ever you need me, or fear for your well-being, call out. I will be here.”

They held hands for what seemed like forever, before he broke away and silently left her chamber, closing the door behind him.

She stood motionless for several minutes, the idea of living in such opulence unsettling. Then she sampled a piece of cheese and bread from the tray and stared into the flames in the hearth. How she longed to share her good news with Sgùrr. The woman had rightly prophesied her future.
Love in its purest form would find her, but not without a heavy price.
But hadn’t she paid with tears and isolation already?

Aileana sat down in one of the chairs, appreciating how soft and supportive the high back was. Would she spend the rest of her years reclining by this hearth every night with Errol at her side? She glanced at the empty seat to her right, imagining her betrothed’s handsome face. The idea appealed to her more than she thought possible. As did making love to him every day.

She hugged her middle, her mind awhirl with lust. How wonderful it felt to have him inside her, to know the joy of being sheltered by his powerful body. If she closed her eyes, she could still see and feel the ridges of his muscled arms and back, the hard lines of his chest, the way his face stubble scraped against her tender skin. His masculine scent, better than anything she recalled, intoxicated her more than the potent wine she’d drank earlier. And his taste…She shivered with pleasure.

But having no one to share it with made her restless. She must visit Edme and Margot, otherwise she’d never be able to sleep.

She walked across the room to the new trunk and opened it. There she found many dresses and shoes to choose from. After carefully removing her gown and the necklace Errol had given her, she picked a simple, gray wool dress and leather shoes to wear. Then she tucked her necklace in the old trunk, amongst her other hidden treasures. But before she closed the lid, she removed the ship pendant from Sgùrr and put it on. Somehow the charm had brought her great luck, and she refused to go without it unless she had to.

Slipping out of her room, she shut the door behind her, then walked soundlessly down the hallway. Torches lit the way to the stairs. No one should be about. Of course, some of the men would bed down in the great hall, too drunk to crawl back to their barracks or cottages. Aileana was no stranger to moving about the keep this time of night. She often wandered outside alone, to take a walk or stargaze.

Edme and Margot lived in a room off the kitchens. She opened the door and found them both asleep. As she crept close to their narrow beds, separated by a bed stand, she smiled. These dear women were all she had in the world to call family. Unwilling to disturb their peaceful slumber, she kissed them both, then left.

Still unsettled, she decided to go for a walk. The guards that manned the tower wouldn’t stop her, they never had before. Before she left the kitchens, she grabbed her old cloak from amongst the ones hanging on the hooks by the door and bundled up—sure to cover her hair and face. Then she stepped outside, loving the fresh, crisp air.

Instead of heading to the loch, she chose to stay within the confines of the walls. Twenty yards from the stables was a place where the servants often ate in the warmer weather, complete with benches and tables, set amongst the trees. As she neared the area, something moved behind her.

“Where are you going, lass?”

Aileana twirled around, shocked to find Broc. “Why are ye following me?”

“Vain little creature,” he said. “Did you think I’d keep vigil outside your door like some lovesick fool? You moved about like a lame horse inside the great hall and woke me up from a pleasant dream.”

“Then I apologize for disturbing you.”

He grimaced. “ ’Tis a full moon,” he observed. “Not a good time for virtuous lasses to wander about unattended. Lord knows what beasties might prey upon your innocence.” He took a few steps toward her.

Aileana had experienced his threatening manner before and didn’t fear him now. “The full moon doesna only attract the wicked, Captain, but also curious admirers who appreciate the handiwork of God.”

He snorted. “Since when did you become so eloquent, Aileana? I remember a girl too fearful to even speak in my presence. What know you beyond how to measure the ingredients for a bannock or meat pie?”

“I know a good man when I see one.” The sarcasm in her voice was unmistakable.

“Bitch,” Broc spit, edging closer. “I would have loved you.”

“No,” she disagreed wholeheartedly. “You would have bedded me without feeling. Then done the same to whatever woman would have you.”

He chuckled at her words. “What do you know of such things?” He cocked his head, staring at her. “Bloody Christ,” he cursed. “You bedded Errol already?”

Aileana’s cheeks heated and she looked away, not out of shame, but afraid she wouldn’t be able to hide her feelings. “Leave me alone.” She turned around.

Broc grabbed the back of her cloak and yanked her toward him. “To think of all the time I wasted trying to get you to spread your legs for me. And all it took to get you was for that arrogant bastard to parade you in front of his father and guests like you’re some kind of proper lady.” He dragged her into the woods.

“Let me go,” she screamed, struggling to get away.

But the man was a great brute, bigger and more violent than most men. He threw her to the ground, standing over her. “Yell all you like, Aileana. The guards canna hear you. Only I. You’ll see how much I like to make women scream.”

Fear gripped her as she crab-crawled away, deeper into the copse.

“Run little one,” he taunted. “I will catch you.” She watched in horror as he unpinned his broach, his plaid falling away from his shoulder. “I have waited months to taste you. Now no one can claim I ruined you. Errol did me a great favor, and I’m none too proud to be the second in line.” He ripped his shirt open, revealing a broad chest.

She scrambled to her feet, eyeing him, then seeking an escape route. But the bright moonlight was obscured by the thick vegetation, making it impossible to find a way out.

“I belong to Errol,” she said with defiance. “If you touch me, you will surely die.”

“Touch ye?” He laughed bitterly. “I will break you in half, lass. No man will have you once I finish.” He was on her again, tearing the front of her dress open.

His eyes were wide with hatred, his breath putrid with ale.

Aileana dug her fingernails into his flesh, screaming with determination. “Be gone,” she choked out. “Doona do something so heinous.”

His meaty hand wrapped around her throat and squeezed so tight she saw spots before her eyes. Trapped between his frame and the tree trunk behind her, she closed her eyes and begged for God’s mercy.

“Look at me,” he demanded, his grip loosening.

She obeyed and struggled to take a deep breath.

“Worthless whore,” he rasped. “I will make you regret the moment you—” He grew silent suddenly, and grabbed the pendant she wore. “Where did you get this?”

She trembled, fighting to stay on her feet and gather her thoughts. Why had the violence ceased so abruptly?

“Answer me.”


“The necklace, where did you get it?”

“ ’Tis mine.” That’s all he’d get for an answer. She’d sworn to protect Sgùrr’s existence, even if it meant paying for it with her life.

Stunned, Broc retreated, scrubbing his face with both hands, his posture completely altered. “Goddamn it,” he said, then stared at her long and hard. “Consider it divine intervention, Aileana. But this doesna end here. I cannot risk my future on you. Run away and never show your face to the MacRaes again, or die here. When someone finds your body in the morn, who will think to question me?”

She swallowed the lump in her throat, knowing he meant every word he said. He could squeeze the life out of her in seconds with those monstrous hands.

“Choose wisely, lass.”

Give up the only man she was sure she’d ever grow to love? Her heart nearly stopped beating just thinking about it.

“Why?” she asked in desperation.

“Doona question me.” He looked more than ready to follow through with his threat.

“What have I done to deserve your hatred?”

He backed her into the tree. “By humiliating me in front of my brethren. Now I will deprive you of happiness.”

“And if I come back?” she asked.

“I will take whatever shred of dignity you have left. Believe me, girl, I have allies here, ones who would pay for a chance to make you suffer. And Errol willna be spared the details of our affair, the very night your betrothal was announced.” He fisted his hand in her hair and forced her head sideways, then jammed his tongue into her mouth. “You even taste like a whore.” He spat on the ground.

Anger overtook her and she slapped his face, confused and hurt. There was no truth in his cruel words, no reason for him to despise her so. Yes, she’d wounded his manly pride, though she didn’t know why he took her rejection to heart. She’d seen many women walk away from him, but just as many welcome him with open arms. ’Twas the way of things. “And where shall I go? With what money?”

Unaffected by her violence, he reached inside his pouch and then threw something at her feet. “Enough coins to pay passage on a ship. Leave the Highlands.”

He’d left her no choice. Aileana scooped the money off the ground. “You expect me to go now?”

“I expect ye to do as I say.”

She palmed the tears off her face, wishing there was a way out of this. But Broc seemed more than determined to be rid of her. And she’d rather disappear than risk his lies of an illicit affair. For none of the young MacRae women would ever believe her innocent. In their minds, she’d dishonored the captain and then stole Errol’s heart. Sins she must be held accountable for. “I will go.”

“Good,” he said with a nod. “And so there is never a chance for you to say I am completely merciless, I will escort you to the MacKenzie border. Devil take you after that.”

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