Her Journey Begins

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Authors: Karen Einsel

BOOK: Her Journey Begins
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Her Journey Begins
Chris' Journey [1]
Karen Einsel
karen einsel (2012)

Walk with Chris as her journey begins from being a foster child to falling in love with her high school sweetheart, only to meet with tragedy, rape, and abuse. Can Chris keep her faith in what Barb taught her, "That every thing happens for a reason"

“Chris’ Journey Turning Different
Corners” is a four book romance series. But the first Book in the
“Her Journey Begins” is more than just a
There’s sorrow, pain, laughter, joy, family and friends, all
wrapped around a tender sweet love between Chris and Brandon, her high school
sweetheart. There will be heroes and heroines, good guys and bad, people you’ll
love and people you’ll hate and this is just the first corner. Come cry, laugh,
and love with Chris as she begins her Journey Turning Different Corners.

Her Journey Begins








Book 1

Her Journey Begins


By Karen Einsel









This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author

s vivid imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is coincidental.

2011 Karen Einsel

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission from the author.

ISBN-13: 978-1478132462

ISBN-10: 1478132469


This first book in Chris

Journey is dedicated to one of my Best Friends

Cindy Cotter

Who has always believed in me

Love you Cindy!













A big Hug and Thank you to


for helping me design my cover.





   Sitting there staring at the cake, Chris watches the flames flicker on the candles as the colored wax drips onto the chocolate frosting. Her eyes blur with the hot tears that spill over and roll down her cheeks. Barb puts her arm around Chris



Chris, honey, what

s wrong?

   A few hours earlier


   Chris changes the one year olds diaper and laying him down in his crib she hands him his bottle. Picking up the sleepy eyed two year old Chris hugs her.


Are you ready for your nap too?

The little girl lays her head on Chris

shoulder and Chris smiles.

Okay, give me an Eskimo kiss.

The little girl giggles and rubs noses with Chris. Carrying her over to the crib, Chris lifts her up and over the rail. The little girl holds her hand out.


Uh, uh.

Chris picks up the doll from the floor and holds it out to her.


You can say,
dolly please

The little girl wiggles her hand.


Dau-eee, pease

Chris smiles.


Now go to sleep,

Going in search of Jason, Chris finds him sitting on the floor in her bedroom playing with his two cars. Chris ruffles his curly black hair and holds her hand out to him.


Come on Jason let

s go make us a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You can spread the peanut butter for us.

  Jason grins up at her and Chris sees the delight in his eyes.

Trying to be quiet as they walk through the living room Chris hears a thump and the one year old starts to cry. Chris glances at her foster mom who is lying on the couch.


Dammit Chris, I told you to keep those brats quiet. You know I have a pounding headache.

Chris flinches and Jason squeezes her hand tighter. Chris whispers down to him.



s okay Jason. Let

s go see why he

s crying and then we can eat lunch.

   Pouring Jason a glass of milk Chris hears someone knocking on the front door. She tilts her head listening to see if her foster mom will get her fat butt off the couch.



Chris sighs and mutters to herself,
Guess not.
Eat your lunch Jason and I

ll be right back, okay?

Opening the door, Chris looks at the lady standing there.


May I help you?


Hi, are you Chris?

Chris nods.

Hi Chris, my name is Miss Vetro. I am your new social worker. Is your foster mom here?

Chris looks over at her foster mom who is getting up off the couch muttering.

Shit, what does she want? Well don

t just stand there, let her in.

Chris smiles and opens the door wider,

Please come in.

Miss Vetro thanks her and steps inside. Jason comes looking for Chris and clutches her hand as their foster mom gives Chris the look that says,
Go in the other room, I

ll take care of her.
Chris tugs on Jason

s hand.


Come on Jason, we will go finish our lunch.


Chris, I need you to stay. I have some questions for you also. May I sit down?

Picking up the magazines from the chair, Chris cringes as her foster mom snaps at her.


I told you to pick those up earlier.

Chris lowers her eyes wishing she could disappear and Jason tugs at her hand.


Chris, I

m hungry.

Still looking down, Chris shuffles her feet.


May I?


Yes, but please come right back, okay?


    Coming back into the living room Chris sees Miss Vetro writing in her notebook and Chris sits down on the foot stool across from her. Clasping her hands in her lap, Chris stares at her big toe that

s peeking out from her shoe.


Chris, why haven

t you been in school?

Chris looks up and looks over at her foster mom.

No. Chris I

ve already asked her, now I

m asking you.

Clenching and unclenching her hands Chris looks back at her shoe and shrugs her shoulders. Miss Vetro reaches over and pats Chris on the knee.

Chris, do you like school?

Chris nods her head.

Do you have friends at school?

  Chris whispers.

A couple.



t you miss your friends?

Chris doesn

t answer.

Okay, let me ask you this, are you a good student?


I don

t know. I guess I am.


Chris, I talked to your teacher, Miss Bailey, this morning and she tells me that you are a very good student. She says you are sweet and kind and that you are very helpful. She also told me that you are a very bright young lady.

Still looking at Chris, Miss Vetro takes a breath. Her mind is spinning in every different direction. This is the first case she has been assigned and she was told,
First rule, don

t get emotionally involved. Go in, assess the situation and see if the child should be removed from the home. How can she not get emotionally involved?
Looking at Chris she feels sorry for her. Not only are Chris

clothes stained with holes in them, but Miss Vetro can clearly see that Chris

shoes are too small, making her wonder,
What do these people do with the money they receive to take care of these kids?


Chris, I am going to take you and place you in a different foster home. While I sit here and go over paperwork with your foster mom, I need you to go pack up your stuff.

Chris stares at her, not moving and Miss Vetro pats her on the leg again,

Chris, please.

Chris gets up and goes into her room grabbing the few things she owns and puts them in a grocery bag. Coming back into the living room Chris sees Jason. He walks over and grabs her hand.


Chris, where you going?

Getting down on her knees, Chris looks into his eyes.


I have to go Jason. They are going to put me in a different home.


No Chris, I don

t want you to go.

Chris sees his bottom lip start to quiver.



ll be okay Jason. I want you to do me a favor though, okay?

Jason nods.

I want you to be good. Don

t get into trouble and help take care of the little ones, okay?

Jason nods again and with tears in her eyes, Chris hugs him before standing up.

I love you Jason.

  Not wanting Jason to see her cry Chris quickly walks out the door with Miss Vetro right behind her. After opening the car door for Chris, Miss Vetro walks around and gets in the other side assuring Chris it

s going to be alright. Still fighting back the tears that threaten to fall, with a trembling voice Chris lashes out at her.

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