Her Little Black Book (19 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

BOOK: Her Little Black Book
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She watched the smile that spread across his lips. “Yes, I know.” And then before she could catch her next breath, he bent his head and went there, taking one hardened nipple into his mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut as sensations speared through her, straight to the area between her legs. Her body tightened in sensuous need as he tightened his mouth on her breast and began sucking, while using the tip of his tongue to massage. If that wasn't bad enough, she suddenly felt him easing his fingers inside her panties and going straight to her womanly core. She was already wet, and her thighs immediately parted with his touch. And then, while his mouth moved to latch on to her other breast, his fingers went to work, penetrating deeper, as they made their way inside her.
Her climax came easy. It was so mind-twistingly complete, she could have died right there. She couldn't stop the whimpers of pleasure that seemed to flow nonstop from her mouth, and it was taking all she had to catch her breath. Then she felt herself being lifted in strong arms and placed on the barstool. He raised her hips just enough to remove her panties, and then he knelt down in front of her and widened her legs open. Before she could
regain her senses, he leaned forward at the same time he gripped her hips to bring her to the warmth of his waiting mouth.
She let out a scream of pleasure the moment his tongue touched her. His tongue was urgent, demanding, and greedy, and she couldn't do anything but press her back against the soft leather cushion of the stool while he blew her mind.
Last night he had introduced her to oral sex, but if he kept this up, she would become addicted. She felt her body shattering into a million pieces when she exploded in an orgasm of gigantic proportions, flying her to the stars. She began whimpering again, calling his name, but he continued to hold her to his mouth, refusing to let go, tightening his grip on her hips even more.
It was only after the last tremor left her body, that he finally released her. He leaned over and kissed her, and she tasted herself on his lips. And she knew that if she didn't do something, he would leave her alone tonight without getting his own pleasure.
So she decided to take matters into her own hands. Literally.
While she had him so wrapped up in their kiss, she extended her hand toward the zipper of his jeans and slowly slid it down. He wasn't aware of what she was doing until her hand had made its way inside his boxers and had clamped hold of him. He immediately broke off the kiss and tried pulling away, but she held tight.
“No, Lake, it's my turn. Please. Let me taste you the way you've tasted me.”
Her request seemed to overwhelm him. She watched his expression. He was trying to refocus, regain control, but no doubt it was hard with the firm grip she had on his erection. Then she took the tip of her finger and began lightly tracing across the softer skin, and in a voice lower still, she said, “Please. I want to do this.”
Their gazes locked. She knew the exact moment he made up his mind to relent, surrender, and admit defeat. He took a step back, and she eased to her feet to stand in front of him. He began undoing his belt, but she reached out and stopped him, placing her hand over his. “No, I want to do it all, Lake.”
He studied her gaze before letting his arms go limp at his sides. She decided she wanted to taste him all over, which meant removing all his clothes and not just his jeans, so she proceeded to do so. This was her first time undressing a man, and she was enjoying it immensely—especially when it was a body whose very exposure sent wantonness all through her.
She eased his shirt from him and then took off his socks, shoes, pants, and boxers with his help. When he stood before her completely nude, she felt a sensual longing that tried taking over the very essence of her being. And then she began taking care of business. Starting with the corner of his lips, she took the tip of her tongue and grazed a heated trail across his chin, down the hollow of his neck, then lower to concentrate on the two buds on his chest. She heard the sound of his breathing and the sharp intake of his breath, as her mouth began moving even lower, easing down on her knees to do so.
She discovered she really liked his navel and placed plenty of kisses there. And his hipbone, as well. And when she came face-to-face with his erection, stared straight at it, saw it hard, solid as a rock, bigger than life, she gripped it in her hand and brought it to her mouth, slowly licking it all over before inserting it into her mouth like a lollipop she had to have. And she discovered she was enjoying it just as much.
She felt his fingers when they reached down and took hold of her hair, at first she thought to pull her away, and then she knew it was to keep her there. But he didn't have to worry; she wasn't going anywhere. She knew the moment he was about to come and prepared herself for it, but he had other ideas.
“No more,” he said throatily before reaching down and hauling her to her feet.
She let her thighs brush his and brought her naked body against him, pressing her womanly core against his still-hard erection. While she knew he was fighting for control, denying himself the one thing she wanted to give him, she leaned over and whispered, “Put it inside of me, Lake. I need it.”
He met her gaze. Stared at her as if he wasn't sure to believe her. But evidently something in her eyes convinced him. However, deciding that he wasn't responding quickly enough to suit her, she shifted their bodies to literally push him back onto the barstool, and then she proceeded to straddle him. She lowered her body downward onto his erection, and since there was no other way for it to go other than up, she basically forced him to enter her.
He went completely still. Held his body immobile. But she kept going, pushing further downward while at the same time wrapping her legs around him to keep him deeply embedded within her. She liked the feel of his throbbing erection inside her body. It was an erection that she had gotten primed and ready with her mouth.
Feeling smug and victorious, she tilted her head back and looked at him, daring him to ask her to get off him. He still hadn't moved, although she felt his hands go to the back of her spread thighs to give more support. He met her haughty gaze and said in a low but clear voice, “Forgot something, didn't you?”
She immediately racked her brain, trying to figure out what. And when she felt him growing even bigger inside her, she remembered. A condom.
She closed her eyes. If he were to pull out of her now, she would die. For a moment she thought that she did feel him easing out, but then as if he'd made his mind up about something, he clutched her thighs tighter and pushed back in, going even deeper, all the way to the hilt.
She opened her eyes to find him staring intently at her. Then he said, “You know what could happen, don't you?”
Unable to speak, she nodded.
“I'm safe. I get a physical every year,” he then offered.
She nodded again, and then somehow managed to say, “So do I.”
It was his time to nod. “The only other thing we need to worry about is a baby,” he said huskily. “I never got around to asking if you wanted children.”
“Yes.” She raised a brow. “Do you?”
His lips curved into a smile. “Yes. Ours.”
There was no doubt in her mind that he felt the tremor that touched her body with his words. What he'd done was reiterated what he'd been trying to get her to accept all along. And by consenting to take the risk of becoming the father of her child, he was acknowledging what he'd said the first night they had met—that he was an intricate part of her future.
Courtney became overwhelmed at the possibility that Sonya was right. The hunter had captured the prey he wanted. Just knowing she was the one pushed her entire body into a state of arousal. Instead of saying anything, she leaned over and captured his lips, letting her actions express what she couldn't for the moment say in words.
He began moving inside her the moment her tongue began dueling with his. Their lovemaking tonight was different. No restrictions were in place. They were accepting any risks.
She broke off the kiss and threw her head back when he began thrusting inside her with whipcord speed, relentless perseverance, and enduring passion. The sensation of being skin to skin, flesh to flesh with him made her crave his aroused flesh even more.
And then she felt him buck beneath her, felt the firm grip of his hands on her thighs tighten even more, and then he spread her legs wider as he thrust upward one last time before she felt him exploding inside her, shooting his release.
The sensations ignited her own sensuous eruption, and
she tightened her legs around him and held on. Never had she felt such an urgent need for what a man had to give her. Never had she wanted it so badly. She felt cherished when he wrapped her into his arms, pulled her closer, kept their bodies locked together until completion.
But he still didn't release her. Nor did she release him. She needed this time. This period of understanding and realization to think. And when he leaned up and captured her lips with his, she ceased thinking at all.
It was daybreak when Courtney awakened to find Lake was no longer in bed with her. But he had left a note on the pillow beside her. She shifted positions to sit up to read what he had written.
I don't know your schedule today, but if possible I'd like to have lunch with you. Call me and let me know if that's a possibility.
She smiled and held the note close to her heart. He had referred to her as
Closing her eyes, she lay back in the bed as memories of last night ran through her
mind. After making love on the barstool of all places, he had gathered her into his arms, and they had gotten into her bed, where he had held her the entire night. At some point, she had awakened and had tried to persuade him to make love to her again, but he had refused, reminding her that he wouldn't have done so earlier if she hadn't forced the issue.
She grinned proudly. That would teach him to think twice about holding out on her. He wasn't the only one who could go after what he wanted.
Courtney opened her eyes and glanced over at the clock. It was time to get ready for work. She had a full day of appointments with her doctors, but would definitely make time to join Lake for lunch. Deciding she needed to get moving, she slid out of bed and went into the bathroom.
An hour later, she was fully dressed and ready to grab her briefcase to head out the door when the phone rang. Thinking it could be Lake, she quickly picked it up. “Yes?”
“Courtney? I just wanted to check to see how you're doing.”
She smiled as she dropped down on the sofa. “Mom? I'm doing fine. How's Hawaii?”
“Wonderful. Your father and I are having a fantastic time. He's still operating on Orlando time, so he gets up every morning at the crack of dawn and goes to the hotel's fitness center. Then he joins a couple of guys he's met here for breakfast and to play a few hours of golf. I prefer sleeping in until noon, then just lounging around, taking
it easy. But it's nice having the time away and for us to spend together. It's like having a second honeymoon.”
Courtney heard the excitement in her mother's voice. “I'm glad, Mom. Sounds like things are working out the way you want them to.”
“They are, sweetie. Your dad has been just wonderful. No matter what I want to do, he does it. We've taken several tours around the island together.”
Courtney smiled. “Sounds like fun. So when are the two of you coming home?”
“We have another week, and then we'll be back. Your dad has already suggested that I look into us going somewhere else together next summer. Possibly a weeklong cruise to Alaska.”
“Sounds nice.”
“It will be. I know it's time for you to head out for work, but I wanted to check on you to make sure everything is okay. I talked to Peggy last night, and she said she'd seen you Sunday at the mall …”
Courtney and her mom chatted for a few more minutes before ending the call. As she locked up, she felt her chest swell with pride at her parents' attempt to work out their problems and save their marriage. She had been a major naysayer only because she didn't want her mom risking her heart yet again to the whims of her father. But now it seemed that Ron Andrews was truly trying to do the right thing and build a relationship with his wife. Courtney couldn't help but give her father an A for effort, and would tell him just how proud she was of him when her parents returned to town.
Ignoring the fact that Ashira had just climaxed for the third time beneath him, Ron kept on riding her, not close to getting enough. Luckily for him, a doctor friend had given him a prescription for Viagra before he left Orlando. Normally, he stayed away from the stuff, never needed medication to keep him hard. But he knew satisfying two women on this trip was going to be a challenge. Barbara would expect him to do his duty by her, and he couldn't risk raising her suspicions about anything if he wasn't in the mood. Viagra always kept him in the mood. Barbara was getting it whenever she wanted, and Ashira was giving it whenever he wanted it. Lucky for him, Barbara's demands weren't often, and their lovemaking sessions always ended quickly. The time he spent with Ashira was another story. The more he got from her, the more he wanted. His lust was insatiable.
“Are you sure you're not on anything?” Ashira asked when he thrust into her yet again. “You've been acting like a sex maniac since you arrived on this island.”
He laughed as he spread her legs farther apart for deeper penetration. “No, I'm not taking anything,” he said, lying easily to her. “Must be the environment,” he said, still going strong, ramming in and out of her.
“What about your old lady? Aren't you getting any from her this trip?”
“That's none of your damn business as long as I'm getting it from you.” He preferred not to talk, and she was asking too many questions to suit him. It's not like he was
poking into her twenty-four hours a day. Just the morning hours while Barbara was still sleeping, so why was Ashira complaining? “If you're starting to have problems handling me, then let me know,” he said angrily. “I can get someone else.”
“I'm not having problems—it's just you want it every day.”
He frowned. “And what's the hell wrong with that? That's why I brought you along, so stop whining. You're my morning delight. Barbara thinks I work out every morning and then meet up with some guys and play golf.” He chuckled. “At least she got part of it right. I am working out.” He glared down at her. “Now shut the hell up—I'm still hard.”
She got quiet, which was fine with him. But after so many more thrusts, she began making sounds to let him know she was coming again. Boy, she was wet, and the wetter she got, the harder he got. Her stuff was ripe. He liked it like that.
He glanced over at the clock. He had another hour to go. It didn't take Ashira long to come again, and he smiled. Not bad for a relatively older man. He bet a young punk couldn't do what he was doing. She'd had five orgasms in less than two hours. Yes, he was counting. Damn, but he enjoyed hearing her every gasp, whimper, and moan when she came. Barbara would bury her face in the pillow or bedspread to deaden the sound, and that would piss him off. What a waste of good physical exertion.
He felt sensations running through his body and knew
he was beginning to explode again, but that wouldn't make him go soft. And he intended to keep at it with her until he did … or until he ran out of time.
He threw his head back, and his body began rocking when an explosion hit. A smile spread across his face. He was a man with the best of both worlds.
Peggy frowned over at Toni. “What do you mean you and John can't go to Disney World with me and Willie this weekend?”
Toni smiled. “John was supposed to come home Friday night and can't make it back. He called this morning and suggested that I fly out and join him in Atlanta. Then we can rent a car and drive over to Knoxville to see our grandbaby,” she said excitedly.
“Umm, why do I feel like I'm being set up?”
Toni gave her an innocent look. “Come on, Peg. Would I do something like that?”
“Yes. Don't think I haven't caught on to what you're doing. Like the dinner party the other night. I guess you're going to try and convince me that all those other guests you claimed were coming canceled out at the last minute.”
“Well …”
“Don't try it, Toni. I know you.”
Toni smiled and leaned over the table. “Then you know how much I love you and want you to be happy.”
Peggy shook her head. “I think you're all wrong about Willie Baker's attraction to me. He's just being nice.”
Toni rolled her eyes. “He's a man interested in a
woman. John and I both saw the way he kept looking at you the other night. You've just been out of the dating scene for so long that you can't recognize the signs.”
Peggy took a sip of her drink, wondering if what Toni said was true. Was she not able to read the signs? “Now you have me worried.”
“Why? You've spent time with him by yourself before. And thanks to our shopping spree today, you have several nice outfits to choose from. You'll be fine.”
Peggy sighed deeply. She hoped so.
Courtney walked into the restaurant and glanced around before giving the head waiter her name. He led her to the table where Lake was already seated. He stood and kissed her on the lips, just as if they were a couple.
“Hi,” he said, releasing her hand, but not before lifting it to his lips for another kiss.
“Hi, yourself. Thanks for inviting me to lunch.”
“You're welcome.” He returned to his seat and looked over at her. “And you're smiling,” he observed. “Not that I'm not accustomed to your smiles, but you seem in a particularly good mood today.”
“I am.”
“And the reason?”
She glanced around before leaning over the table and whispering. “Well, I have two reasons for my good mood and smile. I've slept with a wonderful man for the last two nights, and I heard from my mom this morning. She and my dad are having a wonderful time together in Hawaii.”
He lifted a brow, latching on to the latter part of what she had said. “You didn't think they would have a good time together?”
She sighed deeply and sat back. “Honestly, no. The trip was my mother's idea. Dad went along with it just to make her happy.”
Seeing the confused look on his face, she said, “Over the years, my parents have had problems with their marriage. Major problems. My father has a problem with being faithful.”
Lake waited until the waiter delivered their menus before asking her, “What do you mean he has a problem being faithful to your mother?”
She shrugged as she reached over and grabbed a breadstick out of the basket. “He's had several affairs over the years, Lake. Two of them resulted in children, so I guess I was wrong in saying I was an only child.”
“Your mother know about these affairs?” he asked in a quiet tone of voice.
“Yes, eventually she always finds out. Once, maybe twice, she's left him. One time I remember when I was in my early teens coming home to find all his clothes thrown . over the lawn. That was a waste of Mom's time and energy, because in six months she had let him move back. Things are good between them until he screws up again, which he always does.”
“And why do you think she stays with him?”
Courtney smiled. She could hear the bafflement in his voice. She understood. “Because she loves him. He screwed up just last year with a student of his. Not for the first time,
I might add. Don't know why the university keeps him on when he enjoys mixing business with pleasure. Anyway, Mom found out and they split for a few months. I really thought that was the end of it and thought it was about time. I was sure she'd had enough and was ready to tell him where he could shove that thing that he likes using on other women. Then I get a call where they invite me to dinner, and instead of telling me they've finally decided to get a divorce, they told me they were going to try to work things out again. I truly don't understand why she continues to trust him.”
Lake reached over and took her hand. “The reason is what you said earlier, Courtney. She loves him, and I know firsthand that in some cases, love can be blind.”
She opened her mouth to ask what situation was that but was interrupted when the waiter came to their table to take their order.
Lake didn't say anything for a long moment, thinking about what Courtney had told him. Talk about major drama. It seemed her parents had it. It explained a lot. Especially why she was so cautious in accepting that they had a future together. Did a part of her think all men were like her father?
“No, I don't think that.”
He glanced up. “What?”
She shrugged. “I know what you're probably thinking. You're wondering if I have a problem with men because of my father … and my uncle.”
He lifted a brow. “Your uncle?”
“Yes, Sonya's father. Uncle Joe screwed around on Aunt Peggy, too. He got involved with a young girl. Aunt Peggy found out when he asked her for a divorce to marry his child bride. At the time, he was fifty-six, and she was twenty-three.”
Courtney took a sip of her drink. “I'd be the first to admit that because of my father and uncle I don't have a healthy view of relationships. Over the years, I tried seeing my family as the exception and not the norm, but found it hard at times. I do have friends whose parents have long-standing, loving relationships, so I believe it can happen … for the right people.”
He nodded and smiled over at her. “Then I have to convince you that we are the right people.”
She inhaled deeply. “I want to believe that, but I think we're moving too fast.”

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