Her Master Defender (The Masters Men Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Her Master Defender (The Masters Men Series)
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Struggling for some control she started pulling his t-shirt from his pants. The tensing of his skin the moment her hands touched his waist signaled trouble. Fear that he would stop her if she took her time, she bunched the shirt up sliding her hands up his sides. The scarring he didn’t want her to see made itself known under her touch, but she valiantly pretended not to notice. She nudged his underarms wanting him to allow her to pull off his shirt.

He didn’t move his arms, but he didn’t move away. Copper took that as a good omen though she could feel all his doubts rushing back. She brushed her hands over his chest. His nipples hardened as hers had. The heat radiating between them gave her confidence to keep trying. She pressed her lips to his chest and heard a hiss of breath escape his lips. He reached behind him and pulled the shirt off then gathered her to him and lifted her onto the bed.

His hard body spooned her side. One of his legs rested between hers, pulsing more heat into her already overheated core. She wanted him desperately. All sense of patience disappeared in her need.

Dos kissed her deeply wanting to drink her in. She tasted like coffee and cream, invigorating yet smooth. Stroking his hand down her side then back up, he stroked a hand over one of her breasts. Even through the fabric still covering it he could feel her body’s reaction. The little mew he heard in her throat warmed him in ways he never expected to know again. He released her lips and trailed kisses down her throat.

Slipping a hand under one strap of her bra he started to pull it down her arm. H braced himself on his other arm to watch as he uncovered her. The moment the cup of her bra began to move he froze. His breathing already increased by desire now doubled with self-loathing. He pulled the strap back up to her shoulder. Wanting to quietly leave but knowing she deserved better, he met her gaze.

Dos brushed his thumb over her cheek. “We can’t. I shouldn’t have let it get this far.”

Now there’s an understatement.

“I think I had a hand in that decision,” she said. “There are two of us here.”

With one of her soft hands, cupping his cheek she smiled. It was all Dos could do to keep himself from turning and kissing her palm.

“Don’t you want me?”

Her question caught him off guard. It had to be a joke. No doubt she could feel how much he wanted her. “That’s not it.”

Damn it, she did it again. That damned smile was going to be the death of him. “Copper,” he said, but her hand slid from his cheek to his chest confusing his brain.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Dos grasped her hand trying to regain some focus. “You don’t understand. We can’t go any further. Besides the fact that I shouldn’t take advantage of you, I don’t have protection.”

“I do.”


“In the night stand.”

He stared at her. She brought protection?

“So see, you’re not taking advantage. I am.”

“Still, I can’t risk passing --"

“We can use two at once if it will make you feel safer,” she said with a smile before sobering a little. “Think about it. I’m sure some of your blood or other fluids got on medical personnel while they were taking care of you. Have any of them been infected?”

Dos shook his head. “Not that I know of, but--"

She covered his lips with a finger. “But nothing. My father would have told you if they had. I am a nurse, remember? I know all about how things are passed on. I’m not stupid or careless. I promise it will be okay. I want you.”

Her last words were said as a whisper of breath over his face before she kissed him. By the time his brain cleared the sensual fog, her hands were at his waistband. He covered them again. “Copper.”

“One night, Dos. We deserve one night.” She kissed him again. “You deserve one night.”

Pulling her close he kissed her like there was no tomorrow. He wanted to believe her. He wanted to be the man she thought he was, if just for tonight.

When he broke the kiss he looked down at her. Her eyes were still closed as she tried to pull him back for another kiss. But he couldn’t let the guilt go. He stopped her busy hands with one of his.

When she opened her eyes, Dos shook his head. He could not risk hurting her with the virus or when he would have to walk away. “I can’t do this.”

In the dark room he held her intent gaze. He waited for an argument, or anger, or frustration. What he got surprised him. A slow smile pulled at her lips, and she stroked his jaw with her fingers.

“Okay,” she whispered as she leaned toward him and brushed a soft kiss on his lips.

God, this woman could steal my heart.

If you still had one.

Dos ignored the voice. He might not be willing to do what she thought she wanted, but he wasn’t willing to totally walk away either. He reached up and pulled the covers from under the other pillow.

She tilted her head looking between him and the other side of the bed. “I’ll sleep here, but only if you promise to join me. I told you we wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want to, but would it be so bad to hold each other?”

Humbled by her offer, Dos found his throat choked with emotion making it hard to answer. Yes, it was what he had planned anyway, but her wanting the same thing amazed him. He smiled down at her and that seemed to be enough of an answer. She scooted over and got under the covers. Dos sat up and took off his boots. When he stood and turned to pull the covers down on his side, she already held them up in invitation. He didn’t waste time thinking anymore, but climbed in right beside her, jeans and all.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close. She rolled to her side and he was amazed at how perfectly they fit spooned together. There was temptation without doubt, but Dos easily ignored it. What truly shocked him was the immediate sense of peace that enveloped him.

# # #

Dos woke in a cold sweat. His heart pounded in his chest. His lungs felt as if he’d been running flat out for hours. Panic chilled him as he tried to regain some control over his body.

It took his brain several minutes to register where he was; his bed, his cabin. Safe.

With the realization came exhausted relief. His body sagged into the mattress. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table. Midnight? What the hell was he doing in bed at this hour? It was like asking for the nightmares to-- Something stirred beside him stopping his thought. Lifting his head he glanced down and saw red hair. Allowing his gaze to continue downward he saw an arm draped over his middle, then the warmth of a leg over his registered. He closed his eyes as it all came rushing back.

Copper soft and gentle coaxing him closer. Copper hot and determined.

God, what had he done?

Before he could wallow too long, music reached his ears. Then Copper’s hand started moving on his stomach as if looking for something. The music started again.

Shit, her phone was in his shirt pocket.

Dos eased her body away and leaned over the bed snagging his shirt from the floor. As the damned March from the Nutcracker ballet started again he glanced at the display. Shit, DAD flashed on the phone’s screen. He vaguely remembered telling the Colonel Copper would call him back.

The phone rang again.

Knowing he couldn’t answer it he turned to wake Copper only to find her staring at his back. Telling himself she couldn’t really see anything in the dark room he held the phone out to her. “It’s your father.”

When she took the phone he started to stand but she wrapped her other arm around his middle holding him in place. He could have broken her hold with ease. He should.

She leaned her head against his back as she answered the phone, then mostly listened.

He couldn’t move. No one had been this close to him since he returned to the states. At least not willingly. And no one had actually touched his scars since the gashes had healed and become scars.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you. We had a, uh, heated discussion about me staying with someone else. But, thanks to my stubborn nature, I prevailed and we went to neutral corners. I must have fallen asleep, it’s been a long day,” she said, before going silent for a minute. “Yes, he’s fine.”

Her lips pressed against his back. Dos knew she didn’t mean to, but they burned him hotter than any of the brands Cardone had used. Then her finger traced one of the myriad of scars. He couldn’t take anymore.

Breaking her hold he bent, scooped up his shirt from the floor again and walked to the sanctuary of the bathroom. Once inside, he realized it wasn’t a sanctuary, it was a darkroom. Another reminder of how he’d screwed up tonight. He quickly buttoned the shirt and left by the other door.

He had coffee brewing before she came out of the bedroom. Dos didn’t turn as she entered the kitchen. He watched the coffee drip willing it to go faster so he could grab a cup and disappear into his office. This time he would remember to close and lock the -- her hand stroked his back. He couldn’t stop his body from jerking away. It was a reflex learned during his capture. Not that he could get far having the counter in front of him and Copper behind. And his reaction didn’t put her off. Instead she wrapped both arms around him, resting her head against his back again.

Dos fought the desire to cover her hands on his stomach. He forced his hands to remain flat on the counter.

“Dad said to tell you he’ll call later,” she said, hugging him then releasing him and moving to lean against the counter beside him.

Yeah, probably to rip you another one
. “About?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know,” she said covering a yawn. “Checking in, I guess. You have another cup handy?”

Dos pulled a mug from the cabinet in front of him, filled it and handed it to her. That’s when he noticed she had on the t-shirt he’d missed when he picked up his clothes. Seeing those long bare legs and bare toes had his mind going down a road he didn’t want to travel again.

“Oh lord,” she said, pulling Dos’ gaze back to her face.

“Sorry, strong coffee is one of few vises I can still handle. I’ll make another pot.” He reached to pull the carafe out, but her hand covered his. Looking at her face he saw her shake her head.

“Not necessary. I’ve had this before, just not in a long time. You’ve definitely been around my father too long.” She sipped again and this time her face didn’t look quite as shocked.

“It’s really not a problem to make another pot,” he said, but she shook her head again. That mussed copper hair flowing over her shoulders called to his fingers. Dos felt his hand rise to touch it. Instead he reached for his mug.

“The extra octane’s probably a good idea. I need to get those pictures developed. Dad’s not convinced the guy in his pictures is the same one I saw.”

“I didn’t recognize him as one of Cardone’s men. There’s just something about him. Without a clearer shot of his face I can’t be sure. My guess is he’s working for someone else. Someone the Colonel or I might recognize. Or there’s still the possibility he just knocked you over as a way to check you out. In which case, I want to know who he is so I can let him know what I think of the way he treats women.”

She grinned as she pushed away from the counter. “Yep, that’s pretty much what he said. Well, except for the part about the guy wanting to check me out. Are you sure you weren’t listening in on my conversation?”

“I would never--"

“Relax,” Copper said cutting off his words. “I was teasing, big guy.”

Dos stared down at her. She’d turned to face him placing her hand on his chest as she spoke. He knew she could feel his rapid heartbeat. The intensity of her gaze told him she was thinking the same thing he was. He wanted her.

“If I didn’t have to get those pictures done I swear I’d be dragging you back to bed,” she said, a second before reaching up and kissing him.

Dos grasped her hand from his chest and broke the kiss, though his body fought him. Was he mistaken? Had they done more than sleep. He could never be sure he didn’t forget things with the damned virus messing up his head half the time.

“We didn’t . . .” was all he got out, unable to voice his fear.

One corner of her mouth quirked up, as she stepped away from him. “No, we didn’t,” she said, with a smile. “You did however hold me and gave me the most fantastic dream I’ve had in a very long time.”

She wiggled her eyebrows at him before turning and walking to the bathroom.

Watching her butt as she sashayed across the floor, desire coursed through his veins. The sex-deprived part of his brain had almost bought her reasoning about the virus last night. The logical part wasn’t as quickly changed, though doubt had been firmly planted. Hell there was DNA in saliva and they’d certainly swapped plenty of that. And she was right about others coming in contact with his blood. The guys that rescued him from Cardone’s base had definitely gotten some on them and they were fine. There were still other reasons he and Copper shouldn’t be together. One biggie being her father was his C.O.

Ex-C.O., remember

Dos fisted his hands at the reminder that he’d be under another’s command soon if they didn’t discharge him first. Every muscle in his body tensed. It wasn’t an attack. This was something he could handle.

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