Her Master's Command (3 page)

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Authors: Sabrina Armstrong

BOOK: Her Master's Command
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Buffeted by the
adoring crowd after her set, we made our way out of the pub. Once the street
she locked her arm in mine and whispered, “Thank you” in my ear before kissing

 “For what?” I
laughed as her soft lips moved away from mine.

“I know what you
did tonight. I know what you are. To be honest, I knew you were coming. I saw
it. I think you’ll find, however, I will not tell you my story of Him as easily
as others,” She sighed and propelled us along the busy street. “I was not some
one night stand or someone looking to be healed. My story is that of love, which
are feelings rather actions, which I’m sure you’re more used to.”

“Will you tell
me anything?” I asked, my heart sinking with each step I took.

“One must take
their own twisted journey of love - based on personal and observed experiences
- to shape their own future with it. It must be difficult for you?”

What was she
talking about?

wondering how I know so much about you. Sometimes my music allows me to see the
future. Well... not so much to see as to feel, but I’ve been learning this gift
my whole life and I see what I feel pretty easily now.”

“And what have
for me?” I asked.

There had been
long pauses in our conversation as we walked up and down the hilly streets of
Portland. Finally, we stopped. By the sounds of things we had walked to a night
club with based-up Latin music and the smell of burning leaf.

was in your future, so here we are.” She motioned me into an open door.

In a moment we
had checked our coats and were on the dance floor. The band played a Bachata
song whose familiar beat had my hips leading hers in unison. My forward leg
edged between her open thighs. I could feel wet cunt swell through the thin
layer of fabric barely. As we danced hot beads of sweat began to form on my
exposed skin, she as touching every exposed inch of me, drinking in what my
skin had to offer her until I felt her pussy pulse and spill her warmth against
my leg.

“Oh,” she sighed
in my ear nearly collapsing upon me. “We need more privacy.”

Holding my bare
hand in hers, she pulled me up the stairs in the back of the club. We pressed
past lovers on the stairs whose passions grew as we passed. At the top of a
second flight, she led me through a barely recognizable steel door.

Her apartment
was spectacular. The moment the door closed, I no longer heard the pounding
beats of Batchata. I barely had time to take in my surroundings before she
began to undress.

“Take off your
clothes.” She demanded.

“I’m not sure
you want that much of my skin exposed. No one has ever been with me completely
naked. The exposure to that will overpower you.” I stammered and tried to pull
away from her wandering hands.

She gave a sweet
laugh and touched her finger to my lips. “Based on how I wielded your powers
through my pick tonight and pulled you by your bare hand up the stairs, I am
willing to bet I may be able to redirect it back to you. Has
no one
out how to do that yet?”

“No.” I stood in
front of her like a deer caught in the headlights of a semi. No one had ever
asked me that before and no one had bothered to make it past the effect of my
skin touching them. “Never.”

“Well, why don’t
we give it a try and see what happens.” She purred.

I liked her
determination and carefully slipped the laces off my waist and held them for a
long moment. They were too precious to me to simply discard with the rest of my

“Are those His?”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “I hadn’t noticed before. I never thought I’d see
them again.”

“So you know

“The Master has
a wide selection of restrains but these are of particular use to him. I’m sure
he’ll reward you fully for bringing them back to him.”

 “I stole them,”
I stammered and pulled my dress over my head. I felt my skin tighten against
the cool temperature of the apartment. My nipples hardened at the vulnerability
of my naked state. “I know it was wrong but I had to do it. They were in a
closet of a wizard the Master had been with. I don’t know, I thought they might
help me to find him.”

“You are a smart
little witch,” she whispered “smart and beautiful. The Master will know exactly
what to do to you. He’ll be driven to make sublime such a beautifully unsatisfied


“Yes,” she
smiled and bit her full, lush lip. “Now, put the laces down so I can pay you on
your back and eat that pretty little pussy of yours,” she murmured and moved
close enough that our bodies touched.

“Like this?” I
asked as I can down.

“Spread your
legs,” She ordered “You’re not allowed to be shy with me.”

“Perfect,” she
sighed as she lowered herself over me “I’ve been wanting to taste you since I
saw you sitting in the bar.” She eased a teasing finger over the naked lips of
my cunt and laughed when I shivered with delight. “Do you feel that?” She
asked. “It’s like a reflection of the energy coming off you. It makes me wet
just thinking about it.”  

I took a deep
breath and let my head fall back. “It feels so good.” I groaned and moved my
hips into her waiting hand.

“Do you want to
taste me too?” She asked.

“Yes, please.” I
moved to get up but her hands held me steady while she expertly slid her body
halfway up mine and turned herself around so her lovely cunt was presented to
my face. It was a beautiful sight. “You’re so pretty.” I murmured and pulled
her higher until the lips of her mound met my mouth. I felt her body shiver as
my tongue ran along the seam of her center and pressed. We moved easily, I
cupped her ass and squeezed, her sensitive inner thighs pressed softly against
the sides of my face. I began to massage her tender ass. I pressed my thumbs to
spread her wide apart. I felt her hands slide underneath my own ass and spread
my angle my thighs so she had full access.

With one hand
she eased open the wet lips of my pussy and slid her thumb just inside. Slowly
she began to rub against my g-spot and pressed her forefinger against my hardening
bundle of nerves.

“Eat it.” I
begged. Before she could, I pressed two fingers deep inside her cunt and rubbed
her clit with my tongue.  

 Deeper I
pressed into her with my fingers while her tongue cupped and circled my tiny
bud. Her breath tickling my swollen lips. I took a deep breath of her sex and
thought of nothing else but her to her clit and g-spot. She moaned and buried
my clit tight between her lips and sucked. I covered her pussy with my mouth
and groaned deep as the walls of her channel tightened and contracts and her
body bucked. She never stopped her ministrations while her orgasm worked
through her and it was the savage flicking of her tongue that sent me rocketing
into my own binging climax. The first wave crashed and forced me to brace
myself against the floor with both hands. Her rhythmic suck and tickle sent a
second wave of pleasure though me.

I felt a thrust
of white hot heat build inside me as I gyrated and moaned underneath her like a
wild animal.

We collapsed to
the floor glowing in bliss.

When I awoke, it
was strange to have another person’s flesh pressed against me. I liked it. Still,
it was not hers I wanted and my hands went out to grasp the laces on the floor
next to me.

“Everything ok?”
She asked.

“Yes. I just didn’t
want to lose them.” I held the laces up to show her before pressing them to my
chest. It was the only connection I had and I was starting to feel as if it was
all slipping away.

She gave me a
sweet smile and rolled on to her side, propping herself up on one elbow. “I met
him at that pub. I think you knew that already.”


“I loved him
from the beginning. It wasn’t until the end, when I learned why?”

“What do you

“He never really
loved me. Although he found me interesting and sexy, I believe he settled with
me.” She rolled away and handed me my clothes. “You should put these on. I’ll
finish my story but you should probably be ready.”

I didn’t
hesitate, tossing the dress over my head and wrapping the laces around my

“I’ve heard
other witches stories about how they found him in bars and pubs and that’s what
happened with me. I was looking for him and he found me. I don’t know why he
let me stay with him, I never asked him because I worried that if I did it’s
only remind him that I wasn’t the person he actually wanted to be with. I tried
to be but I could never full surrender my will to him.” She looked up at me,
tears of sadness welling behind her bright blue eyes. “That’s what you’re going
to have to do. Surrender yourself completely without question. The Master takes
slaves not lovers. I left because I loved him and I knew I was only but what I
had to give wasn’t what he needed. I hope you’re the one.”

I felt the pull,
a strong rush of air propelling me forward and I knew it’s worked. “I think
that did it.” I bent down and kissed her on the lips. “Thank you.”

“Good luck.” She
touched her hand to my waist and held me steady for a moment. “You must
remember that the one who surrenders their will is the one who holds all the
power. I didn’t understand that until it was too late.”

I nodded and
took a deep breath of air before the world around me went black and icy cold.





His voice washed
over me like warm water splashing against cool stone and I felt my body waking
up as my eyes snapped open. “Hello,” I answered back stupidly before struggling
to my feet.

“Am I to assume
that you’re the little witch that’s been hunting me?” He laughed from behind

“Yes.” I turned
slowly and caught sight of him. He was beautiful. Everything I could imagine in
someone with his reputation. Tall, wide shoulders with a hard, muscular body.
His face was chiseled features and bright green eyes with a close cropped head
of thick black hair. “That’s me.” I stumbled forward and started removing the
laces from my waist. “Here. I found these and thought you might want them

He eyed the thin
strips of leather carefully before taking them out of my hand. “The old
wizard,” he laughed softly “and what did you have to do to get them away from

I bowed my head
and let the guilt of what I’d done moved over me. “I stole them. They were in
his closet and he was sleeping. I just took them. I wrote him a
call to true
spell as payment but I doubt it”

The Master
closed his fingers around the leather and smiled. “Sometimes a person has to do
something dishonorable to get the things they need. Don’t let shame blind you.
The old wizard took the straps and hid them after I cured him of his illness. I
appreciate the return of my property.”

 “I was happy to
do it.” I shivered with anxiety as he put the laces down and stepped closer to

“But my little
pet you need to tell me the real reason you worked so hard to find me. It
wouldn’t have anything to do with the spell you’ve cast on yourself?” He leaned
in and touched a hand to my face.

I thought I
would melt right there on the spot.

“Yes,” I
whispered “I need you to cure me of it.”

“Cure you?” His
laughter was soft as it filled the large, empty room. “Why would I want to cure
you of such a delightful gift?”

I stared up at
him, my stomach doing wild flip flops. “No one can touch me,” I answered “No
one can stay with me long enough to-“

“But Angelina
did.” He smiled and pulled me to him. “I felt it. She made you come. She ate
your lovely pussy and reflected all that wonderful energy off your skin and
made you come. It was beautiful. I only wished I could have been there to taste
you myself.”

“Master,” I

“That’s what
they call me.”

“Please.” I
bowed my head and prepared myself to beg. “I need you to help me. I’ve got to
break this curse. I can’t live the rest of my life like this.”

He stared at me
for a long moment, his lips drawn into a sly smiled. “It’s been a few decades
since anyone has found me this way. I can’t help but want to reward you for
your determination but I also cannot ruin such potential.”

“Well...” I had no
idea what to say.

“What I am going
to do it offer you a very interesting opportunity. One that I have only offered
twice before in my lifetime.” He crossed his arms over his chest and gave me
another hard stare before taking a deep breath of air. “Should I assume that
Angelina told you the nature of our relationship?”

“Yes,” I nodded
“she told me that you were her Master but she couldn’t surrender her will to you.”

“It was a sad
day when she left but inevitable I suppose, she was a lovely girl and I still
miss her.” he sighed “but she and I were not what the other person needed to be
truly happy. I am going to make you an offer, it will only be made once and if
you agree we shall seal it with a good, hard fuck.”

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