Her Nemesis Master (Dark BDSM Erotica) (7 page)

Read Her Nemesis Master (Dark BDSM Erotica) Online

Authors: Dan Bruce

Tags: #submissive, #slave, #abuse, #master, #belt

BOOK: Her Nemesis Master (Dark BDSM Erotica)
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“That was pathetic!” the man yelled. “My cock isn’t that big,
you useless piece of shit!”

“I’m sorry,” replied Emily through her choking breath. “I’ve
never... I’m sorry... I just...”

“Never!” the man derisorily sneered. “You mean to tell me that
you’ve never deep-throated before! Well that’s going to change –
and I suppose I’ll have to train you, as I’m guessing that your
husband isn’t equipped for the job. Now listen up! My bitches suck
cock and my bitches get face fucked – fully face fucked, which
means taking it down the throat. You want to be my bitch, don’t
you, Blondie?”

Through misty eyes, blurred with tears, Emily was staring at
the hard cement floor – her humiliation total and complete. She
looked to the man’s shoes that were only a yard away, a pair of
traditional black brogues set a couple of feet apart. Then her eyes
moved up the grey trouser legs to the belted waistband around his
thighs where a pair of white brief lay trapped. The upper thighs
that were bare looked so manly with their black hair, and the balls
at the top looked so big and full, loaded with sperm that she
yearned to have in her. The man’s cock was lobbing up and down,
glistening with pre-cum and Emily’s saliva – the perfect instrument
for delivering the seed, well at least where nature intended – into
a womb where it might meet an egg. It was a captivating sight – a
mighty phallus that could give so much pleasure, yet could hurt so
much as well. Emily let out a moan as she recalled the high and the
low – that incredible orgasm and the oral violation. Highs and
lows, the rough with the smooth – Emily knew that with Her Nemesis
it was all part of the package, because without the lows the highs
could never be so good. It was what she had agreed to, and it was
what she craved. Of course she wanted to be his bitch. Why else had
she endured his abuse over the past month?

To give him the answer, Emily crawled the distance that
separated her from Her Nemesis. She kissed one shoe then the other,
nuzzling her brow against his shin as she lapped the tangy tobacco
flavoured leather. Unable to credit her action, but impelled to
continue, Emily worked her way upwards, kissing the trouser covered
legs till she came to bare flesh which she kissed as well – thighs
then balls, shaft then knob. And as a reward the bitch was given a
treat – in a rare moment of tenderness that made her heart soar,
the man stroked Emily’s long ash-blond hair as she adoringly
worshiped his dick.

“Yeah, I thought as much. So we’ll try again in a minute. And
when I do fuck your throat – just relax and take it. Trust me... I
know what I’m doing, and I’m not going to suffocate you for
Christ’s sake!”

“I’ll try,” said Emily, and she kissed the cock again, then
slowly ran her tongue along the length, all the way from the man’s
balls to the big purple head which she took into her mouth,
accepting her fate.

“Good girl. Now you suck on that whilst I take off my clothes.
I reckon I’ll be building up quite a sweat and I don’t want to ruin

Emily obeyed, she sucked on the glans as clothing was removed
– first jacket then tie then shirt, which were placed on a
wall-hook just within reach.

“Okay Blondie. Stop for a minute.”

Emily halted straight away, releasing the man’s cock. The
erection sprang upwards and slapped his stomach with a resounding
smack. Emily watched it in pure lust, wishing it was back inside
her again – in her cunt, and in her mouth – although she wasn’t too
sure about it going back down her throat. And as for her ass, well
she’d see about that!

Knowing that her opinion was irrelevant, Emily watched
transfixed as the man bent down to undo the laces of his shoes. It
was then that she noted the upper body that was now gloriously
naked and wonderful when bare. A fine mat of trimmed black hair
adorned his flat stomach with a thicker band running all the way
from his furry chest to his rich thatch of curly black pubes. His
chest was well muscled with bulging pecs. Only the big prominent
nipples that crowned these impressive swells were devoid of any
chest hair which spread up to his collar bones where the matt
ended. In contrast to this, the well padded shoulders and broad
muscular back were flawlessly smooth. The ape in the man was
perfectly contained!

Emily took all this in as Her Nemesis stripped out of his
briefs and trousers and hung them up beside the rest of his
clothes. The shoes came off to allow this then were put back on so
he wouldn’t be walking on the cold wet cement floor.

“Okay, Blondie,” said the man, as he resumed his position in
front of Emily, now naked except for his feet. “Let’s have another
go. And when the time comes, relax your throat. If I hear a gag
then you’ll get punished. Is that clear?”

“Yes,” replied Emily, stunned at her compliance, and sure that
a punishment would be coming her way.

“Yes, Master” corrected the man. “My bitches call me

“Yes, Master,” said Emily, thrilled to the core. Never in her
wildest dreams did she think that as an adult she would call a man
that, but it felt so right and so good to do so. In the space of a
few minutes, or unwittingly over a month, she had become a slave to
Her Nemesis – Her Master and his beautiful cock.

And there it was again! It jutted before her. And ye gods,
what a sight! It looked so potent and vibrantly alive - a beast of
a prick, snarling in its hunger – eager to inflict righteous
retribution on the slave that knelt before it. Emily looked at this
hypnotic phallus that was lobbing before her, terrified of its
power yet so needy of the infliction. The man reached for her, his
fingers curling again to grip Emily’s sweat drenched hair. She
could only stare as if in a trace, kneeling before Her Nemesis,
worshiping the man’s pagan pole as he showed Emily another moment
of tenderness and stroked her hair.

The moment was brief!

His fingers suddenly resumed their grip and the man pulled
Emily forward. She shuffled her knees painfully on the hard floor,
grazing the skin even further.

“Now we’re going to try again, Blondie. And don’t mess up this
time or you’ll get a smack. But let’s start with some more sucking
to warm you up. Open up wide and give my knob another good gobble.
Do it like you did before – like you’ve being doing in you
fantasies for the past month – you know the ones I

Emily parted as instructed, humiliated but so aroused that Her
Nemesis Master knew her so well. She leaned to take the glans of
the man’s dick between her lips – recalling how she had sucked on
Les’s cock, dreaming it was someone else’s – dreaming it was this
one that she was about to devour. The fact that Her Nemesis seemed
fully aware of Emily’s detested mental betrayal only added to her
thrill, and she leaned forward to worship the cock before her,
intending to please as best she could.

She brushed her lips over the glistening tapered glans,
smearing them with the silvery fluid that oozed from the eye. Emily
opened her mouth to lick the big cockhead, lapping at it from the
underside, across the tip, and then swirling her tongue up and down
each side. Then without further prompting, Emily sucked the cock
in, to cradle it in the soft moist warmth of her mouth.

“That’s it, Blondie! Now show me how much you adore my

Hoping to seize a modicum of control, Emily dared to reach up
and grasp the base of the man’s dick with one hand, holding and
cuddling the big ball sac in the palm of the other, while she
licked and sucked her way up and down the long shaft, taking the
cock to the back of her mouth before returning her focus to the
glans. Again she teased the tapered head with her tongue, licking
round the rim and prising open the eye. Cautiously she entered the
generous slit, and hearing a loud groan of pleasure from Her
Nemesis Master, she forced her tongue deeper and flicked it

“Oh yes, Blondie! That’s it – you tongue my slit. Tongue it
deep you dirty little cock whore bitch.”

Emily repeated the action. She fucked the man’s piss slit with
the tip of her tongue, forcing it in as far as she could and
wriggling it around to inflame him all the more. The man’s hands
gripped tighter on Emily’s hair, and he panted out loudly as Emily
flicked deeper and deeper. Emily listened carefully to Her Master’s
cries as she continued to flick her tongue in and out, probing his
slit and wriggling ever more intensely. She probed so deep she
could taste the man piss mingling with his pre-cum. It was a
flavour so revolting to her, Emily almost retched, but she managed
to force it back – whorish lust winning over her disgust. But
increasingly it was this taste of the man’s piss that prevailed,
yet Emily was unable to pull away and stop the tonguing of the
slit. She probed even deeper, sickened and inflamed, spiralling
towards the inevitable gag.

“You pathetic bitch!” the man yelled when he heard the croak.
He pulled his cock from Emily’s mouth then slapped her hard across
her cheek, spinning her head around. “Sort yourself out, you
useless bitch, or by God, you’ll really suffer!”

Then his cock was presented in front of her mouth again. Emily
open up and accepted. She forced herself not to retch and gag as
she tenderly sucked on the velvety head.

But the stinging blow had brought some clarity which was far
from welcome. Kneeling on her knees, sucking a man’s dick, Emily
suddenly had an image of her older sister Nicola, two years her
senior and a constant shadow when they were kids. Nicola was always
deemed the better in every way: gifted academically, winning prizes
at school, and getting a First from Oxford when Emily only scraped
a Third; and she was sporty as well, playing a mean game of tennis,
whilst Emily was more interested in the pretty dresses the players
wore. Nicola was the shining example Emily was meant to aspire to,
as a girl, and even now as an adult woman. She was happily married
to a corporate lawyer who earned an absolute fortune, with two
perfect kids, a boy and a girl – the grandchildren that were
desperately wanted. Nicola was everything their parents hoped for –
and whilst it was never openly stated, Emily was a bit of a
disappointment to them, especially when she elected to become Mrs.
Johnson, which Emily had done mainly out of spite.

What their parents didn’t know, or conveniently decided to
ignore, was that Nicola was a nasty bully as a kid: always putting
her little sister down; keeping Emily in her place with verbal
chastisements and the occasional smacks across the face like the
one she’d just received. She was constantly on Emily’s back,
telling her that she was vain and a stuck up little bitch, and that
the only good thing she could do for the family was to aim for a
half decent marriage. Nicola had been outraged when working class
Welshman Les was brought forward as a laugh. Seeing the reaction,
Les’s interest was encouraged until he eventually proposed. Emily
accepted! It was the only piece of revenge she could come up with,
which was hardly the best foundation for a marriage.

An embarrassment! That’s what Nicola had called Emily when the
engagement was announced. So what would Nicola say now if she could
see her younger sister, practically naked on her knees, being used
like a bitch and calling a man Master? How embarrassing would that
be to Nicola and the whole family? Emily shivered at the thought
and quickly pushed it away. Such visions and torments had no place
in the present – there would be plenty of time later for her to
torture herself so.

Emily reset about the task she had been given and sucked again
on Her Master’s cock, treating it like he had told her to do –
worshiping it like she’d done in her fantasies. The man groaned
appreciatively, murmuring approval and encouragement. Emily sucked
and licked and absorbed the taste of his releases, fighting all the
way so as not to cause offence by gagging yet again at the

Grunting with satisfaction, the man pulled his cock from
Emily’s lips and traced them with the glans. He jerked Emily’s head
back and told her to open her mouth and stick out her tongue. Emily
did as he bid. The man dragged the length of his cock down Emily’s
face, over her brow, passed an eye, down the length of her nose
then onto the proffered tongue, leaving a trail of pre-cum behind
him. She tasted him all the more as he coated her tongue with his
tangy juice.

After he had repeated the exercise several times, delivering
onto her tongue the pre-cum that his penis was so generously
spewing, the man rose up onto his toes and pulled her face against
his balls.

“Kiss them, Blondie! Suck them. Adore my balls with your
mouth, you fucking submissive whore!”

Emily winced at the remark, but she kissed the man’s big
hairy nuts. She buried her face in them and nuzzled her nose in the
warm loose flesh that smelled strongly of musk trapped by the hair.
She opened her mouth and took one and then the other inside,
flicking around them with her tongue.

As Emily sucked obediently on the man’s balls, like a devil
with a fork to goad her troubled soul, another image flashed in her
mind. Emily saw herself having lunch with her career minded
girlfriends, doing their usual thing and bitching about men,
especially course and uncivilized louts, with no style, upbringing
or class. They were all so assertive and modern in their views –
they admired Emily for being the main bread winner in the household
and having Les so firmly under the thumb.

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