Her Only Son (13 page)

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Authors: Shawna Platt

BOOK: Her Only Son
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The day of the holiday celebration came and the compound was buzzing with excitement. Kinsey spent her time helping decorate the banquet room where the party would be held. Dr. Rayner made an appearance and complimented the staff on how beautiful the room looked.

Kinsey was putting the last minute touches on the large tree in the corner when he approached her.

“The tree looks remarkable. Wonderful job, Kinsey.”

She looked up at him and smiled. “Oh, thanks, but I can’t take all the credit.”

“Only most of it, I’m sure.” He reached out his hand and helped her up. “How are you feeling?”

Kinsey took a deep breath and blew it out. “I’m actually feeling great. Who knew pregnancy could be so easy.”

He laughed. “Let’s see if you feel that way a few months from now.”

“Yeah, that’s what I keep hearing. I’ll count my blessings while I have them.”

“I think you’re going to have a pretty easy time with it.”

“Well, so far so good.”

They stood for a moment in an awkward silence that forced Kinsey to bend down and pick up the empty box that held the tree decorations. She looked up at him.

“I should get back to work. There are more decorations to get up and the tables still need to be set.”

Brice tried to move his eyes away from her, but he couldn’t. She simply took his breath away and her pregnancy glow made her even more stunning.

Kinsey broke the eye contact and moved away. She stopped briefly and turned to him. “You’re coming tonight, right?”

“Of course! I wouldn’t miss it!”

She smiled and walked away.

Brice felt his heart skip a beat and he shook his head. He walked out of the banquet room wondering how he was going to sort his feelings out. It would be inappropriate for him to tell her he was having feelings for her. He was her doctor and she trusted him.
What have you gotten yourself into, Brice?
He sighed as he made his way back to the clinic.


The party was in full swing and Kinsey was having a blast buzzing around the room making conversation with everyone. She was putting everything aside tonight and made a promise to herself to make the most of the festivities.

Brice sat at his spot at one of tables and watched her flit back and forth. He couldn’t help but smile at her infectious mood. She lit up the room.

Since Kinsey was becoming well known in the compound due to her leadership abilities, he had one of the staff members place her at the table he and Dr. Westcott occupied. No one had to know it was for selfish reasons; he wanted her close to him.

When it was time for dinner to be served, he felt almost giddy when she sat beside him, but he tried not to let it show.

Dr. Westcott was the first to address Kinsey. “You look amazing! So much energy!”

Kinsey beamed at her across the table. “Thank you. I feel fantastic.”

“Well, pregnancy looks good on you.”

Kinsey felt the pull back to reality and thought of the unborn child she carried. She remembered the vow she made to herself, and her child.

“I still have a way to go. I’m sure it’ll catch up sooner or later. I’m just trying to enjoy it while it’s easy.”

Dr. Westcott smiled over her glass. “I don’t think you’ll have any issues.”

Dr. Rayer chimed in. “ That’s what I told her.”

Before Kinsey could respond, the servers were putting dinner plates on the table. The smell of lemon chicken, rice, and steamed vegetables assaulted her senses. She didn’t realize how hungry she was until now. Large bowls of salad and various fruits were also placed in the middle of the table. Kinsey didn’t hesitate to dive into her plate.

Dr. Rayner commented he was happy to see she hadn’t lost her appetite. Kinsey simply moaned and shook her head while she chewed. Everything in him wanted to reach up and caress the back of her head, and he almost had to sit on his hand to keep it from happening. She was too adorable for words and he knew he was in way too deep. After Kinsey was out of the program, he would approach her on a personal level. Life wasn’t going to give him a choice.

After dinner, the dance floor opened up and people started making their way in that direction. When a slow song started, Brice had a hard time controlling his urge to drag Kinsey out on the dance floor. Lucky for him, someone approached Kinsey and asked if she would help pass out the gifts to the participants, staff, and doctors.

The music stopped and an announcement was made for people to return to their tables for gift opening. For the next hour, wrapping paper and bows covered the floor. There were oohhhs and awwws coming from every table as people opened their gifts. The program spared no expense on the gifts for the participants and also made sure the staff and doctors felt appreciated as well. The participants were also given a gift certificate from their hometown area for a day at the spa when they completed the program and returned home.

When the evening started winding down, Kinsey began helping with clean up. The tables had to be bused and the floor cleared of all the wrapping paper and bows. Dr. Rayner stayed behind to help. He wanted to make sure she didn’t overdo, but also didn’t feel like giving her up for the night. After the clean up was complete, Kinsey flopped in a chair at one of the tables and took a deep breath. It took every ounce of his strength not rub her shoulders before sitting down beside her.

“You all right?”

Kinsey closed her eyes and yawned. “Yeah, but I have to admit, this day took a lot out of me. I’m getting tired.”

“You were busy today. You should go get some sleep.”

“The tables still need to be broke down…and the chairs folded and put away.”

He put a hand on her arm to stop her from getting up. “You’ve done enough, Kinsey. There are people who will take care of that. Come on.” He pulled her up and led her away from the table. “I’ll walk you to your room.” The words came out before he could stop them and he was glad Kinsey didn’t seem to notice. She yawned again as they made their way out of the banquet room.

When they were in the elevator, she leaned against the wall and had to fight to stay awake. He stood next to her, on guard, in case her legs decided to give out. They stopped in front of her door while she dug out her room card. It took a few swipes, but she finally heard the click and the green light came on. She turned the knob and opened the door.

“Thank you for walking me up. I’m good now.”

He wanted to touch her face. “Go get some sleep, Kinsey.”

“I plan on doing just that.”

She closed the door and left him standing there. He leaned his head against the door for a moment before walking down the hall.



Keith Anderson was stretched out on a hotel bed. He’d been on the run from Hakon for a while now and he knew his luck would soon run out. When Hakon wanted to find you, he found you, and there was usually hell to pay when he did. He’d managed to keep a few steps ahead of him, but knew Hakon was close on his heels. He couldn’t run forever. He’d have to accept the circumstances and face Hakon, who had become out of control with his need for power. He had to try to end this once and for all.


Chapter Nineteen


March, 2021


The next few months passed without incident and Kinsey was in her seventh month of pregnancy. She didn’t have the energy she had during the earlier months, but she was still feeling well overall, in spite of her growing belly.

She was very well known throughout the compound and everyone loved her. The staff constantly told her she would be missed and she received many job offers to come back. She hid her repulsion for the program well. She had to keep the illusion of happiness alive so no one suspected her of any wrongdoing. No one could find out about her growing plan to escape with her son, whose sex was confirmed during a recent ultrasound.


Dr. Rayner had taken over as Kinsey’s doctor and he made sure she had the best of everything. He still had concerns over Kinsey’s constant questioning of the program. No one had ever done this before and he couldn’t put his finger on why she was so concerned.

The questions of: Who started the program and why? How were women selected? What happened to the babies once their mothers left the compound? How long would the program last?

Her questions were non-stop during their visits. He kept trying to reassure her the program was solid, but the look in her eye made him question things. What did she know that she wasn’t sharing? He was sure there was something else going on in that pretty head of hers, but he couldn’t get it out of her. She played her cards close to her chest.


Kinsey had spent the last few months formulating a plan to escape once she delivered. She came to the conclusion she wouldn’t be able to pull it off alone, but whom could she trust? Dr. Rayner was a constant companion, but he was all business and devoted to the program. It was the same story with Dr. Westcott. They were the only two she could trust. Somehow, she had to convince them the program was not what they thought it was and she decided to take a chance one night while working at the clinic.

Dr. Rayner was still in his office when she left, so she knocked on the open door to get his attention. He looked up and smiled.

“Hello, Kinsey. Everything all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. I was wondering if you have a minute?”

He laid a file down and motioned her in. “Of course, have a seat.”

Kinsey took a seat in the chair by his desk and waited a moment before speaking. “You know I have questions about the program.”

He laughed. “Yes, you’ve made that very clear.”

“Well, what if I told you I have good reason to question it?”

“I’d have to know what those reasons are, Kinsey. I’ve been involved in the program since the beginning and there have never been any problems.”

“There are no problems,” she paused, “as long as everything goes according to plan.”

He gave her a confused look, so she continued.

“What if I told you things aren’t as they appear? That what you think you know is not what actually happens?”

“Again, I’d have to have some proof, Kinsey. I thought your time here at the compound has been a pleasant one?”

“The compound is great. You and Dr. Westcott have been great.” She paused and looked at the floor. “But what if some of the participants weren’t here by choice? How would you feel about that?”

He allowed the words to sink in before answering. “I wouldn’t like it at all. Participation in the program is voluntary.” He cocked his head to the side and bore his eyes into hers. “What do you know, Kinsey? Talk to me.”

She thought of her mom, dad, and sister. Sheila and Tessa. So many lives could be in danger if she trusted the wrong person.

She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Do me a favor. Just do some checking, but keep it behind the scenes. Low key. See what you can find out and then we’ll talk more.”

“Kinsey, I don’t like where this is going.”

She stood and leaned on his desk. “No, I don’t think you will. Can I trust you?”

The look in her eyes was killing him. “Yes, of course, you can.”

“Good. Don’t make me regret this. See what you can find out, but be careful. Don’t let anyone know you’re digging.”

He nodded and leaned back in his chair as she left his office. What in the hell was going on?


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