Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates) (10 page)

Read Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates) Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #BDSM, #erotic romance, #Science Fiction, #space opera

BOOK: Her Pirate Master (Entwined Fates)
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He held his hand out. She stared at it as though it was a bug that might bite her. It was one thing to interact with him as his sub in a sexual sense, but did she really want to interact with him casually? The more she came to know him, the more she liked him, and that was incredibly unsettling. She didn’t like it at all.

“No, thank you,” she replied.

Haydrien kept his hand out, but some of the sparkle dimmed from his eyes. “It wasn’t a request, Jacquelyn.”

“Don’t you have enough women who want to be your sexual playthings that you can leave me be?”

“At the moment you are my only plaything, and for now, I wish to keep it that way. So get up and come dance with me.”

She stood, but she refused to take his hand. Instead, she walked to the center of the square where the makeshift dance floor had been set up. Just as Haydrien moved to stand in front of her, the music changed to a slow tune.

Jack scowled at him as though the change had been his fault.

He spread his hands and smiled. “Maybe it’s a sign.”

Jack rolled her eyes. Haydrien stepped forward and slid his arm around her waist. He tugged, forcing her body flush with his. Jack looked everywhere but his face as she placed her hands against his hard chest.

The warmth of his body surrounded her, heating her flesh more thoroughly than the noonday sun.

“Is this so bad?” he murmured in her ear.

He snaked his other arm around her waist and slid his palm enticingly up her back as they swayed slowly to the music that filled the air. His nearness was playing havoc with her senses. Her fingers began to tremble, and to hide it, she curled them into the material of his shirt.

He slid his hand under her hair, then reached for her clip. When it unsnapped, Jack made a move to grab it from his hand.

He shook his head. “Leave it.”

She dropped her hand back to his chest as he feathered his fingers through her tresses. He seemed fascinated with how the curls wound around his hand.

“Never seen a woman with hair that curled in heat?” she grumbled.

“I like your hair,” he replied simply but lowered his hand.

“It’s too hot to wear it down. May I have my clip back?”

“Maybe later.”

She growled, then said, “You’re such an ass.”

His eyes sparkled with humor as he gazed down at her. “You have the stubborn streak of an ass, so I guess that makes us the perfect couple.”

“Oh, ha-ha. Aren’t you clever?”

The deep chuckle that rumbled through his chest vibrated against her hand, sending a tingle up her arms. The devilish smile that spread his lips had her heart skipping.

“I am very clever, especially when it comes to you and I.”

“There is no you and I,” she snarled.

Haydrien leaned down and whispered in her ear. As he spoke, his breath fanned across her skin like a caress. “Would you like for me to show you the you and I that I’m referring to?” He slid his hand lower and cupped her ass, giving it a hard squeeze. “There’s most definitely a you and I in the sexual sense,” he continued. “You may personally hate my guts, but your body loves me.”

Jack grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand back up to her waist. “At least do me the courtesy of not manhandling me in front of everyone,” she snarled.

“Why? They all know the reason you’re here.”

Jack scowled up at him. She tried to move out of his arms, but he tightened his hold, not allowing her to leave. Her face heated with embarrassment as she glanced around at all the people watching them with interest.

“Relax,” he commanded in her ear. “They like you. You’ve been nice to them, talked to them. You haven’t looked down at them as though you’re better. In truth, they believe you’re perfect for me.”

Jack stiffened. “They don’t know that you’re using me as bait?”

He sighed and kissed the spot just below her ear. Inside her stomach, butterflies flapped their wings wildly. “No.”

“Then perhaps they should. Then maybe they would see you for the scoundrel you really are.”

“I’m beginning to think you like pushing my buttons.” He nipped at her earlobe, and her nipples actually tingled.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Her voice sounded way more breathless than she would’ve liked. The last thing she wanted was for him to see just how he affected her. Just how much he made her crazy for him, even when he was being an ass.

He splayed his hands at the small of her back and pulled her more tightly against him. The thick ridge of his cock pressed into her stomach. Unwanted images from the night before rushed through her mind, making every inch of her flesh burn with excitement.

“I bet just thinking about my hand slapping against your ass makes you wet, doesn’t it, sub?”

Jack swallowed and again tried to push out of his arms. He’d never held her like this, never let his body brush so enticingly against hers. Up until now, he’d kept things just physical. He’d never even kissed her, and for a split second, she allowed herself to imagine what his full lips would feel like against her own.

She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head so her cheek pushed his mouth away from her ear. Undaunted, he moved to the other one. He parted his lips and placed an openmouthed kiss against the side of her neck, then gently flicked his tongue at her skin. Jack almost moaned aloud at the soft touch to such a sensitive spot.

“Do you really think I’m such a scoundrel?” he teased. “Or is it that you just hold on to that thought so you won’t give away how much you really want me?”

“Stop it,” she growled.

“Why? Because I’m getting too close to the truth?

“What is it exactly that you’re trying to do, Haydrien?” she snarled. “Make me like you so much that when Jack finally arrives, I won’t want to leave with him? Is that your actual revenge against Marcone? To have me choose you over him?”


HAYDRIEN FROZE. HE pulled back and stared down at her. Was that what he was doing? He did like her. And they were damn good together sexually, but had his real intent somehow shifted without him realizing it?

He’d only known her about four days. Maybe it was the incredible sex, but he felt as though he’d known her much longer. Off to the side, a man waved to get his attention. Haydrien raised his hand and waved back, letting him know he’d be right there.

“On that note…” he said and smiled at Jacquelyn before walking away.

“Coward,” she called after him.

Maybe he was. Maybe he was just confused. Tonight he would give her a reprieve. A night apart would probably be a good thing for both of them.

Chapter Thirteen

Once Haydrien left, Jack relaxed enough to really enjoy herself. She danced with some of the local men and women, laughed at their jokes, and even made a few female friends, although she doubted Haydrien would let her visit with any of them. He wouldn’t want her out of his sight, so he could have his way with her anytime he wanted.

She’d managed to keep her mind off him for several hours. Why did she have to ruin her good mood by thinking about him? Probably because she was now following Gora back to his room.

She’d been surprised at the elevator embedded inside the mountain. She could ride it all the way from the main floor of the house to the small town below. According to Gora, there were several of these small towns scattered over the planet, each with its own regional liege, but Haydrien reined as supreme liege.

To Jack it appeared very similar to a monarchy with just a few slight differences. One of which was the planet was also a democracy. Haydrien didn’t just arbitrarily make the decisions; his people voted on them.

From what she’d seen, he was a good leader, right down to making himself a criminal in order to take care of his people.

Jack walked into the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. She suddenly felt very tired, and her head had begun to hurt sometime after they’d served dinner.

“Are you all right, dear?” Gora asked. “You look a little pale.”

Gora walked over and put the back of her hand against her forehead.

“I’m just tired, I think. Too much sun maybe. I’m not used to these temperatures.”

“That could be it,” Gora said with a nod. “It will get cooler next month, but this time of year is always the hottest. Haydrien usually likes the doors open. He spends so much time on ships, he likes the fresh air when he’s home. But I can turn on the environment controls in the room if you’re too hot.”

Jack shook her head. “No. At night it’s fine.”

Gora nodded. “Okay. I’ll leave you to get some sleep then.”

“Thank you, Gora, for making me go this morning. I had a good time today.”

Gora smiled softly as she grabbed the door handle and began to pull it closed. “I thought you might. Good night, dear.”

“Good night, Gora.”

Jack reached down to pull off her boots, then fell back onto the bed, too tired to do anything else. She vaguely wondered what was wrong with her. She normally had so much more energy than this. Closing her eyes, she let herself drift off to a fitful sleep.

* * * *


Gora’s scream put Haydrien immediately on edge. The woman sounded as though she was in a full-blown panic, and the notion made Haydrien’s chest tighten in fear.

He stepped out of his office and into the long wide hallway of the main level. “What is it, Gora?” he asked as she came barreling around the corner as fast as her body would allow.

“I’ve called the doc. Jacquelyn is sick.”

Haydrien’s whole world dropped off its axis. “What do you mean ‘sick’?”

“I think it’s the same thing everyone has struggled with. Her fever is very high. She’s having difficulty breathing.” Gora began to wring her hands. “She said last night she was tired, and she looked so pale. I’ve never seen it come on this fast before. Oh, Haydrien. I’m so frightened for her.”

Haydrien took off toward the stairs that would take him to his bedroom. The doctor had beaten him there and was in the process of drawing blood when Haydrien entered the room.

“What is it?” he demanded.

“It’s the virus,” the doctor said sadly. “It’s hit her much worse than the others.”

“Do we have any of the medicine left?”

The doctor nodded and pulled a needle from his bag. He injected Jacquelyn’s arm, then threw the syringe away in the trash.

“She will probably need a second dose, if she makes it through the day. Possibly another one tomorrow. Her white count is the lowest I’ve ever seen with this virus. It’s either her, or the virus is changing.”

He handed Haydrien a second needle with medicine. “If there’s no change in twelve hours, give her another dose.”

Haydrien nodded. “What should I do in the meantime?”

“Keep a cold rag on her head. Comfort her. Other than that, there’s not much to do.”

“We have to figure this out.”

The doctor nodded. “I’ve drawn some of her blood, and I’m going to get to work on it. With her getting sick, we now know anyone that comes here has a fifty-fifty shot of becoming ill.”

Haydrien sighed. “Is there a way to eradicate it from the air?”

“Possibly. I’m going to consult with the science center on Rhinari. See if they can be of any assistance.”

“Whatever you need is yours,” Haydrien said.

The doctor patted him on the shoulder as he left the room. Haydrien slowly approached the bed and placed the needle on the table next to it. Jacquelyn’s hair was matted from sweat, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were sunken.

It pained him to see her in this shape. He never wanted this to happen. He grabbed the rag the doctor had placed by her bed and laid it across her forehead. She mumbled incoherently something about her hair, and Haydrien smiled. Where was that smart-mouthed spitfire he so loved fighting with? Was she still in there? Would her stubborn spirit pull her through?

* * * *

Twelve hours had passed, and still no change. She’d woken briefly a couple of times, but only long enough to take a sip of water. She just wasn’t drinking enough, so the doctor came by and hooked up an IV so she wouldn’t dehydrate.

She opened her eyes and glanced in confusion around the room. “Where am I?” she mumbled.

Haydrien rushed to her side and sat on the edge of the bed.

“You’re sick, Jacquelyn,” he said softly.

She stared at him and frowned. “You’re that pirate. The one Agnus warned me about.”

Haydrien frowned. Someone warned her?

Her eyes began to slowly drift closed. “I’m so cold.”

Haydrien jumped over her to the center of the bed and stretched his body out along hers. She felt incredibly hot. His worry for her increased. She was burning up, and every time she drew in a breath, she sounded like she was trying to breathe through a thin straw.

He drew her into his arms and nestled her close to his chest. “It’s going to be okay, Jacquelyn.”

He reached over her shoulder and grabbed the syringe from the table. He placed the needle against her arm and injected the second dosage of meds.

“Please let this work,” he whispered.

“Ow,” she whined.

A single tear slipped from the corner of her eye, and Haydrien kissed it away. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”

And he was. He was sorry for hurting her with the needle. He was sorry she got sick, but the one thing he couldn’t be sorry for was bringing her here.

* * * *

Jack awoke to the gentle sound of rain. A cool breeze blew across her body, and she shivered, pulling the blankets around her tighter. A dull ache in the back of her hand kept her from dozing back off. She opened her eyes to see what the problem was, then gasped at the sight of a needle.

“What the hell?” she exclaimed as she sat up.

The second she did, she regretted it. Pain throbbed behind her eyes, and she brought her hands up to frame the sides of her head, hoping the pressure would make the pain subside. It didn’t.

“Son of a—”

“You sat up too fast, Jacquelyn. Lay back down,” Haydrien said from somewhere beside her.

She looked over and spotted him coming from the bathroom, a wet rag in his hand.

“What happened to me?” she croaked.

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