Her Royal Bodyguard (14 page)

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Authors: Natasha Moore

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Her Royal Bodyguard
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Gina caught her shortly after they cut the cake and drew her down onto one of the sofas in the lobby. “I’m sorry your family can’t be here for this celebration, Lucia. Were they at the wedding?”

“Of course,” she croaked and took another sip of wine.

“Was your mother sorry you didn’t have a large wedding? I know my mother wanted big and bigger when I married Marco.”

“My mother died when I was a teenager.”

Gina flung her arms around Angelina. “Oh, how foolish of me to ask. I am so sorry.”

Angelina cleared her throat of the lump that had lodged there. “It’s all right. I’m sure she would have wanted big and bigger also.” That was an understatement. When Angelina ever got married for real, the wedding ceremony would be an international spectacle.

Angelina toyed with the ring Rico had given her, twirling it around her finger. Even with the large diamond in the center of the wide band, it was still a simple design. She would miss it when she could no longer wear it on her hand.

What would happen when they returned to the palace? Just because she loved Rico didn’t mean he felt the same. But he’d given her the most romantic afternoon of her life. Surely he must feel something for her.

She knew he tried to use her royalty as a wall between them, but she saw no reason for him to do so. Look at Mia and Vittorio. Their differences didn’t keep them apart.

She used to imagine the grandeur and pageantry that would surround her own wedding ceremony. She’d wear an amazing dress created by a big-name designer. Many of them would appeal for a chance to have their name attached to her dress, and to take advantage of the publicity that would surely follow. She’d always thought she’d have exotic flowers flown in from all over the world. The guest list would have been made up mostly of dignitaries and celebrities she had never met.

Angelina looked at the everyday people around her and she knew these were the guests she’d want to have at her wedding. She now imagined an unpretentious ceremony. She’d wear her mother’s wedding dress. Carry a bouquet of wildflowers. The ceremony would be a heart-felt exchanging of vows with no pomp surrounding it. The tall groom standing at her side would have close-cropped hair and a tattoo beneath his shirt.

She quickly pushed that image out of her mind. There was no use thinking about it now. Tonight she was Lucia and this tall groom was hers for a little while longer. She took another glance around the room and she realized she didn’t see her bridegroom anywhere.

“I think he got a phone call and took it outside,” Gina said, obviously able to tell Angelina was looking for Rico.

“Thanks,” she said, forcing a smile. Was the palace even now instructing them to return? She wouldn’t think of it now. “How long have you and Marco been married?”

“Thirty-five years. Where does the time go?”

“Have you had the dress shop all that time?”

“Nearly. When it became clear we would be unable to have children, I needed something to occupy my time. My mind. You understand?”

“Yes.” Angelina wanted more to occupy herself as well. She saw Rico step back into the room, tucking his phone in his back pocket. He smiled at her as he joined Marco by the makeshift bar in the corner.

“We get our share of tourists in Tuscora,” Gina went on. “And we have enough local professional women and self-professed shoe aficionados to keep the shop busy. Marco continues to tell me we make money so I am happy.”

“Marco does the books then?”

“Yes, among other things. I am happy playing with the clothes and shoes and jewelry. I hate numbers. And maintaining websites. And coming up with marketing strategies. Marco does all that.”

“Sounds like a good partnership.”

“Exactly,” Gina said with an affectionate glance at Marco who was leaning against the wall talking with Rico. “I like working with him most of the time. And, of course, if he begins to get on my nerves, I send him across the street to talk to Tonio for a while.”

Angelina laughed. Rico looked over at her and winked. Her heart fluttered. Her body, which had begun to settle down from the crazy arousal earlier, started to tingle again. Perhaps they’d be able to leave soon.

Maria dropped onto the sofa facing them, bringing with her a young man with a mop of red hair and a toothy smile. “Lucia, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Sebastian.” Maria’s eyes sparkled as she made the introduction.

“It’s nice to meet you, Sebastian.”

“Seb,” he said, shaking her hand. “Maria hasn’t stopped talking about you guys since you got here. This is the most excitement this town has had in forever.”

Gina rolled her eyes. “You are too young to remember forever.”

“Surely there are weddings in Tuscora,” Angelina said.

“But no one comes here to get away,” Seb said.

“Get away?” Angelina asked tightly.

Maria frowned and poked Seb in the ribs with her elbow. He glanced at her and then sent Angelina a sheepish grin. “Yeah, you know, after your wedding. Most people go to fancier places than Tuscora for their wedding trip.”

“I think perhaps you aren’t able to appreciate the place you call home,” Angelina said softly. “I think it is lovely here and it’s very different from what I’m used to, so this was perfect for us.”

“What is perfect,
?” Rico lowered himself beside her on the arm of the sofa. His smile warmed her, his touch on her arm sent shivers through her with the reminder of where they had left their relationship upstairs.

“Tuscora. Maria’s boyfriend, Seb, thinks his home town is boring.”

Rico kissed the top of Angelina’s head. “I haven’t been bored yet.” He held out his hand. “Rico Santori. It is nice to meet my cousin’s boyfriend.”

Seb shook Rico’s hand. “Maria said you work for palace security. Does that mean you’re a bodyguard?”

“I am often on security detail for members of the royal family.” Rico stroked Angelina’s back and she longed to lean against him and purr.

“Cool. I bet it’s dangerous,” Seb said, a gleam of youthful blood thirst clearly visible in his eyes.

Rico’s hand paused on her shoulder, then resumed stroking. “On occasion. But not usually.”

Angelina grabbed his hand. She’d not thought about how dangerous his job was. Of course, she knew it was. All she had to do was remember Enzo and Donato and know that it could have easily been Rico in the car with her. And what if they had been followed here? What would he have to do to protect her? She trembled because she knew he would do whatever was required, including risking his own life.

He turned to Angelina. “Are you all right?”

She blinked, dragging her mind away from shouts and shots and bloodstains on her yellow dress. “I’m fine.”

“Would you like another drink?”

She noticed the glass in her hand was empty. When had she finished it? She placed it on the table in front of her.

“Oh no. Thank you. I’ve had enough.” She yawned before she could stop it, belatedly slapping her hand over her mouth. “Sorry. It’s not the company. Honestly.”

“I think I need to get my bride upstairs,” Rico said smoothly, helping her to her feet. They said their good-nights to the group around them, then made one more pass through the first floor, giving their thanks to each person they saw. Lastly they exchanged hugs and kisses with Rosa and Giuseppe before stepping outside into the darkness.

The clouds had cleared, leaving a flawless sky above. The moon hung brightly over the trees in the distance. The courtyard was deserted. The streets were empty.

They were finally alone. In the romantic courtyard, Rico cupped her face gently and kissed her beneath the moonlit sky.


Rico took Angelina’s hand and headed up the stairs. “I think perhaps we should have taken that long drive in order to be by ourselves.”

She chuckled warmly. “Still, it was a wonderful thing for your family to have done.”

“Yes.” They stepped into the apartment and Rico closed the door behind them. He twisted the lock and flipped on a single light, just enough to show them the way to the bedroom. He turned to see Angelina standing in the middle of the floor, waiting for him. The simple dress clung to her slight curves, accentuating each one. Those sparkly sandals made her legs look twice as long. With her hair pulled back, her fine bone structure was accentuated. No matter what she thought, she didn’t need any makeup to look beautiful.

He wanted her so much he could barely think, but he couldn’t forget that this was her first time. She trusted him not only with her life, but with her body. And with those emotions he was only beginning to recognize.

Rico grabbed one of the shopping bags Maria had set inside the door and pulled out the box of condoms they had bought that morning. Then he reached out and Angelina readily took his hand. He drew her through the doorway and into the bedroom. Her eyes were as big as the moon when she looked up at him.

He set the box on the nightstand. “Ready, Princess?”

She took a step closer to him, almost touching. “I’m not a princess, remember? Not here. Not now.”

“Yes. I remember. You’re a woman.” He pulled the tie from her hair and let her long hair fall over her shoulders. “A beautiful woman. A woman who makes my blood heat and my body harden.” He grabbed her hips and pressed his erection against her softness.

She caught her lower lip between her teeth for a moment and then stepped away. For an instant he thought she might have changed her mind and even as regret rushed through him, he knew that would be for the best. But instead, Angelina reached behind her and, her gaze locked on his, slowly lowered the zipper. The dress slid down her body and puddled on the floor around her feet. Without a word she kicked off her shoes, unhooked her bra and shimmied out of her underwear.

Rico caught his breath. Yes, he’d seen her naked briefly when they’d been soaked to the skin, but now he finally was able to pause and appreciate her smooth skin and long legs. Her perfect breasts tempted him with their lush curves and rosy nipples. His hungry gaze ventured lower and his mouth watered at the sight of the dark curls covering the succulent spot between her legs.

He swallowed. “You’re beautiful,

“Thank you.” She swiftly unbuttoned the dress shirt he’d left loose over his jeans. After she stripped the shirt from his body and tossed it away, she reached for his belt buckle. She hesitated when she glanced at the weapon still hanging at his side. Her gaze bounced up to his, uncertain and probably uncomfortable.

“I’ll take care of it,” he said softly. He took his gun out of the holster and placed it on top of the tall dresser. Then he pulled the belt through the loops and when the holster was free, slipped his weapon back inside. After placing both the belt and the holstered gun on the dresser, he turned back to her. “Better?”

She nodded. After a moment, she unfastened his jeans and slowly lowered the zipper. His arousal jerked as the back of her hand brushed over it. Her gaze flicked up to his eyes and then lowered again to his black boxer briefs and the bulge behind it. She tentatively ran her fingers along his length.

He hissed. Her inexperienced touch affected him more than any of the practiced caresses of the women he’d been with in the past. He ached to touch her, but he wanted to let her take the lead tonight. The only way he could be certain he didn’t rush her, didn’t frighten her or overwhelm her, was to let things progress at a speed with which she felt comfortable.

“It’s okay,” he told her. “We can take it slow.”

She nodded, her gaze still focused on the open zipper. “I don’t think I want to take it slow.” She raised her eyes to meet his. “I’m burning, Rico. I want your hands on me and I want to touch you too. Is that okay?”

“Of course.” He traced one finger along the curve of her breast and he smiled as her breath caught. “Touch me,

Her hands trembled as she carefully released his erection from the underwear. She wrapped one hand tentatively around him and gave a long stroke. He sucked in his breath from the amazing feel of it.

“Okay?” she whispered.

“Oh yeah.” He wasn’t certain how slowly he’d be able to go now that she had her hands on him. He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of the jeans and slid them over his hips. He toed off his shoes and then kicked the rest of his clothes away. Angelina was still stroking him and he knew it wouldn’t be too long before he would have to interrupt her exploration. He had much he wanted to do with her before he reached his satisfaction.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then lifted his lids and wrapped his fingers around her slender wrists. “Enough of that for the moment. Up on the bed.” He helped her onto the mattress. “Lay back. That’s it. Spread out for me. Yes.” She followed his instructions readily, with no sign of hesitation.

He stood at the side of the bed and looked his fill. “So beautiful.” His hands itched with the need to touch her but he didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to savor every part of her. This might be the only time he would be able to see her like this.

He’d decide to wait until the morning to talk to Angelina about the information Tony had given him while they were at the party, but it was possible they’d get the go-ahead to return to the palace tomorrow.

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