Her Sweetest Revenge (Delphine Publications Presents) (14 page)

BOOK: Her Sweetest Revenge (Delphine Publications Presents)
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You think that’s funny, huh? Well, I’m just warming up.”


Do you, baby girl,” was his only reply. After I missed several more rounds Hood took the lane by storm, throwing the bowling ball and not missing over and over again.


OK. Now I think you trying to show off,” I said with a fake frown, throwing my right hand on my hip. “You didn’t tell me you were a pro.”


Trust me, I’m not. I just focus.”


Yeah, whatever. You not telling me you were a pro means you cheated,” I babbled on as Hood came over and took a seat next to me.


No, baby girl, I would never do that.” He looked me straight in the eye. “Can I get you something from the snack area?”


Yeah, I’ll take some nachos and a Coke.” I had relaxed a lot since the game started and was now enjoying myself.


A’ight, I’ll get that for you.” Hood stood up and left.


While he was off getting my food I decided to keep bowling. I thought without him being around I would do better, but my luck was the same. Missing the racks was definitely in my bowling future.


Hood came back with the food so I went over and sat down with him.


So where did you learn to bowl like that?” I pried.


Don’t know really. Like I said before, I just focus. Can’t be that hard.” Hood bit into a hotdog he picked up from the snack bar. “Why do you like bowling so much?” he asked me.


Chewing on a nacho I thought about my dad for a moment. “My dad used to bring us here. We would come here just about every Saturday. Everyone in my family is a pro.” I paused for a minute. “That is, except for me. I could never knock down the racks,” I smiled.


Where is your dad now?” he asked catching me off guard.


Prison,” I said without hesitation.


Wait, I didn’t mean to get personal and shit.”


It’s OK. I’m not ashamed or anything. I think it’s fucked up seeing how much we need him, but I’m not ashamed. Plus, everyone in the Brewster knows. His name is Lester. He used to be one of the top dealers in the game before he went up. Now he’s just an inmate. Yep. Dad’s in jail, and my mom is on crack, and I’m left raising my brother and sister. What a life, huh?” I bit off another nacho.


I would say you holding up good.”


I do OK. So what’s yo’ line of work?”


Me.” Hood smiled at me again. That’s when I realized I was falling in love with his smile. “I’m into profits and brotherhood.”


So is that what the leader of the Height Squad calls himself? Pretty interesting,” I responded sarcastically.


I guess you know all about the crew.” He rubbed both his hands together.


I live in the Brewster, remember?”


It is what it is, baby girl. You know what I do. I’m building an empire.”


Yeah, I think that’s what my dad was building.” Again I made another sarcastic comment.


I got to admit something. I’m not totally in the dark about your dad. I didn’t know him personally, but some of the people that I dealt with when I first started in the game had worked with him. They all say he was not to be fucked with, and I think it’s fucked up how it went down.” Hood sounded sincere.


What? So you knew? Why did you ask then?”


I didn’t know he was your father, but when you said his name I knew then. Everybody has heard of Lester. He was next in line to be named kingpin of the streets. And I like I said, that situation was fucked up.”


Yep. But time goes on, right?” I stuffed another nacho in my mouth. “You know my dad calls me baby girl,” I informed him.


Oh, my bad again. I just keep steppin’ on yo’ toes. I don’t mean no disrespect though. You want me to stop calling you that?”


Nah, you cool. I just thought you should know.”


The first time I talked to you that just came outta my mouth. It just fit you.”


It’s cool,” I assured him. “So do you have any kids?” I asked, surprising myself.


Nope. No shorties. Although one day I would like to.”


Do you think it would be a good idea to have kids in your line of work?”


My shorties would always be straight. No doubt. And I would silence anyone who tried to test that.” Hood has a killer look in his eye. “My family has always been small, just me and my moms. Besides that, the only other family I have has been my crew. Pig, that’s my nigga for life.”


Charlene says you guys are close,” I took a slow sip of my drink. “So where does your mom live?”


She lives in Phoenix. Been there for about six years.”


Phoenix? That’s far. Do you mind her living so far away?”


It’s cool. I fly out all the time. You know, it’s better for her out there. Anything for my moms.”


I instantly knew he’s a momma’s boy.


Sorry about the twenty questions. Just curious.”


You cool, baby girl. Gotta answer questions for the daughter of a kingpin,” Hood joked.


Oh, you got jokes, huh?” I laughed.


But on the real, you can ask me anything.” Hood smiled then took a swig from his cup. “So you spoken for?” he finally asked me.


You take me out on date and then ask me that? Don’t you think you should ask me that first?”


Really I didn’t care because that nigga was gon’ have to stand down,” Hood said with a seriousness that made me know he wasn’t joking. “All bullshitting aside, I wanna be ya man.”


Why? You don’t know anything about me. All you know is I’m Charlene’s girl.”


There ain’t nothing I need to know, period. I wanna take you out. Spoil you.”


That statement caught my attention. “Look, I don’t need anybody to spoil me. I take care of myself. I ain’t nobody’s trophy bitch. Got that?” I said with much attitude.


A’ight, a’ight, baby girl.” Hood threw both of his hands up letting me know he understood. “Can I at least let you beat me in bowling?” he joked again.


Don’t speak too soon. I was practicing when you were gone. I think I’m ready to bring on my A-game.” I stood up and grabbed a ball with a huge grin on my face.


We bowled for at least another hour. Of course, Hood won, but he threw some of my balls to get me some extra points. I also caught him watching my ass a couple of times, but it was cool being that he was so damn fine. On our ride home we laughed about Pig and Charlene, how she be bossing him around. It was funny. When we made it back to my crib he walked me to the door. Without a second thought I reached out and planted the biggest kiss on him that I had ever planted on anyone. I had never kissed anyone before, but the way I worked my tongue in and outside of Hood’s mouth you would’ve thought I was a pro. Clearly I was because before I finished Hood let out a moan. Shit, was I that good? For the first time ever my womanhood kicked in. Full speed.


Chapter 23


Almost a week had gone by and I hadn’t heard much from Rochelle since she had started messing around with Li’l Lo. I didn’t mind much though because I had been spending a lot of time on my new cell phone with Hood. I hadn’t seen him since our date because he flew up to New York on business. Basically, he had some bricks to pick up, but he only told me in so many words. He would be back on Friday so I decided to get my hair done again so I would be lookin’ tight when he returned. We had planned to go on another date, and this time I would impress him.


After eating breakfast with Li’l Bo and Monica, I decided to call Rochelle up to see if she wanted to go with me to 4EverStylz. I had called Pepper earlier in the week and set up an appointment but before I could call Rochelle my cell phone started to ring. I reached for it thinkin’ it was Hood.


Hello,” I tried to sound casual even though my heart was pounding from excitement.


What’s up, chick?” Rochelle beamed through the phone.


Damn, Rochelle. Stop catching me off guard like that,” I said feeling a little disappointed that it wasn’t Hood.


Sorry. I just thought I would call you to see what’s up since I had a free moment.” I could hear Rochelle smiling through the phone.


I didn’t know you were still alive. I thought maybe you had drowned or something,” I joked.


Girl, you know I been hanging out with my man. Girl, he keeping me busy. You know. he be banging my back out!” Rochelle screamed through the phone.


Well, I’m happy that your back is being banged, but you shouldn’t neglect your best friend,” I tried to sound sad.


Oh, Mya, I am so sorry. You know we’re girls. I just thought you had Hood to keep you busy.”


Yeah. He a’ight,” I said with a smile in my voice.


Wait a minute. I heard that. You like him, huh?” Rochelle got excited. “How was the date? Did you kiss him?” she questioned me.


I didn’t say anything for a minute. Finally I replied. “Yep and you would know if you had called all week,” I threw in.


Agggh,” Rochelle screamed through the phone. “It’s about time!” She was excited. “So are ready for sex now? You know that comes next.”


Rochelle. Damn. You so nosy,” I smiled. “Nasty self.”


Girl, ain’t nothin’ nasty about that. Mya, you eighteen. You should’ve been having sex a year ago,” Rochelle said matter-of-factly. “You are the only virgin in the Brewster over the age of sixteen,” Rochelle laughed. “Did you tell him you were a virgin?”


Why would I tell him that?” I was horrified by her question. That was my business not Hood’s.


I will take that as a no, and good; you don’t want to scare the dude off.”


Whatever, Rochelle. Your mind stays in the gutter. Anyway, do you want to go to the hair salon with me? I want you to see 4EverStylz.”


I don’t know. Wynita ain’t here. She’s working a double today. And I don’t have anyone to watch Tiny.”


I know, but my appointment ain’t until 4:00 p.m. By then, Monica will be here from school and she can watch her for you.”


OK,” Rochelle quickly agreed.


Cool. When you get here we can catch a cab.”


No cabs, boo. Not today. I have one of Li’l Lo’s whips. I will pick you up,” Rochelle bragged.


A’ight. Later.” I hung up happy that we didn’t have to catch a damn cab. I hate waving them down in the Brewster. Sometimes that can be like a job but not today. My girl had her man’s whip. So I can get dressed and relax.




When Monica made it home I asked her if she would mind watching Tiny, and she gladly agreed which I knew she would because she loves Tiny. So when Rochelle pulled up in Li’l Lo’s all-white 2009 Dodge Challenger with black tint, I was ready to roll. When we pulled up to the salon and went inside Rochelle was impressed the same way I was when I first saw 4EverStylz hair salon. The receptionist checked me in and took us back to the waiting area. All the ladies were sippin’ on wine except me and Rochelle since we were underage. Finally, Pepper came out to get me. At 4EverStylz, everyone had their own individual salon area so I knew Rochelle would be able to go back with me while I get my hair done.


Hi, Mya,” Pepper greeted me with a hug when she came out.


What’s up, Pepper? Pepper, this is my best friend Rochelle,” I pointed to Rochelle.


Hi, Rochelle.” Pepper extended her hand.


What’s up?” Rochelle gripped Pepper’s hand to return the handshake.


Can she come back with us?”


Of course, follow me.” Pepper led us back to her private area space and we took a seat. After about two hours my hair had been washed, set, and was being styled when Pepper asked Rochelle if she was a model.


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