Her Sweetest Revenge (Delphine Publications Presents) (28 page)

BOOK: Her Sweetest Revenge (Delphine Publications Presents)
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Yeah, he stole from me, and that’s why I had to kill him. I liked the little nigga, but he was a thief,” Squeeze sneered at me.


did it. I knew you were a snake. Just like you beat my momma, talkin’ ’bout she stole from you. Don’t nobody have to steal from you. You’re a fake gangster with no heart. I promise, I’ma kill you when I get outta this chair,” I warned him in deadly voice.


Bitch, you ain’t gettin’ outta that chair, so save your threats,” Charlene jumped in.


And you supposed to be my friend.” I looked at Charlene with disgust. “How you gon’ be helping this nigga? Pig has only been dead a couple of weeks, and you already sleeping with another crew. He should have known you was just thirsty like all the other hoes in the Brewster. But FYI, bitch, yo so-called friend Felicia, that skank already been sleeping with him.” I nodded in Squeeze’s direction. “Yeah, I saw them at a hotel together.” I released a big grin.


Charlene let out this vicious laugh that echoed in the room, and that’s when I realized the bitch was pure evil.


First off, Pig was weak! That nigga let me run him. On top of that, his money was too short, and as for me and you being friends, bitch, please. You are just like Rochelle; both of you bitches are haters. That’s right. Both of you are jealous of me and Felicia. And as far as Felicia, I know she been messin’ with Squeeze because sometimes my man likes to do threesomes. We pay Felicia to be down with that. So when you saw her at that hotel, probably the Marriot a couple weeks ago, I was inside. I just stayed all night so I wouldn’t have to go home to Pig’s sorry ass.”


So you been sleeping with Squeeze behind Pig’s back. That’s why you had Pig killed. Bitch, you are sick.” I spat those words at her.


I didn’t have shit to do with him being killed, nor did my man, but to be honest, it was a convenience.”


You know what? When I get out of this chair, I’ma kill your trifling ass,” I said as a chill went down my spine and I saw a worried look on Charlene’s face.


Bitch, you don’t need to be worried about killing me. You need to be worried about what Squeeze gon’ do to you.”


Fuck Squeeze!” I yelled, and then spit directly in Squeeze’s face.


Fuck me? Fuck me? No, fuck you!” Squeeze bent over and punched me in my face.


I saw stars for at least two minutes as blood flew out of my mouth.


Now what I want to know from you is, where is my money?” Squeeze got directly in my face with his foul-smelling breath.


I almost peed myself. He knew. I went speechless for a brief moment, but only a moment. I would keep my cool.


I don’t know what you talkin’ about,” I said, looking him dead in his beady eyes.


Squeeze grabbed me by the neck and started choking me, and everything started going black.


Squeeze, let her go! If you kill her she can’t tell you where the money is.” Charlene grabbed at his hands, and he released his grip.


Look, I know you got my money because Phil told that you did the robberies, bitch, before his sorry ass got killed. Now all I want you to do is tell me where my money at.” Squeeze tried to use a calm voice, but I knew the nigga was in killing mode.


I already told you, I don’t know what you talkin’ about, and even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you,” I said through my gritted teeth.


You know what, you little fucking bitch? I’m going to blow your brains out, and I’ma enjoy it. Then I’m going to go fuck that little sister of yours and kill her and that crackhead-ass momma of yours. First, I’m going to let you suck on this because I have been waitin’ on this for a long time,” he said as he started to unbuckle his pants. I could see the uneasy jealous look on Charlene’s face.


Why do want her to do that? What is that about?”


Shut the hell up!” Squeeze turned and yelled at her. He finally got his pants unbuckled.


Charlene ran over in a fit of jealousy. “Squeeze, if you do that I’m through wit’ you.” She tried to grab his arm.


Squeeze turned and slapped Charlene in the face. She flew across the room and fell on her knees.


I told you to get back!” he yelled, then turned his attention back to me. “Now open up wide and suck this gently.” Squeeze came close to my mouth with his dick in his hand, and then we heard a strange noise.


What da fuck was that?” Squeeze turned and looked at Charlene with his gun drawn to where he heard the noise come from. Out of the dark stepped Hood.


Hood and Squeeze drew their guns on each other at the same time. My heart was racing, hoping Squeeze didn’t shoot first.


Nigga, step back from my girl!” Hood yelled.


Well, well, if it ain’t Hood. Nigga, what you doing here? I thought you busy out there killing niggas from my crew. Now you come to get me?”


Damn right. You had Luscious kill Pig just so you can have this thirsty bitch?” Hood nodded his head in Charlene’s direction.


Nigga, don’t be call—” Charlene was cut off by Hood.


Bitch, shut the fuck up. You next,” Hood warned. “Let my girl go. It’s me you want to kill not, Mya. She don’t have shit to do with why y’all going after my crew.”


Nigga, is that what you think? I’m going after your crew? I didn’t have nothin’ to do with what happened to Pig or Li’l Lo. That was something Luscious was on. Nigga had heat for you and Pig because that little nigga y’all killed about a month back was his half brother. I told that nigga to let that ride because his brother pulled a foul move when he tried to rob y’all, but nah, that nigga overruled me. I was gon’ deal wit’ his ass later for going against what I said, but first I had other business to focus on, like your girl here and my money.”


Why you kidnap my girl?”


Cause she is the one who’s responsible for robbing my crew. Yeah, those robberies you heard about, she did it. You should give a round of applause to your gangster bitch. Robbing dope boys for the stacks and pullin’ that shit off. I have to admit it myself, she a bad bitch.”


Hood’s whole facial expression changed.


I know you didn’t know about it or have nothing to do with it because it started before you started messing with her. But you know it’s a code to that shit, so she got to die.”


Hood looked at me really hard and the only expression I could read was his love for me. He didn’t give a fuck about what Squeeze was saying. He was telling me to get ready.


Look, nigga, this my last time tellin’ you untie my girl and let her go,” Hood said, as he lifted his safety on his nine millimeter Glock.


The whole time I had been working my hands free.


Nigga, be real. You know I can’t do that. Her life belongs to me, now.” Squeeze started to lift his safety.


Tell him, ba—” Charlene started to say, but before she finished, I was out of my chair. I grabbed the knife off the table she was standing by and stabbed her in the upper chest, but she wasn’t dead.


Pleaass . . . My. . .” Charlene tried to get out.


Bitch, it’s too late,” I said, before plunging that knife in her neck. Blood splattered everywhere.


In the middle of me jumping Charlene, Squeeze had lost his concentration for just a minute, and Hood had shot him in the shoulder. Squeeze fired his gun, but the bullet missed Hood. I raced over to Hood who was about to end Squeeze’s pitiful-ass life. I quickly grabbed the gun out of his hand before he could blast because I had made a promise to Squeeze that I planned to keep.


I walked slowly over to him. “Yeah, I robbed your crew, but the next time you want to beat up somebody’s mother, you should think about that shit. As for Li’l Bo, this is from him—a special delivery to you, by me. Die!” I yelled.


Fuck you, bitch. I’ll see you in hell,” Squeeze said in pain holding his shoulder.


You first, motherfucker.” I released everything Hood had left in the chamber. I wanted to send Squeeze off in style. His blood splattered all over me. I took my finger and got a sample off my face and licked it. I had to have a taste of this sweet revenge.


Chapter 46




It had been a year since all that crazy mayhem had gone down, but life was moving on for the better. We had all found some peace in all the craziness that had transpired. My mother had been clean for over a year. I was so proud of her. She had gotten a full-time job and was in school studying to become an LPN. We had all finally been down to the prison as a family to visit my dad after he was let out of lockdown. We were still dealing with Li’l Bo’s death as a family, even though Dad remained locked up. We made regular trips down to see him. He was really keeping his head up, and he was excited about his new grandbaby.


Monica was doing well. She finally had the baby, and we as a family named the baby Imani. Imani was so precious. She looked just like Monica, and she was being spoiled rotten and loved. Monica had gone back to school and had plans on graduating. She wanted to get a job, but I told her no. I just wanted her to focus on going to school and taking care of Imani. Finances were not a problem for her. I think she secretly still wanted Luscious in her life for Imani’s sake, but she was moving on in a positive direction, and she seemed not to be jaded by her shattered past.


Rochelle was doing great. She had found her own apartment and finally moved out on her own, just her and Tiny. She had a new job and was now going back to school to get her hair license. She was also dating this new guy who was out of the ordinary for her. He wasn’t in the game, to my surprise. He was an English schoolteacher. She and Tiny had been spending a lot of time with him, so I was happy for her.


I had finally met Hood’s mother, and she came down to our wedding and I loved her. We got along great. That’s right. Hood and I got married a couple months ago, and we were doing good. I had moved in with Hood, and Monica, Imani, and Momma stayed in the condo. I paid all the bills so they didn’t have to worry about that. Everything was going great. I had been trying to convince Hood to get out of the game. He had plenty of money, and Pig was no longer around. I thought maybe he could do something different, but he still hadn’t agreed, so we were still talking about that one.


I had graduated and received my license, and I couldn’t have been happier. Last week I had my grand opening for my new salon that Hood had purchased for me. Hood had surprised me and purchased Pepper’s old salon 4EVERSTYLZ. I renamed it “Stylz by Design.” That’s where I was headed now. I had to be there when Rochelle arrived, and she was always one of the first to get there. I had hired her to wash heads like Pepper had started me off without a license. Turns out my girl had a few stylz up her sleeve too, so she plans on being one of my stylists as soon as she finishes school.


Normally when I made it to the salon, Rochelle would be just pulling in right before me. This morning she must’ve been running late because I didn’t see her anywhere. I pulled my silver Mercedes Benz CLS550 that Hood purchased for me as a wedding gift into my assigned parking space.


Once inside, I looked around my shop, still admiring the unbelievable fact that it’s mine. All of it and everything in it belonged to me. My husband had purchased this salon just for me. It had been a long and rough road for me, but I had done it. Looking around the shop, tears rolled down my face for the loss of Li’l Bo, my only brother who I loved so much. I know he would be happy for me. Tears also rolled down my face for the excitement of the new direction that my family was going. I had reasons to keep my head up, but right now, I needed to stop being so emotional and start putting up my inventory. I had some hair products that I ordered for the salon that came in yesterday so while no one was in the shop this would be a good time to put them away.


When I made it to the back I heard someone come in, so Rochelle must have finally arrived.


I’m back here, Rochelle,” I yelled. She was getting close because I could feel her presence. I turned around to playfully scold her for being late.


What da fu . . .” I said as the products in my hands hit the floor.


When I turned around I found myself staring down the barrel of a gun, and the person holding the gun was supposedly dead. I guess the dead do sometimes come back to life.

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