Her Tattooed Fighter (4 page)

Read Her Tattooed Fighter Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance, #erotica, #contemporary

BOOK: Her Tattooed Fighter
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“Man, she couldn’t have been as hot as the chick I fucked last night.” That was Taylor talking, and his cocky tone had her groaning in annoyance. They were all the same … men that only thought about getting laid. “Fuck, she was wet, too.” Sunny reached the end of the hallway and entered the room where the voices were coming from. A pool table was on one side of the room, a few couches, and even a mini bar stocked with liquor. Another flat screen TV hung from the wall, the volume muted, and a UFC fight playing. She immediately spotted Taylor, and let her eyes look at the other four guys. Jason, Mason, Matthew, and Nate all sat on the couch, and each of them had a girl on their laps, aside from Taylor. London had invited her, but he wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

“Man, I got this killer BJ—” Jason stopped talking when he spotted her, and it seemed everything became deathly quiet.
Wow, talk about being a mood killer.

“Hey, Sunny Bear.”
Taylor grinned broadly and lifted his hand in a wave. “Glad you could make it, but London said he didn’t think you’d show.” He set her back down and ruffled her hair. He was only three years older than she was, but he acted as if she was this little kid. They all did in fact.

She knitted her brows in confusion. She was only a little over an hour late, and she had sent him a text saying she would be coming. Maybe he hadn’t gotten it? “Where is London anyway?”

“Not sure. He headed down the hall with some chick…” He stopped talking and suddenly looked uncomfortable

“Oh. Ok.” Her throat was suddenly dry, but she told herself that her reaction was unwarranted. London wasn’t hers, and being jealous about him having sex with some random girl was not her concern. She knew what type of guy he was, had overheard enough of the fighters talking to know they were all man-whores, but still, she had never been right in the thick of it, and that had a sour taste in her mouth. Maybe she should just leave, forget about coming out here because it really had been a bad idea? “I should just go.”

Taylor opened his mouth to say something, but she turned, suddenly feeling so foolish and not really knowing why. But when she should have been able to walk right down the hall she slammed right into a very hard wall of what felt like steel. But the scent that invaded her nose told her this was very much a man she was pressed up again, and the one that she was currently trying to run from.

Chapter Four


Sunny placed her hands on the chest in front of her, and slowly trailed her eyes up the stark white tee, which did nothing to hide the bulging muscles, and into London’s face. He regarded her silently with his blue eyes. His blond hair was a short and messy around his head, but it looked so damn good on him. “I’m sorry.” Why had she just said that? Shit, she needed to keep her damn mouth shut.

The corner of his mouth kicked up.
“Hey, Sunny.”
And just hearing him say her name had her wet and aroused, and so damn frustrated.

“London.” The whiney voice that came from behind him was familiar. Sunny dropped her hands from his chest and took a step back. He clenched his jaw and looked over his shoulder. “I thought we were going to go somewhere a little more private?” The brunette with the mountain breasts sidled up to him and ran her hand over his chest. Heat covered Sunny’s face. The girl she had left out on the porch, the one with the barely there clothing, snapped her eyes to Sunny, and a bitchy smile covered her perfectly painted lips. “Baby, you promised.”

God, her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Sunny looked into London’s face again, saw him watching her intently, and felt the weight of the situation settle on her shoulders. She had been a fool to think she could come here tonight on the pretense that this was just a friendship. It was awkward and uncomfortable having his lifestyle thrust right in her face, but she had no one to blame but herself.

“I didn’t think you were coming.” His voice was deep, and when he pushed the brunette’s hands off of him and moved toward her Sunny took one step back. There was still conversation right behind her, so fortunately the guys weren’t watching this weird exchange. Her reaction, and the jealousy over this encounter, was ludicrous, because really, what did she think was going to happen between them? Did she think they would share some kind of intimate moment tonight, reveal how they cared so much for each other? Yeah, she was living in a dream world.

“London.” There was that whiney ass voice again.

“Missy, cut the shit.” London speared the dark haired girl with a scathing look, but Sunny had to give the girl credit for not backing down. That look alone could send lesser men to their knees, but she just pushed her chest out and flared her nostrils.

She slid her gaze over to Sunny. “If you want something out of the bargain bin, then have at it.” The cut of her words was superficial, and Sunny gave her no reaction. She had heard plenty, and if this bitch thought she was going to intimidate her then all that silicone in her chest went up to her brain.

“Just get the fuck out of here, Missy.” London sounded tired and exasperated. Missy huffed something else out and turned to go back to where the other guys were. “I’m sorry about her.” Sunny stared at him. She was angry at herself for how she felt, how she let him make her feel, and how she had actually come over here when deep down she had known better. He pulled out his phone, and his brows furrowed. “Shit, battery’s dead and didn’t even realize.”

He put his phone back in his pocket and looked at her. It was then, as she watched the subtle movements in him, that she realized London was drunk. His eyes were glossy, and he kept leaning to the side slightly. How had she missed that initially? Oh, yeah, because she had gone all girly just seeing him, and all brain activity had left her.

She didn’t know what to say. She had never see London intoxicated, because normally all the guys were on strict diets and regimens for when they trained.

“I’m glad you came.”

“Seems like I might have been about to interrupt something.” Clamping her mouth shut, she immediately regretted saying anything. This wasn’t her business, and London certainly wasn’t either. Her jealousy was unjust, and she felt like a bitch. For several long seconds he didn’t say anything. “Listen, I’m sorry. That really isn’t my business, and I should never have said that.” She offered him a smile, but he looked uncomfortable, and that was a sight she had never seen from London. He always seemed so in charge, so sure of the situation, but he almost looked like being around her was painful.

“You want something to drink?” He changed the conversation smoothly, and she was thankful. Really she should have just kept right on walking down the hallway and out the front door, but instead she was letting her body dictate her next move.

“Yeah, sure.”
She offered him another smile and felt relief when he reciprocated the act. She followed him into the kitchen and couldn’t help but stare at the way his back muscles moved underneath his thin t-shirt. They ended up in the kitchen, and he grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge, took a bottle opener to the cap of one of them, and handed it to her. He opened his own beer and moved a few feet away from her to lean against the counter. He was quiet as he drank deeply form his bottle and stared at her over the rim.

“You’re looking nice tonight, Sunny.” He held the bottle loosely between two of his fingers, and the way he let his eyes travel up and down her body was like he was actually reaching out and stroking her. God, he was blatantly checking her out.

“Thank you?” She could have kicked her own ass. God, had she actually just said thank you in the form of a question? By the lopsided smile he gave her she knew she was blushing. It wasn’t like she was wearing provocative clothes. She had come straight from the facility, and her shorts and tank would have been considered modest given the attire of the other females hanging around. His chuckle was low and had tingles starting between her thighs. She clenched her legs together, but dammit, he caught the act. His eyes dipped to the said area, and his expression took on a hazy, half-lidded quality. He swallowed, and his Adam’s apple moved up and down from the action.

What in the hell was happening? This was the first time London had shown a sexual interest in her, clearly because he had been drinking, yet she couldn’t put a stop to this … whatever this was. She took a long drink from her beer, tasting the bitter, hoppy flavor, and needing more. She felt unhinged, but needed to remind herself that he had most likely just been about to have sex with some chick moments before. , But she also placated herself by reasoning that she couldn’t go solely on what Missy said. Maybe she had just been saying that to get a rise out of her? Yeah, most likely not, but it certainly made Sunny feel better, especially when she thought about all the things London would have been doing with the other girl if Sunny hadn’t come here tonight.

Neither of them said anything for what seemed like a very long time, and Sunny found herself continuously drinking her beer until it was empty only minutes later. London smirked at her, turned to the fridge to grab another, and lifted it up in question. She really shouldn’t, but she was feeling weird being around him, especially with the way he kept looking at her with this intense lust playing across his face.

Sunny, and not thinking clearly. You really need to stop this from going any further.
She tried in vain to see reason, because things could get out of hand very quickly, and she wasn’t about to be one of London’s one-night fucks. He handed her the new beer, but instead of leaning against the counter again he moved closer to her. She found herself pressed against the island and unable to do much of anything but watch his approach. When he was close enough that she could smell the sweet scent of his breath, one that smelled like hard liquor, she closed her eyes and forced herself not to moan. That scent shouldn’t have been arousing, but God it was, so freaking much. She opened her eyes just in time to see him reach out. Everything stilled inside of her, but he didn’t touch her, and instead grabbed for something right behind her. Their chests brushed together, and she felt the hardness of his muscles move along her softness. Her pulse beat in her ears, drowning out all other sounds. When he pulled back his cheek brushed along hers, and the smell of his cologne hit her hard. But he didn’t move back right away and instead inhaled deeply right at the base of her throat. The day old stubble that graced his cheek felt so sinfully good along the edge of her jaw. He took a step back, not a big one because he was still so very close to her, but enough that she could see he had grabbed a bottle opener. He grabbed her beer out of her hand, popped the cap, and handed it back to her, all the while never breaking eye contact. Their fingers brushed together when she took it from him, and her mouth went dry at the heated look he gave her.

The sound of foul lyrics beating through the speakers didn’t deter what she was feeling. She wanted London, and unless she was grossly mistaken, he wanted her as well, intoxicated or not. She brought her beer to her mouth and swallowed half of it quickly. Sunny
much of a drinker, but having sucked down the first beer, half of the second, and the heady sensation of him so close, and of the incredible scent that surrounded him had Sunny feeling drunk. He kept staring at her, and she licked her lips and said, “What?” Her voice was low, breathy, and she prayed he couldn’t tell the effect he was having on her, but given the way he watched her told her London knew. He knew exactly where this situation was going.

“I’m fucked.”

Her heart raced. Those two words didn’t tell her anything about what he was thinking or why he was staring at her, but the magnetism she felt for him was undeniable.

“What, L-London?” She cleared her throat, her voice hitching on his name. He took a step closer to her, and once again their chests were only an inch apart. If Sunny just inhaled deeply they would touch. She didn’t look in his face, couldn’t because it was clear she couldn’t even keep her emotions in check while around him. The light touch of his finger and thumb gripping her chin, and then of him lifting her head so she was forced to look at him, was like a swift, painfully arousing kick in her stomach. London’s mouth was parted, and his eyes trained on her lips.

“I’m fucked when it comes to you.” Before she could react to his words he had his mouth on hers, and his tongue speared between her lips. Sunny was so taken back by his sudden action she stood there, motionless, as he stroked his tongue along hers. London broke away and buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply. “I’m sorry, baby.
, I shouldn’t have done that.” He inhaled deeply once more. “You smell so fucking good, taste so fucking good, and feel incredible.” His voice was low and gravelly, and when he pulled away she reacted on instinct.

Grabbing his face between her hands she rose on her toes and pressed her lips against his. His answering groan spurred her courage, and this time it was her slipping her tongue between his lips. London tasted like whiskey and beer, and even though she had never found the flavors appealing, she couldn’t stop the moan that came from her. This was London, the one guy she had wanted so badly she ached on a constant basis. The flavors were laced on his tongue, and so very addictive. She couldn’t seem to get enough, or get closer to him, and she needed that, needed to be fused with London Stein. Pressing her chest to his, she loved that her nipples became instantly hard when the hardness of his abdomen moved along her breasts in a purely erotic way. They were both breathing hard, and it was like neither of them could get enough air into their lungs.

He was so hard between them, his erection pressing into her belly and sending all kinds of sensations moving through her, especially right to her pussy. She was wet, unbearably so, and the material of her panties rubbed along her sensitive folds. In a move Sunny hadn’t been anticipating, London moved his hands behind her, over her hips, and gripped the back of her thighs, right under her ass.
He pushed the denim up her legs, dug his fingers into her flesh into the now exposed flesh, and a shock of pain that was followed by pleasure, consumed her. Their kiss deepened, grew more frantic, and all she could think about was what it would feel like to have the massive steel rod that London was currently grinding into her belly, inside of her.

Breaking the kiss, Sunny gasped in pleasure and surprise when he lifted her with his powerful arms and set her on the island. He positioned himself so he was wedged between her legs. Sunny had to spread her thighs even further so he could press his erection into her, and then his mouth was right back on hers. He fucked her mouth with his, sliding his tongue between her lips over and over again until there was no other way of describing it.

For several long, drugging moments all he did was kiss her. He gripped her hip with one hand, his long, big fingers curling around the bone, reminding her that he was so strong he could have easily crushed her without a second thought. Sunny was a thicker girl, and certainly couldn’t be construed as svelte or lithe, but next to London she felt delicate. He moved his other hand slowly up her arm, along her neck, and cupped her jaw. Tilting her jaw to the side, he deepened the kiss. When they broke apart Sunny shamelessly admitted she couldn’t even hold her head up, especially when London started running his tongue over her pulse point.

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