Her Way (15 page)

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Authors: Jessica Jarman

BOOK: Her Way
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As he suckled, he pulled her skirt up and pushed her panties aside. His fingers glided between her folds and he dipped inside her hot sheath.

“Oh God,” she moaned. “Will, we can’t. Everyone’s down…” Her breath stuttered as he began stroking in and out of her pussy. “Oh…oh, don’t stop.”

“You were thinking of last night, weren’t you? On the table?” he murmured against her breast.

She couldn’t even form words as he shifted until her back was pressed against the doorframe. He dropped to his knees before her and worked her panties down and off her legs. He gripped one of her calves and lifted until her leg was draped over his shoulder. Emma shuddered when his warm breath danced over the curls protecting her pussy. All thoughts of the others in the house fled when Will swiped his tongue along her slit and circled her clitoris. Her head fell back and thumped against the wood trim but it didn’t matter—everything in her was focused on him.

Will pushed his fingers inside her again as he centered his attention on her throbbing clit, flicking it again and again before sucking it between his lips. Emma couldn’t stop her hips from undulating against his hand and mouth. Heat coursed through her, coiling into a tight ball low in her belly. She lifted her hands and gripped the doorway above her head as Will teased her sex.

Sliding his fingers from her pussy, he slipped farther back and pressed deliciously against her tight rosette as he sucked hard on her clit. Emma’s knees buckled and she fought to hold in the scream that bulleted up her throat. The intensity of her release shocked her…was almost too much to take. She let her hands drop and rest on Will’s head. She made a halfhearted attempted to pull him away from her. Her oversensitive clit danced under his tongue.

Will didn’t let up. He continued to pull on her nub and wiggled his finger inside her ass, causing another round of sweet contractions to grip her body. A strangled cry broke from her lips and she felt tears gather as the sensations overwhelmed her.

When Will finally pulled away, he lowered her foot to the ground and kissed his way up her body. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. She trembled against him and pressed a kiss to his neck.

“Dinner’s almost ready,” he murmured, stepping back.

Emma met his gaze and shivered at the want and need staring back at her. He leaned forward and captured her mouth. She slid her tongue along his lips, and the taste of her juices on him teased her senses.

“Damn you,” she whispered. “How am I supposed to face the girls and my
after that?”

Will chuckled and shrugged. “Just get dressed or we’ll be up here even longer.” He trailed his fingertip over one of her puckered nipples.

Her gaze fell to the front of his trousers, where his erection was plainly obvious. She laughed.

“Well, I guess if I have to go down there red-faced, it’s only fair for you to go down with a hard-on.” She bent and grabbed the garments she’d dropped on the floor.

Will swatted her ass. “Move it,” he said with a laugh and left her to dress.

After throwing the bra and shirt on, she ran into the bathroom and splashed cool water on her face. She looked into the mirror and grimaced. Yep, beet red. Damn it. Oh well, if she stayed up here any longer, it’d just give her friends more ammo to tease her with. She took a couple of deep breaths and headed downstairs.

Following the voices, she entered the dining room.

“Finally! We’re hungry, girl,” Matt said with a roll of his eyes. “Why does it take girls so damned long to get ready?”

Emma glanced at Will as she lowered herself onto the chair beside him. He smirked at her as he reached for the platter of pasta.

“Shut up and eat,” she grumbled at her brother.

A comfortable silence fell over the group as they dished food up and refilled wine glasses. Emma took a bite and closed her eyes in pleasure as the tanginess of the red sauce exploded on her tongue. Sure as hell beat the jarred crap—she’d give Will that.

Ana, who sat on her other side, leaned over. “So,” she drawled close to Emma’s ear. “Will help pick out that shirt?”

Emma swallowed hard and looked into her friend’s laughing eyes. “Shut up and eat,” she repeated.

* * * *

Pride and Prejudice
played out on the screen, Will studied Emma. She sat next to him on the sofa, her legs folded beneath her. She glanced at him periodically, smiling in a way that had him shifting to accommodate his aching cock. Of course that part of his anatomy hadn’t relaxed since before dinner.

He hadn’t planned anything when he’d followed her upstairs. No, that wasn’t true. He’d planned to steal a kiss or two—that he’d admit. But, damn if he could resist her. He just had to taste her, feel her come apart. She’d been embarrassed enough during dinner that he fully expected to pay after everyone left. Though he had a feeling he’d enjoy every second of her payback.

“Seriously, why don’t they just cut the crap and get it on?” Matt griped with an eye roll.

“Oh that’s romantic, you dumbass.” Lynn smacked his arm.

“How is getting it on
romantic?” he asked.

“Shhh,” Emma hushed. “If we have to suffer through your action flicks and horror movies, you can deal with this.”

Will chuckled at the exchange and gave in to temptation. He reached over, gripped Emma’s wrist and pulled. She looked at him questioningly as he slowly drew her onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist and sighed contently as she settled down and rested her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence for several minutes then Emma squirmed, grinding her ass against his cock. Will closed his eyes for a moment and inhaled deeply as the accidental pressure caused him to swell painfully. Shit, the movie was barely half over—it’d be a while before he had her alone.

She shifted again, a long exaggerated rub across his crotch. He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at the small, devilish smile kissing Emma’s lips. He raised his gaze and met hers. Okay, maybe the movements weren’t so accidental. Her eyes danced with mischief as she circled her hips against his. She winked at him before turning her attention back to the TV. She slid her tongue along her bottom lip and pressed harder against him.

Well, let the payback begin.





Chapter Nine



“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

Emma shifted nervously from foot to foot, staring at the large wooden door in front of her. Will’s family was on the other side of that door—and that freaked her the hell out. Honestly, she’d never gotten to the point of actually meeting the parents and families with any of the guys she’d dated before.

Nervousness swamped her. They were late because she kept changing her clothes, unsure what to wear. Get togethers with her family tended to be a bit formal, but Will assured her that wasn’t the case with his family and urged her to wear something she’d be comfortable in. But jeans and t-shirt didn’t seem the right thing for meeting the family. After agonizing, she’d finally settled on a denim skirt that skimmed her knees and a white sleeveless blouse. It would have to do, she supposed.

“Relax. They’ll love you.” Will leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple. “We don’t have to stay long. If you want to take off after dinner, we will. Promise.”

God, she felt a like a child whose parent was bargaining for good behavior. Heat snaked up her neck. She was an adult for crying out loud. She could handle one damned dinner. She pushed aside all the doubts and nagging questions—What were they like? Would they like her? What if they didn’t like her?—and forced a smile.

“It’s fine. Let’s go.”
And get this over with.

Will wrapped his fingers around hers as he opened the door. The sound of voices and loud laughter nearly bowled her over. From the foyer, she could see several kids running around. A little girl skidded to a stop when Will shut the door behind them.

“Uncle Will, you’re finally here! We’ve been waiting forever.” The blonde girl put her hands on her hips and tapped her toe.

“Sorry, it took a while to get here. Can you forgive me, darlin’?” He crouched down and held out his arms.

She stared at him and, finally finding his expression suitably contrite, rushed into his embrace.

“I do, but I don’t know ‘bout Nana. She kept asking if you were here. Papa told her to keep her pants on. But she never took them off, so I don’t know.”

Emma bit her lip against the chuckle that bubbled up.

“Yeah, Papa’s weird,” Will agreed. “Kiera, this is my friend, Emma.” He straightened, but kept his hands on the girl’s shoulders. “Emma, this is one of my nieces.”

Emma held her hand out. “Nice to meet you, Kiera.”

Kiera shook her hand and stared at her. “Are you Uncle Will’s girlfriend? Are you getting married and having babies? ‘Cause Mommy says it’s about time for Uncle Will to settle his butt down. She says she hopes she can stand you and that you aren’t a real witch.”


Emma was saved from responding by a tall blonde woman rushing into the foyer. Will burst out laughing and tousled his niece’s hair.

“Better watch what you’re saying around her, Jules. She’s better than a recorder.” He pulled the woman into a quick hug before turning to Emma.

“Sweetheart, this is Julia, Kiera’s mother.”

Emma found herself looking into clear green eyes—so like Will’s—of an obviously embarrassed mother.

“I’m so sorry about…” Julia shrugged helplessly. “It’s lovely to meet you, Emma.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” Emma smiled.

“Welcome to Calonen chaos.” She laughed and turned to her brother. “Mom’s in the kitchen. I’d head there first—”

“Is that Will?” A voice came from the back of the house.

“Too late.” Julia laughed, took Kiera by the hand and left the foyer.

“It’s about time you showed up.” A tiny, compact woman rushed into the foyer, wiping her hands on the apron around her waist. “Dinner is nearly ready, and you have your girl standing in the entryway!”

“Sorry, Ma.” Will kissed her cheek and assumed a sheepish look. “This is Emma. Em, this is my mother, Susan Calonen.”

“Mrs. Calonen, thank you so much for inviting me. I’m really sorry we’re late; that’s my fault, I’m afraid.” Emma forced her lips into a smile and tried not to squirm as her heart raced.

“Oh, think nothing of it. And it’s Susan, please.” She laid a hand on Emma’s arm. “Come on in and meet the rest of the brood.”

Will came up beside Emma and clasped her hand as his mother led them into a large family room. Emma fought not to blush as every eye fell on her. God, there were a ton of them. Adults took up every seat and kids ran in and out of the room or were sprawled on the floor. She knew Will had a large family, but seeing everyone… Yeah, lots of eyes on her.

“So this is your girl?” A large man with salt and pepper hair and eyes as green as Will’s stood from the recliner and stepped forward. “Emma, is it?”

She took the hand he held out. “Yes, sir. It’s nice to meet you.”

He laughed and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “No need to ‘sir’ me. It’s Steve, and I’m happy to finally meet the woman who’s kept Will away so often.”

Emma shot a look at Will who just grinned and shrugged. She didn’t know how to respond so she just kept her smile plastered on her face and nodded as Will introduced her to the rest of the group. Normally, she was good with names—she’d had plenty of practice with events she’d planned and hosted with her father—but she couldn’t hold on to a single one as she met his family. It was all she could do to keep her jittering nerves under control, let alone keep the names and faces straight in her mind.

Will let go of her hand as his brothers came forward—shoving and good-natured ribbing ensued.

“Emma, why don’t you keep me company in the kitchen while I finish dinner?” Susan took her by the elbow and guided her out of the room, down a hallway into a huge kitchen. She gestured to the stools at the island. “Sit.”

Stiffly, Emma pulled one out and perched atop of it. “It smells wonderful.”

“Oh,” Susan waved a hand, “it’s nothing special, mind you. Just a simple roast beef dinner with garlic mash. Can’t go wrong with the basic meat and potatoes with this crowd. Would you like a glass of wine?”

“Um, some water would be nice.” The last thing she needed was to get tipsy around Will’s mother. That would be a disaster. “Thank you,” Emma murmured when Susan slid a full glass in front of her. Emma sipped and tried to think of something, anything, to say. And came up frustratingly blank.

After washing her hands, the older woman removed some vegetables from the refrigerator and began assembling a salad in a large wooden bowl. After a moment, she looked up and met Emma’s gaze. “It’s a bit overwhelming, I’m sure, being thrown into this.”

“No, it’s—” She stopped and let out a small sigh. “A little bit, yes.”

“Well, don’t stress out about it, hon. You’ll eventually be able to keep everyone straight.” She smiled. “Do you have brothers and sisters?”

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