Read Her Way Online

Authors: Jessica Jarman

Her Way (25 page)

BOOK: Her Way
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“I love you, Emma, and I want you to be a part of my life—all of it.” He grasped her hand and squeezed. “We’ll talk about a partnership with the bed and breakfast, and that’s not blowing smoke up your ass. We’ll seriously talk about it, and I’ll consider what you have to say.”

“Thank you. That means a lot.” She met his gaze and smiled. “I know it’s not easy to deal with my family, or with me when it comes to them. I’m trying, Will, I really am. It’s hard to say no to them sometimes, and… God, I sound like a wussy little girl, don’t I?”

Will laughed. “Nah. It’s tough when it comes to family. Standing up to them isn’t easy, especially at first, but it gets easier.”

She didn’t say anything, but stared at him silently. He narrowed his eyes. He thought the whole talking it out had been going pretty well, but now, he wondered what she was thinking with that intent look on her face.

Before he could ask, she reached out and cupped his face, then pulled him forward. His body tightened as her mouth covered his. Well, thank God the talking portion seemed to be over. Now he could show her exactly how he felt.


Emma slid her tongue along Will’s bottom lip and hummed happily when he deepened the kiss, moving his tongue forward to play with hers. Without breaking the kiss she moved to straddle him. His hands settled on her ass, massaging as he ground against her.

His early words played in her head.
I’ll always come back to you, Emma. Always.
He couldn’t know how much those words affected her, how they comforted her.

“I want you,” she murmured against his lips.

Will tightened his grip on her ass and stood. She wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist as he made his way through the house, upstairs to the bedroom. She hugged him briefly before untangling her limbs from him. He set her carefully on her feet next to the bed, then reached over to switch on the bedside lamp. A soft glow filled the room and Emma’s breath caught in her throat at the intense hunger in Will’s gaze as he studied her.

Without a word, he twirled a finger in the air, gesturing for her to turn around. When she obeyed, he came up behind her, close enough she could feel the heat radiating from his body, and slowly slid the short jacket over her shoulders and down her arms.

Shivers raced along her spine when he laid his lips where her neck and shoulder met. He laved and nipped the sensitive skin. The rasp of the dress’s zipper seemed so loud as he lowered it, then he was dragging the thin dress straps down. The material shimmered down her body and pooled at her feet.

He slipped his hands around to cup her breasts, thumbing her nipples through the black strapless bra. They hardened immediately, and Emma arched into the touch. Her breath hitched, and her legs trembled. Desire pooled low in her belly, spiraled between her thighs.

Will’s breath whispered past her ear as he licked along her lobe.

“I want you so much,” he said harshly. “More and more every day. Drives me fucking crazy.”

Twitch, twitch.
She pressed her thighs together and her eyes slid shut.

Lowering his hands to her waist, he straightened and spun her around. Desperate to touch him, Emma worked the buttons to his jacket, then pushed it off his shoulders and down until it fell to the ground. Grasping the soft material of his t-shirt, she yanked it from the waistband of his pants. He helped her lift it up and over his head, sending it sailing behind him.

She licked her lips then leaned forward, capturing one of his flat nipples between her teeth. Will’s breath escaped in a long hiss. With an oath, he lifted his hands and started pulling pins from her hair. His fingers shook when she rolled her tongue around the tight crown. Triumphant confidence filled her and she kissed her way to the other nipple to give it equal attention.

All the pins removed, Will buried his hands in her tresses and held her tightly to him a moment before pulling her roughly back. Hot and firm, his lips were on hers, assailing, plundering, claiming. His tongue pushed into the depths of her mouth in a seductive dance. She slid her tongue to mate with his, to taste him. Head spinning, she couldn’t hold a single thought.

Will lowered his hands, skimming along her back until they came to the clasp of her bra. Emma moaned into his mouth as cool air washed over her bared breasts, her nipples tightening almost painfully. Will took a step forward and lowered her onto the mattress, his mouth still fused with hers. He cupped her breasts, his fingers relentlessly teasing the tips. Each strong tug sent lances of fiery pleasure through her.

He left her mouth, kissed his way down her neck to her breasts and pulled a nipple between his lips, sucking until she bowed off the bed and fisted her hands in his hair. God, she didn’t want him to stop. She’d never get enough of him. How could she?

Everything else faded, only Will and the sensations he brought to life inside her existed. She inhaled shakily as he ran a palm down over her belly, moving lower and lower until he cupped her pussy.

“Ooooh.” She moaned and tilted her hips into his touch. Ground against the heel of his hand frantically.

“Lift your hips,” he murmured.

She bit her lip against the protests welling up inside her when he straightened. Once he’d removed her panties, he knelt between her thighs and just looked at her.

She squirmed slightly under his gaze but determinedly didn’t try to cover herself. His lips curved into a sexy smile, as if he knew the temptation she fought.

“You’re beautiful.” His voice was hoarse. He ran his palms along her legs, from ankle to hip. “So fucking beautiful.”

He shifted back slightly and bent forward. He pressed his lips to her belly, then slowly, torturously began moving downward. Emma scooted up and lifted, desperate to feel his mouth on her. He gripped her hips tightly, holding her fast.

“Patience, baby,” he murmured.

She fisted her hands in his hair and tried to move him. “Patience my ass.”

He chuckled softly and looked up her body to meet her gaze. “Patience,” he repeated.

Her head dropped back and she closed her eyes tightly. “Damn you.”

“Oh sweet, sweet Emma.” He circled her clit with the tip of his tongue, pulling a throaty cry from deep inside her.

“Please, Will.”

“Please what?” Another quick flick of the tongue.

“Stop teasing me,” she choked out, trying to squirm within his iron-tight grip.

Then his lips surrounded her clit and he sucked hard. Every muscle in her body tightened, and when his teeth scraped gently over the sensitive bud, she exploded. A million shards of pleasure raced through her body, drowning her in ecstasy.

She whimpered as he didn’t relent. Using his lips, his tongue and his teeth, he continued to push her higher and higher as she writhed beneath him, helpless against the myriad sensations bombarding her. But it wasn’t enough. She pulled at his hair until he lifted his head. Her breath caught in her throat as he licked her juices from his glistening lips.

“I—” she swallowed, “I want you inside me.”

He grinned, then shifted to stand. Quickly, he undid his pants, shucking them and his boxers. Emma took the opportunity to admire his cock, hard and jutting, as he moved onto his knees between her thighs again. He circled her throbbing clit with his index finger several times, causing her hips to jerk into the touch. Then he covered her body with his.

“Look at me, Emma.” When she met his gaze, he positioned himself at her entrance. “You’re mine.” He thrust into her.

“Ohhhh.” She gasped as her body stretched, accepted him.

His arms shook as he held himself still a moment, then burying his face in her neck, he began to move inside her. Emma rose to meet his strokes, her hands running over his back and shoulders. A low moan reverberated in Will’s throat, deep and primal. Emma shuddered, incredibly aroused by the sound.

. The word echoed in her mind. She bit her lip, and her breath came out in gasps. Will lifted his head and watched her through narrowed eyes as he continued to drive into her. She lifted her hands to his cheeks and struggled to keep her eyes open, to keep the strangely erotic connection.

Will ran a hand down her side, hooked his arm beneath her knee and lifted, opening her farther to his movements. Emma gasped as he plunged even deeper. Her muscles spasmed around his cock and she couldn’t hold back her strangled cry.

“Come,” he bit out, slamming into her ruthlessly.

She spiraled out of control, into ecstasy. Even as her release overwhelmed her, she met him stroke for stroke. He grasped her hips, fingers digging into her flesh as he thrust harder, deeper. His entire body tensed and, throwing his head back, he shouted her name as he came inside her. The force of his orgasm pushed her up again. She tightened her thighs around his hips as her pussy clamped around his pulsing cock.

His arms trembled as he held himself above her. Only the sound of their harsh breathing filled the room. She rubbed her thumb back and forth over his cheek and struggled to keep her eyes open.

He turned his head and pressed a kiss to her palm before moving to lie beside her. She rolled onto her side, and ran her hand over his sweat-slick chest, loving the feel of his hard muscles quivering at her touch.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

Will propped himself up on his elbow and looked at her curiously. “For what exactly?”

Her face heated and she lowered her gaze. “A lot of things, but mostly for coming home to me.”

He cupped her chin and shifted until his lips hovered over hers. “Always will, Emma.” He kissed her gently, then leaning back, he gathered her close. “Always.”










Emma strolled through the second floor bedrooms, examining every nook and cranny, periodically stopping to jot down a note or two on the clipboard she carried. After the last one, she made her way to the large stairway and started down.

“There you are.” Will came to the bottom and watched her descend.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were back,” she exclaimed, looking at her watch. “Wow, it’s later than I thought.”

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and dropped a kiss on her mouth. Glancing at the clipboard, he grinned. “How many pages of notes do you have now?”

She batted her lashes at him. “Never you mind.”

“Mm hmmmm.”

“Hey, you have the final say on everything, that’s the deal.” Emma smiled. Will had agreed to a partnership after much, much discussion and negotiation, and honestly, she couldn’t be happier. They’d made an offer on the old mansion, which was quickly accepted. Since they’d closed last week, both of them had spent most of their spare time in the building or on the grounds, planning and dreaming.

“Speaking of, did you look over the papers?” she asked, referring to the partnership agreement their lawyer had drawn up. She’d insisted on it, wanting to ease any worries Will had.

“Yeah, I did.” He grasped her hand and led her through the large rooms of the lower level. “I don’t like it.”

Emma came to an abrupt stop. “What?” She pressed her lips together and fought back panic. God, he wasn’t having second thoughts, was he?

He pulled her toward the French doors leading to the large patio. “Yeah, there were several things I didn’t particularly care for.”

“Oh, well…” She thought frantically. “Okay, let me call the lawyer, we can sit down and make whatever changes you—”

“Yeah, that’s not going to work for me.” He released her hand and pulled the doors open. “I threw the papers away.”

Emma’s vision blurred slightly. Palm on the small of her back, Will guided her out outside. She moved woodenly, her mind racing.

“Will, we can work something out. If there were points you want changed, we can…” She lost her voice as she took in her surroundings.

Thousands of flowers filled the patio; fairy lights twinkled as dusk fell. Music floated on the air. On one of the wrought iron tables rested a vase of white roses and a bottle of champagne chilling in a silver bucket.

Emma spun around toward Will. He stood watching her, feet braced apart, hands clasped behind his back.

“W-what’s going on?”

He took a step forward. “I don’t want a business partnership with you.”

She shook her head, unable to grasp exactly what was going on.

“I want more,” he said firmly. “I want a partner in everything, in every part of my life. I don’t want to sign a damned agreement. I’d rather make a vow.”

Emma slapped her hands over her mouth as he dropped to one knee. Oh God…

“Emma Rose Lawrence, I don’t want anything if it’s not with you. I want you to be my partner in life. Will you marry me?” He lifted his hand, and between his thumb and forefinger, he held a diamond solitaire ring.

“Oh my God,” she said, muffled against her palm. Head swimming, she stumbled backward a bit.

“Whoa, are you okay?” Will started to rise.

She held out her hands. “Don’t you dare! Get back down there, and put that ring on my finger!”

BOOK: Her Way
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