Here Comes The Bride (9 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor,Monica Black

BOOK: Here Comes The Bride
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That evening, when I stepped out of my fourth cold shower, I looked at the pajamas I’d laid out. My towel was already starting to stick to my back, sweat beads dripping between my breasts. There was no way I was putting pajamas on.  Tossing the clothes back into my trunk, I slid on my boy short underwear and a small cami.

After opening the bedrooms French doors, I could tell there was no relief from the heat. Leaving the doors open and knowing Aidan wasn’t due back for another day, I slipped off my cami and climbed into bed face down, no blankets.

A light breeze caressed my skin, warmth and a soft caress grazed my right side. Wrenching from sleep and into the less humid, light filled room, I looked to my right and screamed.

"What?" Aidan jerked up, wide eyed next to me.

His hand was now flat on my lower back. I didn’t want to admit how good the contact felt. He looked down. I instinctively curled my arms to my sides. Thank God I was still laying stomach down. My body heated in embarrassment and I buried my head in the mattress.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Her being on the island alone ate away at me. I hated it and
, even more, hated that she was spending time with other men on our honeymoon. Yes, it was ridiculous. But, hell, I was sexually frustrated and irritated by the Regalie Company.

Once I found out about the storm, I tried to contact her but the call wouldn’t go through. It made me worry even more. Making damn sure the Regalie situation was taken care of the next day
, I made arrangements to return to the island, to Lilli.

There were a few weather delays in my return but I finally got back a day earlier than planned. When I saw all the branches and debris from the storm
, I couldn’t help but be concerned.

Upon entering
the house, I called out for Lilli. Realizing she was most likely sleeping, I went to the bedroom.

Dropping my bag to the floor and wiping the sweat away from my forehead, I turned to the bed. I co
uld barely make out her body in the darkness but could hear her breathing.

Grabbing a flashlig
ht, I walked out the French doors to the generators. After a couple of attempts, I pulled the large branch off the wires. Luckily, they were simple plug in connectors. I got them back in and flipped the breaker switch. A gentle hum filled the air.

I made sure
everything was working again and went back to the bedroom. My flashlight grazed over Lilli’s form and immediately went back to her.  Jesus Christ! Is she trying to kill me? Dear God, give me the strength to not molest my wife.

Lilli lay before me, stomach down, in nothing but underwear. The sweat on her back was glistening on her skin. My dick went from flaccid to throbbing in a mere second. If I were to lie next to her I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Desperate to contain myself, I showered with cold water.

Feeling cooled down and calmer, I slid on some boxers and checked the air conditioning. It wasn’t working. At least the fans would now come on. Turning all the ceiling fans on, I climbed into bed.

Without thinking
, I trailed my finger down her spine, stopping just above ass. My breathing hitched and I bit my lip, trying to stop myself from going any further.

Lilli shifted, moaning in her sleep. It went straight to my groin.
I pulled ,y hand away, threw myself back onto the pillow and covered my head with my arms. I’m not sure how long I laid there battling with my erection before falling asleep. Lilli’s scream woke me up.

"What?" I jerked away and looked down. Then it all came back to me. She was basically naked and didn’t expect me.

"I thought you weren’t going to back till tomorrow?" Her voice was muffled from the mattress, her arms curled to her sides, hiding herself as much as possible.

"Um…sorry. I heard about the storm and wanted to make sure everything was alright." Fully aware of the fact that I hadn’t moved my hand from her back, I licked my lips and took her daylight revealed body in. Perfection.

"Can you uh….grab my clothes please?" She stretched her left hand down the bed until she found the sheet and pulled it up. "Nevermind," she wrapped it around her. 

Sitting up, her face was red as a tomato. I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

"Shut up," she glared, but the hard line of her lips started to curve. "I didn’t expect you back and it was hot." She whined, hiding her face again.

"Did I complain?"

"Of course not, but still…its embarrassing," she groaned.

"You can sleep like that every nigh
t. In fact, I insist you do." I chuckled.

"Shut it, Iverson," she laughed and got out of bed. Grabbing the sheet quickly, she jolted back. Spinning around she looked at my smiling face.

"Stop it," she reluctantly laughed. "It’s not funny," she tried to be mad, but my laughter kept messing up her game.

"Come on, Mrs. Iverson. If you wanted to consummate the marriage all you had to do was ask. You don’t have to try to seduce me."

Her face hardened. Uh oh…maybe I went too far. Relief passed through me when her face softened.

"Trust me, seduction was not my intent." She yanked the sheet out of my hand and went to her trunk.

"I’m not so sure," Chuckling, I leaned against the headboard.

, trust me."

"You know you want me," She swung around looking like she was going to laugh in my face.

"Listen, Mother Nature has you cock blocked buddy." She snorted and shut the bathroom door behind her.

Mother Nature has me what?  Shit! Perfect…so that meant it was definitely not an option now.  Sighing, I got out of bed
and headed to the kitchen.

The rest of the time on the island went by quickly. We snorkeled, went to the hot springs, hiked around the island, I took her fishing and we spent time at the beach as well as back at the house. We talked a lot about ourselves and also about
the college classes she would be signing up for after we returned.

Even though intimate interaction was not planned for the trip
, especially with the most recent development of her period, I still couldn’t help fantasizing and hoping something would happen. I wanted her to crack. We’d woken up tangled in each other a few times but always pulled away.  Her period was not a deterrent for my dick.  He knew what he wanted. 

At the end of our final day, we packed our things. Carmen arrived
, along with Devan and Bradley, to help close the beach house. They even helped us to the docks with our bags. The boat crew handled it from there. Lilli fell asleep quickly on the couch.  Desperate to touch her, I slid next to her on the couch and carefully pulled her to my chest. She stirred but didn't wake up. Wrapping my arms around her, I sighed, completely content.

"Aidan..." I froze thinking I woke her. "Hmm...mmm... Aidan." Her warm breath danced over the base of my neck and she snuggled closer.

She was calling my name in her sleep. A smile spread across my face and my arms tightened a little more around her body, pulling her closer to me. Cracking her may not be as hard as I thought.


Paybacks are a Bitch


The rest of the trip home was quiet but comfortable. We talked and laughed. Lilli had asked about my trip back, but I decided not to go into too much detail about the situation.

In actuality, the truth would cause an argument. The Regalie Company knew that without an heir I would lose the company to the board. They didn't want to be involved in that, so I had to ensure them that an heir was in the works. Hell, I basically told them that their tantrum over the 'conditions' had interrupted the conception of my heir. Lilli would kill me.

Our return to New York meant we would be going to our new home, the Iverson Mansion.

"Holy crap!" Lilli exclaimed as we pulled up to the mansion.

I laughed
and she turned to looked at me.

"This isn’t a house,
it’s ridiculous!"

"It’s just an oversized house." I laughed hard at the expression on her face.

Once we pulled up to the house and climbed out of the car, I grabbed Lilli’s hand and led her inside.

"Welcome home."

"I’m so gonna get lost. Do you have maps?" Her laugh echoed throughout the house and I was surprised at how much I loved the sound.

"You’ll be fine." Squeezing her hand, "Come on, I’ll show you around," I pulled her behind me.

We walked to the left of the entry. I showed her to the dining room, the breakfast room, and the kitchen.

"The kitchen has a back staircase there." I pointed across the kitchen. "Rachel is the cook and she’s on call during the day.
She’ll cook all meals, you just need to keep her up to date with the schedule."

"Schedule?" Lilli looked at me questioningly.

"Yeah," I motioned to the large black book on the counter. "That’s where you mark if we are having guests, etc. She keeps the menu up to date." Shrugging, I looked back to Lilli.

"So, I have to keep track of that?" She cocked her eyebrow.

"I can do it, if you don’t want to." I shrugged again. "Come on. You can meet Rachel tomorrow."

Walking through the atrium at the back of the kitchen, I showed her the pantry with walk in fridge. After those kitchen features, we walked past the kitchen table and up the back staircase.

"On this floor there are six guest rooms and each room has its own bathroom." We reached the other end of the long hallway.

"This is the master suite," I opened the door, "and our bedroom." She stiffened a little.

I didn’t take her all the way through the master bedroom, knowing we would both be there later when our luggage arrived. Instead, I moved on.

leads to the third floor" I opened the door and lead her up the stairs.

am seriously going to get lost," she whined.

I chuckled.

"You won’t. You’ll get used to the place." I tugged her down the hallway, "Okay, up here are two smaller bedrooms which share a bathroom and the music room is at the end of the hallway."

"Music room?" she questioned.

"Yeah, my piano’s in there and some other musical equipment."

"Oh," was her reply.

"Then there is also Rachel’s apartment. She lives here with her son, Alex."

She nodded.

"There’s another apartment over the garage. Jay and his wife, Carole, live there. Jay is, well, I guess people would call him the butler, but he’s more like family." She simply nodded again. "Also, Mrs. White is our maid and she has a helper, Kirsten."

I lead
her back down the multiple staircases, returning to the entry way.

, to the right, we have the formal living room."

She looked around the room
, taking it all in. I proceeded to walk her through the ballroom, study, and attached library.

And, this, is the basic living space," Pushing a large set of doors open, I led her into the non-formal living room.

"Seriously, get me a map." She let go of my hand and walked around.

"Uh…we aren’t finished."

She turned to look at me.

"Yeah, there’s a workout room, along with the steam room, the pool, the theater, and –"

"The theater?" she choked.

"Yeah, it’s nothing really. It’s just –"

"Most people go out to the movie theater
, they don’t have them in their house." She laughed.

"Not u
s. We have too many people trying to get a piece of us, of who we are." I sighed. "Trust me, Lilli. There are people that are going to follow your every move, so much more than you’re used to." Taking a deep breath, I continued. "We are one of the wealthiest families in New York, hell, in the U.S., people take pictures, make up stories..."

"You mean like
the paparazzi?" She furrowed her brow.

"Sort of, we aren’t famous like an actor or musician, but we are popular targets for reporters and local gossips because of our money." I
really hoped I was making sense. She simply nodded.

We continued with the tour of the house; the pool, workout room, theater
. I also showed her the attached garage, the detached garage, the pool house, the outside pool, and told her about the tennis and basketball courts that were down a path in the back yard.

"Iverson, you’re a spoiled brat," she teased as I led her back to the master bedroom.

"No, I wasn’t," I lied.

"Like hell you weren’t." She snorted.  "Where are we going now?"

"I want to show you around the master bedroom." I was hoping she wouldn’t take it the wrong way.

"You’re gonna have to woo me better than that," she giggled.

"Ha, ha," with a large smile I looked over my shoulder.

Opening the doors again, we entered the master bedroom. For a moment, I had to stop and take a deep breath.  The last time I was in this room it had belonged to my grandfather.

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