Heritage (29 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Walton

BOOK: Heritage
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“Where are we exactly?” I asked picking up the golden hair brush that lay on the dressing table. Stroking the bristles with my hand, I couldn’t help but feel that it was all familiar, but I could of sworn I’d never been here before.

“A woman’s room I’m guessing,” Josh replied running his hands over the carved wooden bed post.

“It was hidden,” Adam giggled.

“We found a photo of you on the bedside table,” Genevieve squeaked. Placing the brush back on the table, I took the photo frame from her hand.

“This isn’t me,” I whispered.  The woman looking back at me was my mother. I had never really seen a picture of my mother. I had only seen the painting in my father’s office, and that hadn’t done her any justice. She was beautiful, her hair was the same colour as mine and her eyes were a brighter blue than my own.  Her hair hung perfectly on her shoulders. The bracelet that I had found in the ocean, hung on her wrist.

“It’s my mother,” I smiled. She was not what I pictured her to be at all. All I had heard about her was that she was evil. She had met my father when they were eighteen and fell in love instantly. As they grew older, they both came into their powers and developed their way in the magic world.  My parents both started off working on the good side of magic. But my mum strayed from the path and became the evil enchantress that she was known for. I was never told why or how she strayed, just that she did and then found she was pregnant. When I was born, the fight began between them both began.  In the end,  my father won the battle and got me. That’s the version of the story I would get, and whenever I would ask about it, the topic was always changed.


All my life I was led to believe that my mother was evil, but the woman in this picture didn’t look like she could have been anything like that.

“What?” Taking the photo from my hand Josh studied it, looking back forth from me then to the photo.

“Man Elle, you look the spitting image of her,” he exclaimed handing the photo back to me.

“Trying to work out if that’s a good thing,” I smiled weakly.

“We also found this Elle!” piped up Adam handing me an antique gold necklace.

Hanging from the antique golden chain was a dark peach cameo pendent.
The cameo was framed by an antique metal frame that was made up with metal leaves. Five individual copper diamonds were placed in the centre of metal flowers. Holding it in the palm of my hand, the chain fell through the space between my fingers. Stroking the women carved on the pendant with my thumb her face resembled my mothers and I knew it was her. Undoing the chain, I fasten it around my neck. The pendant hung below the heart my father had given to me. This way I had both of my parents close to my heart.


My opinion of my mother had changed just by being in her room. It was too perfect to be the room of an evil enchantress. Even If, she had become this evil being, it wasn’t whom she was born as and who my father fell in love with. The woman who used to live in this room was my mother. The mother that I’d always known in my heart that I missed, even though I’d never met her.

“You alright Elle?” Josh asked giving me a worried look.

“Actually yes. For the first time in a while, I actually feel like I’m going to be ok,” I smiled. It’s true, seeing this room made me feel different from how I felt last night. There is a chance that I’m not doomed to turn into some powerful evil enchantress.

“Thank you Guys. Maybe your mischievous nature comes in useful after all,” I smiled. Pulling them both into a hug, they giggled.

I have a lot to thank these two for. I may have to buy them a present or something.

“Do you guys mind giving me a minute alone,” I asked.

“Sure come on guys,” Taking the twins hands they orbed him out. Leaving me alone in her room to collect my thoughts.


Sitting on her bed, I breathed in the floral scent it had. It was the hint of roses and Lilies, which were my mother’s favourite flowers. Emerald had always tried to keep me aware of my mother’s likes and dislikes when I was growing up. In attempts to try and keep her alive in my head, so that I wouldn’t forget that she was my mother and the woman who gave me life. Also on that note, she may have given me life but she also gave me a secret part of myself that I had to hide from others and myself. Being half demon isn’t something you can shout about. No one other than my family and a few friends and Logan now, knew that I was half demon. My father didn’t want the magical community to know as he feared they may judge. I don’t know what he is going to do when I became queen, am I meant to lie to them.


Taking in the scent of the room. I filled my lungs and glanced around, everything was covered in floral print from the curtains to the rug that lay on the floor. I’m guessing my mother liked flowers and the colour pink, as her room was defiantly filled with it. Ivory wood also filled the room with her dressing table and side tables being made from it. The bed was made from a darker cream wood and was four posted. It was similar to my own bed but was made from a lighter wood. Looking around the room a half open drawer caught my eye.  Leaning over on the bed I opened up the top drawer of her bedside draws. Inside was a clutter of jewellery, paper and photos. Removing a photo from the draw I sat up and stared at it. In the photo was my father a lot younger than he is now and my mother sitting in the garden surrounded by flowers.  Taking the photo I folded it up and tucked it into my pocket. It’s nice to know that my father loved her, and I wasn’t just born to be a half demon half angel mess.  Closing my eyes I orbed back into the comfort of my own room. Before anyone has a chance to barge in on me I pulled out the photo of my mother and father and shoved it under my pillow.



Chapter Sixteen



It’s unbelievable how easily I’m persuaded to do things by Poppy with the phrase. I promise it will be fun and her puppy dog eyes, I was putty in her hands. The whistle blew as the girls volleyball team finished their last game and exited the gym.

“Tell me why I’m doing this again?” I asked Poppy, tugging at the tight vest top I had on and pulling on the tight red shorts she had me wearing. I look like a gym teacher. I was never one for gym class. Not at Sainsdun college anyway. Back home in Gracia, it was fine because I didn’t have to worry about using my extra abilities to do things mortals can’t. An example would be jumping a little too high in the air to shoot a winning basket. 

“Because this will be good for us. Imagine if we made the cut Elle, we could be popular,” Poppy beamed. Oh yes the constant need to be popular. Every one’s dream is to be popular, but not min, I prefer staying out of the limelight. It makes for an easier life.

“Poppy as if I could be a cheerleader,” I sighed resting my head in my hands.

“With your body of course you can,” She muttered. Two cheerleaders had been thrown out of the cheerleading squad for reasons unknown. So the cheerleaders were having try outs to find their next two victims.

“If I make it out of here alive. I’m never letting you talk me into anything ever again,” I whispered as the cheerleaders began to enter the gym, shaking their butts and pom poms in unison. Rolling her eyes at me, Poppy stood up out of her seat like they were royalty.


“Ok guys, so you know the drill. You have to show us what you can do. Ok,” Emma explained, talking to the five of us that were sitting on the benches.

I had totally forgotten that Oscar’s stalker was the captain of the cheerleading squad. Well I think its save to say I have no chance.  I’ll try and hold back the tears that form in my eyes at that saddening thought. Oh wait I don’t really care.

“Ok so first is Poppy Fisher,” Emma read Poppy’s name off the clipboard in her hand. Poppy leapt from her seat and beamed at me before stepping down to the gym floor. Oh my days.

“Ok whenever you are ready.” Showing Poppy where to stand, Emma sat down on the bench at the front but not before giving me an evil look.  Rolling my eyes I turned back to Poppy who began to scratch her ear. That was her nervous trait, she always scratched her ear when she was nervous. Crossing my fingers the music began, and Poppy began her routine.

B-E-A-T Beat  them, B-U-S-T Bust them. Beat them, Bust them. That's our custom, Come on Sharks let's re-adjust them!” Poppy cheered jumping around the gym. Doing a back flip she landed and did the splits.

Clapping her I stood up and clapped her some more. Poppy smiled and wiped her forehead before climbing over the benches to sit next to me.

“That was really good,” I praised tapping her on the shoulder.

“Well done Poppy. Now it’s… Elle Bale,” Letting out a huge sigh Emma rolled her eyes. I braced myself and climbed down to the centre of the gym.  Come on Adabelle Gabriel, let's show her what we are made of. Here goes my dignity. Doing a double Back flip, I landed on my feet and cheered.

“B-E-A-T beat them, B-U-S-T Bust them,” I cheered clapping after every letter I spelt out.

“Bust them Beat them, Bust them that’s our custom. Come on Sharks let's re-adjust them!” Stepping back and cart wheeling across the floor, I turned it into a front flip and landed back on the ground.

“Come on sharks we can do it!” Clapping my hands together I pointed at the girls on the benches.
“Come on fans in the stands, clap your hands,” I cheered as they all began to clap their hands. Apart from Emma who sat with her arms folded.

“S-H-A-R-K-S Yeah!” I yelled flailing my arms in the air. The girls cheered as I finished and stood up in applause. I may have a standing ovation, but I’m pretty sure I’ve lost my self respect. 

“Well that was… different.” Picking up her clipboard, she called out the next girls name, and she began to do her routine.

“You were awesome Elle. Where did you learn those moves,” She asked. I couldn’t say that I had been taught all those moves in order to defend myself from demons. So I settled with telling her a lie.

“I used to do gymnastics,” I lied.

“What about you, Miss splits,” I whispered as Angeline Hobson finished her routine. Clapping her,we stopped when someone else was called on.

“Ebony used to take me to her dance classes,” She replied. Ebony was Poppy’s older sister. She was a great sister to, always helped Poppy out when she needed her. She sometimes took us out for meals when she came over from Australia, where she had moved to two years ago. As the last girl finished her routine, Emma and the rest of the cheerleaders stood up.

“Well done to all of you. There have been some amazing cheers and some not so good ones.” Emma glared at me then smiled to the rest of the group.

“We are going to discuss together and then be back here in ten minutes,” Phoebe Groven explained shooting daggers my way with her eyes. Seriously why did I even think that this was going to be a good idea. The whole cheerleading squad was practically in love with Emma. Oscar so owes me big time for getting her off his back because now apparently she’s on mine. As they walked out of the gym I flicked my finger slightly, and Emma tripped over her own feet. Straightening herself out she flipped her blonde hair and continued to walk out of the gym, shaking her cheerleading skirt as she went. I have to get my victory somewhere I suppose.

“How amazing would it be, if I could walk into Blake’s party Next Friday as a cheerleader!” She shrilled clapping her hands franticly.

“Really amazing,” I replied sarcastically slowly clapping my own hands, mocking her.

“Then Blake would notice me,” she said, looking like she was going to self combust with excitement and delight.

“Poppy didn’t you make out with him?” I asked confused.

“Yeah and?”

“Never mind,” I chuckled.  Apparently you didn’t have to be noticed by someone in order to make out with them these days.  Well not in the world of Poppy any way.

“You are going to the party on Friday right?” Asked Poppy as she kept her eyes on the door, willing the cheerleaders to come back sooner. Let me think about that. Spending another lonely night in the library looking up why someone wants to open a gate to hell, or watching my mortal friends get drunk and make fools of themselves. I definitely know what I’m going to choose. I must remember to take a camera.

“Of course I wouldn’t miss it,” I replied.

“Awesome! Oscar will be glad to hear that,” She grinned.

“Why will Oscar be glad?” I asked not liking the look she had on her face. Poppy was one for match making. She would try and put together anyone into a couple. For the befit of making her feel pleased with herself.

“Just because,” She chuckled re tying her hair up into a bun.


“Poppy Fisher. Explain yourself!” I complained.

“Ok but don’t tell Oscar I told you ok?”

“Ok,” I replied.


“I promise. Pops just tell me,” I groaned growing anxious at what she was about to tell me.

“Fine, Well He is going to ask you out!” She shrilled.

“Out where?” I asked.

“On a date,” She replied crinkling her forehead in annoyance.

“WHAT!” I chocked. This cannot be happening.I was sure that Oscar knew that the kiss was just to get Emma off his back about being her boyfriend. Now he wants to ask me out on a date, as if I didn’t have enough boy trouble with Logan now I had Oscar. I’m not even that good looking, so why are these boys throwing themselves at me. Well not literally throwing themselves. Maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but they are interested in me. Are there some signals that I’m sending out without actually knowing that I’m doing so.

“Oh my days! Poppy, please use your amazing skills and put that idea right out of his head,” I pleaded much to her amusement.

“Chill Elle. I’ve already told him that you just see him as a friend, and that kiss was only for the benefit of Emma. So don’t worry about it,” She chuckled.

“Don’t scare me like that,” I muttered.

“Sorry I just couldn’t resist,” She smiled as Emma walked in. Her evil glance turned my own smile into a frown. Why is it that there always has to be one girl in a college, that can make you feel like a complete loser. Just by simply looking at you.

If I wasn’t forbidden to use my powers on her, she wouldn’t be giving me evil looks. Out of fear of turning into a pig but a little magic don’t hurt anybody as long as nobody finds out.


“Well girls we are happy to say, we have found our two newest recruits. So without further ado, Frankie Gottom and Poppy Fisher well come to the team,” Phoebe cheered as the whole squad clapped their hands. Screaming with delight, Poppy burst from her seat and went to Emma’s side.

“But that’s not all girls,” Emma paused with a smirk. That smirk cannot be a good smirk. What has she got planned in that twisted head of hers.

“We also have a new Mascot… Elle Bale!” She clapped with an evil smirk on her face. She has got to be kidding, there is no way I’m dressing up in a stupid shark costume and dancing around after them. I sincerely wish they knew whom I was and how high above them I ranked.

“Come on Elle, come on down here.” She grinned.

“Come on Elle,” Poppy stammered in excitement. Oh Poppy, you have really done it this time.  Slowly leaving the benches, I went to stand beside Poppy. Not before blowing a freak gust of wind, that lifted up Emma’s skirt and blew her perfect blonde hair all over her face.

“What was that,” She spluttered, her mouth full of her own hair.

“Someone must of left a window open or something,” I smiled as she brushed the hair from her face with her fingers.

“Anyway, Elle Bale you are the new sharks Mascot.” Giving me the head of the shark, she ushered for me to try It on. I don’t think I’ve ever been so humiliated. Since when have I lost the ability to say No. I sighed placing on the fabric sharks head. It smelt like the inside of a year old sock. Holding my breath, I heard the cheers from the girls and could only just see them through the small opening in the sharks mouth. I officially want to burn this piece of rubbish and throw Emma on top of the bonfire.

“It suits you Elle, makes an improvement,” Emma giggled. Resisting the urge to punch her right in the face, I pulled off the head and breathed in the fresh air.

“Awesome, Frankie and Poppy we have training every Tuesday at six. Oh and Elle try not to wear this outside of pep rallies ok.” She smirked handing me the rest of the disgusting shark costume.  The grey shark suit had on a purple and yellow t-shirt with our colleges name on. If it wasn’t bad enough that I had to wear a polyester shark, the college colours made it a hell of a lot worse.


Walking out of the gym with a grey sharks head under my arms I’m pretty sure my day couldn’t get any worse. Then again it was only four o’clock, which gives me half a day to find something worse than this.

“Elle, Poppy wait up,” Oscar called from behind us.  Well that didn’t take long to get more embarrassing. That’s a new record for me.

“Hey Oz,” I replied bracing myself and turning around.

“What’s with the shark head wear,” He asked taking the head from me and throwing it around like a ball.

“You girlfriend hates me. So now I’m the college’s mascot,” I grunted taking back the sharks head from him.

“She is not my girlfriend…”

“Yeah and you have Elle to thank for that,” Poppy interrupted.

“Yeah whatever,” He replied standing in the middle of the two of us and wrapping his arms around both of us.

“So we have a Mascot and a cheerleader?” He asked looking at Poppy.

“Yes,” She squealed. Jumping up and down like a child on Christmas day. I think I may want to shoot myself in the head.


“Well done Pops,” He cheered giving her a high five.

“Yeah well done on achieving grade a talent and zero self respect,” I groaned as we reached the car park.

“You’re just jealous that I made the squad, and you didn’t,” Poppy smirked as we made our way to my car. The car park was deserted as college had finished an hour before. My yellow BMW looked so lonely by its self.

“Hey Elle could you give me a lift back home. My dad took my car to be fixed,” Poppy asked as I opened my car door.

“Sure, Oz do you want a lift to?” I asked.

“If you’re offering,” He laughed and fought with Poppy to get the front seat. I don’t know why he bothered, Poppy always seemed to win.  Laughing at the two of them, I started up the car and headed towards the village where Poppy lived.


Driving through the village of Black stoke with the radio playing one of Poppy’s favourite songs. My eyes began to droop. I hadn’t had the best sleeping pattern over the past couple of months. What with the travelling from Icarus to Gracia and the different time zones. I’m hoping that this weekend I could sleep all day through, even if people say you can’t catch up on sleep. I could always try.

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